There was a knock on the door. A female voice called George’s name:
“George, are you there? It’s Lisa.”
Reluctantly, George let her in into his hotel room.
“Are you all right?” he enquired of her.
“Yes, I’m well. I thought you could do with some company,” she answered.
George moved away from her to the window on the other side of the room. This left her standing in the doorway without an answer. Lisa let herself in and locked the door behind her. She stood respectfully in silence next to George at the window. They both looked into the darkening night.
“Thank you for pulling me out of that mud,” she broke the silence.
“No problem, I would have pulled out almost anybody. It was a free service, you don’t owe me anything for it,” George responded with anticipation of some sort of a sexual advance.
“I feel like I do owe you,” she responded under the pressure of reciprocation, “Being your temporary girlfriend doesn’t cost anything.”
“There is no need to become my acting girlfriend,” he responded. “I’ll give you a simple hug, and we can call it sorted.”
“No. To me it was worth more than a hug,” she continued to get him into bed.
Silence fell as George considered his next move. He made a plan en-route, that if she wanted to ‘get physical’ he would let her. Now, that plan was almost reality. He still was unsure if he should or shouldn’t. The decision was made difficult for him by her. Earlier on the pass, he described what a woman should do if she wanted to ‘get physical’ with him. She was dressed exactly as per his fantasy.
Lisa saw that he was struggling with the decision. She very gently took his hand. They made their first physical contact in silence. Lisa wanted to figuratively pull him towards her, but without frightening him away.
You see, Lisa’s boyfriend dumped her a week prior to this trip. She meant to ride shotgun with him. That bastard made her pay for the accommodation. He would have covered the fuel. With little chance to recover her finances, she was advised to do the trip solo.
A family friend loaned her an old, but mechanically sound 4×4. Unfortunately, none of her friends were available to join her. With no training or experience, she headed out on the expedition. Her friends and family reassured her that she’ll meet someone on the road.
She got stuck in the mud simply by not having the car set up correctly. George reached her about a half-hour after she got stuck. He wasn’t able to drive her car out, even after configuring her 4×4 for off-road use.
George’s vehicle made it easily past the stricken vehicle. Firstly, he tried to tow her out. That was a fail since Lisa managed to bury the car quite deeply in the mud. She became extremely panicky of the trouble and the potential cost of her mishap. Snatching the stricken vehicle with a bungee-type tow rope did the trick. For that she was grateful. However, George disappeared into his own vehicle before she could even hug him. She needed to figure out how to repay the gesture without losing her credibility.
Throughout the mountain pass, George gave her pointers on how to drive off-road. The informal training was very welcome, as Lisa demonstrated her lack of knowledge and experience already. She listened intently and followed his advice. At this stage, they were still professional with each other.
At the next tricky section, George guided her through it. Afterward, the conversation turned quite personal. George was frank and honest with her, not mincing his words. George revealed that he had no girlfriend and that he highly valued his alone time. Lisa verbally snooped at George’s tastes in women. Even a geek like George picked up that she liked him.
Lisa thought long and hard on the easier sections on how to say thank-you. George had almost everything… except a girl. She knew that he was against straight-forward prostitution. So, she needed to figure out how to give it to him without her losing credibility. Hence, after dinner, she changed into George’s “turn-on” clothing and visited his room. After all, George liked women that take intelligent risks, and who thought for themselves.
George blushed as he looked at her. Her face was radiant, her brunette hair flowed like a waterfall over her shoulders. She was still holding his hand. It was a good sign for Lisa that there could be some action.
George was impressed that she remembered what was said on the mountain. This, in conjunction with her having made the first move, swang his decision in her favour. He made the decision that allowed her to ‘get physical’ with him.
George turned towards Lisa and took her other hand. She gave him a warm and welcoming smile. She knew that she was ‘in’. She now could go and charm the geeky George. Lisa began to tease George:
“You say that you have a plan for everything. So, how about this situation?”
“Yes, there is a ‘plan’. I hope you’ll let me execute it,” responded George.
“What will it involve?” Lisa queried George.
“Firstly, no touching,” George made a dramatic pause before continuing. “No touching of your own clothing or body. Everything needs to be channeled through your partner.”
