Jenny Stokes walked towards Room 6, having been given a double detention. Jenny was thirty-seven and Emma’s mum. Emma was sixteen.
Today was parent participation day when six parents were invited to sit at the back of the class and so get a better understanding of how their sons and daughters were doing.
As Jenny walked towards Room 6 she thought over how come she was making this walk to sit her double detention.
It had been an hour earlier that Jenny Stokes walked into the school and went towards her daughter’s classroom. She was wearing a sleeveless white and blue patterned dress with a hem halfway up her thighs and it was summer, so she had bare legs.
Jenny wasn’t the only parent who was attending today. Every afternoon this week six parents would sit at the back of the classroom and watch as their sons and daughters were taught one lesson.
Jenny had attended the class once before and still could not see the point of them. However, her daughter, Emma, wanted to show her mum how well she was doing and Jenny felt obliged to go along.
Emma Stokes was sixteen and was in year twelve. The next class was a history lesson.
The parent participation scheme had its potential issues for parents because as they were sitting in a classroom, they had to remain quiet so as not to interfere with what the teacher was doing. If a parent disturbed the class, then the teacher could issue the parent with a detention, and it was quite common for three or four parents a month to have to sit a detention. Jenny hadn’t done so far although had come fairly close because she did keep chatting to any of the other parents who would talk to her.
Today, Jenny had sat at the back of the class with Priya, Nikita’s mum. They were close friends and in fact lovers although neither of their girls knew that.
Priya was there to see her own daughter in class and was far more interested in her schoolwork than Jenny was about Emma’s and didn’t appreciate it when Jenny tried to engage her in a whispering conversation right from the start of the class.
Emma heard her mum whispering and turned around to try to make her stay quiet but all she got was a smile from her mum, who immediately turned back towards Priya to get her to respond and huffed when Priya shook her head.
The teacher, Miss Mead, was keeping a careful eye on Jenny. She knew from parents’ evenings that Jenny was more interested in herself than her daughter’s education and that was why she had invited her along again with five of the mums who were much more interested in their daughter’s education. It was no surprise to Miss Mead that Priya, Mrs Kumar, didn’t want to chat.
Priya really was interested in her daughter’s education but was also aware of what could happen to parents who chatted in these classes, which was a school detention or worse. One lady she knew had even been caned, so she was intent on staying quiet and not responding to Jenny, who she knew could be trouble on occasions like this when she was bored.
Miss Mead was about the same age as Jenny and was wearing a short-sleeved white blouse and blue skirt and as it was summer, she also had bare legs.
Jenny knew she shouldn’t be trying to disrupt the class but like a naughty schoolgirl just could not behave in accordance with the rules, and it didn’t help that she had mainly got away with it when she was at school and reckoned that she would again now. She just wanted the class to be over so she could leave the school and go home to get ready for the theatre that evening, with Priya.
Miss Thomas was the classroom assistant. She was just twenty-two and slightly in awe of the parents, but, under instruction from Miss Mead, she was also keeping an eye on Mrs Stokes as well as the other mums. However, she could see that the noisiest of the parents was Mrs Stokes by far.
After half an hour Miss Mead had had enough of Jenny’s chattering. There were only fifteen minutes of the lesson left but she was fed up with the continuous interruptions, so she walked to the back of the class and stood in front of Mrs Stokes and said sternly, “Please do be quiet as this is a serious class and you are disturbing everyone.”
Jenny looked up and blushed as she replied, “Sorry, Miss Mead.”
As Miss Mead walked away Jenny leaned towards Priya and said, giggling, “Naughty me.”
Miss Mead was furious at being made to look foolish in front of her class, so she turned and, looking at Jenny, said in a still-stern voice, “Then take a detention, Mrs Stokes. It will start right after this class has finished.”
Jenny was suddenly contrite and said, “Sorry, Miss Mead, I’ll stop talking. Anyway, I can’t stay after the class too long as I have the theatre this evening.”
Miss Mead did not appreciate her authority being questioned like that, and, still annoyed, said, “In that case make it a double detention as that way you will only need to stay about ten minutes after the class has finished.” Miss Mead added sarcastically, “Is that okay with your schedule, Mrs Stokes?”
Jenny certainly didn’t take kindly to the tone of voice that Miss Stokes was using but supposed that ten minutes was okay. “Sure, Miss Stokes. I can wait ten minutes.”
