Chapter 2 – Love and Marriage
After making love again in the morning, we got up, had breakfast and she got ready to go visit Greg. Based on our conversation the previous week, I wasn’t expecting to be invited but as she was putting on her coat, she looked at me. “Come with me.”
“Are you sure? I thought you wanted to be alone,” I said.
“I did, but things have changed, haven’t they? This is pretty big news. I think we should tell him together.” She kissed me softly. “Come on!”
We drove to the cemetery and laid fresh flowers. We told him the news and then it was her turn to comfort me as I poured out my grief. I had been so busy helping her to get over her loss that I’d never fully grieved him myself. We knelt on the damp ground and she held me as I sobbed for what seemed an eternity. “God I miss him so much!” I said once I regained the ability to speak.
“You know, sometimes after I visit him, he comes to me in my dreams that night. Maybe I’ll see him tonight and he’ll tell me how he feels.” She hugged me again and kissed the top of my head, “Let’s go get our kids!”
I looked at her and she nodded. We walked hand in hand to the car and then went to her parent’s house. At one point, she took Little George into the washroom and her mother cornered me. “There’s something different about you two today! Did something happen last night?”
I nodded. “Yes it did. We talked, a lot. We talked about Greg and about us. We laughed, we cried, and I think we turned a corner on our grief.”
“And this ‘roommate’ idea is working for you?” she asked.
“It is working perfectly,” I answered truthfully. “I am exactly where I’m supposed to be!”
She kissed my cheek and hugged me. “I still say she married the wrong brother!”
“Are we ready?” Amy asked the children. “Uncle Georgie is making pasgettis!” she said, using the kids’ version of the word on purpose because she thought it was just too cute!
“Yay, pasgettis!” Little George shouted.
“Yay! Sgettis,” his little sister mimicked him. She was mimicking him a lot these days. We bundled them into their car seats and headed home. We held hands all the way home as I drove. Once pasgettis were eaten and the kids bathed and dressed for bed, I read to them while Amy cleaned up the kitchen.
“They’re out! Your mom must have tired them out!” She offered me a glass of white wine and a kiss.
We cuddled on the couch for a while until sleep started to overtake me. It had been a busy and very emotional weekend for both of us and it had taken the good out of us. I got up and stretched before kissing her goodnight. I headed to my room and she stopped me. “Where exactly do you think you’re going?” she asked.
“To bed,” I said.
“Not in that bed you’re not, Mister!” She got up and kissed me deeply. “From now on, your bed is whatever bed I’m sleeping in.”
“Yes, dear!” I teased.
“I’ll have you trained in a month!” she giggled. “Give me five minutes, then come up!”
I did the rounds, making sure everything was turned off (it was) and the house was securely locked up (it was) and went up the steps to her room. The house was a front/rear split so it was only seven steps up to the bedrooms and seven steps down to where my room was.
When I got there she was just slipping under the covers. I got undressed, leaving my boxers on and made to get in with her. “You won’t be needing those!” she purred and I stripped them off and slipped in beside her.
“What were you and my mother talking about?” she asked.
“She said she noticed something different about us so I told her we stayed up late and talked and that I thought we’d both turned a corner,” I said.
“You didn’t lie; we did talk and we have definitely turned a corner!” She pulled me down for a long soft kiss. “What else did you tell her?”
“She asked if the roommate situation was working out for me and I told her it was perfect! Then I told her I was exactly where I was supposed to be!”
“Again, you didn’t lie!” she said. “How are we going to tell everyone?”
“Let me handle that,” I said. I kissed her and rolled on top of her. “You only have one line!”
“Yes!” she whispered. “I have to practice to make sure I get it right!” We laughed and kissed and made love and slept deeply and well.
When we awoke, she looked at me. “I talked to Greg last night in my dream. He said he’s happy for us.”
“You know that’s just your subconscious, right?”
“Believe what you want to believe,” she answered. While we ate breakfast, I churned the events of the weekend over in my mind. “Do you really think Greg would be happy for us?” I asked.
