My Dad’s Story.

"Enjoying a gay lifestyle in later life."

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This story is a follow on from my story, “It runs in the family.” It’s my dad’s tale of his newly found bisexual life in retirement.

My name is Arthur and I’m new to this side of life but did have some very limited experience very early on. Fast-forward almost forty-odd years and I can’t believe I’m living this kind of life now.

My son’s confession that he was bisexual came as a bit of a shock but also woke my long-suppressed feelings for that side of my nature too. After a long and faithful marriage, only interrupted by the death of John’s mother, did I feel able to even think about that side of my life. His confession prompted me to come clean too and it lead to quite a strong bond between us.

I know he thought there might be a genetic aspect to bisexuality just as others believe there is a gay gene. But whether or not there is, it brought us closer together and allowed us to be ourselves and not hide it. However, we thought it best to keep our secret from his brothers.

The advent of the computer was a revelation to me. It allowed me to explore all things bisexual anonymously and boy did I explore it. What my son didn’t know was that when he helped me to go online I secretly bought a webcam and investigated face to face meetings with other bisexual and gay men. It wasn’t so much face to face but rather cock to cock visuals that involved a great deal of wanking. I spent many a happy hour hard and horny chatting and playing with my cock with these like-minded people.

When they realised that I lived alone, those who were close by would ask if they could visit but I was very hesitant, particularly with those who sounded experienced. Eventually, I talked to someone who reminded me of myself. He was inexperienced like me and wanted to explore his bisexuality slowly. So I invited him around on the understanding that we could call a halt to it whenever one of us felt uncomfortable. Neither of us needed to have worried. We chatted normally and the subject of sex took a long time to get to. But as we were both here for the same reason the question of our bisexual history eventually came up.

With both of us having little or no experience we decided to stand in front of each other and feel each other’s cocks over our trousers and take it from there. After a minute or two, it was clear we both had erections and they were fighting to get out. So we helped each other out of our trousers and grasped each other’s cocks. A session of mutual masturbation occurred and we relaxed into giving each other pleasure.

The whole thing felt quite normal, and every day. The next step was to remove all our clothing in front of each other and leaving them where they fell, l led him to the bedroom. Once we were comfortable and laid out on the bed we began to stroke and feel each other’s bodies paying a lot of attention to the groin area. The sight of his large erection increased my sense of lust and I really wanted to get my lips around it so I shuffled around so that my face was in front of his cock and mine was in front of his.

The inevitable happened and shortly after I began to suck his cock, he began to suck mine. At this point, I should be saying ‘I can’t believe I’m doing this, ’ but I’m not. It’s what I wanted to experience and speaking to him later he said the same.

What we hadn’t discussed was what to do with the results of orgasm. My guest began to tense up and there was an earnestness in his thrusts down my throat. I wasn’t sure I wanted to take and swallow his load so I left it to the last second and removed my mouth from his cock and let him spray onto my face. It was quite a feeling and I knew I had to taste some of it so any within the range of my tongue was lapped up. That set me off and I realised I was about to cum too. My guest took what I did as an example and promptly did the same to me and his face was spattered with my orgasm.

A few tissues later and with clean faces we discussed how we felt about what we had done. Thankfully we both agreed that we enjoyed the experience. What I later thought was quite erotic was two men walking down the stairs naked and passing each other items of clothing as we looked for our own in the muddle of them lying on the floor.

My guest returned a number of times and we even went online together with our faces hidden for more mutual masturbation sessions which proved very popular and we were in great demand but short of me sliding my cock between his bum cheeks a few times it didn’t go any further and eventually fizzled out.

Meanwhile, l continued to explore my bisexuality online and met a number of people and increased my experience. I was even invited to a house where l was to act as a voyeur and watch what they did. I was allowed to strip off and play with myself while they were doing it, but l wasn’t to say very much and to wait for an invitation to deposit my load wherever they said.