Miss Mead was still fuming as she looked to her class assistant and ordered, “Please take Mrs Stokes to Room 6, Miss Thomas, and give her three hundred. I’ll be there as soon as the class ends.”
“Of course, Miss Mead,” Miss Thomas replied. She looked at Jenny and ordered, “Please come with me, Mrs Stokes.”
Jenny made a grimacing face towards Emma, who gave her mum a disparaging look.
Jenny wondered if her daughter knew what was at Room 6, as she didn’t.
Jenny had stood up and collected her handbag and, looking nervously at Priya, said, ” See you later.”
Priya pursed her lips and shook her head in despair as Jenny walked towards the door which was being held open by Miss Thomas.
Jenny then wondered if Priya knew what was at Room 6.
Jenny noted that Miss Thomas was wearing a short-sleeved floral dress with a hem just above her knees and, like Miss Mead, had bare legs. She thought it was very sedate for a woman Miss Thomas’s age, which Jenny gauged was her very early twenties.
“Please follow me, Mrs Stokes,” Miss Thomas said sternly.
Jenny wondered who Miss Thomas thought she was. After all, she was just the class assistant so not even a proper teacher. However, she followed Miss Thomas as she knew she would have to follow her instructions, but at least it would only be an extra ten minutes after the class finished, she told herself.
So, now Jenny was walking with Miss Thomas to Room 6 and her double detention. As they walked Jenny did wonder how come a double detention was shorter than a single detention. It did seem strange, but even so, she decided not to ask Miss Thomas as they walked quickly along the corridor.
Jenny saw the sign over the door which simply stated: Room 6. However, she also saw the sign on the door that said, ‘Free,’ and there were four chairs outside the room, which seemed strange to Jenny as well.
Miss Thomas opened the door and, glaring at Jenny, ordered, “Please go in, Mrs Stokes.”
Jenny walked past Miss Thomas but just saw her flick the cover to the sign sideways, leaving the other half of the sign showing. ‘In Use,’ it now read. Did that mean she would be sitting double detention by herself, Jenny wondered?
Jenny looked around the room and saw a cupboard, a table with the surface slightly at an upwards angle, three wooden high-backed chairs, and one desk with a leather chair behind it, and wondered what kind of detention room this was.
Miss Thomas went and sat in the one chair behind the desk and got out a pad.
Jenny gasped when she saw the title on the front of the pad, which read in large letters: ‘Punishment Log.’ It was becoming clearer to her what was going to happen, more so as Miss Thomas opened the pad and wrote her name at the top of the page and under her name the words: ‘Double Detention.’ Jenny was increasingly shocked with thoughts flying around in her head. Was this really happening? Did parents really get disciplined when attending their kids’ classes? It looked like they did, she realised, and not just that, but she was about to be disciplined herself.
Miss Thomas glanced up and saw the surprised look on Jenny’s face. She was now sure that Jenny had not fully read the papers that went with the invitation to attend the class and kept a straight face as she explained, “So, Mrs Stokes, you will know from the explanatory notes that a single detention lasts an hour?”
Jenny shook her head in wonderment. She recalled seeing the notes but hadn’t bothered to read them and was starting to regret that omission. Anyway, she wasn’t going to have to spend a whole hour here, according to Miss Mead.
Miss Thomas continued, “A double detention means corporal punishment, so it is quicker although, naturally, more painful. However, it tends to get the message to behave across much better.”
Jenny gasped and put her hand over her mouth and squealed, “No way, I’m not going to be punished.”
Miss Thomas expected the reaction as she had seen it before with other parents who also hadn’t read the explanatory notes. She stayed calm and explained, “The notes are quite clear, Mrs Stokes. Either you accept the punishment or Emma gets expelled.”
That really shook Jenny as she knew her daughter loved the school and was aiming to go to uni and this was the best school in the local area, so there was no way she could risk her daughter’s future and quickly realised that she had no choice.
“What punishment?” Jenny asked contritely.
Miss Thomas allowed herself a smirk, again knowing the look on Mrs Stokes’ face was the same as other parents who realised they had no choice but to accept the punishment and explained, “I will be giving you a spanking. Miss Mead said three hundred so that is three hundred spanks with my hand, but I am quite proficient so it will hurt. After that, Miss Mead will come to the room and give you four strokes of the cane.”
