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Sing me a song before I sleep
Love me again as once before 
I will not beg, will not implore 
That is the past, it’s buried deep 

Can you remember how we were
And let me hear your vibrant voice 
Am I ignored, losing my choice
Am I still left adrift, unsure 

Your dreams were mine in times long past
My thoughts still linger over you 
But never wanting to pass through 
A wistful, waning shadow cast 

The music is the best you give
But still it tears my heart apart 
It will not end, will always start 
After the coda still I live

Dying embers stoked with breathing
Burst into flaming streaks of loss
That dissipate before a joss 
Bow before it calm but seething 

Idols never give what you need
Hear again the pagans strumming 
Instruments that start you humming 
Tears my flesh, yet again I bleed 

You do this without thought or care
Letting out the hounds of terror 
Just to cover up your error 
Beware my darling, please beware

This will be the end, am I right 
This will be the night without light 
Pass from my vision, from my sight 
It is the end, it is the night.

Published 11 years ago

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