“Kinky!” She responded.
“Next, I would love to touch your body, head to toe. I then would like to examine your vagina. After your pee, you put a condom on my penis. Afterward, it’s your turn for the intercourse part,” George outlined the ‘plan’.
Lisa saw that there was nothing too wild, so she agreed.
He sat her down on the edge of the bed, facing away from him. In a calm voice, he instructed her to keep her feet flat on the ground. Knees together. Sit-up straight. Hands in her lap. Eyes closed.
With Lisa in position, he forewarned her of him touching her body. George started by running her long flowing loose hair through his hands. He repeated this three times. At the end of the last stroke, he smelt her hair. He noticed that her breathing started to change.
He adjusted her T-shirt over her shoulders. The side effect was that he noticed that, as per his wishes, she did not wear a bra. He repositioned her to face him. He ran his fingernail down her arms. A gentle feel of her smooth hands followed. He could see that she was in the early stages of sexual arousal.
She still had her eyes closed. He touched her face. Brushed the hair on her forehead to the side. He tucked any loose hairs behind her ears. He did not miss her earings, where he gently teased them.
With her eyes closed, he instructed her to stand up. She was allowed to part her legs for stability. He moved her hands away from her body. Gently as always, he ran his hands down her sides. He stopped and hovered around the narrowest part of her abdomen. She showed the first signs of the pee-pee dance.
He repositioned to behind her for another feel. This time his hands ran along her sides all the way to the top part of her skirt. He untucked her T-shirt from the skirt and began skin-to-skin contact. He moved up her torso and stopped shy of her small breasts.
On the way down again, he ran his hand over her stomach. He stopped at the skirt line for a short while. George now re-angled his fingers and dipped them into her skirt, then her underwear. He felt her pubic area and was happy that she shaved.
She shifted her weight from one leg to the other. Not from discomfort, but due to the need to pee. George was impressed that she remembered his pee fetish!
The next position change had Lisa lying down on her back. He placed her hands across her chest in a Mummy pose. Her legs were closed, and straight. He ran his hand over her mound of Venus and down her legs.
He lifted one of her knees. To Lisa’s surprise, he actually pulled her skirt to cover up her crotch. He examined her calf muscle, then her thigh. The crotch was not covered for a very long time. It was more of a tease than anything. As he ran up the inside of her thigh all the way to her panties.
He spread her legs and had a look at her panties. He couldn’t find a wet-spot… well, not yet. With the back of his hand, he pressed the panties against her body. Sure enough, a wet-spot was formed. As part of the rules, he could only remove her panties when there was a wet-spot.
As he looked at her vagina, she began to squirm again. She reassured him that is mainly a need for a pee. He got quite aroused from her squirm. There was a sense of urgency though.
George parted her lips as gently as he could. He hoped that they would be slightly sticky. Her outer lips drew her inner lips open too. Her moistness glistened in the artificial light. She squirmed again due to bladder pressure. Working quickly, he located her clitoris, where he retracted the hood.
He sensed that she can’t hold it for much longer, the examination was stopped. Lisa was escorted into the bathroom. George got her to stand in the shower. There, he separated her labia once again. He placed an empty bottle against her urethra. On his command, she peed.
He decided to have some fun and instructed her to break the stream. She struggled to keep it in during the pause. She kept on shifting her weight, as George struggled to maintain the correct position of the bottle. He retracted her clitoral hood again, which caused her to lose control of her bladder. He allowed her to complete the pee.
After the golden fluid was disposed of, he cleaned her pee hole with toilet tissue. He got almost all that he wanted from her. Now, he was about to hand over control to her. However, there is one more thing he would like to be in control of.
“Your turn,” George whispered into is partners ear.
“But, I want you to put a condom on for me please,” he added.
Lisa got George to stand up in front of her. She wasted no time in removing his T-shirt for him. Next, she disposed of his shorts. There, was a surprise. He was commando-style.
She giggled like a school girl when she saw his penis. She never told him that she never worked on an uncircumcised penis. It was one of her fantasies. She teased the shaft without retracting the foreskin. She watched it rise from a partial to a full erection. Lisa was amazed to see that the foreskin did not pull back upon erection.
