My Boyfriend’s Father and Me. The Affair Continues.

"My affair with my boyfriend's father continues."

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Tom, the father of my boyfriend Mike, had caught us fucking in bed and to cut a long story short, Tom propositioned me a few days later and I had sex with him. Amazing sex.

For the next week, I could not get the images of my experience with Tom out of my mind. The memories of the two of us enjoying what we did together were extremely powerful. Mostly because I had enjoyed sex with a man older than my father. I could not believe that I agreed to do it with him or the pleasure I got from his amazing cock.

He had shown me ways to have sex that Mike and I had never achieved. I can honestly say it was the adventure of my lifetime and I could not have enjoyed anything better. I cannot imagine any another seventeen-year-old girl I knew, doing what I did.

The memories of him cumming so deeply inside me when he did me doggy style were imprinted on my mind. The feeling of him inside me would live for a long time in my memory. He hadn’t needed to thrust, his cock was so far up inside me, it just spurted. His body and cock jerked with each spurt of his cum. I heard and felt each grunt.

The memory of being fucked so well was amazing.

Tom had kept his bone hard cock in me for ages after he had cum. He had laid along my back with his cock deeply embedded inside me. I believe he had enjoyed fucking me as much as I enjoyed him doing it.

When he finally pulled his cock out, his cum just flowed back out of me. He had removed the plug holding it all inside me.

It was the most amazing sensation I had ever had. That memory would live with me forever.

When I agreed to go with him, I believed it would be only the once. Then I could not erase the memories of that experience. I had achieved a sexual experience in one evening I could never have imagined. I could not get them out of my mind.

In my short lifetime, I had never imagined sex could be like that. That wonderful experience was one not many other women would ever have achieved with an older man as I had. I knew that I would not be able to say no, should he ask me again.

— O —

A day or so after Tom and I had spent our time together, I had my period. That gave me time to reflect on our experience but unfortunately not be able to practice my new found knowledge with Mike.

Mike was aware of my period and I didn’t see him for almost a week. That was unusual even in view of my condition. Normally when I was having my period we still met and I would wank or suck his cock for him and keep him happy. I hope he had not learned of his dad fucking me.

Once my period was over, Mike and I had a few hours together and did what we had normally done when we had sex together. We fucked and I had sucked him off. I suggested that we do it doggy style like I had with Tom, but not telling him Tom had shown me how wonderful it was.

Mike was curious as to how I had learned about this position but never the less fulfilled the functions of a man when he fucks like that. I had never done it with Mike like that before, but he seemed to be conversant with it. Maybe he had been watching some porn.

That fuck with Mike was nowhere near as memorable as my first doggy fuck with Tom. That was a mind-bending experience and one I would never forget… or regret.

A few days later, I was walking home again and Tom pulled up next to me and offered me a lift. I didn’t hesitate and hopped in. I kissed him on the lips as I had done when we had been fucking together. He responded and we had a nice passionate few minutes together. I loved it. I was actually so pleased to see him again.

“I hear you and Mike have been fucking again,” Tom said.

“Are you jealous?” I said in a way that taunted him.

“Of course,” He said as he laughed. “You and I are naturals. It couldn’t be as good as it was with me,” He responded.

“Oh, I am not complaining. Like father like son, he fucks me doggy now,” I chided. “I thought I was showing him something new but he seemed to know what to do and how.”

“That’s interesting,” Tom said, in a way that sounded he was a little surprised too.

“Next time I am with you I want you to do it with me like that again. I loved it like that,” I said.

“Then you have decided there is going to be the next time. That’s wonderful. I was wondering if you would ask,” He said.

“Liar, you knew I would,” I teased.

“I knew there would be no if’s. Now it has to be when? You were amazing and I know how much you enjoyed it,” Tom said.

“Not today. How would Saturday afternoon be? Mike plays football and goes for a few drinks afterwards and he is never any good after he has been drinking. He goes on forever and I get bored, and he gets tired and can’t cum,” I explained.

“That sounds wonderful. I am going to have another surprise for you. I think you will be impressed,” Tom said.

“Now I am curious, is it a new way to fuck. One we haven’t done before.?” I asked.

“Just wait and see but I am sure you will enjoy what I have in mind, but be prepared it is going to be very different. I have given it a lot of thought and I believe you will like what I have planned,” Tom said.

By now we were at the end of my street and I didn’t want him to drive me the rest of the way. I didn’t want to be seen with him regularly. As I leant over to kiss him I put my hand between his legs and I could feel that big cock was not hard but it was firm. As we kissed he put his hand on my breasts and squeezed them gently. That gave me a real tingle and I was soaking my pants again. I was happy that I had that effect upon him.

We kissed gently but not passionately.