The couple were mature and they had emailed me photographs of themselves fully clothed. They looked very respectable and lived in the next town so I thought I’d take a chance and go. They turned out to be pleasant and respectful and I felt at ease with them very quickly. After a short chat, I was instructed to be quiet and watch while they moved toward each other and kissed. This got more intense and arms and hands began to feel their way over each other’s bodies and buttons were opened and clothes began to fall off. I’m now starting to feel a restriction in my trouser area and the more clothes they lost the tighter my trousers were around my cock. The more clothes they lost, the more I wanted to lose mine.

Soon there was a wardrobe explosion as clothes lay scattered around the floor including mine as they started to explore the most interesting parts of their bodies with their tongues. Mouths on cocks were swopped regularly as hands continued to explore each other and then one of them started to explore the other’s bum with his tongue. I’d never seen this before and wasn’t sure what to make of it but the guy who was having it done to him was softly moaning and I guessed he was being prepared for what I hoped would be what I wanted to see.

After five or ten minutes of watching these two writhing bodies simulating what was to come next, it was time for the real thing. Lubed up and protected one slowly eased himself into the other and while there was a moan at the beginning it quickly gave way to a gentle grunt as the other guy thrust himself into him. I’m so turned on by this that I’d stopped trying to pull the end of my cock off and just watched, probably with my eyes on stalks. This was something I needed to try.

When it was time to bring everything to a satisfying conclusion the pace quickened and so did the intensity. With one final loud grunt, he pushed deep inside him and everything stopped except for the receiving guy who was tugging away at his erection to try to catch up.

Mine is still standing to attention but I’m not pulling on it, I’m just transfixed watching this scene in front of me. As he pulls out I’m beckoned over to join the guy still tugging away but on his back now. He indicates I should carry on tugging over him and of course, it wasn’t long before our two sets of cum are merged into one and the protected one empties his condom with ours. A delicious sticky mess. Thankfully no one wanted to taste this cocktail. I’m not sure I could at that point.

After a number of encounters using the internet, I eventually got a reply to my profile that interested me. Ray got in touch and his circumstances were quite similar to mine and what’s more, he was single and not dodging around his other half, as well as living in the same town. We exchanged messages and I came to believe he would be discreet and that I would like to meet him.

We both agreed to meet in neutral territory and a town centre pub was chosen. Before the meeting, I was very nervous but after a few minutes with him l felt at ease and we got along well. We seemed to have the same outlook on life as well as supporting our local football team which was hit and miss, results-wise, week by week. Sexually we whispered that we probably wanted to try most things to see if we liked it and we agreed that it would be good to experience it together.

So together it was. Whilst we had originally agreed just to meet that evening we were both eager to explore so we got a taxi back to my house where we spent the first hour scouting the internet for all things gay and bisexual and generally becoming more and more sexually excited stroking each other over our trousers until we could stand it no longer and we went to the bedroom and tore our clothes off and immediately went for each other’s cocks and wrapped our mouths around them. There was so much sexual tension that needed to be released that neither of us lasted long and we each had our faces sprayed by the other.

Over the course of the next few weeks, Ray and I began to explore all the things we had denied ourselves in our previous lives. As you can imagine we spent a great deal of time without clothes.

We also discussed whether or not we would remain exclusive and came to the decision that because we were mature that we would make up for lost time and experiment with others, but together so Ray and I began our adventures first by exploring all the little things people on the internet got up to. It was a little bit like trying everything once and then twice to make sure you liked it or not.

We decided to see which of us was either top or bottom and after losing the toss it fell to me to be the receiver of Ray’s very attractive cock. The session was going great with lots of body contact and sucking. Ray was a good and considerate partner and we built up slowly to penetration so by the time he was ready for it so was I.

The advice we gleaned from the forums was to relax, take your time and enter slowly. This we did and I found the whole experience easier than I would have thought, in fact, I really quite enjoyed it and didn’t lose my erection, something the forum said I might. This meant that I could double my pleasure and masturbate while Ray was thrusting his cock into me. The combination of the two was very nice indeed and I came pretty close to when Ray did.

