Victoria walked into the Secretary’s Office where three parents were due to meet with the form teacher, Miss Collins, to review their son’s or daughter’s performance during the term. Victoria was seventeen and the deputy head girl. She was dressed in the college uniform of a green and white check short-sleeved gingham dress with a white belt, and ankle socks.
The college had a good reputation and was a sought-after destination. It was a sixth-form college and so all the students were at least sixteen.
Victoria looked at the three mums and knew they wouldn’t like her announcement. “I am sorry to have to tell you that Miss Collins has had to go home as she is feeling unwell, and so your appointments will need to be re-arranged.”
The three parents looked at each other and Victoria could see that, as expected, they were unhappy that the meetings were not going to be held, as that would mean they would have to come back on another occasion.
Victoria recognised two of the parents but not the third who, to be fair, looked like she was a grandma rather than a parent. The two parents she recognised sighed to show their disappointment but got up to leave.
The grandma parent stood up, looked at Victoria, and said gruffly, “Coming back is going to be very inconvenient. I am standing in as my daughter is on holiday and she won’t be back for another three weeks. I had to cancel my card afternoon to come and don’t want to again. Surely someone else can review the performance?” After a moment she asked in the same gruff tone, “Can’t you even do it?”
Victoria was only supposed to give the parents the news and not re-arrange the meetings, or even discuss the performance reviews. However, whilst she found the gruff tone of voice annoying, she was deputy head girl and so wanted to be helpful, particularly if this lady was, in fact, the grandma. “Who are you here for?” Victoria asked in a pleasant tone.
The grandma’s tone wasn’t as pleasant. “Alice Hopkins, my granddaughter.”
Victoria knew Alice well, but also that she didn’t know the review was taking place. In fact, none of the students knew when their review was held and were never present at it.
The parents knew they mustn’t say at home that they were going to the college either. It was under the Parent Participation Scheme, designed to encourage parents to ensure the college work was done. However, only the parents knew the consequences of a poor review, which was that the form teacher could admonish the parent by spanking them, or caning them, or both, which was considered the right incentive for the parent.
Applications to the college were always oversubscribed, even with the Parent Participation Scheme in place. Of course, parents never expect to be disciplined, but it was certainly the case, that when a parent was disciplined, the student’s performance quickly improved.
Wendy was surprised at the request, but said, “You realise there are consequences of a bad review, do you, Mrs, erm?”
“Mrs Beckett,” the grandma replied sounding frustrated. She added, “I am quite able to understand a review. I just need the review to happen, that is all.”
Victoria grew more and more angry with Mrs Beckett but wondered if she actually knew what the consequences of a bad report were, and thought she should spell it out.
However, before Victoria could say anything Mrs Beckett snapped, “Look, my girl, just do the review and let’s get this over with. Otherwise, I will have to complain to the school governors about you.”
The other two parents gasped at the threat, which was certainly confrontational. Victoria was confident that the school governors or headmistress or whoever would actually review the matter would find in her favour, rather than Mrs Beckett’s, but there was always a risk the parent, or rather the grandma in this case, would be assumed to be in the right. “I’m only the deputy head girl and not the teacher, Mrs Beckett,” she said licking her lips and hoping sense would prevail.
In the event, Mrs Beckett grew more and more impatient and hardened her stance. “It doesn’t take a lot to give a review. Presumably, you have the report in Miss Collins’s computer, so all you have to do is tell me what it says and I can take it from there?”
Victoria noticed the grimaces on the faces of the other two parents, one of whom said to Mrs Beckett, “Victoria is the messenger and it’s not her fault. However, you had better be very sure you want her to do the review given the possible consequences. Don’t forget she is only seventeen.”
Mrs Beckett guffawed, and said in a curt tone, “I can sort out the consequences, but need to know the answer, and want to know today, and a girl of seventeen can certainly read off a screen.”
The parent put her hands up as though surrendering, and backed off, saying, “Okay, it’s your call.”
Mrs Beckett heard the comment, turned to Victoria, and snapped, “That’s right, it is my call. So, please can we go into the classroom and do the review? I am sure that you are old enough.” She added sarcastically, “I assume you can read, girl?”
Victoria was tense because she thought about what she was being asked to do. However, she found Mrs Beckett offensive and would love to deal with her. In fact, as Mrs Beckett agreed that there was no reason why, at her age, she should not be able to deal with the review, and the consequences, although doubted Mrs Beckett actually understood what the consequences might be. Still, Victoria thought, smirking to herself, it would be wonderful to see this grandma’s face when those consequences were spelled out.
So, Victoria decided she would have some fun, and said, sounding reluctant, “Okay then, Mrs Beckett. Let’s go into the classroom. However, just to be clear, can you confirm you agree to me doing the whole review.”
Mrs Beckett gave a, ‘Don’t be stupid, girl,’ look and snapped, “Yes, I obviously agree, girl.”