“I think he would,” she replied. “We sort of talked about it before he deployed. He said there was a chance something bad might happen and he didn’t want me to be sad and lonely trying to raise two kids and that if someone came along that could make me happy, I should go wherever my heart leads me.”
“But do you think he’d be happy that it’s me?” I asked.
“He did tease me all the time about you having a crush on me. The day he proposed he asked me if I was sure I wanted to be with him and not you instead. I told him that I liked you but just as a friend, I didn’t feel that way about you.” She came to me and bent over, giving me a warm hug. “That was then, this is now.”
We finished breakfast and we each got one of the kids up and eating before I left for work. As I reached for my coat, she came over and hugged me. “I love you, George, that’s all that matters now!” She kissed me as I picked up my lunchbox and put on my coat. “Have a good day, Sweetheart!”
“Good day Sweetheart!” echoed Little George from his big-boy chair as I closed the door.
That afternoon, I picked up the kids from her mom’s house and she cornered me again. “I don’t know what you two talked about but Amy is a changed woman!” she said.
“What we talked about is between us,” I said to my future mother-in-law.
“That’s what she said! It doesn’t matter, all that matters is that she’s happy again, and that’s your fault!” She hugged me tightly. “You’re a good man, George O’Brien!”
“Thank you, Mrs Foster,” I replied.
“Are you ever going to call me ‘Mom’ like Gregory used to?” she asked.
“Maybe someday,” I said cryptically.
I took the kids home and got supper started while we waited for Amy. She got home a few minutes late. “Sorry I’m late, I had to talk to Angie on the way home. I had a very important question to ask her!”
“Does that question involve an ugly pink taffeta dress?” I asked.
“Not this time, pale blue I think,” she said.
“You have this all figured out, don’t you?” I asked.
“Almost!” she smiled. She kissed me. “I love you!”
“And I love you!” I said. I picked Allison up. “And I love you!” I said as I plopped her in her highchair. I did the same with George, and Allison did her usual mimic, “Love you!” She giggled.
The week went on much the same with us living as a happy family. I asked my parents to host a family dinner on Saturday night as I had something important to talk to them about.
On Saturday afternoon, I took the kids with me to the jewellery store to pick up the ring I’d ordered. Luckily, they had the one I wanted in stock and in her size. They just wanted to double-check that the settings for the three diamonds were secure and to polish it up. I took them for lunch and then to the park to play on the swings. I took the kids home to get them ready to go to dinner and when I announced that I was home, Amy yelled, “Do not come up here!”
I shrugged and went to bathe and change the kids before handing them off to Amy so I could shower and change myself. In my haste and nervousness, I left the ring box on the counter and when I came down, Amy had a broad smile on her face. “Did you peek?” I asked, knowing the answer.
“No,” she said unconvincingly, lowering her bright blue eyes. When she looked back up, she smiled brightly, “Sorry, yes, I peeked! It’s perfect!”
“Perfeck!” Allison exclaimed. We picked her up and smothered her with kisses, making her giggle loudly.
We got to my parents’ house just as Amy’s parents were arriving. Her mother looked at me with a little grin as we greeted each other before going inside.
We got comfortable while the final preparations were being made and Amy’s mom kept needling us with questions about why we were all there. “Patience, Mom!” Amy said. “I’m as curious as you are!”
When we sat down, Amy’s dad noticed an extra place had been set. When he questioned it, my mother said, “At George’s request, we have set a place for Gregory.”
“He’s here with us,” I said. “And he is part of all of this.”
“All of what?” Amy’s mother asked. “I just don’t understand all the secrecy!”
“Soon,” I told her, which quieted her but didn’t satisfy her.
We all gathered in the living room and I figured it was time. I couldn’t believe how nervous I was despite knowing the answer to my question. I cleared my throat and started.