I got out and I said, “Until Saturday, I can hardly wait.”

On my way up the street, I thought about us again. I could not get the thoughts and memories out of my mind. What was he planning? I was curious. I certainly hoped it would not be involving Mike. I wanted it to be just Tom.

Saturday morning I got a text message.’Meet me in the park, I will pick you up there at 2’. Obviously, he realised I didn’t want to be seen getting picked up in his car near my place.

I could not control my urge and masturbated during the morning. Tom and I were going to fuck again, I was going to have that huge cock up me again. I was beside myself with excitement and anticipation.

I arrived at the park and saw Tom’s car. I got in and without a word, he drove off.

“God, I am looking forward to this,” I told him.

“My dear, I have a surprise for you. I hope you will enjoy it,” Tom said rather cautiously.

“What sort of a surprise? I thought it might be another new position. Aren’t we just going to fuck? ” I asked.

“We are, but I want you to meet somebody first. I am sure you will enjoy what I have in mind,” Tom said.

“Tom, stop playing games with me. All I want to do is fuck with you. I have been thinking about it for days. What is going on? I am not going to get involved with a gangbang with any of your mates. I won’t do it with anybody but you.”

“It’s not a gangbang. I would not insult you by arranging for you to do that. It will be fine, you and I will fuck and you will enjoy it. First, I want you to meet Jan. I think you know she is the other woman in my life since Sue and I divorced,” Tom explained.

“Jan? She is your ex- wife’s sister, isn’t she? Mike has mentioned that you go to her place when her husband is away and fuck her.”

“Yes, Jan and I have been fucking for years, even before Sue. I was going to marry Jan but Sue got pregnant, and that was the end of that. I found out later that Sue had planned it and lied to me that she was on the pill. She was jealous of Jan,” Tom explained.

“You were fucking them both. Did they both know?”

“Yes. Sue stopped taking the pill and she fell pregnant and then Jan would not have anything more to do with me.”

“I don’t blame her. But why do I have to meet Jan?” I asked.

“Because I am fucking her as well again and I don’t want the same thing as what happened between her and Sue to happen between you two. You both have to know and understand what I am doing.”

“Shit, this is getting complicated. I thought I was crazy fucking both father and son, now I am going to get mixed up you and your wife’s sister. I hope Mike is not fucking her too?” I said rather sarcastically.

By this time we were at Tom’s place and there was a car already in the garage. Tom parked behind it and I got out.

“Are we going to use the back room or the house?” I enquired.

“Jan is waiting in the back room. That’s where I have planned everything,” He said.

“What plan?” I asked.

Tom didn’t reply. By now we were inside the garage and he was closing the door.

Then a woman appeared at the door of the bedroom. She was beautiful and appeared to be in her mid-thirties. Twice my age. She was attractive and had a lovely smile. She was wearing short denim shorts and a nice cotton top. She had a great figure. That sort of put me a little more at ease than I had been. I was concerned about what they had obviously talked about and planned. I hadn’t realised Tom had told Jan all about him fucking me. I still was not happy.

“Hi Sarah, I am so glad to meet you. Tom has told me so much about you.”

“Jan, I am sorry I can’t say as much about you unfortunately as Tom has just informed me of your relationship. Mike has mentioned that Tom was sleeping with you but that’s as much as I knew until five minutes ago. I still have a lot to learn it seems,” I replied.

“You and Mike are lovers too, I believe. He told me about how Tom and you met.” Jan said.

“It seems I am the only one in the dark here. I think I need to hear some explanations before this goes any further,” I addressed both Jan and Tom.

“At least you are not going to be gangbanged!” Tom laughed.

“What is that all about?” Jan asked.

“I thought he was bringing me to meet a few of his mates and get screwed by them all. It seems I was wrong there,” I said.

“I can assure you that won’t happen. Like you, there is no way I would be into that,” Jan said.

By now we were all in the bedroom and had found somewhere to sit. Tom asked if we would like a cup of coffee or a glass of wine. It seems they were preparing themselves for a discussion. It certainly wasn’t looking like a fuckfest at this stage.

“Mike tells me you are seventeen and the two of you have been lovers for a month or so?” Jan was obviously asking me.

“True,” I replied. “Tom caught us in bed and I believe you may know the rest.”

It seems Mike and Jan have been comparing notes. I wonder what else they have discussed.

“I won’t ask you to compare Tom and Mike. Nothing equals what Tom has to offer,” Jan added.

That seemed to indicate that Jan had fucked Mike. I was going to ask him some embarrassing questions next time we were fucking each other.

Then Jan asked the loaded question. “Have you ever made love with another girl?” Jan asked.

“Shit, no,” I replied.

