My Auntie’s Husband Part 2/3: His Bunny Princess

"A teen tries to seduce her aunt’s husband on their small dairy farm"

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Once upon a time, there was a sex-deprived princess. She was living with a watchful ogre of an aunt, the aunt’s boring and abstinent daughter Katylynn, and the aunt’s sweet but stubborn husband Jacob who was rejecting all the princess’s creative attempts to coax his cock out his pants and into her aching pussy.

The eighteen-year-old princess had been sent to live on the aunt’s small dairy farm because not-so-chivalrous gentlemen and mean-girl ladies at her Elmhurst, Illinois high school had discovered indecent photos of said princess and made her life a royal hell.

To escape all the teasing and gossip-mongering at court, and perhaps as penance for her transgressions, the princess was made to slave away like a farmgirl Cinderella—sweeping dirt, cleaning floors, milking cows, gathering hay, feeding chickens, and picking up poop.

She was getting accustomed to this life, but she was preoccupied with her lack of sex.

The more resistance this tall, handsome, and chisel-jawed serf husband was giving the poor princess, the more determined she was to conquer him.

That poor princess was me. Persephone. “Percy” for short.

Thus far, the most I had gotten with Jacob was one wonderful afternoon of mutual oral pleasuring under the shade of a tree. Since then, it had been awkward hellos, respectful smiles, polite conversation, and him avoiding being alone with me.

It was making me irritable.

One evening on Palm Sunday, I found him in the living room watching TV in the dark.

I slipped off my panties behind him. I asked if I could watch TV with him. I waddled over to him and sat right on his lap, a five-foot elf in the arms of a six-foot-five giant. I curled my legs under me, nuzzled his neck, and got comfortable. I asked if he was upset with me since he had been ignoring me. Then I asked him to kiss.

I closed my eyes and puckered my lips. And then I felt his wonderful lips…

On my forehead!

“What the fuck was that?” I asked.

“A kiss,” he replied, his eyes twinkling.

“Don’t kiss me like I’m Katylynn. Kiss me.”

Take two. He pressed his sweet lips against mine and pecked. And that was it.

“Oh, come on!”

“Percy,” he began.

But I was miffed. “That’s how you kiss your wife, and I know there’s no love there.”

He scoffed and looked away. “Don’t say that.”

Too far?

“Give me your hand.”

“Why?” he asked but complied anyway.

I took his hand, licked his fingers, and brought them between my legs. He flinched. I insisted.

“There’s something missing,” he noticed.

I giggled in his ear. He tried to pull away but couldn’t. I made him feel it.

So, we sat, watching TV, cuddling, with his gentle fingers inside me. He shushed me when my cooing got louder. I was warm and wet and ready for his triumphant entry into my little body. I turned to straddle him.

He was trying to fight me!

But then we heard noises coming from upstairs.

We cursed.

By the time Aunt Carol came down, we were sitting apart innocently.

She told me to go to sleep – as if an eighteen-year-old needed a bedtime. I went anyway.

A few days later was perfect. Carol and Katylynn were both busy.

Jacob was in the washroom washing his hands. I strolled in and joined him, babbling something about the goats urinating on themselves just to make conversation. He had his checkered shirt open, his booming chest out.

I stood next to him in my T-shirt tied in the front with a shoulder exposed, and my denim shorts with the top button left open. My forehead was level with his nipple as I got close and played with his hands in the soap and water.

I splashed water on his face.

I yelped when he splashed water on me. It became a war. I drenched his shirt. He wet my hair. He was having fun, but he was about to leave.

“Shower with me,” I said.

He was shocked and amused.

“Or watch me tinkle in the shower.”

“Ha,” he said. “No, kiddo.”

“Come on,” I said. “Nobody’ll walk in on us.”

“You’ve got your chores and your online school, young lady.”

“Young lady”?

I said something I thought would titillate him and make him see me as an adult.

“I used to shower with my mother’s last boyfriend all the time.”

“You what?” he asked.

I giggled and got on my tippy toes trying to kiss him.

But he was incensed. “That fucker.”

“It’s okay…”

“No, it’s not okay. Taking advantage of you like that…”

I groaned. I was losing him fast.

“I made that up, Jacob,” I said.

“Really?” he asked suspiciously.

I nodded as if to say, “Duh.” He sighed, annoyed but relieved.

I lowered my shorts and underwear and sat on the stall as if to use the washroom.

He wrinkled his brow staring at me.

I spread my legs wide, showing him what he’s been missing.

He frowned. He was holding back.

“What’s the matter?” I asked.

He looked away.

I played with myself, moaning so that he couldn’t ignore it.

“Your chores, Percy,” he muttered.

“Stop being my dad,” I said sternly. When he looked at me, I smiled. “I need a daddy…”

He chuckled and stared at the delicious-looking vagina waiting for him.

