Mrs Robinson Crusoe

"The real story of Robinson Crusoe and his wife"

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Mrs Robinson Crusoe stood upon her own little isle,
Wondering what had happened to that cute little smile.
She had not seen her mister since the boat was wrecked.
Two years it’d been since Mister washed over the deck.

The boat had sunk beneath her, she struggled to stay afloat.
She the sole survivor of their guided fishing boat.
She’d survived two years with mussels and abalone,
Sleeping on the sand and feeling so alone.

One day came another, who washed upon the shore,
He’d been the charter captain two years before,
He had not seen her husband sink beneath the waves
The Cap’n survived upon another Key, living in a cave.

He’d made a raft from trees to leave his little isle
And sail to a shipping lane, hoping all the while
To be saved by a tourist passenger ship…
Afore the final drinking water passed between his lips.

His raft did not make it, so he swam to her inviting isle,
She was very grateful for another person’s smile.
They fed upon the bounty of her little paradise,
And it wasn’t but a month before he held her in his eyes.

Two years she’d waited, she didn’t wait any more,
She bedded the handsome captain who’d washed upon the shore.
Her husband was dead, she’d come to that conclusion,
Thinking he was still alive was simply her delusion.

They frolicked in the sun and butt-naked in the sea,
They enjoyed the benefits of each other’s company.
They loved each other often, on their idyllic isle,
And she often teased him ‘bout his cute little smile.

The Cap’n’s lover was pregnant, maybe six months or so,
When a ship arrived at dawn that bore the missing Crusoe,
Today the Cap’n was not smiling, his lips severely pursed,
As Mr and Mrs Crusoe privately conversed.

The man Friday simply glowered towards the handsome fishing Cap’n
While the Cap’n wondered ‘bout Friday and what might possibly happen.
Heated conversation and then smiles from Mister and Missus,
Followed up by friendly hugs and very friendly kisses.

It was a double ceremony and set by the sea
All four were happy with the way things turned out to be.
The Cap’n and the Missus were wed that very day
And Robinson married his longtime friend known as the man Friday.

Published 9 years ago

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