“Have you ever been asked by another girl, or has that opportunity not arisen?” Jan asked.

Tom was preparing the coffee but was obviously listening to every word.

“I have not given it any thought. I know a few of the girls on the netball team are lesbians,” I told her.

“What would you think if another girl asked you?” Jan said.

“I have never considered it. I don’t know,” I replied.

“Have you any idea what they would do together?” Jan asked.

“I have a fair idea. I have seen a few porn videos where two girls have sex, so I suppose I do,” I replied.

I was now going to see where it was all heading but I had a good idea. I now knew why Jan was there. I couldn’t help it, and I was getting rather moist down below. It hadn’t taken long for sex to raise its head.

“If I asked you, would you be interested?” Jan came straight out with it.

“I think I know where all this is leading now and why Tom has invited us both here. I wanted to be fucked by him like we fucked before but this is something I never expected,” I said in a rather uncertain way.

Tom bought the coffee and some biscuits.

Then he said, “I think we should all discuss it. I think you both want me to fuck you and I will. However, Jan asked me about you after I told her how good you were in bed. It was obvious how much sex interests you and I thought that you two might just like trying it as many women do together.”

“And no doubt watch,” I said sarcastically. “Have you done it with other women?” I asked Jan.

“Yes. A few. And I like it,” Jan said.

“She and Sue have done it together too, and with me as well. A threesome.” Tom said.

“Slow down, Tom. Sarah has not even done it yet and now you are suggesting a threesome. She may not like it.” Jan added.

I was now listening and taking everything in. It was obviously Tom who was more interested in us getting together than Jan I believe. I was brought here to have sex with Jan and then to have sex with them both as Tom had said… in a threesome.

“I think this is moving too fast for me. Let me get it right. I am to have sex with Jan, then Tom is to have sex with us both. Am I right?”

“I told you she was intelligent,” Tom said. “She has worked it out already.”

“Then all we need to know is if Sarah is willing. I know I feel that I could enjoy some time with her and show her some of the things girls can do that in my mind are better than doing it with guys.” Jan said.

“I believe it’s my decision,” I said.

“And?” Jan asked.

“I came here for sex because I believed I really wanted it, and I do. I am prepared to see what it is like. If I don’t like it, Tom is to fuck me and take me home then the two of you can fuck your hearts out without me.”

I now had it off my chest and out in the open. They both knew exactly where my priorities lay.

Tom looked at Jan and said, “I think it’s up to you now.”

As they talked I knew I had agreed to something I may or may not have enjoyed. So long as Tom fucked me I would be happy. Jan stood up and suggested it was time for the party to begin, and began to undress. It seemed nothing more needed to be said. Tom also began and I didn’t need to be told. I started to remove my clothing as well.

Within a minute there were three very naked people looking at each other.

“I can see you have been doing a bit of gardening,” Tom said.

Tom had noticed my recently shaved and shaped pubic hair. At our last meeting when Tom went down on me he commented on how much hair I had around my vagina. I got the message and took the razor to myself. Even I thought it looked nicer and my labia were hair-free for him to lick and suck. I had reduced my hair to a very much shorter version of the natural shape. I had created a bikini line as it was referred to.

I looked at Jan. She had completely removed her pubic hair. Her breasts were perfect. Firm and with a lovely uplift and bright red nipples. I thought, ‘I hope mine will be as good as hers when I am her age.’

Tom’s cock was slack and like before, looked long and thick. His balls were hanging down like a bull’s. His cock was something I wanted more than anything to feel it up and inside me again. My breasts were still growing but I had enough for Mike and Tom to enjoy when we fucked. To ‘titillate’ me as Mike calls it.

Jan came over to me and put her arms around me. This was to be my introduction to lesbian sex.

“Can I kiss you?” Jan asked.

I didn’t respond with words I just pressed my lips to hers, put my arms around her and felt the warmth of her naked body press against mine. I liked it.

Our breasts were pressed together and her tongue immediately slipped into my mouth and I added mine to the mix. Within seconds I had my eyes closed and I was kissing another woman in the same way I had kissed boys for some time. It only took me a few seconds to realise there was nothing objectionable about kissing another girl. Jan soon had me completely relaxed and enjoying my first experience with another woman.

Jan rubbed her fingers down my spine as we kissed and this gave me wonderful tingles as we kissed. Her caresses were working. I was getting wetter and wetter.

I guess we had been kissing for two or three minutes, it was nice and I was enjoying it. Jan was experienced and knew where to put her hands as we kissed. Mike was good at this as well. When Tom and I kissed, it was passionate but not as sensual.

One of Jan’s hands had moved to my breasts and she was fondling my nipples. This did many things to me as I love playing with my nipples and having others play with them too. I copied her.

