I was not to bad looking myself. My name is Christina Edwards. Im sixteen and stand at 5’7 I was tall for a girl but never self conscious about it. I had long straight light brown hair that stopped just above my ass which was large. I was always complimented on my ass or my tits. I had 42C sized tits that I liked to show off. I had the same type features as my brother and the same color eyes. I was really popular with guys but I never got any further then oral. I was a virgin.
Anyways, I wasnt excited about his tour not because I liked his music or anything, I really didnt. I was more in rock myself but, I was excited because itd get to travel all over the country with them and truth be told I missed my brother. He was never home because he was always on tour and when he did come home he brought his girlfriend Myca with him. Myca was a stuck up snobby bitch who didnt like me and I had no problem with that I didnt like her either.
She was small about 5’5 and thin as a rail where as I had some meat on my bones but I was far from fat. She was bleach blonde and blue eyed. Her tits were probably a full D and they were fake. Myca Howard was an eighteen year old actress and I loathed her. I wasnt jealous of her because every inch of her screamed fake. My brother deserved better than her. My parents didnt like her either. My mother thought she was a whore. She was a bitch to my father and he couldnt stand to be in the same room as her.
I guess you could say me and my brother were close. We never really fought as kids and we didnt get a chance to when we turned into teenagers. At thirteen he was discovered and we had to move from Ohio to Florida. The move was hard on me but I did it for my brother. I hated to admit to myself but I had devolped a little crush on my brother. It was hard not to sense he was everywhere. On the cover of every teen magazine, he was always on TV weather it was guest starring or doing an interview. I had a poster of him on my bedroom wall and I secretly masturbated while I looked at it.
It was now noon time and my brothers tour bus should be arriving anytime now. I stood outside my house with my parents suit case packed and bouncing up and down in anticipation. I couldnt stop smiling. Almost right on time the big silver and black bus pulled up and stopped. The doors opened and out came Alex in black and white basketball shorts and a lose fitting white t shirt. I got butterflies from looking at him.
He smilied at us as he stepped out of the bus,” Hey mom! Hey dad! I missed you guys.” He ran up and gave them a group hug. We have not seen Alex in almost a year now and sense the last time I saw him I had grown up quite a bit. My chest is no longer flat, my hair is longer, and my more rounded child like featureshave turned into sharp ones. I was radiating confidence.
Alex backed away from them to look at me. I saw him check me out from head to toe but I dont think my parents noticed. I was wearing short jean shorts and a low cut purple tank top with a cross necklace and converse. He walked torwards me,” I think your my little sister. Come here!” He said and gave me a tight bear hug. “Yeah its me” I said then laughed lightly. He looked at me for awhile then turned to our parents. “Dont worry guys ill make sure shes safe. I wish we had more time to catch up but we have a tight schedule and we have to go now. Ill see you guys soon.” With that Alex motioned for me to go with him I hugged my parents bye and told them I loved them then boarded the tour bus.
The bus was pretty big on the inside. There was a booth, a microwave, a fridge, four bunk beds with curtains, a bathroom, a large couch, a TV with a DVD player and a Xbox, and in the very front of the bus was where the driver sat.
“So this is Christina,” Alex told Jordon. I have met him once before but it was awhile ago. I waved at Jordon and he smilied at me. Jordon was a large man very strong looking but with soft blue eyes and blonde hair. He was taller than Alex and stood at 6’5 at least. He had light stubble on his chin which was kind of sexy I thought.
The bus started moving and we were on our way to California where the first show took place.
It had been about four hours and me, Alex, Myca, and Jordon were all watching TV. Alex had requested we make a pit stop to a resturant as we were all pretty hungry. We went to Ruby Tuesdays and sat at a booth for four. Alex sat with me across from Myca and I sat across from Jordon. “So Jordon how old are you?” I asked him. He looked up from his menu. “I am twenty.” He said and looked back down. That wasnt to old for me right? Id love to be handeled by a strong guy held in the air by his arms as he slammed his cock into my wet pussy. I shifted in my seat pushing my legs together. I could feel myself getting wet from the thought.
After we ordered the food and had a little conversation Myca announced she had to use the bathroom. Alex had to, too so it was just me and Jordon sitting here now. I felt a bit awkward and picked at my fench fries. “So do you have a girlfriend?” I asked Jordon. He shook his head no as he took a sip of his water. “How about you ,you have a boyfriend or are you to young for that?” He asked and smirked. I smilied,” I dont have a boyfriend and its not because im to young its just I have not found the right guy.” I said and looked at him.
“How old are you exactly?” He asked me taking a bite of his steak. “Im sixteen.” I told him. He nodded and shoved another piece of steak in his mouth. “So have you ever been physical with a guy?” He asked me with a smilie on his face. “Ive given blow jobs and hand jobs but thats it.” I said. I felt myself getting wetter talking about it. I need to masturbate. “Hey I forgot my purse on the bus ill be right back.” He nodded and continued to eat his steak.
I figured Alex and Myca were probably in the bathroom fucking or something so I went to the bus to fuck myself. I had packed a pink dildo just incase and I was glad I did. I speed walked to the bus and opened the door. I heard loud screams coming from behind one of the curtains. “Oh fuck me Alex! Yes right there oh shit fuck im going to cum!” I couldnt believe I had walked in on my brother having sex. I couldnt move my feet all I could do was stare open mouthed at the bunk it was coming from. “Get on your knees.” I heard Alex say in a low husky voice. The bunk curtain flew open and Myca got on her knees not even seeing me standing there and my brother got out and stood in front of her. He jerked his cock a few time titled his head back and let out louds moans as he squirted jizz all over her face and chest.
Ive seen Cum before but ive never seen my brothers! I was so turned on by this I couldnt believe it. Myca took her finger and scooped the cum off of her breasts and face and sucked it off of her finger. Alex was smiling and so wasnt she then he turned and noticed me and my heart dropped. “Fuck!” He exclaimed and tried to cover himself. I must say he had an impressive cock it must have been about 8 inches easy.
Myca gave me a smug look. “Enjoy the show?” She asked sarcastically. Alex went into the bunk and grabbed his shorts then put them back on. “Fuck Chris how long were you standing there?” I couldnt find my voice to answer him all I could do was stare. I cleared my throat,” Long enough.” I answered. I turned red and exited the bus walking stiffly back into the returant. Jordon was done with his steak and he looked at me. “I couldnt find it.” I lied.
This is my first story. I know its slow but I promise it will be worth it.