And he walked away.


The fuck.

The princess was getting angry.

Easter Sunday changed everything—for better and for worse.

The family was about to drive twenty miles out to a church to celebrate this old spring holiday. Being a farm family, they would bring food every year. Aunt Carol was running late preparing everything. But she still found time to criticize what I was wearing, objecting when I came out in a black hoodie, black leggings, and some black combat boots.

“Uh-uh,” Carol said, shaking her head. “Katylynn, help your cousin please,” she decided. “Give her one of your old Easter outfits.”

I stuck my tongue out at her as she walked away, making Katylynn laugh.

My cousin was all too happy to play dress-up with me. She found a cheesy white and lilac dress with an annoyingly ginormous silk bow in the front. I accepted the opaque white tights but refused the silly white gloves. I didn’t mind the cute flower barrettes but couldn’t abide the childish Mary Jane flats. I stopped dressing like this at age nine. I kept my black boots.

While the other women were still preparing, I found Jacob sitting on the porch waiting for us.

He saw my outfit and chuckled.

“I look like a Cabbage Patch Kid,” I complained.

“No, you look cute,” he said.

I plopped down beside him, pouting.

He put an arm around to comfort me.

I curled up next to him. I may not have been getting the sex I wanted, but our cuddling was always guaranteed. When he saw me staring up at him, he focused his attention on two squirrels chasing each other.

“How come we don’t fuck?” I asked him.

“Jeez. Point blank.”

I draped a hosed leg over his thigh and squeezed into him. My knee tapped against his growing erection.

“You don’t want me?” I asked.

He sighed. “I don’t want to take advantage.”

We listened to a bird nested above us, singing the same melody over and over. He finally looked down at me peering up at him.

“Carol told me about all the things you went through,” he said. “The pictures, the teasing.”

“I’m over it,” I said.


“But you do want me?”

He groaned. I wasn’t letting him off that easy.

“It doesn’t matter,” he said. “You’re my…”

“Don’t say it.”

To rationalize my growing sexual attraction to him, I had been avoiding familial terms. I didn’t need to hear them now.

“But you are,” he said. “You’re my…”

“Shut up,” I groaned, showing him my fist.

But he insisted. “You’re my lovely little niece.”


That didn’t sound too bad with the right tone of voice, but still…

“My hot and sexy little niece?” he said.

I groaned and shook my head quickly. “Yuck, cringe, no good.”

He laughed and thought about it.

He looked at me again. “You’re my beautiful little princess who drives me fucking crazy.”


I hugged him.

I was so ready to pounce on his cock right here on the porch, but Aunt Carol and Katylynn were ready to go. They both noticed my leg hanging between his.

“Let’s go,” Carol growled at all of us.

She approved of my dress but frowned at the boots. We climbed into the car packed with Easter fare and good-smelling food. Jacob glanced back at me before getting the car started. I glanced at Katylynn who was unusually quiet. Katylynn glanced at her mother who was muttering something about, “Gotta pick my battles.”

I was restless throughout the service. I started sending Jacob some of my old naughty pictures.

Me in a string bikini.

Me in a tiny plaid skirt.

Me nude in bed with a plush bunny between my legs.

Me in a Santa hat pleasuring myself with a candy cane. (That was the notorious one that got this princess in trouble.)

It was fun watching him glance at his phone and shift uneasily in the pews.

After the service, during the Easter egg hunt, Katylynn introduced me to other people our age, including kids from her “Teens for Jesus” group. By the end of the reception, I had boys wanting my phone number. Jacob noticed.

He wasn’t the only cock in town anymore.

Later that night, he sent me a message.

I was in bed snuggling with Katylynn. We had been chatting for hours about the silly boys at her church, discussing which ones she liked. Once she fell asleep, I was on my phone. One of her crushes was texting me.

Then a blip from Jacob.

I sat up.

“If you’re awake,” it read, “meet me outside the barn.”

I read it again. A lot of crazy emotions swirled around my head, spread down my body, and tingled me between my legs. I chuckled. Katylynn stirred.

I inched out of bed, careful not to wake her. I grabbed one of her robes and wrapped it over the ruffled shoulders of my white lacy nightdress. I tiptoed down the stairs in my slippers. I checked around corners to make sure the missus wasn’t awake before scurrying through the house. I slipped out the front door.

I was excited.

The moon seemed full and bright.

The air was a little chilly.

There he was sitting on a tractor outside the barn with his feet up, the light of his phone illuminating his eyes and nose and lips. He heard my footsteps sneaking up on him. He smiled and put the phone away.

He jumped off the tractor as I came towards him holding the robe.

He sleeked his hair back looking at me. I must’ve looked like an angel floating towards him.

My steps turned into a run.

His arms opened. He squatted a little, ready to catch me.

I jumped onto him. He swung me around. He landed me on my feet and held my face.