Without saying a word, Jan maneuvered me around and was now gently pushing me toward the bed. I knew what was coming and allowed myself to go back until my legs hit the bed and I sat down and Jan immediately followed. In a second, we were laying full length on the bed caressing and kissing. Her hands were all over me. That was something I needed to learn.

Without another word, Jan lay on top of me. Both our bodies were now pressing breasts, tummies and pubic regions, all rubbing together. This was exciting me. I spread my legs and she filled the gap. The feeling was amazing. I could smell a light scent behind her ears. The sensation of our skin rubbing against each other was even more sensual than when I did it with Mike or Tom. Then she gently rubbed our two pubic regions together, things were getting better. I decided there was no way I was backing out now.

Jan then slid down my body until her face was level with my breasts. Then she took one of my hard red nipples into her mouth and sucked and licked the nipple.

“Oh shit, that’s beautiful,” I murmured to her softly. I had a feeling my vagina was actually leaking as I had made so much juice down there.

Jan continued to lick and suck changing to the other nipple and then back and forth between the two of them. Both Mike and Tom had sucked my nipples but nothing equalled the way Jan was doing it to me. If this was making love to another woman it was great so far, and I have a feeling I know where it’s going.

When Jan finished with my nipples her hand went down to my vagina.

“Oh, you are beautifully wet. I am going to enjoy this.”

Jan slid down over my body without losing skin contact. As she passed my belly button she licked it with her tongue which also felt good. Then she put both of her arms around my legs spread them wide and the did what Tom had done to me last time. I made myself comfortable with my legs up and knees bent so Jan had unrestricted access to my cunt.

The Jan’s tongue opened my lips and she licked my slit from bottom to the top and I almost cried with the sensation. It was amazing. This is the second time this had happened to me and I could never have imagined that one small part of me could provide so much pleasure.

The first was when Tom put his cock into it. That was a feeling I will never forget. That superseded any sensation I had ever had there, including the first time I had sex, which now seemed tame. At the time it was exciting, but nowhere near as good as Tom fucking me.

Now I had my eyes wide open and saw Tom standing there watching Jan seduce me. He was slowly wanking his beautiful cock which was now hard. I had missed the opportunity to feel it getting hard in my hand which I had enjoyed last time.

Tom saw me looking and came to the side of the bed and offered his cock to me to suck. Nothing was said. He obviously had no qualms about bringing me here and introducing me to my first bisexual experience, and neither did I… now. I was involved in sex with two other people at the same time – my first three-way.

I had never imagined myself doing this, and not only doing it but enjoying it beyond any ideas I may have had about doing it.

I could see the pre-cum at the eye of his cock and some had leaked down between that join in the head of it. I licked it clean as I had for Mike a few times. Then I took the big head of it into my mouth. I had Jan licking my cunt and I was sucking Tom’s cock I was using my own fingers to play with my nipples. I had everything in play. My body was in raptures. I was enjoying my first three-way in a way I could never have imagined. I was having the time of my life.

All my concerns about what they had planned for me had gone forever. I was enjoying this almost as much as I enjoyed Tom fucking me. I had gone to a new dimension and I had a feeling there was a way to go. If this was a three-way I wanted more. Tom’s cock was the epitome of my desire and nothing we had done so far had equalled the feeling of him fucking me with it.

Jan began to concentrate on my vagina and her licking. She had slipped a finger into me as Tom had done. This was my second experience at getting licked out and the more they did, the more I was enjoying it. Jan’s method was a little different to Tom’s and she obviously knew what women liked, being one herself.

I have to admit she was better at it and not quite as rough as Tom. His aim was to get me to cum as soon as he could. Jan was allowing me to enjoy the variety of sensations she knew of before bringing me off. That was obvious to me now.

It didn’t take long for this new experience for me to get me excited to the point of cumming. I had not learned the ways and means of delaying my orgasm doing it like this…yet. I started to cum and Jan immediately realised and took all the actions to make sure she and I enjoyed it.

I began to suck hard on Tom’s cock but I couldn’t do both so I took it out of my mouth. I would finish him off after I had cum.

Jan concentrated on my clit and I was lifting my bum off the bed as each wave of sensations in my body seemed to be concentrated on my clit. I was about to cum but Jan was able to slow it down a bit for me. Eventually, I could bear me no more. I screamed.

“Fucking hell!”

The sensation was truly amazing. Jan’s tongue continued to lick my clit which she had squeezed out of its sheath as I had done many times when I masturbated. She was able to lick it with her rough tongue. I almost cried with the sensation.

My body was wracked by the amazing feelings of my orgasm. My tummy muscles were spasming and twitching, I could feel my bum hole squeezing and relaxing every time I had a spasm.

This is what I call cumming… in a big way.