She gently took his penis in her mouth. She wanted to suck his pre-cum through the foreskin. It only worked after a few attempts, as there was not a good seal between her lips and the penis.
She retracted the foreskin for the first time by hand. She was amazed and amused by the mechanics of it. On George’s advice, she stretched the skin all the way to the base.
She teased him a bit with her tongue. She was watching his body language quite carefully as not to push him too far. She didn’t want him to ejaculate too early.
George made a request which she complied with. He lifted her skirt and moved in very close. He directed his penis to part her lips. It was something he always wanted to do. That was an item on his sexual bucket list.
She replied with a favour request of clitoral docking. With all her previous partners being cut, George was the first man she could try this with. They got into position and George exposed her erect clitoris. She exposed his glans. The two parts touched. As she squirmed from the sensitivity, George held her still by her hips. She moved his foreskin forward covering her exposed clitoris. They held the position for about twenty seconds.
Lisa wanted to play with a flaccid penis too. Although quite difficult, George managed to go soft on her request. In his soft stage, she began to play with the foreskin again. To her, it was absolutely amazing. It had a completely different feel to being erect.
It was time for the main course. She gave him a huge erection, by simply running her fingernail down his forearm. Next, she teased the base of the penis to make sure that it was up properly.
She got the condom from George’s overnight bag, tore it open, pulled back the foreskin, and rolled the condom on. For her, that was a new experience. With the condom applied, they started to cuddle. This ensured that the erection was still available to slip into the vagina when the time was right.
She opened up her legs in the missionary position. He lifted her skirt up and tried to enter. It took a few attempts but eventually found the vagina. On first entry, he held it inside her for a few seconds before starting his strokes. She guided him in terms of the stroke speed, not too fast but not too slow.
They changed to the doggy. That was the easiest position to execute. For this one, George moved his foreskin forward over the condom. He wanted to experience foreskin-forward penetration and got his chance. He started to get a little bit too excited, she needed to slow him down a bit. She wanted him to last a little bit longer.
The last position was the cow-girl. She rode him for a few minutes, once again being careful of not ejaculating. There George played with her clitoris. They got very close to the edge.
She allowed him to go soft inside her. Lisa also wanted to see what it would feel like. For a few minutes, they held position without much movement.
They resumed the riding, while he was soft. Quite quickly, he regained his erection. This time they went for broke. He teased her clitoris by taking it out of its hood. She began to ride him quite hard.
George began to feel the additional squeeze from her vagina. That was enough to send him over the edge. She kept on riding him even though he was ejaculating. She wanted her own orgasm too; she got it within a few seconds of his. Now, both of them were feeding off each other’s orgasms.
She climbed off him and lay next to him recovering. The penis in the condom went soft, so she had to hold it in place. His penis was still her responsibility.
Once suitably recovered, she guided him to the bathroom. She removed the soiled condom for him. On his instructions, the fluids were drained into the sink. The rubber itself was wrapped in toilet tissue and disposed into the dustbin.
She stood behind him, with his penis in the sink. She washed his soft penis with warm water, removing the slippery fluids from the shaft. She peeled back the foreskin and washed the head. She got a few knee-jerk reactions when she touched the sensitive areas.
He got her completely naked for the first time. The pair jumped into the shower together. Being erect again, she retracted his foreskin. He lifted her leg and gave her a quick penetration.
They proceeded to wash her body. George got to touch every square inch of her now. He definitely concentrated on her vagina and gave it a very good wash.
Since he wanted to be fully hands-on, she made him dress her. First, the T-shirt was put on. Afterward the skirt. She opted to walk to her room without any panties.
They cuddled their goodbyes. She kissed him on the lips. This good girlfriend that he never had, respected his desire for solitude. She left his room such that he can get a good nights rest.
George and Lisa have reinforced their mud-recovery experience bond, with shared sexual experience. The next day, they decided to travel as a pair. During the day, George was guiding his less experienced girlfriend through the 4×4 obstacles. During the night, Lisa was guiding her less experienced boyfriend trough sex. They remain a long-distance couple, meeting a few times per year for physical intimacy.