My Always Perfect Family, Part 5

"Kitten finally finds a boyfriend and her father-lover reacts in a strange way"

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Kitten finally finds a boyfriend and her father-lover reacts in a strange way

After the encounter with her mother’s nurse, Kitten learned of her father’s fetish for milk. Initially the little nurse stayed away from Kitten for a few days, but Kitten was able to watch her use the breast pump when her mother was sleeping. Kitten asked her if she could nurse her again, and the little nurse agreed. This time, Kitten told her that her father would be with them so there would be no jealousy. The nurse was at first reluctant until they came to the agreement that both Kitten and her father would nurse her simultaneously.

The next evening, after providing Kitten’s mother with a thorough oral service and the peace from a pleasant sleep, the little nurse took her clothes to Kitten’s room. Kitten was waiting and began to suckle until the warm milk oozed from the little nurse’s breasts. Kitten was busy suckling as her father entered the room and went to the other side of the bed. There they enjoyed, together, the luscious, warm milk from their donor knowing that their suckling would actually increase her supply. Every time the nurse was there they suckled her, and the three developed a lovely, symbiotic relationship,. About once a week the little nurse licked Kitten to orgasm and suckled her, too. She even shared her breast pump with Kitten to help her enlarge her breasts and make the nipples more pronounced. Also once a week, Kitten allowed her father to be serviced by the little nurse, and one night Kitten and her father both licked and ate her to orgasms. After the little nurse stopped nursing her baby, she kept her milk up with the help of Kitten and her father. She pumped her milk at their house and left it for them to drink.

During the school year Kitten was having trouble with her math class, and one of her study group partners tried to help her with Calculus. This was an advanced course and took a lot of her time. Jimmy was one of those remarkable young men who was tall, attractive, intelligent and also athletic. He was in the middle of basketball season but still made time to help Kitten. Right before a big exam, he was with Kitten at the library and they did not finish before the library closed so they picked up their study papers and went to Kitten’s house. Her mom had another nurse at the house, but she left when Kitten’s father got home. The two studied until almost 11 PM that night, and when Jimmy left Kitten gave him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek.

Kitten’s father was uncomfortable seeing his little girl with a boy her age but he said nothing. By the time he arrived in her room that night she was fast asleep and did not awaken to his suckling, but did become aroused and responded when he licked her to orgasm. She fell fast asleep then, and he decided to stay the night with her. In the wee hours of the morning, Kitten awakened to find her father suckling her again, and this time she aroused him by stroking him with her hand, and the harder he suckled, the more she stroked him.

He squeezed her breasts the way he squeezed those of the little nurse, and Kitten vowed to learn how to make milk for him herself. He had suckled her so much now her nipples were very large, the areolas were large, and her breasts were actually getting heavy. When they first found each other sexually she had been a double A cup but now she was a 34 C. By early morning Kitten was awakening her dad and straddled him as he suckled her one last time before she left for school and him for work. They started kissing as if they could not stop and she straddled his hard cock and rode him as he sucked her breasts.

Kitten’s mom was finally diagnosed with cirrosis of the liver just before spring break and a decision was made to put her in a nursing home due to the extensive care she needed but the little nurse said she would come and stay at the house if she could bring her baby. The third and fourth bedroom were turned into her room and the baby’s nursery. Kitten and her father feasted on breast milk every day, but their relationship was discovered early one morning by the little nurse who then asked to be a part of their lovemaking on occasion. Kitten obliged due to the milky splendor she received and her father became the love slave to them both.

Jimmy also created some interesting moments for Kitten as he continued to work with her on her math until one night he kissed her and she kissed him back. The next day he asked her to the prom and they began dating. Kitten was leaving her father alone on some weekend nights until 11 or 12 due to Jimmy’s games and times with Jimmy and his friends. One special night, kissing Jimmy led to petting, which led Kitten to allow, for the first time, another man to see her breasts and enjoy them being kissed and licked. Jimmy became crazy about Kitten, and after one particularly warm night and some heavy petting, Kitten sneaked him into her room and one thing led to another. Soon Kitten found that she could not stop and she and Jimmy had unprotected sex.

Jimmy was worried but Kitten promised him that it was OK and not to worry, so he slipped out of her room and went home.