I was bumping up and down and wriggling and pulling my nipples all at once. Jan was attempting to keep my clit involved but I was being a bit too physical. She ended up putting her mouth right over my vagina and sucking the juices that were now flowing freely from inside me that make me wet.

It felt like ages, but it could not have been more than a minute my body was involved in another most physical experience. I had cum for the first time with another woman. This was the epitome of sex with another woman. I could not control my feelings and my body shook and shivered with the amazing feeling she was giving me as I climaxed and my clit was responding to.

Then Jan applied a little more pressure and sucked and licked my vagina and clit almost feverishly. I was pinching my nipples so hard it was hurting but I ignored the pain as it was adding to the sensation I was enjoying having another orgasm.

I came again. Now I had come twice within a minute or so. Never before have I managed to do that.

This time not as vigorously but the feeling was a little more intense as my clit was a little tender and I had not fully finished the first one. My whole body shivered and shook as I do during an orgasm. My clit was still tingling with the first sensation when the second one hit me. I could not remember so many things happening at once. My orgasms… two I believe… were even better than the one I had with Tom.

Tom was by the bed slowly wanking and watching everything that I was enjoying.

Jan stood up and I heard her say to Tom.

“She is amazing, she had a multiple. I am really going to enjoy more time with her. She leaves Sue for dead.”

It was then I realised that the two sisters had not only shared Tom as a man but had shared themselves as sisters. Incest. ‘What sort of a family had I become involved with?’ I was enjoying every moment and wanted more.

By now I had almost recovered from my most wonderful introduction to having sex with another woman. My heartbeat and breath were now back to normal. my nipples were still a bit sore. I was still laying there and I saw Tom still stroking his cock. I put my hand out and replaced his hand with mine. I sat up and knelt before him and began to suck that huge cock head he has and fill my mouth with his beautiful cock.

Jan looked at me. I could see the smile on her face. I wasn’t her sister, however, I could have been as we had all found Tom and his wonderful cock, and we were enjoying the best sex of our lives.

Jan was touching her cunt as she watched us together and it wasn’t long before Tom said,

“Get ready beautiful, it is on its way.”

Then I felt the first spurt of his warm ropey cum fill my mouth. His body shook in the spasms similar to what I had just enjoyed. I swallowed his first spurt and he continued to provide me with his beautiful and tasty cum. The feeling of his cum in my mouth was even better than Mike’s. There was a lot more of it too.

I held my head as he had done before to steady himself as his knees bent with the sensation of the spasms he was having. Mike did the same and had explained how it affects your legs when you are standing up and you feel like your knees turn to jelly. Mine don’t but it seems men’s do.

Tom finally stopped ejaculating, so I milked his cock with my fingers and got the remaining cum out of it. I had extracted every drop of his semen and I had enjoyed and swallowed every bit of it.

I stood up and Jan came to me and held me to her.

“Kiss me, let me taste him too,” She implored.

Our tongues writhed and wrapped around each other as the taste of his cum spread from my mouth to hers. After a minute or two, the taste was gone.

“I will teach you to snowball next time I get a mouth full,” Jan told me.

I had heard the expression and had a fair idea of what it was and I now had something more to look forward to. The three of us were now sitting and we began to talk about what we had just done.

Jan looked directly at me in the eye.

“For your first time, you are a natural. You and I will be having some wonderful times together in future.”

I maintained the eye contact, and said, “Thank you. I really did enjoy and appreciate that with you. I could not have asked for anything better. I think it’s your turn now. Maybe I should learn another trick.”

“Be my guest, my new young friend. The two of us are going to be really good friends,” Jan said smiling.

It seems Jan had appreciated my performance. I was now a bisexual woman and had experienced my first time having sex with two people at the same time. I was more than happy.

Tom enthused about my ability to enjoy sex with him and complimented on the way I can suck and swallow.

“For a girl your age, you are amazing. Mike doesn’t realise what he has with a girl like you.” He said.

“Mike doesn’t have a cock like yours or does he make as much cum. I just love it when you cum. It is so exciting feeling it spurting in my mouth before I swallow it. I love it,” I told him.

“Is she as good as me?” Jan asked.

“That is for me to know and you to find out,” Tom smirked and winked at me. I think I knew the answer in his mind.

I certainly knew that I could not imagine anything better than being fucked by Tom and his huge cock. Jan didn’t seem to make any reference to his cock at all. After Sue had left, Tom he went back to fucking Jan, or as I was to find out he continued to fuck them both even when they were married. Sooner or later I would hear the full story so I was not going to push that line.

“What are we going to do now? I have cum once with Jan and I sucked Tom off. It’s about time the two of you showed me what you can do. There is so much for me to learn and experience. Why don’t you two have a fuck and I can watch?”