Five days later it was my turn. This time we were going to practice our massage techniques. Originally, we were to take turns around who was massaging who but when Ray was lying on the table face down and I was gently rubbing oil over his shoulders, back and bottom the thought occurred that it was as good an opportunity for me to be a top to Ray’s bottom.

So, concentrating my massage in that area I worked my finger gently between his cheeks and eventually started to massage the entrance to where I aimed to go. Ray just murmured quietly and I took this to be a sign that he was up for it. So I concentrated around there more and with the help of the massage oil my finger slipped gently into him and I simulated what was going to do to him with my cock later.

Ray accepted it all passively with quiet moans as I moved my finger in and out of him. Before very long and having moved him into a better position I replaced my finger with my cock. After sliding it up and down between his bum cheeks and eventually settling on the entrance I gently pushed myself in. Wow, what a feeling! Ray seemed perfectly relaxed so I started thrusting into him and gently increased my stroke until I could stand it no longer and let go with one final thrust deep into him. My orgasm seemed to last forever and I deposited every drop I had into him, and with a satisfying sigh of relief, I eventually withdrew.

Now, at this point, you are asking yourself about safe sex. Both Ray and I agreed that we would use condoms with other people but because of our anal virgin status, we considered it safe enough to do without between us.

As summer came round we had discovered a great deal about ourselves and the things we liked to do. We had experience in twosomes, threesomes and even moresomes, but as the weather was getting warmer me and Ray or rather Ray and I decided that we would go on holiday, so we rented a cottage in the Lake District. We told everyone that we were going to walk the hills, get fit and enjoy the fresh air. What we didn’t say was that we had advertised online for a ‘guest’ to come and join us while we were there.

The cottage, when we got there, was ideal. It had two bedrooms and a large bathroom with both a bath and a separate shower but best of all there was a pub ten minutes walk from the cottage which is where we spent the first evening. The food was great as was the beer and we drank a great deal of it.

By the time we got back to the cottage, we were quite merry and started to fool around and after a week of celibacy before our trip, we were keen and eager to get naked and play. After ten minutes or so of fondling and groping the inevitable happened and after consuming a large number of pints we both needed to pee. We’d heard of watersports and we were not so keen on the idea of splashing each other’s face but influenced by alcohol we headed to the shower where Ray was the first to feel a stream of hot pee on his cock and bum while he was pleasuring himself in the shower cubicle. I don’t know about you but peeing through a hard-on sends it for miles and with increased force. A bit of an exaggeration but you know what I mean.

Ray said the experience was nice when the hot pee hit his groin area and when it was my turn to experience the same I agreed that it was. We both had a lovely time afterwards soaping each other down in the shower even though it was a little squashed but I’m sure it added to the pleasure.

Our plan for the week was to walk the hills and dales if the weather was dry and spend any wet days in the pub. Luckily for us, the one closest to us had a games room so we could while away a soggy afternoon playing darts and pool. The only other commitment we had was a visit from a crossdresser called Mark or Michelle on the next to last night at the cottage. He lived in one of the towns there and wanted to spend some time fully dressed and entertaining us. We weren’t keeping our fingers crossed as what some people say isn’t always what they do.

The third day of our holiday threatened rain. It was a good enough excuse to not put our boots on, have a late breakfast and wander down to the pub in the early afternoon. The landlord and his customers were friendly enough and we got on well with them so our afternoon went quickly playing pool and darts. By the early evening, after we had our evening meal, we got chatting with one of the locals about this and that and we had a couple of drinks with him.

His name was Glen and he was about his mid to late twenties and very interested in who we were and our circumstances. When we were about to leave he asked us where we were staying and when we told him he said he lived in our direction and would walk back with us.

