She started out as a colleague early on in those ten years, but soon moved up the ladder to take on a management role and eventually become the director. Even though we are the same age, our relationship was always mutually supportive and respectful in our work and never crossed the boundaries of co-worker decorum. Not that my mind had not wandered there many times though.
I would sit next to her in meetings generally on her left hand side. The joke that ran through our small department was that I was Amanda’s left hand man. But there was method to my madness. Amanda’s blouses always provided me with an excellent view of her gorgeous bosom. From her left side, I always got a great view between her buttons. Not that she was stacked, but her breasts always filled her bras perfectly and their fleshy curves were the subjects of many of my off-hour thoughts.
Her lithe runner’s legs, always adorned with stockings, drew and kept my attention whenever she wasn’t looking. Supple muscled legs atop high heels and beneath sheer covers never ceased to make me want to touch them, though I never did. I constantly observed her, often with a growing and ample erection.
Christmas was my treat time. Before leaving for the holiday each year, she would let her guard down a little and give me an earnest hug and kiss on the cheek. I responded with a kiss of my own on her cheek, but what I really wanted to do was lower my hands and pull her to me. Press myself into her and explore her forever sensuous lips with my own. But I was always afraid of ruining a good thing.
Thoughts of regret plagued me after my last day that I had let something really fine get away. That was until about two months ago. I got an email from Amanda asking if I had any time in my schedule to help them through some rough patches with some difficult designs.
I was and still am working Monday through Thursday at an out of state client. My travel and work itinerary allows me Friday off, so I offered my services one day a week while she needed me.
She agreed and let me know that while it probably would not be enough, it was better than nothing. That was a little over a month ago, and each time I’m at her office, she makes time to have an hour or so meeting to discuss what is happening. As before, I am her left hand man.
Today, things took a very unexpected turn. We had our weekly meeting at eleven o’clock, but she asked me to stay behind after everyone left. I was happy to oblige, especially since she was wearing a mid thigh skirt and was showing a lot of leg. She started showing me a PowerPoint presentation projected on a wall screen, but had me sit to her right so I could see it better. When I turned from the presentation to look at her she was in the middle of pulling her skirt hem down over the exposed tops of her hose. A wide darker brown than what ran down the rest of her legs was slightly exposed.
Without taking my eyes from hers, I placed my hand on hers and said, “Amanda, leave it. It’s a little distracting, but it’s the most pleasant distraction I’ve had all week.”
“Just a week?” She asked with a smile.
“Months, if not years, to be honest. Please let it be. It’s okay.”
“Well, if it’s okay with you, then I guess it’s okay with me too. Just don’t stare, I need you to really focus on what we want to do here, and it’s all in the presentation.”
Catching a double meaning to her response, I asked, “And just what is it that ‘we’ want to do?”
“It’s all in the PowerPoint.” She said putting a finger on my chin to turn my head. “I’ll tell and show you exactly what I want and need.”
Amanda then went back into explaining her thoughts. I listened, but had two trains of thought going at the same time. Her presentation was thorough and very well thought out. Her hand rested on my shoulder the entire time, gently massaging me all the while. I could not help but wonder about her double meanings though and her hand on my shoulder confirmed in my mind that something else was happening too.
When she finished, I turned to face her. Her hand slipped from my shoulder, and down my arm before she retracted it to rest in her lap. I gave her my thoughts on what she had presented and suggested a few changes to make it easier for the board to grasp it.
She thanked me and said she would make the changes and send me a copy.
“But Hank, make sure you stop in my office before you leave, I need to get something straight between us. Okay?”
“Sure thing boss,” I said and then left the room with my back to her. I figured, with her last comment, the last thing she would want to see was the tent she created in my pants.
At five thirty, most, if not all the other people had left. I packed up my things, and leaving them on my chair went to Amanda’s office. I knocked on her door frame.
“Oh good, I was beginning to think you left,” she said.
“You wanted to see me before I left. Have I ever disappointed you?”
“Never. Come on in and take a seat,” Amanda said.
I sat at in a chair at her conference table while she finished up an email. She rose from her desk and walked to her door, shutting it. I know I heard an extra click after it closed, but it just did not register at the time. Amanda went back to her desk chair and sat down. This was very peculiar since we always sat and spoke at her table, never across her desk.
“Come on around here,” she said. “I need your help and I really need you to show me something.”
Thinking she needed some help on her computer, I got up and went around to her side of the desk.
“Good, now strip,” she commanded.
“You heard me. Every stitch. Strip.”
She leaned back in her chair with her legs slightly spread and stared into my eyes. I stared back with my mouth wide open.
“Are you kidding me?”
“No, I’m serious. I want to see what you’ve been teasing me with all these years. Now, you heard me. Get naked. Now!”
“What I’ve been teasing you with? You must be joking,”
“Come on, always sitting on my left looking inside my blouse! Do you think I haven’t seen the hardons you get looking at me?”
That brought a smile to my face and I said, “And all this time I thought I was being very discreet about it.”
So, I slowly stood up. I kicked off my shoes and peeled off my socks.
“Now we’re getting someplace,” she said sitting up and placing her hand on my abs. “Keep going, Hank, I want you totally naked. I hope you don’t disappoint me.”