Tom hesitated and said, “I think it would be better for you two to keep going. Sarah, you have never licked a pussy yet, have you? I am sure Jan wouldn’t mind a novice experience. She could certainly give you a few clues. I am happy so far and I know there are far better things to come with both of you.”

Jan didn’t need to be asked twice. “I take it you have never gone down on another girl?” Jan asked.

“No,” I said.

“Then there is no time like the present. I gather you have no inhibitions about going down on me?”

“None at all,” I replied. “There has to be a first time for everything and I cant think of a better partner or time.”

“Good then I think we should start with it in the usual way and maybe we can progress to a sixty-nine. Have you done a sixty-nine on Tom yet?”

“Not on Tom, but Mike and I have done it a couple of times,” I said.

“Lucky bastard.” Said Tom.

Jan suggested we have a one on one to start with until I get a bit of experience.

“That suits me. The problem I find with a sixty-nine is that I couldn’t concentrate on giving Mike a good time if I was concentrating on getting a good time at the same time,” I commented.

I knew that I had that problem with Mike. When he was giving me a good oral, I virtually stopped sucking him because I was enjoying what he was doing to me. I needed more experience and I knew it. Maybe Jan could show me how to improve my technique.

Jan was ready and opened her legs for me. Tom made himself comfortable to watch us and as fondling his half hard cock. I just loved seeing him play with it. It is so big.

I positioned myself and got ready.

“Just do what I did to you, and see how you go,” Jan said.

I had never been this close to any girl’s vagina ever, particularly one with no hair. I had studied mine in the mirror a lot, but hers was quite different to mine. Her labia seemed to be outside her lips and mine was between them and out of sight.

Her scent was no different to mine. She was wet too like I am when I am worked up. I was happy that up till now everything was as I would have imagined.

“Use your fingers to spread my lips and have a look at me,” Jan said.

I did as I was told. Everything inside her was bright pink and glistening with her moisture.

“Have you ever had a look at yourself?” She asked.

“Yes and apart from your lips, and hair, I think we are both the same,” I replied.

“Now have a look at my clit. Squeeze the nub out and see how shiny it is with all the juice on it.”

I did what I had done to myself many times. So far there was nothing that I hadn’t already done to myself or Mike had done to me, but he had never sucked on my cunt.

“Everything is fine with me, you and I are pretty much alike. I think your clit is a bit bigger than mine. I didn’t realise that they were different,” I said.

Tom said, “There are no two the same, believe me.”

“OK, if you are happy then keep me open and lick my slit right up to my clit and taste my juice.”

I did as she told me. Her taste was pretty much like mine when I lick my fingers when I masturbate.

I did as she asked and applied a bit of pressure to make sure I got a good lot on my tongue. I really wanted to see what she tasted like. Only Tom had done it to me before today so I had a lot to learn.

“Are you sure you haven’t don’t that before?” Jan asked.

“Why?” I questioned.

“You did that like a pro,” She said.

“I have licked my fingers when I masturbate but that’s all. Everything I have learned so far was from the time Tom did it for me and then you. I really enjoyed it from you both and remembered what I liked the most,” I replied.

“I think I have struck gold with you two. You are lesbians of the highest order it seems,” Tom said.

“That’s the first time I have been called a lesbian,” I said.

“Then get used to it, if anybody knows you fuck other women then you are a lesbian it seems,” Tom said.

“Is this still called fucking?” I asked.

“Call it what you like my dear, it is fucking amazing with another woman and you are proving that even though it’s your first time. You are a natural.” Jan added.

I got back to licking her cunt and the juices she was making.

I felt proud that two very experienced people were enjoying doing everything we have done so far and enjoyed it with me. I had learned a lot in my limited experience with Tom and now Jan.

Mike has been a big help too. I have learned a lot from them all in how much fun and enjoyment sex can be if it is done properly. I was glad that I was not a novice or a virgin anymore. This would have been completely different I feel, and rather overwhelming.

Doing it like this on a bed and with all your clothes off is much better than having everything hanging out of your clothing on the back seat of a car, where I have got most of my sex education prior to meeting Mike. I gathered now that all that fumbling and fingering and getting covered in cum was a thing of the past. I have Mike’s bed to fuck him on and now this little sex haven with Tom and probably Jan too.

I thought, ‘there is no way I could do this at home. My parents would disown me if they knew what I was doing.’

I was doing everything properly. It seemed like Jan was no longer giving me instructions and was obviously enjoying what I was doing if the noises she was making were any indication. She was playing with her nipples as I sucked. I knew that is a good sign as I do that myself when worked up. I had done as Tom had done to me and slipped a finger into her at the same time. My finger obviously wasn’t as long or as thick as Tom’s but it seemed to hit the right spots.