“I asked you all here tonight for a very important reason. As you know, I have been living in Amy’s house for a few months now and it is going very well. As you also know, she and I went on a date last Saturday night…”
“FINALLY!” my mother piped up.
“Thank you, Mom! Yes finally, we went on a date last Saturday night and I think she will agree, we had a wonderful time.”
“It was wonderful!” she agreed.
“And when we got home, we sat up and talked for a very long time. We talked about how we feel about each other, we talked about Greg, we talked about the children and many other things. The most important thing was what the future held for us both.” I saw her mom reach over and grab her husband’s hand as she held her breath.
“So I called you all here to tell you that this past week, I signed a contract to have a new home built and when it’s finished I am going to ask her and the children to live with me there. It’s not far away so you’ll be able to come to visit and it will have a yard and it’s close to schools and everything we need. What say you, Amy?”
“Of course, I will!” she said.
“Oh,” her mother said disappointed.
“What was that?” I asked. I was enjoying stringing her along.
“Nothing,” she said. “I just thought…”
“Were you going to say I married the wrong brother again?” Amy asked her.
“No, no, I just, never mind.”
“Mrs. Foster, you have never made a secret of your feelings about Amy and me, you told me just that this past Sunday,” I said. “And I’ve never made a secret that I have loved Amy ever since we met when we were sixteen. She favoured my brother and I accepted that and I was happy for them. But he is gone and we need to move on. So we went to visit him together last Sunday to tell him our news. I don’t know if he approves but if I know him like I think I do, he will just want Amy to be happy, just like I always have.
“And so, with her happiness in mind, I have another very important question to ask her.” We had worked it out that I would not get down on one knee, rather she would come sit on my lap. She got up and came over to me. “Amelia Grace Foster O’Brien, I have loved you for as long as I can remember and I will love you for so long as I live. Will you be my wife?”
Even though she knew the question was coming, her eyes filled with tears. Her mother gasped and mine started crying. “Yes,” she said. “Yes, George Patrick O’Brien, I will marry you and I will love you with all my heart and soul!” I slipped the ring on her finger and everyone cheered. “Yay!” echoed Allison as she clapped her hands and I picked her up and kissed her too.
I kissed my new fiancée and she kissed me back. “George, I am so happy!” Then she stood up and admired her ring at arm’s length. “You will notice I have moved Greg’s rings to my right hand. I will always love him and I will always wear his rings. But now I will have a new set to wear and I am thrilled!” She looked at her mother.
“You got there in the end!” she gushed as she hugged her daughter. “I hoped you two would end up together!” She came to me and hugged me. “Now will you call me Mom?”
I hugged her back. “Of course I will, Mom!” I said.
My mother spoke up, “This changes nothing for us. Amy is our daughter-in-law already and that won’t change. She won’t even have to change her name!” We all laughed; I hadn’t considered that before.
“I could use a drink!” I said.
“Hear, hear!” my father said as he got up to get the good whisky. He poured generously as my mom poured wine for the non-whisky drinkers. “To George and Amy!”
“To George and Amy!” the gathered family toasted as I kissed my bride-to-be.
Then the questions began, most of which were answered with, “We haven’t talked about that yet!” or, “One thing at a time!” I showed everyone where our new home would be and while everyone seemed pleased with my decision, Amy asked if perhaps I should have asked her about it first.
“Do you not like it?” I asked. “I have 60 days to cancel the contract!”
She laughed and kissed me. “Relax, it’s perfect! In the future though, please talk to me before making such big decisions!”
After a while, my mom came up to me and pulled me aside. “I’m so happy for you, George, You really played the long game with her, didn’t you?”
“You know what they say, good things come to those who wait!”
She laughed and kissed my cheek. “Indeed they do! How about your dad and I spoil the children tonight so you two lovebirds can celebrate properly?”
“That would be great!” I said. And I went to tell Amy the good news.
She gave me an evil grin. “Mister, you better be ready because I’m going to show you things and take you places you never dreamed possible! I’m not the sweet innocent girl you think I am!”
