My Café Girl

"A man gets an offer from his café girl that he can’t refuse."

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I would like to think that my café girl adjusted her chair for my benefit. We have seen each other at the café several timesa week for the past three weeks. She sat down, and the waiter came over to take her order. Deep in thought, she closed her eyes. Her right leg crossed over and rested on her left leg, causing her short floral skirt to slip up slightly. The skirt roseenough to reveal the gentle curve of her right butt cheek. She didn’t notice the waiter setting her order on the table, and he took a brief moment to admire her beauty

The black hosiery and matching high heels accentuated her long, shapely legs. The white, off-the-shoulder, long-sleeved top completed her outfit. I noticed that her long, brown, waist-length hair was draped over her slender shoulders.

As I openly gazed at her, my eyes seemed to undress her. I felt a familiar stirring in my trousers, and at that moment, she opened her eyes. Looking directly at me, she offered a knowing smile and reached for a cube of pineapple. Bringing it to her parted lips, her tongue teasingly swirled around the cube as she became fully focused on me. 

She took the cube between her luscious red lips, sucking on it before popping it into her mouth. Fortunately, no one was sitting close enough to hear the sucking sounds she made. After finishing the first cube, she took another and repeated the process. Once all the cubes were gone, she wrote something on her napkin.

When the waiter returned, she handed him the folded napkin and pointed in my direction. He approached me and delivered the note. After he left, I unfolded the napkin, and that’s when my café girl stood up and walked toward me. I read the note, and as she passed by, she said, “Don’t be late.”

The note instructed me to meet her in the alley next to the café in three minutes. I made sure things were adjusted in front of my trousers were properly before standing up. After paying the tab, I slowly walked out of the café. Upon reaching the alley, I hesitated for a moment and adjusted the front of my trousers once more.

I turned the corner, and midway down the alley, there she stood, leaning forward with her hands against the wall. As I approached, I noticed that her skirt was raised to her slim waist, and her legs were spread wide.

She didn’t say a word as I moved behind her, unzipping my fly. I moved closer, releasing my erection and noticed a hole in her hosiery. The hole stretched from the top of her mound to her backdoor.

I moved even closer; the bulbous cockhead pushed past her swollen labia. She let out a moan and pushed back.

I thrust deeply, and pulling back, she pushed against me until I was fully immersed in her tight pussy. Our synchronized rhythm quickened, and we moved together with increasing intensity.

What felt like an eternity was merely a few minutes. We could hear people chatting as they passed by the entrance to the alley, completely unaware of our intimate encounter in the open. The possibility of being caught heightened our desire, accompanied by the usual sounds of traffic.

No one heard our loud moaning as I pushed my cock balls deep with one last hard thrust. Her pussy tightened like a vice grip around my throbbing shaft. I spilled one load after another as she milked me dry.

After we finished, we straightened ourselves out, and that’s when she said, “I need to get home before my husband. You should stay here for five minutes; we wouldn’t want to draw attention by exiting the alley together.”

“Thank you; I really needed that,” she added before leaving.

After five minutes, I exited the alley, hoping to arrive home before my wife. Twenty minutes later, I pulled into the garage and noticed that her car was not there.  Entering the house, I made my way to the wine cellar, selected a Riesling, and retrieved two glasses. I then returned upstairs to the living room and placed the items on the coffee table. 

Five minutes later, my wife stepped in and said, “That was so hot, baby. I’m still feeling aroused.”

“Come here, sweetie, and let me feel how wet you are,” I said, filling the two wine glasses.

She walked over, stood in front of me, and I handed her a glass of wine. Then, I reached under her short skirt, and she smiled at my shocked expression.

“Your pussy isn’t wet.”

 “Mine is from that incredible experience you gave me.”

 I looked up, and standing behind my wife was her twin sister

“Surprise, honey! We planned this a month ago, and my sister was the one you saw at the café for the last three weeks.

Now, let’s have another glass of wine and pour one for sis.”

“The three of us will go upstairs and have an intimate night together, brother-in-law.”


I hope you enjoyed reading My Café Girl. Click on the heart if you liked the story.  The star if you really liked it!  Please leave a comment and I will respond to all.

 Regards, Banes1

The above story is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and events are products of the author’s imagination and are used as fantasy. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


Copyright ©2025 All Rights Reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior permission of the author, Banes1


Published 2 months ago

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