Mrs. Gudenov Gives Me a Good Grade

"I was ahead of the class in many ways"

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So, anyway, I wasn’t some kind of genius or anything. I was in the 12th grade but had just turned 16 years old. You see, when I was in second grade, my teacher thought I had some good potential in the academic stuff. So, they called in someone from the state board of education, tested me, and put in the next higher grade, third.

I had always been the smallest in the class. Now it was even worse. If it wasn’t for my friend, Lonnie, I would have been beat up everyday. Kids just hate anyone they think is smart. But Lonnie was special. He was a little slow in academics and I always did what I could to help him. He later would say that I got him through graduation. Maybe so, but he was my rock.

Now, it was years later. Lonnie had kept pace with me, and we were in our senior year.

Our teacher was Mrs. Gudenov. Of course, all the dicks in class said she was “just good enough to eat.” But I liked her. She knew her stuff. And she was only about 38, not too old, do you think? And she always gave me room to explore any subject that I became interested in.

Late in the semester, with graduation looming in 2 or 3 months, she told me that she just didn’t have the time to devote to my special projects during the school-day. I was a little disappointed, but prepared to carry-on the best I could. I was working hard for an academic scholarship for college.

But she said there might be a solution. If I could bring my projects, all dealing with paper-work of different sorts, to her apartment in the evening, she could give me some of her free time. Wow, talk about your devoted teachers. There still are a lot of them in the USA.

So, I started coming over to Mrs. Gudenov’s apartment on Fridays, when she had plenty of free time. That way we both could finish our individual work over the week-end.

The first time I stopped at her apartment she was dressed in sweats. She had just worked out, and asked if she could shower before we began. No problem for me. The bathroom was just around the corner from the living room, next to her bedroom. I could hear her in the shower, singing a little bit.

That was very soothing to me. I had never had a date. No one in my classes had been interested in such a young guy. So just being this close to a beautiful woman was quite pleasing. And she was beautiful. She always dressed wonderfully, emphasizing her small, but perky breasts, her very slim waste, and what could only be called a grand booty. And her legs, god they didn’t quit. Long with good muscular tone and the right kind of curves.

Anyway, she came out of the shower still drying her golden curls. She wore her hair short for convenience, I suppose. But it was so curly it was adorable.

This time she was wearing a teeshirt (with no bra!) and cut-off jeans. No shoes. This was getting better and better.

We got down to working on a special project I was working on that had to do with fractal calculations. Not interesting to you, but it took a lot of mind energy and we worked hard at it for 2 hours. Then, she said we needed a break. She went and got us two beers. Wow, she thought of me as almost an equal!

“Now, remember, what happens in my apartment, stays in my apartment,” and she laughed that delicious laugh we heard too seldom.

After that night, I felt we had something special. I looked forward to the next session next Friday.

The next week I showed up at the usual time, and again Mrs. Gudenov was in sweats, getting ready to have her shower. Good enough for me!. I listened again as she sang a little in the shower, but this time I decided to take out my cock and play with it as she hummed. I may have never had a date, but I knew how to jack off with the best of them.

I heard her shower go off, so I stuffed my stiffy back in my pants. A couple of minutes later, she came in the room in her now usual teeshirt, cut-offs, and bare feet. God what pretty feet.

She smiled as she came in, then glanced down to my pants; I still had a hard-on. She just gave a little smile, and said, “Let’s get to work, my pet.” We worked again, this time on some trig problems I was working on, and again we broke after a couple of hours. And again she brought out two beers to share.

“You know something Timmy, you are actually the best academic student I have ever had. I wonder if you could be the best at something else?”

She smiled, and I smiled tentatively, liking the compliment, not understanding the rest.

“I hope so,” I said with a little naive grin.

She reached out, touched my cheek with her soft hand and whispered, “So sweet.”

Then she boldly said, “Okay, little stud, tonight you start learning some really special projects.” And she began to strip. It didn’t take long, a teeshirt and cut-offs. “Now your turn little man.” I was so fucking eager that when I got up to strip, I tripped and fell on the couch. She just laughed with a joy that was infectious, so I laughed, too, and kept stripping, until I had nothing on all, just a raging hard-on. It wasn’t huge, but I had measured it, of course, and it was almost six inches, if you counted the taint.

The first thing she wanted to know was what I knew about a woman. That was nothing, of course. So she started showing me things, always the teacher. She started at the top, telling me about erogenous zones, like the lips and the ears.