“And how do you know such things?” I asked.
“Your brother was a very creative lover!” she purred so only I could hear. “That and porn!”
“Mrs. O’Brien! You shock me!” I whispered.
“I will, you can count on it!” she whispered back. She kissed me firmly.
The progress on the new house went well and it didn’t hurt that the company I worked for was the primary contractor on the build. It was one of the things I insisted on, not just to give my company the work but I knew that it would be of the very best quality. Once a firm move-in date had been established, we set the date for our wedding so that when we returned from our honeymoon, we would move straight into our new house. The neat thing was that, because Amy didn’t have to change her last name, any contracts or agreements we signed before we were married were equally effective afterward!
We told Mr Hansen, our landlord, that, if he wanted, we would leave all of our furniture in the house when we moved out. We would be taking all the linens and dishes and one cabinet that had belonged to Amy’s great-grandmother but other than that, we wanted all new, modern furniture to go into our new, modern house. He was pleased at that idea because a furnished house was easier to rent and he could ask for a little more as well. Between that and the improvements I’d made, he gave us the last three month’s rent for free as a wedding gift!
The only minor hiccup was that the three members of Greg’s squad who had brought him home might not be able to make it to our wedding. Amy and I had gotten in contact with them and she’d apologized for her outburst the day they brought Greg home to us. One had been posted away and the others were due to start extended training in preparation for their next deployment. They all said they’d try to make it but made no promises.
One thing that Amy and I talked about was kids and that, as soon as the honeymoon was over, she would go off the pill and we would start having our own children. I loved Little George, who would be known as George Jr, and Allison, now Allie because that’s how she pronounced her own name, and I couldn’t imagine loving any child more than I did them. We also discussed whether or not I would adopt them as mine but we were on the fence about that one. Things were good as they were, so why upset the apple cart?
And then there was our personal life. Amy had hinted the night we got engaged that she had a naughty side and I soon found out exactly how naughty it was. I understood that all her experience had been with my brother and from what she said, they weren’t shy to experiment.
The first thing she surprised me with was when she invited me to fuck her backside. She said that she and Greg did that pretty regularly after they got married. My longer and thicker manhood made it uncomfortable at first but, in the end, she loved it!
Then it was masturbation and toys. Her old toys had sat dormant for so long and had been hastily put away, so they weren’t much good when she dug them out of the box she’d thrown them in. There were a few decent stores not too far away and online ordering made it easy to replenish her toy box. She loved it when I watched her play with her toys and was always keen to add to her collection. We even got a couple for me to make myself cum while she watched.
When we discussed watching, she asked if I ever thought of watching each other with other people. She and Greg had talked about it and agreed that, after he returned from deployment, they would talk about it some more. Sadly, it wasn’t to be but she was still interested in that if I was. We watched some couples porn and tried to imagine our spouse with another person or persons. My problem was I had waited my whole life for her and now that I had her, I wasn’t keen on sharing her with anyone. She said she understood that and that if I wasn’t comfortable with that or anything else we talked about, it wouldn’t happen.
My problem was that I found it very hard to say no to her. Despite all my promises that I would not do anything I wasn’t comfortable with, I knew that if we were in the moment, and she asked, I would probably say yes. That’s how it came to be that I started cleaning her pussy after cumming inside her. One night we were kissing in the afterglow and she pushed down on my head until I was lapping my cum from her pussy. It was less gross than I had imagined and once I started doing it, the enjoyment it gave her convinced me it was worth the odd bad taste in my mouth.
So we talked and experimented and tried new things, new positions and new ideas. Some of the positions we tried were a lot harder than they looked in the videos which inspired us to try them in the first place. Several had us collapsed on the floor in a heap of laughter! Some others we adopted as part of our regular lovemaking.