Kitten was crying in her bed when her Daddy came in and she told him what had happened. He said nothing but took off all his clothes and climbed into bed with her, parting her legs and began to suck out the cum from her sopping, cum-filled pussy. Then, for the first time, Daddy entered her without a condom and began to sensually fuck her until she nearly passed out. He squirted his cum inside her in huge spurts until he could cum no more. Then he laid on her gently for the longest time leaving his cock inside her as his passion subsided. He slept with her, suckling her and asking her not to get out of bed.

Kitten was confused and asked him why he did not use a condom for the first time. He told her that Jimmy’s sperm went in first, and though he tried to remove all he could from her vagina, that the hour’s difference between them would mean that if she ever got pregnant, it would be Jimmy’s baby. Kitten cried, and Daddy held her close.

Kitten’s father made her promise that if it ever happened again she would tell him and he would react in the same way. She and Jimmy continued to date, and about once a month, Kitten told Daddy to clean her vagina again and not use a condom. Jimmy would sometimes forget and Kitten was enjoying his affection and attention but her heart was still true to Daddy.

Graduation day came, and her senior trip, and Kitten and Jimmy and the rest of the senior class went for a week to the beach with their friends. Daddy left Mommy in the nursing home and stayed close by to where Kitten was, in the next hotel, and on Thursday night Kitten called him and came to his hotel. He did his cleaning job and made love to her for an hour before sending her back to finish the week. They cuddled in each other’s arms until it was time to go.

That was the summer of the draft, as Viet Nam was the dreaded war at the time. Jimmy was going off to college, but his number was pulled and was a low number. He and his family and Kitten cried as they tried to deny the possibility that he would go to war and leave them behind. Kitten wanted to marry him before he went off to war if it happened. She didn’t want to lose Jimmy and she didn’t want to lose Daddy.

Kitten enrolled in community college as she needed to help Daddy and she didn’t want to be far from her mom, who was apparently dying as she was not responding to anything the doctors gave her. The little nurse agreed to return to the nursing home and work so Kitten and her Daddy continued to let her remain living with them. Daddy took care of both of them, and they often slept together in the big bedroom.

Jimmy wanted her now all the time as their lovemaking was outstanding due to the previous experience Kitten had with her Daddy, and Kitten wanted to go on the pill so she would not get pregnant. She went to the doctor and the he did a pap smear and asked her a few questions after a close internal check.

“Are your breasts tender?“ quizzed the doctor. Kitten nodded dreamily, thinking of all the suckling they were receiving.

“Are you going to the bathroom more” queried the doctor. Kitten thought about it and said, “Maybe.” Kitten was drinking more water and her favorite, Cherry Lemon Sprite.

“Have you had unprotected sex in the last six weeks?” he asked her smiling with one eyebrow raised. Kitten swallowed hard, blushed, and admitted that yes, she had.

“Well, said her doctor, “I have watched you grow up for a long time and appreciate your interest in protecting yourself from an unwanted pregnancy but no, I will not give you the pill.”

Kitten queried, “Why not, Dr. Brandon?”

“Because it is likely too late for the pill,” he replied seriously.

:Too late? What does that mean?” she asked, confused.

“If I am not mistaken, my dear girl, you are already pregnant! When was your last period?”

Kitten looked shocked and confused. “I can’t remember but I think it was before mom went to the nursing home this last time,:” she replied in a daze.

“Are you going to tell the father?“ questioned the doctor.

“Y-y-yes!” replied Kitten, brightening at the thought.

The doctor gave her a pregnancy test which came back with a clear double pink line. Her cervix, he reported, was blue. She was late for her period without even realizing it. Kitten, Daddy’s kitten, was pregnant! But….but….who was the father?

Just at the moment Kitten left the office, her father came into the office to pick her up. One look at her face and he knew.

“You’re pregnant?” he asked.

“Yes, Daddy, I am,” she admitted, looking for any signs of anger in his face.

“Holy cow!” he exclaimed, a huge smile covering his face and his eyes twinkling with delight.

“Daddy, are you SURE it’s Jimmy’s?” she whispered to Daddy.

“Of course it is, my jewel,” said Daddy. “Let’s go home and tell Jimmy to come over because it is time to celebrate!”

Daddy would not stop smiling but Kitten was unsure and confused. Soon she would completely understand why her father was so happy, which would make her blissfully happy, too.

Published 14 years ago

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