I do not know about you, dear reader, but for me, the thought of a clothed woman watching me strip was about the best and biggest non-contact turn on there could be. My cock was as stiff as it had ever been and was straining to get out.
I unfastened my belt, opened the waist of my pants, unzipped my fly and proceeded to remove my pants.
“Mm, look at you,” she said staring at the enormous bulge in my shorts.
I looked down to see a growing wet spot at the tip of my rock hard cock where I was oozing a copious amount of pre-cum.
“Come on, damn it. Take them off. I wanna see it.”
“If you want to see it, then you have to take them off me.”
She brought her hand to my cock and squeezed it through the material. Her eyes rose to meet mine and she smiled. She rubbed me gently and moistened her lips with her tongue.
“You’re bigger than I thought,” she said, inching her hand along my shaft.
The pressure and touch of her hand on my rod was incredible. She moved her other hand to the waistband and began pulling it down. The material of my briefs was not sliding off my hips, so she moved a little closer and put her hands on my hips, snagging the waist with her thumbs. As she pulled down, my woody went down with my briefs until it cleared the waistband. I sprung up and pointed right to her mouth.
“Oh shit, look at you! And you shave! I love that. Jerk it for me! Please, just for a little while, please?”
“Finish taking off my shorts first.”
She half stood, pushing her chair back with her legs and she got on her knees. When she got my shorts to my ankles, I stepped out of them. Amanda sat back on her haunches and stared at my cock, licking her lips as pre-cum began gripping to the floor.
“Okay, now start to jerk it. I promise, you won’t have to finish, I just want to watch you masturbate for a while.”
I put my ass on her desk and spread my legs wide. Then I started doing what I had done so many hundreds of times with Amanda in my thoughts. But now, she was kneeling at my feet, watching me do it. I stroked myself slowly, enjoying every second of her attention. Pre-cum continued to drip on the floor between us. I could feel my balls swinging between my legs with every stroke. I am not porno star big, but right now, I felt super hard and massive.
Amanda straightened on her knees and without taking her eyes from my cock, she lifted her skirt to reveal a garter belt attached to her hose and nothing else. Her bare shaved pussy glistened with her wetness. She sat back down on her legs and began touching herself. This was a dream come true. She teased her inner thighs and then began running her hands up and down her lips. When she dipped her fingers into her pussy I had to slow down even more.
Her fingers of one had slipped easily in and out of her cunt while her other hand strummed a magical tune on her clit. She worked herself hard and her breathing became deeper and faster rapidly. I could see she was nearing a climax and began to speed up my own pumping.
“Don’t cum,” she said, gasping, “I have something… planned for you! Oh god! I’m… Oh, ooh…”
Her eyes and thighs closed as she brought herself off. I slowed down as instructed and watched her face flush crimson as her orgasm rolled through her body. She recovered quickly and stood between my legs. She offered her fingers to me and I delighted in the taste of her. I finished with the had she had used on her clit and reached for the other. As I brought her fingers to my mouth, I felt her other hand wrap around mine on my shaft. I let go and allowed her to take me into her control. She stroked me slowly as I enjoy her taste and aroma.
Amanda backed away from me, let go of my cock and said, “Get up on the desk on your hand and knees, and spread you legs wide.”
I could not imagine what she had in mind, but I was ready to give her whatever she wanted. Climbing upon her desk, I cleared some space and assumed the position she commanded. Amanda immediately got between my feet and began playing with my balls with one hand and stroking me with the other. This was not going to take very long.
I felt her hand let go of my nuts. I looked down between my legs and watched her place her half full coffee mug between my knees. That was then I felt her kissing each of my cheeks and then move to my center. Her tongue touched my ass hole. What a fucking awesome feeling as she gave me my very first rim job.
That was when I felt my balls tighten with the onset of what I knew was going to be an epic orgasm. She must have sensed it too because she took her face away from my crack. I looked down between my legs once more and watched her lift her coffee mug. She had my cock pointed straight down into the mug as she stroked me with her expert hand. Then, I totally lost any control. Load after load of spunk shot down into the mug. It felt like I emptied five or six good size shots before she finally slowed and milked any of my remaining cum from me. She squeezed hard with each down stroke until I had nothing left to give.
Amanda sat down in her chair. As I turned and sat on her desk, I saw that her skirt was still lifted to her waist. Her bald pussy and tight thin lips were still swollen and red with excitement. My ebbing hardness wilted as I watched her stir my cum in her coffee with a finger.
“My coffee needed a little extra cream,” she said with a smile. “I hope you’re not too salty.”
“Only time and taste will tell,” I replied. “You’re a little kinky aren’t you, you lovely little minx?”
“Do you want a kinky minx?”
“I’d adore a kinky minx.”
She stopped stirring her coffee and put her finger to her mouth.
“Mm, I think this is just perfect,” Amanda said lifting the mug to her lips.
She swallowed our mixture in two or three long but slow gulps.
“That tasted great. I think I want to have some more, but not diluted with coffee next time. And I think I want it straight from the tap.”
“I’m sure that can be arranged. In fact, you tasted pretty sweet yourself. Perhaps we can set this up so we both get to taste each other at the same time.”
“You know, Hank, I would really enjoy that. After all this time I suddenly regret not doing this ten years ago.”
“Me too, Amanda, me too.”