One of the last things she suggested was the both of us being with another woman. It was something she and Greg had agreed to try but, with her getting pregnant during their honeymoon, the opportunity never came up. I had no trouble imagining her locked in a hot writhing sixty-nine with a beautiful woman so we vowed that if ever that particular opportunity knocked, we would throw the door wide open for it!
Finally, the big day came. Our community church was full of our invited guests plus those our parents invited without telling us. Apparently, they thought it was a good idea for those who had been invited to her and Greg’s wedding to be automatically invited to this one. George Jr and Allie were the epitome of adorable as they filled the roles of Ring Bearer and Flower Girl, respectively. We each had only one person attending us, Andy, my best friend from high school who made me promise when we were sixteen that if I ever married Amy he would be my best man. We had lost contact after I left home but his parents still lived around here so he was easy to contact. When he showed up for the rehearsal he almost crushed me with a bear hug and picked Amy up and spun her around when he hugged her.
Angie, Amy’s original Maid of Honour, had gotten married but was pleased to serve as her Matron of Honour this time around. I had no idea what sort of dress Amy had in mind. I remembered her dress for her wedding to Greg and I only knew she was going to dial it back somewhat.
I turned when the music swelled and filled the church with the Wedding March. Angie looked gorgeous in a pale blue dress, one that she would be able to wear after the wedding to other weddings or parties. Then I saw Amy on her father’s arm.
Her dress was just slightly off-white, strapless but covering her shoulders and form fitting her body to halfway down her calves. There was no full veil and long train as before, just a simple veil over her eyes and she was carrying a small bouquet of wildflowers in her hands. She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.
Andy bumped my arm. “Dude, you finally got there!” he whispered. I watched as she walked slowly up the aisle, her eyes locked on mine and a smile as wide as the Atlantic Ocean on her face.
The service was short and to the point and went flawlessly until the minister got to the “If any man here should object to these two people being joined in Holy Matrimony, let him speak now, or forever hold his peace!” part. He was just about to continue when we heard a loud “AHEM!” from the back of the church. We all turned around to see three men, all dressed in their full-dress Army uniforms standing at the back.
A murmur rose from the congregation at the interruption and as It died down, the most senior of the three men spoke. “We have no objection but we do bring greetings from Corporal O’Brien’s regiment! From all six hundred and twelve of us! Mrs O’Brien, congratulations!”
“YOU MADE IT!” Amy screamed and she ran to the back of the church and wrapped each of them in a bear hug. “Thank you guys, so much! It would mean so much to Greg that you are here!”
“Umm, you have a nervous young man up there waiting for you,” the one who spoke said. “Perhaps you should go and finish the ceremony?”
“Of course!” she said. She linked her arm in his. “Would you walk me up the aisle?”
“Ma’am, it would be my honour!” he said. When he arrived at the front, he shook my hand and congratulated me before handing Amy back to me. “Our apologies, Padre!” He bowed respectfully and stepped back a few paces.
“That’s quite all right, soldier!” He cleared his throat. “Anyone else?” The congregation laughed, all except Amy’s mother who looked like she might faint. “Very well then, by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife! Sir, you may kiss your bride!”
A great cheer went up as we kissed and we turned around to raise our hands in the air. “FINALLY!” I shouted and another cheer went up. Apparently, our story had spread around town so everyone knew I had played the longest of games to woo my new wife. The organ blared and we walked down the aisle under a shower of confetti and white rice. When we got outside we saw another soldier holding the leash of a Labrador Retriever puppy.
Amy looked at me confused, and I shrugged until the soldier who had walked her back up the aisle came to our side. “I apologize but we can’t stay, we have to get straight back to camp.” He waved the soldier with the dog over. “This is a wedding gift from the Regiment to you. Greg always talked about how when he got home he wanted to get a dog and Labradors were his favourite. If I may, would you please name him ‘Sarge’? That’s what Greg wanted to name his dog.”
“Oh my God, I had no idea! We never even talked about getting a dog!” She hugged all four of them and took the leash. She bent down and the dog licked her face, ruining her makeup. “Thank you all so much!”