Then down to her breasts. I said they were perky, but actually they were mostly nipple. I didn’t know it at the time, but they were a little different. Her nipples were swollen bigger than her little titties. It was all good to me. From this point on I have always preferred small tits with big nipples.

She showed me where to touch them, and how, either softly at some times, or pinching them hard at others. And, of course, how to suck them until she came. I tried to do that, and I think I succeeded. She started humping her hips and squealing. I sucked even harder and she screamed. But she held my head against her tits. So I knew she liked it.

All this while she had been holding my cock. I’m afraid I shot my cum out then. I got it all over her, but she just laughed with her special joy of life.

“That was perfect, Timmy, my pet.” And I started getting hard again.

Now she showed me how even the tummy could be fun, when you stuck your tongue in the navel and then licked all over the belly area. She liked that. So did I.

Below the belly was what? The cunny, the cunt, the pussy, the mysterious gulf of hidden knowledge. In other words, the good stuff. She displayed her clit for me, a little nubbin above her pussy lips, it was very juicy looking and one thought that it needed lots of attention. She told me that was right. She could cum just from someone licking her clit.

So I licked it, and she came. She was one of those fast and often cummers. She may have ruined me for other girls that took a ton of work to make them cum.

Now I got to explore her cunt, first touching the outer labia (new word for me) then the inner labia, then all the juiciness inside. It smelled so sweet, like lavender and jasmine and honey. I could have eaten it for breakfast. But she asked me to explore it with my fingers, so I did. I even stuck one, then two, then three, into her pussy and started running them in and out.

She liked that. Then she told me to lick my fingers. Then she kissed me, tasting her own cum. I was learning to much new shit!

“Okay, little man, let’s go for the gold.” She grabbed my now throbbing cock, pulled me between her legs, stuck my dick in her honey-pot, and flung her long legs up and over my shoulders. “Now fuck,” she said.

I started my first and so help me god, my best fuck ever. I couldn’t seem to stop ramming my cock into that sweet pussy. I fucked harder and harder. I was so glad I had already cum because now I could fuck forever! She had started cumming after two or three thrusts, but I wasn’t about to stop.

Finally, after I think she came about a dozen times, she cried out, come for me baby, come for mommy, and I did. It was all I had left in my balls, and it was enough to crash against the back of her vagina (another new word for me).

I thought that I had finished her for the evening, but she said, “Let’s relax with our beers and continue the lesson in a while.” It was so fucking cool, sitting with our legs up on the coffee table, drinking beer, and naked as Jay-birds! This was how I wanted life to be forever.

After we finished our beers, she went in and got two more. I was definitely not drunk after only one beer, but might have a buzz after another.

Then, we just sat and chatted like equals, discussing school, and college, and how she had never married because most men were dicks, “not like you, sweetie,” and just enjoyed our time together.

Finally she looked at me with that exquisite smile, and said, “Have you ever had a blow-job?”

I was not even certain what that was yet, so I said, “No, ma’am.”

“Call me Sylvia from now on, my little lover.”

She then proceeded to teach me what a real cock-sucking should be like. She stretched me out on the couch, with my now hard cock in the air. She kissed the head of it with a touch of tongue. Then she moved her lips down to my ball-sac and used her tongue to get the boys happy. My cock was twitching in anticipation.

Then she started running her tongue around my cock in a circular swirl, leaving spit and still sticky pussy cum behind. She then grabbed it with one hand and treated it like a popsickle. Licking and sucking and not letting anything drip off. Then she virtually engulfed it with her whole mouth, chewing softly and sucking hardly. She was actually making love to that cock. And the cock loved it. I had cum twice tonight already. I could cum again, but it would take time. She acted like she had all the fucking time in the world.

Finally, with a last burst of the cum in my balls, I squirted into her throat, surprising and gagging her for a moment, then I could feel a grin around my dick and a strong suckiing action drained every drop of semen left in my body. I couldn’t cum again tonight if you threatened by mother.

“How was class tonight, Timmy?”

“The best class I believe I will ever have again in my career, Sylvia.”

“About your career. You know you just earned the A you were looking forward to?”

“I thought that might be the case, teacher Sylvia.”

I later learned from Sylvia that she initiated only the few and the best. I was proud to count myself among them.

Published 13 years ago

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