Jenny was horrified and said in a horrified tone, “I’m thirty-seven so way too old to be spanked, especially by someone as young as you.”
Again, Miss Thomas was used to the rebuff, and, in fact, she loved it when one of the parents compared her age to theirs as she was always younger and much closer to their kids’ age than their own. She replied in a matter-of-fact tone, “Well, like I said, you do have a choice.”
Jenny scrunched up her face when she remembered the choice was that Emma could be expelled, which calmed her down very quickly, at least made her stop arguing.
Miss Thomas allowed herself another self-satisfied smile as she saw Mrs Stokes thinking through what she had said so clearly.
Jenny now knew that she had no choice and so looked at Miss Thomas and, whilst she wanted to say some very direct things to her, realised that she was in no position to vent her anger. Not now, anyway.
Miss Thomas could tell from the look on Jenny’s face the fight had gone out of her and so she ordered, “Right, Mrs Stokes, please raise your dress above your waist and lower your knickers to below your knees.”
Jenny winced as she did as she was told. It was still ludicrous in her eyes that a woman her age was going to be spanked, let alone that the person spanking her was way younger than herself and easily and a lot closer to her daughter’s age than her own. Even so, she again told herself she had no choice, and, worse, was that she told herself that it was wholly her own fault because if she had read those explanatory notes, she would have known not to chatter the way she did.
Presumably, it was also why the other mums didn’t chatter as they must have read the notes, Jenny told herself, although she realised as soon as she said it that it was more likely that the other mums didn’t chatter because they were more interested in their children’s education. Priya was, she knew for sure.
Miss Thomas stood up as Jenny was adjusting her clothes and getting ready for the spanking and went sand at on one of the high-backed chairs and flattened out her dress. When Jenny was ready, she ordered, “Please lower yourself across my lap and hold on to the legs of the chair to make sure you don’t try to cover your bottom. If you cover your bottom, you will get extra strokes of the cane.”
Jenny had forgotten about the cane as she eased herself down across Miss Thomas’s lap and, as instructed, once she lowered her full weight across Miss Thomas’s thighs grabbed a chair leg with each hand as she certainly didn’t want more than the allotted four strokes which would be bad enough, she reckoned.
Miss Thomas placed her hand on Jenny’s bottom and rubbed in circles as she explained in a stern teacher’s tone, “Miss Mead said three hundred spanks. They will all be with my hand, but I will just keep landing spanks and won’t rest until all three hundred spanks have been given so it will take me about five minutes, just so you know, Mrs Stokes.”
Jenny looked at the backs of Miss Thomas’s upside-down legs as she explained how long the spanking would take. Five minutes didn’t sound too bad, she supposed.
Miss Thomas didn’t hang about once she had explained things to Jenny and raised her hand and brought her stiffened palm down hard on Jenny’s bare bottom cheek, followed by another on her other bare bottom cheek. She then proceeded to land spank after spank on alternate bottom cheeks, initially eying the back of Jenny’s head but once satisfied she was going to stay in position, she focussed on landing harder and harder spanks. This wasn’t a schoolgirl’s bottom, after all, so the spanks could be much harder than when she spanked the pupils.
Jenny was struggling with the stinging spanks and after just a few dozen spanks, five minutes suddenly felt like a long time. As the spanks continued, she felt herself squirm around on Miss Thomas’s lap and lower her head as the spanks kept on landing all over her bottom. Jenny noticed that sometimes the spanks changed to landing on the same spot time and again and the stinging intensified and she couldn’t stop herself from making gasping sounds and grunts as the spanks kept on landing time and again without any respite.
Once the spanks landed on the backs of her legs, Jenny gasped and grunted ever more loudly as they really did sting badly.
It was a shock for Jenny when Miss Thomas announced, “One hundred,” as she continued to land the spanks, and groaned again as she realised she was only one-third of the way through the spanking and her bottom was stinging already.
Miss Thomas liked the way she was making Mrs Stokes’s bottom glow as she continued to land very hard spanks as she realised a while ago that she really enjoyed spanking the parents and she needn’t hold back as they were adults and could take a really hard spanking. She went to the gym and had toned muscles and so was able to dispense a suitably hard spanking, she knew.
“Two hundred,” Miss Thomas announced.
That didn’t help Jenny overly much as her eyes were filling with tears as the spanks kept on landing, and she realised one thing for sure was that Miss Thomas certainly knew how to give a very hard spanking and she was equally sure that next time she attended one of Emma’s classes she would be the quietest mum there.