“There’s one other thing, Ma’am. Our Regiment will be holding a formal Mess dinner on the fifteenth of next month. We would be honoured if you and your husband would attend.” He handed her an envelope. “If you could RSVP by the end of the month it would be appreciated.”
She hugged him again and the four of them shook my hand. “Thank you so much and PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE be careful!”
“We will, Ma’am. And now, if it’s alright with you, we’re going to go visit our brother before we leave.” She pointed the way and we watched as they walked solemnly through the graveyard, removed their hats and prayed before replacing them and saluting their brother-in-arms. They turned and departed, smartly marching in step until they got to their vehicle at the far end of the parking lot.
By this time the church had emptied and everyone started milling around us, offering their well wishes and congratulations. My mother-in-law fussed when she saw the state of Amy’s makeup, saying she’d have to get that fixed before any pictures could be taken. My dad took charge of the pup and led him away from the crowd.
It took over an hour for everyone to get their hugs in and then Angie took Amy back inside to fix her makeup so pictures could be taken. Amy began to worry that we’d be late for the reception but her father told her not to worry about it, we’d get there when we got there.
The pictures were taken and we had only one small thing to do before we left for the reception. Myself, Amy, the children and all four of our parents walked back to the corner of the graveyard where Greg was buried. We all said a silent prayer and Amy set her bridal bouquet in front of his gravestone. “This doesn’t mean I love you less, it just means I have enough love in me for both brothers!” She touched her fingers to her lips and leaned forward, placing them on top of the headstone. Thankfully, our photographer had followed us at a discreet distance and took the most poignant image of the entire day. That framed photo would occupy a prominent place in our home forever.
We entered the reception hall to a chorus of cheers. We’d called ahead and asked the caterers to start serving our guests and that we’d catch up and do the toasts and introductions later. We all sat down and before we even had our plates in front of us, the clinking of spoons against glasses began. Amy and I obliged them by standing up and sharing a kiss to a round of applause. Amy and I had discussed it and decided that each time the glasses clinked, one or the other of us would stand up and kiss someone different. She made me promise only one thing and I was happy to do it for her.
And so it began. Every few minutes it would start and I started us off by picking up Allie, holding her above my head, and kissing her on the end of her nose. Everyone cheered and laughed. Next, Amy stood George Jr on the table and kissed both his cheeks. We gave up trying to eat as we took turns. Amy went to Andy, my best man and he stopped her, taking her hand and bending down to kiss it, and when it was my turn to kiss Angie, she grabbed my face and laid a big smoocher on me!
“She did that to Greg too!” Amy laughed.
And then it came time for my mother-in-law. I had kissed my own mother on the cheek but when she turned and offered her cheek I took her face in my hands and shook my head. I leaned in and kissed her right on the lips, making a loud “MUHWAHHH!” sound when they parted. “Thanks, Mom!” I shouted as I turned and sat down. She flushed and pointed at Amy. “You told him to do that!” She laughed as hard as I’d ever seen her do.
Then came the speeches which were mercifully short but very sweet except for Andy’s which was very funny. “I’ve been working on that speech since I was sixteen!” he shouted to great cheers.
And then came Amy’s father. He broke down several times and she had to get up and hold his hand so he could get through it. They hugged and cried and hugged some more. Then she said a few words and it was my turn.
“First of all everyone, thank you for making our day, Amy’s day really, so special. We have travelled a long and winding road to get here. As most of you know, I have had my eye on Amy since we first met when we sat beside each other in math class in eleventh grade. Monday, September 9th, 2013 at 10:15 AM was the time and that was when I fell for her.”
She gasped, “Oh my God! You remember the day?”
“Since then I had to endure watching her date, marry and mourn the loss of her husband, my brother Greg. In the year after his death, I supported her as best I could, helping care for her children, making sure she had everything she needed and even giving up my own career in the military to be with her and help her as best I could. I did it all gladly and if I had it to do over, I would do it exactly the same way.