On the way home, Glen just came out and asked us if we were gay. I asked him if that would be a problem if we were and he very quickly assured us that it wouldn’t. Ray jokingly told him we weren’t but we liked to have sex together. At this point, Glen said rather breathlessly that he wanted to try it. He had been intrigued by sex with men and could he ask us questions about the things we did. Both Ray and I smiled at each other and we invited him to the cottage where we could speak more candidly.

Five minutes later the key was in the door and our unexpected guest was in our cottage. Ray gave us a drink and we questioned him about what made him think he would like man sex. We told him a little about ourselves and coming to it late in life. We also asked him if he wanted to play with two older blokes and it didn’t take him long to say yes. I never thought that someone as young as Glen would be interested in old blokes like us but seemingly he was.

Not wanting to waste the opportunity we asked him to prove it by standing naked in front of us. As he stood up to undress it was clear by the bulge in his trousers that he was definitely up for it and both me and Ray enjoyed the striptease once we got Glen to slow down. Both Ray and I were used to seeing bodies around our own age but looking at Glen in his comparative youth was very exciting. The smoothness of his skin and the tone of his muscles made both of us envious but determined to enjoy this feast.

By the time Glen was naked and standing in front of us we were sitting there with our tongues hanging out and very quickly our hands were all over him. His cock was quite large and thick and standing very proudly erect. Ray started to undress while I wrapped my tongue around his cock. Glen flinched a little but then he threw his head back and started to moan gently. He wasn’t going to last long so I knew I had to take it slowly and encouraged him to explore Ray’s naked body whilst I got rid of my clothing.

We are now three naked men, One of which is clearly very excited and breathing hard. Both Ray and I stood in front of Glen naked and hard and left him to decide what to do next. His first move was to grasp both our cocks with his hands and gently massage us for a couple of minutes before he gingerly knelt down and faced our nether regions momentarily before he opened his mouth and took my cock in his mouth whilst gripping Ray’s and continuing to massage it.

His technique wasn’t very smooth initially but it didn’t take him long to get into his stride and very quickly Glen was taking turns with our cocks and looking more and more at home and really enjoying himself, as we were. To reassure me I asked him if he was happy doing what he was doing and without any hesitation, he nodded without taking Ray’s cock out of his mouth or stopping the massaging mine. So we let Glen continue giving us his treatment bringing us closer to climax, then we laid him down on the floor and knelt over him and finished ourselves off spraying our cum over his cock and stomach whilst he furiously wanked himself to orgasm adding to our deposits.

After a moment or two of recovery and looking at three healthy deposits slowly making their way down Glen’s body towards the floor, we encouraged him to go to the shower. As he went we followed and Glen was met with me soaping him down through the open door of the shower and watching Ray having a pee before swopping with me as I had one. He took it all in and seemed to enjoy It and when asked he said so.

Both Ray and I decided that Glen might be interested in joining us for two nights when Mark or Michelle was going to visit. When we told him about what we thought was going to happen with Michelle he said he was very interested in joining us.

Two nights later we were expecting our visitor. He was arriving as Mark but we were going to be entertained by Michelle. Glen arrived early with a smile on his face. He said he knew now that the sexual side of his nature could be satisfied by man-sex. So we had a drink and waited patiently for a knock on the door. In situations like these, there is often a no-show as people lose their nerve and can’t go through with it. Thankfully our guest knocked on the door and asked where he could get changed.

Excitement rose as we saw Mark. He had a baby face and boyish good looks. By the time he was changed, she was going to be very believably feminine.

With drinks in hand and sitting comfortably, we waited for Michelle to enter the room. When she did we were met with a very passable good looking lady albeit one with a cock wearing a black leather looking Basque laced up at the front, attached suspender straps holding up a pair of black stockings, the ones with the seam running up the back of them and encompassed by a sheer see-through pink cape. The blonde wig gave her an even more girl-like quality and the red high heel shoes gave her a come and take me look and with any luck, we will.