“You came,” he said.

I didn’t have to tell him to kiss me or how. He was in control now. All I had to do was open my mouth to him, go limp, and let him hold me.

He picked me up and walked.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

He didn’t answer. I didn’t care. I just continued kissing his face.

In a grassy area of the garden behind the house, he laid me down. We used the robe as a blanket. He got on top of me, still kissing me, but, my God, his hands were all over me, caressing me one second, groping me the next, fondling my breasts with love, and then squeezing the life out of them, a hand sweetly in my hair and then roughly around my neck. I wasn’t exactly soft myself. I had my nails on his back scratching him. 

He kissed his way down to my legs and pulled up the nightdress to my waist. I let him peel the underwear off. His hand between my legs was heating me up.

He stood up to get his clothes off.

I could see the silhouette of his cock against the moonlight.

He nestled in between my open legs.

I felt it.

The tip.

My breathing got louder.

Another inch.

I was panting.

A long, sustained groan came out of me as he entered me deeper and deeper all while staring down at me as I looked up helpless and in love and in heat.

You could hear crickets chirping, barn owls cooing, and me. Howling.

Jacob had to cover my mouth until I quieted down.

I held on to his big arms while he drove his wonderful cock into me again and again. I liked the little grimace he made when he pushed into me harder. And the smile he gave me as we fucked.

He picked me up and rolled over, aww, sitting his baby girl on his lap, with his cock still inside me.

And I bounced on his body, in love with that smile. I threw my arms up in the air and sang as I continued riding him. He laughed and begged me to quiet down.

“Yes, daddy,” I said.

He liked that, like I knew he would. He reached up to kiss me. I gave him a little one before pushing him back down on his back. I sunk my body deeper onto his cock.

He muttered, “Percy!”

“Princess,” I said, correcting him.

He said it, and I loved it.

I kissed those lips, grabbed a fistful of his hair, held him tight, and just enjoyed the feel of his warm cock inside me. It was almost cathartic. I stared up at the starry night sky. I was in heaven. He had his arms around my waist, just drilling that cock up in and out of me.

I heard a baby crying. Or a goat. Maybe that was me. I could totally see myself holding his baby, little Jacob junior. And Daddy with his protective arms around the two of us.

I stopped moving and let him fuck me for a bit.

I could picture it now. A white veil over my head, a bouquet in my hands, walking down the aisle unabashedly naked to my new husband. With Aunt Carol seething and scowling in the background.

“What are you laughing about, Princess?” he asked.  

I shushed him. I held on to his chest and concentrated on fucking him. 

I bounced up and down as he groaned.

I rode him back and forth as he winced and exhaled.

And I rolled my hips around, grinding into him, as he panted.

He was ready to explode.

I wasn’t.

I jumped off him and covered my pussy and backed away from him.

He sat up confused. Then he saw the grin on my face and grinned back. He crept up to his feet. He jolted up. I yelped and ran, leaving my slippers behind.

The chase was on.

I looked back and laughed at this big naked man running in the grass. I faked left and ran right. He growled at me and pursued.

I didn’t get very far. I made it to a nearby tree before he captured me from behind. I cried out when he began tickling me. Too close to the house, he had to cover my mouth again while he tortured me. I could feel his cock against my ass, flaccid at first, getting harder the more he tickled me.

He stopped and just held me for a moment, his other hand groping the breasts and navel under the nightdress.

I pressed my hands against the tree. I spread my feet and bent over for him. I mumbled something behind his fingers.

He lifted my nightdress up.

I kissed and licked the palm of his hand.

He crouched down a little.

And he entered me again. Nice and slow from behind.

I got on my toes as his cock pushed me up.

He grabbed my hips.

This was a different kind of fucking. Not the romantic roll on the grass. A more animalistic fuck. We were both grunting. He was pummeling me. I held on to that tree. I lifted a leg a little. He held it up, held a fistful of my hair, and continued banging into me.

Then he pulled out. I pretended to cry. But he wasn’t done.


I turned around and jumped on him. He picked me up, held me against that tree, and worked his cock into me. I wrapped my limbs around daddy and wept as he fucked and fucked his horny little princess.

I quickly dismounted him, knelt on the soil, nightdress be damned, and got his cock in my mouth.

He came.

I licked him off.

He helped me up to my feet.

We looked at each other for a moment. For a minute I thought he’d say he loved me.

Instead, we burst out laughing and hugged. Quick kiss. We wiped soil from my clothes and leaves off my hair. We retrieved his clothes and walked back to the house in each other’s arms.

We snuck inside. The dragon was snoring. Jacob blew me a kiss and went to join his wife. I snuggled back into bed with Katylynn.

She was awake.

In her baby voice, the virgin farmgirl asked me bluntly, “Were you fucking my dad?”


The dirty princess had some explaining to do. 

Published 3 years ago

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