“And then, the dream I’ve had since I was sixteen came true. Amy noticed me, fell for me, loved me and finally, agreed to marry me! Now I’m not an especially religious guy but there is a passage in 1st Corinthians that goes like this.”
I recited from memory, “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonour others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.”
“And boy have I persevered! I think I’ve proven that love is indeed patient and with each other’s help, we will try to live up to the rest of those things. Thank you all for being here. The bar is open, and Amy has been itching to dance for weeks so fellas, and ladies if you want to, step up and keep her on the dance floor all night!” The last of the great cheers went up and the DJ started playing. We didn’t bother with a first dance, or the throwing of bouquets or the flinging of garters; she had been there and done that. We wanted to throw a party!
We had agreed that when a certain song came on, we would drop whatever we were doing and share a dance. The DJ told me what song he was going to play immediately before it so when I heard it, I pried her away from my best man and took her to the center of the dance floor. When it started, the DJ got on his microphone and introduced us. “Ladies and Gentlemen, please give way and welcome, Mr. and Mrs. George O’Brien!” The floor cleared and it was just us who bounced around the floor to “Werewolves of London,” the first song we had ever danced to in high school.
“I can’t believe you remembered that we danced to that song!” she gushed.
“Have you not figured it out yet? I remember everything!” I said.
“Well, I can tell you one thing, you’re gonna remember tonight for as long as you live!” She smiled and kissed me quickly before bouncing off to find her next victim, I mean, dance partner.
The party ran deep into the night. My parents left with the children just after 9:00 and we kissed them both goodbye and told them to be good for Nanny and Grampa. We wouldn’t see them for a week until after our honeymoon. Her parents left shortly after that. We hung on until just before 1:00 AM.
When our limousine dropped us at our hotel, we were greeted by the night manager who told us our suite was ready as requested and he wished us a wonderful evening.
Amy looked at me with a puzzled look. “As requested?”
“You’ll see!” I said. I scooped her up and unlocked the door, pushing it open with my elbow and carrying her across the threshold. She squealed and giggled as she left her feet but as soon as she saw the room, she fell silent. The entire room was filled with candles, just as her bedroom had been the first night she invited me to her bed. The petals of a hundred red roses were strewn about the room, adding their scent to the air. There was champagne on ice and the whirlpool tub was filled and bubbling.
She looked around. “My God, George, did you do this?”
“I had it done,” I confessed. “Do you like it?”
“Like it? I love it!” she gushed and she kissed me. “Help me get out of this dress and into that tub!”
I could have undressed her quickly. I certainly wanted to and I’m sure she wanted me to but I didn’t. I went slowly, kissing and caressing each bit of skin as it was exposed to me. But patience had gotten me this far and I saw no need to hurry now! Her moans and sighs told me where to linger and tease and although I’d explored her entire body from head to toe many times over, I treated each sensitive spot as if it were the first time I discovered it.
Her thighs parted and I nuzzled my face into that musk-scented place. My hands caressed her buttocks as I pulled her into me, my tongue seeking out that firm little nub that was the center of her pleasure. I stood back up, kissing her lips and nuzzling her neck at that spot just below her earlobes that she loved me to nibble.
I led her to the bubbling, whirring water and held her hand to steady her as she stepped in. She stood and waited for me to undress and join her. As I held her hand, her gaze fell on my manhood standing firm and proud in front of me. I saw the hunger in her eyes that bordered on unbridled lust. I hoped to draw that lust out of her and turn her into the raw sexual animal I knew her to be.
We stood in the almost knee-deep warm water and shared kisses, the kind of kisses that attempt to convey every morsel of feeling from one person to another. I moved back and looked at her face, her skin clear and unblemished, her nose turned up just at the tip, her cheeks with just a few remaining childhood freckles and her lips, so beautifully naturally pink it seemed a crime to paint over them. I kissed her softly again. “I truly believe you are the most beautiful woman in the world!” She blushed because she knew I meant it and it aroused her that I thought that way. There is no more effective aphrodisiac than being utterly desired by someone you love.