I had been working on Jan for over five minutes when Tom came around behind me. It felt nice with one hand on my cheeks of my ass spreading them apart. Then he put his finger in me from that angle. I spread my legs to give him better access. Another new experience I was enjoying. I would have liked to have seen how I looked with my head between Jan’s legs, my bum in the air and Tom fingering my cunt. It must have looked really erotic, It certainly felt like it.

I was now engaging with both Jan and Tom both orally and physically. Apart from playing with Tom’s cock and sucking it a few minutes before while Jan was licking me, this was the second time I had engaged with more than one person at the same time. Three ways were going to be a feature if my sex life in future it seems. I was engaging in another virgin experience. I thought, ‘how much further can I go?’ I had now accomplished two different three-way sex experiences.

Now I was totally confused. I didn’t know what to do to enjoy everything at the same time. I was loving licking and sucking on Jan and now Tom had his fingers up me. That felt great too

Jan realised I was being distracted and told Tom to give me a break as it was interfering with me giving her a good licking. He pulled his finger out and it felt like the plug had been pulled again. One end of me was missing its stimulation while the other end now had only on purpose. To make Jan cum.

I concentrated on Jan and I could feel her body responding and she was becoming more mobile and wriggling as if she was getting the feeling I recognised when you were getting close.

I used my fingers and did what she did to me and squeezed her clit out of its sheath again and licked it.

That was the pinnacle of my treatment of her evidently. She shuddered and bounced and cried out.

“Oh shit…. oh shit. Don’t stop now… make me cum.” In between breaths she screamed,”Oh, Fuck… lick it… lick it.”

I did as I was told and her body erupted into the spasms of an orgasm. I had done my job. I did what she did and kept licking her vagina. I was enjoying this, I was giving a woman an orgasm.

“I am cumming again… oh, shit… don’t stop… keep going… keep going… keep going.”

I did.

Then she let out the loudest groan I have ever heard and collapsed back on the bed. She was spent.

“Stop,” She cried gasping for breath. I did.

I stood up. Tom and I were looking down on Jan, completely exhausted. I could not wipe the smile off my face. I was so pleased with myself.

I hugged Tom.

“I did it,” I exclaimed proudly.

“Fuck, you really gave it to her,” Tom exclaimed. “She is really fucked.”

I felt extremely proud of myself. I had given my first woman partner an orgasm she obviously enjoyed.

“Did I do it right?” I asked.

“You did it brilliantly, I had a double orgasm. I don’t have many of those.” Jan exclaimed.

Jan took my free hand and squeezed it, the other was wrapped around Tom’s cock.

“I think you impressed her. You certainly impressed me and I was only watching,” Tom said as he put one arm around me fondled my breast.

“I enjoyed it too. I am glad I learned as much as I have in the two times I have done it. One with you and one with Jan. You both really know how to let a girl know what’s good for her,” I commented.

Jan was now sitting on the edge of the bed.

“That had to be one of the most amazing things I have done, and I have done that many times.”

Jan was looking directly at me.

“You … young lady, are a natural,” she told me. “Multiple orgasms on your first attempt. You are amazing, Sarah and I are going to be very good friends. Tom, she could teach you a thing or two. I have never cum twice with you.” Jan admitted.

Tom said, “It’s getting late and Mike will be home soon. I don’t think it would be a good idea for him to find the three of us here together, particularly as Sarah is his girl.“

“I have enjoyed everything with you both, but I would love to go home with a load of Tom’s cum in me. Can you fuck me just once before I leave?” I asked.

“I would never refuse an offer like that,” Tom said. “Hop up on the bed young lady. – how would you like it”.

“Missionary, please,” I replied.

I got on the bed and Jan made herself comfortable in a chair to watch Tom fuck me.

“I will enjoy this. It’s been a while since I have watched him do this. This will be good as I know exactly what it feels like.”

I got up and got ready. Tom’s beautiful big fat cock was hard and ready for action.

I lay there and watched as his cock bobbed and bounced as he got ready. He positioned himself between my opened and drawn back legs. My knees were almost touching my shoulders. I really wanted to feel it going in again and filling my cunt with his wonderful cock.

There were no words. Tom just positioned his cock at my opening and pressed it into me and I could feel the head of it part my lips which were wet and waiting for it. Then he pressed forward and as his cock slid up into my body. It only took a second and he was right up inside me as far as he could go. I knew what it felt like last time and it felt even better this time.

He bent forward and we kissed with our tongues entwined and his cock firmly filling the opposite end of my body. This is what I really needed, and wanted and I could not wish for anything better. It must have looked amazing with me on my back and my bum in the air and Tom firmly inside me and virtually laying over the top of me.