Still the spanks continued to land as Jenny kept a firm hold of the legs of the chair as she was sure Miss Thomas would keep her threat and add strokes of the cane if she tried to cover her bottom. At least now she was making sure that she followed the instructions, although too late to avoid this punishment.
“Twenty more,” Miss Thomas announced.
Thank goodness, Jenny told herself but knew she was already crying.
Miss Thomas made sure she ended with a flourish of even harder spanks, which she gave on alternate bottom cheeks. Once finished she didn’t give Jenny any time to recover and ordered, “Get up, Mrs Stokes.”
Jenny was sobbing as she slid off Miss Thomas’s lap and stood up. She started to rub her bottom before wondering if that was a mistake and sniffed and sobbed as she looked pleadingly at the still-seated Miss Thomas.
Miss Thomas saw that Jenny’s makeup had run and so she would already have the embarrassment of going to the toilets afterwards to make herself look decent again. She saw the pleading look Mrs Stokes gave her and nodded her head, keeping a stern look, and said, “Okay, Mrs Stokes, you can rub.”
As it happened, Jenny didn’t have much time to rub as a few moments later the door opened and in walked Miss Mead. There was no announcement as she demanded, “All done, Miss Thomas?”
Miss Thomas replied, “Yes, Miss Mead. All three hundred spanks and Mrs Stokes didn’t cover her bottom.”
Jenny was still sniffing back tears and her eyes were too blurred to see if Miss Mead was happy with her. “Then I will now cane her,” was all Miss Mead said.
Jenny wasn’t sure what to do.
Miss Mead ordered, “Go to the caning table, bend over, and grab the sides, Mrs Stokes. If you cover your bottom, that stroke will not count, so make sure you keep a firm hold of the sides of the table.”
Jenny could tell from the stern tone of voice that Miss Mead meant business, so without questioning anything she did as she was told and went and bent over the table and grabbed the sides just as she had been told to do.
Miss Mead went to the cupboard and took out a hook-ended senior cane and smiled at Miss Thomas as she took up position behind the red-bottomed Mrs Stokes.
Jenny heard the movement behind her and looked around to see Miss Mead standing with the cane in her hand and ready to use it.
Miss Mead saw Jenny look around and gave her a stern glare as she said, “I hope next time you are quiet when you sit in one of my classes, Mrs Stokes,” before pulling her arm back and, focusing on Jenny’s reddened bottom, brought the cane back downwards landing it across both bottom cheeks and got the expected cry from Mrs Stokes.
Jenny had never been caned before although had seen the results on the bottoms of close friends of hers when at school. She was lucky to have escaped the cane when she was at school and never expected to be caned as an adult, and now that she had received her first stroke, she realised that it was far more painful than the whole five minutes of hand spanking she had been given by Miss Thomas.
The second stroke brought an even louder gasp come grunt from Jenny as she clasped hold of the sides of the table as tightly as she could to make sure that she did not try to protect her bottom.
Miss Mead saw the two red welts drawn across Jenny’s bottom. She had given much harsher strokes than she gave the pupils, but an adult’s bottom needed a harder stroke, she told herself. So, as she pulled her arm back ready to land the third stroke, she almost hoped Jenny would try to cover her bottom so she could give her an extra stroke. In the event, there was no such luck as the cane cut a swath across Jenny’s bottom just below the first two strokes although, happily, she did get a pained grunt, which she settled for.
Jenny almost panicked as she knew the last stroke was about to be given, but as it was the very last stroke, she grasped hold of the table as firmly as she could to make sure there were no extra strokes. When the cane landed, she let herself cry out, but she was heartily relieved to have got through her punishment.
Miss Mead smiled at Miss Thomas, who smiled back. They had both enjoyed punishing Mrs Stokes and knew they weren’t completely finished, or, rather more precisely, the spanking and caning were over, but it was not the end of Mrs Stokes’s punishment as she still had to get to the toilets to re-do her makeup and was bound to be seen by some of the teachers and parents.
“Stand up, Mrs Stokes,” Miss Mead ordered.
Jenny forced herself up and slowly turned around. She was more wary of Miss Mead than she had been of Miss Thomas and didn’t dare rub her bottom yet.