We sank into the water and I sat down with her in front of me, her back to my chest. She took my hand and together we traced lazy circles around her breasts, pausing to tease her firm pink nipples each time our fingers encountered them. “I have dreamed of this, you know,” I whispered.
“I know,” she replied. She sat up and turned around. “George, there are some things I need to tell you, things you have to know.” She leaned forward and kissed me.
“Maybe we should talk about those later,” I suggested. “You know, when there’s more blood in my brain than there is now!”
She smiled and giggled like a schoolgirl. “Okay,” she said softly. Our kisses started soft and loving and grew more hungry until it seemed I was trying to consume her very soul and she mine. She urged me up to sit on the broad tile edge of the enclosure and knelt in front of me. Her eyes locked onto mine as she opened her mouth and slid her lips down over my cock, engulfing me until her warmth enveloped all but an inch or so. She hesitated and her eyes closed as she took a deep breath and slid her lips down further, not stopping until her nose touched my trimmed hair above my cock.
The feeling was like nothing I’d ever imagined before. The snug fit of my cock head in her throat and the swirl of her tongue on the underside of my shaft combined to drive a loud groan from deep inside me. She looked up and I saw the corners of her eyes crinkle as if she was smiling. She came up off me slowly, holding only the very tip between her lips before opening wide and going back down again, this time without the previous hesitation.
She repeated the movements, each time closing her eyes as she went back down and opening them to catch my gaze as she slid up to the tip. She moved up to kiss me. “Don’t stop me!” she purred before going back down and resuming her efforts to draw my seed from my balls. Each time her eyes opened, I groaned, still not believing that the woman I had desired all my life was with me and loving me the way I had always hoped she would.
Her left hand cupped my balls while her right wrapped itself around my shaft, sliding up and down as her lips moved. She was no longer taking me in her throat, rather she was using her lips and hand to massage me, bringing me closer and closer to that blinding rush.
I grunted and my hips moved forward of their own accord, trying without command from my brain to sink my cock as deep into her throat as I could. She must have been expecting that because she backed off and slowly jacked me, urging me to cum. “On my face, Baby! Cum all over my face!” she purred as she smiled up at me.
Goodness knows I tried to keep my eyes open and watch as the first spurts of my cum shot out of me and spattered her lips and cheeks, but I was unable. When I was finally able to open them, I saw several blobs of it covering her nose, cheeks and chin. She licked her lips clean and went back down on me, slowly milking the remaining drops from me before finally releasing my shaft and looking up, her face beaming.
She moved up to me and moved to kiss me, but I hesitated. “That’s hardly fair; I shouldn’t have to keep all of your delicious cum for myself! Is marriage not about sharing everything with each other?” She smiled again and moved back in to kiss me. Unable to find fault in her logic, at least not in the milliseconds available to me at the time, I surrendered and felt the slimy slipperiness of my cum as her tongue probed into my mouth.
“Clean my face,” she whispered after our kiss broke. I reached up with my fingers to collect the semen from her cheek and she shook her head. “No, with your tongue! Lick my face clean of your tasty cum!”
This time I did not hesitate. Having tasted it before on her tongue and finding it to be not unpleasant, I acquiesced to her request and used my lips and tongue to remove all trace of it from her. With each morsel, I shared it with her. The sighs she gave told me that this would be the way forward from now on.
She stood up, taking my hand and urging me to stand beside her. “Now that is how you give your husband a wedding night blowjob!” she giggled.
“You speak as though you are an expert in wedding night blowjobs!” I teased her as we stepped out of the tub.
She picked up a towel and started drying me. “This is not my first wedding night!” she whispered. “But it will be my last!” She kissed me and I tasted again the tangy saltiness of my issue. I can’t say I liked the taste but Amy seemed to love it! If it was good enough for her, it was good enough for me!