After a minute or two of kissing, he pushed himself up on his arms and then began to fuck me slowly and deliberately. I was not only enjoying it, so was he. I could tell from the look of absolute pleasure on his face he was feeling the sensational feeling of his cock inside me as I was feeling it in me.

He commented, “Jeezus, you are tight. Nobody I have ever fucked has been that tight.”

Every moment of our previous experience was coming back to me. I was enjoying sensations inside me that I had never felt until Tom had done this with me last time. His cock was just amazing and so was he. Our age difference made no difference he treated me as he had treated Jan. It was as if we were sisters, like Jan and his former wife. I wondered if his wife had ever enjoyed him fucking her like he was fucking me.

I was moving and trying to maintain the rhythm that Tom had established when he was fucking me and I was moving my ass to meet his thrusts. I did this with Mike too so I was reasonably competent doing it.

Jan was now on her feet and closely watching our two bodies moving in unison and working wonders inside me.

“Say, girl, you are no novice. How often have you been fucked?” Jan asked.

“About a dozen times but only really been fucked properly twice. Both times by Tom. He is something else. Fucking with Mike and the others was good but this is just amazing. I have never felt anything like this before,” I replied.

“Ï think I know what you mean,”Jan replied.

“I don’t know how long I can remain with Jack, my husband. I want to marry Tom one day. He can’t hold a candle to Tom .” She said.

Tom was fucking me perfectly.

Jan then took matters into her own hands and said, “Tom brought us here to have a threesome, let’s have fun. You got close when he fingered you but now while he is fucking you I want to show you what a real threesome can be like.”

Jan then got up on the bed and stood over my head. She then lowered her body down so her pussy was right over my mouth. I didn’t need to be told what I had to do.

I licked and sucked her cunt as she moved her pussy over my mouth and was giving herself a good time. Tom was fucking me like a man possessed. I seemed to be on autopilot.

It wasn’t long until Jan came. She filled my mouth with her juices and then climbed off the bed. She had a good orgasm but nothing like the one she had with me earlier. Then Tom really got to me and began to pump his cock into me like it was a piston in an F1 formula car.

It didn’t take me long of his fucking treatment to have me cumming.

Once more I was enjoying one of the most amazing moments of my life. I had cum many many times from masturbating, sucking and fucking with Mike and a few others. The sensation I was having at this moment was amazing as usual. My body movements left no doubt to what I was experiencing and enjoying. It must have been obvious as Jan said.

“Good girl, well done.”

I then prepared myself for Tom to cum. He didn’t take long and I could see and feel him starting to fill me with his wonderful cum. It felt awesome and his huge cock was pumping me and filling me and I felt that this is what I was on earth for. To be filled like Tom was filling me and enjoying making love with a man, not a boy.

Our age difference may be great but our love of sex was identical. He had the cock I sought and I have provided a cunt for him to unload his semen into. It was as if Jan and I WERE sisters. He did it to both of us and we appreciated it enormously.

Tom pulled out and I lay there for a moment enjoying the sensation of being fucked by the most capable man I could ever imagine.

Then Jan said, “Let’s finish off with a creampie.”

I had no idea what she meant until she got between my legs and licked my cunt and Toms cum that was beginning to flow back out of me. Jan was there licking and sucking it out of me and enjoying every drop. I was almost cumming again with the new sensation I had not previously been aware of.

This was the beginning of a whole new life for me. I was going to have to work out how I could enjoy Mike as my boyfriend and Tom as his father as well as Jan my lesbian lover. I had some thinking to do. I needed to work out how we could continue to enjoy what I had achieved with her today in the future.

I had some thinking and planning to do. I was now certain Jan and I would soon become the third party in a love tryst with Tom. We both enjoyed him fucking us and I had learned today I could enjoy sex with another woman in a way I had never imagined. Jan and I were of one mind, and ambition.

I showered with Jan and Tom drove me home. Jan also left in her car. I wasn’t sure if he was going to Jan’s place after he dropped me. I knew my future involvement with them both would be discussed together, sooner than later. I am sure I made the grade with them and we would meet again more often.

There was a call on my phone from Mike which I had turned off while we all made love together. I had been fucked by Tom, his father. It now looked like I was required to be fucked by his son. I had never had it so good.

My biggest problem now was to keep the knowledge of Tom fucking me from Mike. I still had Tom’s wonderful cum still inside, would Mike notice? He had gangbanged a few of the basketballers and obviously had no problems fucking a cum filled cunt. Whether he realised it was Tom’s cum remained to be seen.

Only time will tell. He was going to have to be told sooner than later, I believe. I have a feeling he won’t be surprised.

Published 7 years ago

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