Miss Mead could see what Mrs Stokes wanted to do and saw no reason to stop her and so simply said, “You can rub your bottom, Mrs Stokes.”
“Thank you, Miss Mead,” Jenny said thankfully, starting to rub her stinging bottom.
“Sort your clothes out when you are ready,” Miss Mead added, remembering Mrs Stokes said how she needed to get away. However, she doubted that was top of her needs right then as her bottom would be stinging and she didn’t know it yet, but she had some serious work she needed to do to her makeup.
“You are free to leave, Mrs Stokes,” Miss Mead said sternly. “Don’t forget to be better behaved next time or else you will get rather more than four strokes of the cane. I will be expecting you again next week and you had better accept.”
Jenny understood the unveiled threat and was still sniffing as she picked up her knickers, not realising that she had kicked them off during the spanking. She stepped back into them and pushed her dress back down, straightening it out, and politely nodded to Miss Mead and Miss Thomas before leaving the room.
Outside, Jenny saw Priya sitting on one of the chairs and they smiled at each other.
Next moment, though, several parents and teachers walked past and saw Jenny’s tear-ridden face and giggled at each other knowing what had happened, making comments with their hands covering their mouths, but Jenny was mortified as she recognised some of the parents.
Just then Jenny felt so humiliated but reckoned it was a good lesson for her.
Priya shook her head whilst smiling, and said, “I guess you didn’t read the rules, did you?”
Jenny winced, “No, but I will when I get home.”
Priya laughed and said, “I guess you have paid the price for not reading them.” She added after a moment, “We had better get you to the toilets to fix your makeup.”
When Jenny saw herself in the mirror she was horrified and suddenly her makeup was even more important than her stinging bottom.
As Jenny fixed her makeup Priya joked, “Better drive carefully, particularly when going over the speed bumps.”
Jenny smiled at Priya. knowing she was right. “Back to my place?” Jenny asked.
Priya replied, “I can’t wait to see your welt marks.”
“I can’t wait to show them to you,” Jenny replied, suddenly feeling as though Priya was jealous of the fact that she had been spanked and caned.
The two friends hugged and kissed each other.
Jenny ran her hand under Priya’s dress and down inside her knickers and ran her fingers along Priya’s pussy lips and felt they were wet just as she had expected and just as she knew her own pussy was wet. She couldn’t understand why, as the spanking and caning had hurt so much, but she did feel turned on.
“When will you learn to keep to the rules?” Priya asked sarcastically, as though telling Jenny off. “You are going to struggle at the theatre, aren’t you?”
Jenny winced again and suggested, “Let’s give the tickets away and then go back home,” she suggested.
Priya was certainly turned on enough and replied, “Good idea,” readily agreeing.
Jenny laughed as she suggested, “Maybe next time you should spank me at the front of the class if I won’t stop talking?”
“Definitely,” Priya agreed, adding, “Mind you, judging from your wet pussy, maybe I should spank you before we make love tonight?”
Jenny laughed and replied, “A very good thought as I need to be treated like the naughty schoolgirl I acted like in the classroom until I learn to read the rules properly. I must come back next week so need to be far better behaved by then.” Jenny realised that she was turned on by the thought of Priya spanking her, and maybe not just the once.
Priya saw the look on Jenny’s face and knew she would be giving her the promised spanking and smiled as she leaned in again and kissed Jenny, knowing they were both turned on by what had happened.
Priya then explained, “Emma and Nikita have gone back to mine to work on their project together and will sleep there as usual.” Emma and Nikita were also very much an item and would be sleeping together and making out tonight as well, which was why when Jenny and Priya said they were going to the theatre the girls asked that they sleep at Priya’s so they didn’t wake them up when coming home. The ruse worked for the two mums and the two daughters.
As Jenny drove her and Priya home, they discussed the new discipline regime with Priya in charge that they thought would make Jenny a better-behaved person, both knowing their pussies were getting damper the more they discussed it.
Back in Room 6, Miss Mead and Miss Thomas smiled at each other. Moments later they hugged and kissed passionately as they were both turned on and knew when they got home they would make love as they always did after they had spanked and caned a parent. They both had their fingers inside the other’s knickers and were fingering the other’s wet pussy as they kissed each other, knowing they had some time before having to vacate the Punishment Room and reckoned on at least one orgasm each before then with several more when they got home.
So no one complained about how naughty Jenny had been in the classroom and, indeed, lessons were learned for sure.