We were instructed to stay sat down and to keep our hands where they were as Michelle put some music on and started to dance seductively in front of us. This dancing involved quite a lot of bending over and gyrating her bottom in our direction and leaning forward and pointing her tits at us. It was having the right effect on us, Glen’s loose jogger type pants were not hiding or helping to hide how excited he was and both Ray and I were feeling the strain on our cocks as our trouser material constrained ours but the show was increasing the lust all three of us felt.

To increase it, Michelle, still moving to the rhythm of the music, began to move closer to us and reaching out would touch us with stroking movements leading to her pretending to sit on our laps but moving away at the last second and still moving to the rhythm of the music. She was getting us more and more turned on until we could stand it no longer and hands reached out to touch her.

As they did she slowed and allowed us to begin to explore her body. Hands began to stroke her legs, her thighs, her tits and in no time she began feeling us and encouraging us to undo our trousers and expose ourselves. Very soon the three of us were naked and sporting very hard cocks which she devoured in turn increasing our lust to even further heights. Eventually, both Ray and I moved in behind her while she was teasing and licking Glen’s cock and Ray began to move the thong and finger the entrance to her with lots of lube while I donned a condom, added more lube to myself and got into position to enter her.

After sliding my cock up and down between her bum cheeks I settled it right at the entrance and slowly pushed my way in. It’s a fantastic feeling, warm and tight. As I’m setting up a rhythm Ray takes Glen’s place and together we spit roast Michelle. Meanwhile, Glen is watching us and tugging away at his cock and I’m sure he’s considering whether to enter Michelle or not. I’m wanting to make my evening of sexual excitement last longer so I pull out and encourage Glen to take my place. To my surprise, he seems very eager and quickly dons a condom and lubes up. As he moves up to Michelle I get the pleasure of grasping his cock and guiding it into her. His larger cock makes Michelle wince as he enters her but she took it all without complaint and Glen moaned and breathed more rapidly as he moved in and out of her. He was clearly enjoying himself and he probably wouldn’t last very long before exploding inside her at the rate he was going.

Ray said he wanted a turn and who could blame him. Glen had other ideas as he looked determined to take this first experience to conclusion and his thrusting became more earnest. Michelle was being pounded very hard now but she must have been enjoying it as she grasped her own cock and was pulling at it like no tomorrow. With a very loud grunt, Glen climaxed deep inside Michelle, his loins shaking as he emptied everything he had into her. It was fantastic to witness and I couldn’t wait to take my turn again.

As Glen pulled out and removed the condom Michelle beckoned him to come round to face her. She grasped his already limp cock and began to orally clean it while Ray positioned himself at the other end ready for his turn. We spent the next half hour taking turns with each other edging ourselves in Michelle who had opened up nicely thanks to Glen’s masterful cock until we could stand it no longer and orgasmed into her protected bum hole.

By the time we had finished penetrating Michelle Glen had started showing signs of becoming erect again and I wondered if he was going to have another go but instead his mouth found Michelle’s cock while he played with his own. To our amazement when Michelle came Glen swallowed the lot. He then went on to deposit another load over me as I lay on the floor propped up against the settee recovering. He really was hooked now.

As you can imagine the bathroom was very busy after that as naked men cleaned themselves up and tried to get some semblance of order with their clothes. We sat around and chatted to Mark who turned out to be a nice chap and who confessed that the orgy we had just had was his first. It had been his fantasy to be used by more than one person and while he said his bum was a little sore he loved it and would want more.

When he left he gave Glen a lift and when we saw him in the pub on our last night he said that he had arranged to meet him in the very near future for an outdoor adventure. This, he said, was the sex life he wanted to experience. We gave him our telephone numbers and told him to call if ever he was in our neighbourhood.

As for Mark, he was also invited. Both Ray and I hoped he would pass by our town and entertain us again. We had a number of contacts that would love to join us and service such an attractive crossdresser.

Published 3 years ago

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