Victoria glanced at the two other parents who she saw were smirking as they had surprised looks on their faces. One said to Victoria, “We’ll re-arrange,” and the other said, “Me too,” and they turned and walked out of the secretary’s office.
Mrs Beckett and Victoria also left the office and walked, in silence, to the classroom. Victoria felt the animosity flowing towards her from Mrs Beckett, and, as she did so, she reminded herself that Alice was at the bottom of the class and the review would be pretty awful. She smirked when she thought that, if Miss Collins held the review, the outcome would be a spanking and a caning, and whilst Victoria didn’t expect to give Mrs Beckett that punishment, she would certainly like to. She then wondered if Alice’s mum had deliberately arranged things so Alice’s grandma attended the review, but supposed that was unlikely. Mind you, if Mrs Beckett spoke to Alice’s mum like she had just spoken to her, then maybe it wasn’t so unlikely.
Victoria did notice as they walked that Mrs Beckett was wearing a sleeveless floral dress with a hem just above her knees, and with bare legs. She smiled as she saw they really were ‘grandma,’ legs with varicose veins showing, and her bottom wobbled under her dress.
Once at the classroom, Victoria pushed the door open and then held it open for Mrs Beckett who walked in with an, ‘I’m fed up,’ look on her face. Even so, Victoria directed Mrs Beckett to the visitor’s
chair and took the chair behind the desk for herself. Victoria smiled as she saw the desk was already cleared of all the books that Mrs Collins normally had on it, as it was assumed that one or more parents would have to bend across the desk to be caned. How right that was, Victoria told herself.
Luckily, as a trusted deputy head girl, Victoria knew the access code to the computer as she had often had to set up the lesson for Miss Collins who was quite regularly ill. So, she sat behind the desk and in just a few moments had Alice’s details up on her screen, and, as expected, the review was a bad one.
Mrs Beckett was huffing and puffing as she waited, which was getting Victoria still more annoyed. She was beyond tense and told herself this granny really needed to be brought down a peg or three, and she now intended going further than she was originally going to go.
“Well, Mrs Beckett, you can see the marks Alice got in her recent tests and they are even worse over the last three weeks than before.”
Victoria turned the screen around so Mrs Beckett could see it clearly.
Mrs Beckett stopped huffing and puffing and looked at the screen. After a short silence, she said, “You mean her marks got even worse since I came to look after her?”
Victoria kept a straight face as she replied, “Yes, Mrs Beckett, that is right.”
Mrs Beckett blushed, but as a show, she said firmly, “Well, thank you, and I will certainly keep a closer watch on Alice’s work,” and made to get up.
Victoria made her play. “Please sit down, Mrs Beckett, as we have to deal with this now.”
Mrs Beckett looked surprised and asked in a questioning tone, which was very different to the tone she used up until seeing the screen. “How so? I said I would keep a closer watch on Alice.”
Victoria realised that Mrs Beckett had no idea about the Parent Participation Scheme and decided to enjoy herself at Mrs Beckett’s expense. “Of course you will, Mrs Beckett, but, under the Scheme, there is a penalty you have to pay, and, if you refuse, then Alice is immediately expelled.”
Mrs Beckett shifted uncomfortably in her chair as she asked, “Expelled? What do you mean, young lady?”
Victoria enjoyed the granny’s discomfort, as she explained, “Under the Scheme, parents are encouraged to make sure the students do their homework, revise for and do well in tests, behave well, and the like. The incentive is that they suffer being disciplined if the student fails in any of these matters. The important thing is that the student is never told as that increases the incentive on the parent or guardian, or in your case, the grandparent.”
Mrs Beckett looked shocked. “I didn’t know that.” After a moment of silence, when Mrs Beckett stared in increasing horror at Victoria, she asked, “What do you mean by disciplined? That usually meant the cane in my day?”
Victoria couldn’t quite hide her smirk as she replied, “Exactly, except here at college it means smacked legs, spanking, and or the cane, or all three.”
The realisation that she was going to be disciplined initially horrified Mrs Beckett. However, only a moment or two later, she knew she felt aroused by the prospect as she remembered her long-held regret that she had never been spanked or caned herself. She remembered a friend being put across their teacher’s lap when she was sixteen and spanked on her knickers in front of the whole class. Mrs Beckett, or the then Linda Beckett, had felt aroused as she watched, and, as her friend told her afterwards that it wasn’t so bad, that set her thinking. She also had several friends who had been caned. That same girl was caned just a week after being spanked in class, and once again said that it didn’t hurt so much.
Mrs Beckett remembered the girl’s red eyes after the caning so knew she had been crying and still said it hadn’t hurt that much. That set Mrs Beckett thinking about wanting to be caned herself to find out the truth, but it never happened to her everlasting regret
Of course, the girl’s friends including Mrs Beckett, discussed the spanking and the caning afterwards, and whilst most of the girls reckoned the girl was lying, Mrs Beckett and a couple of the others were more thoughtful, and, that night, and several times a week ever since, had masturbated picturing themselves being spanked and caned.
So, now, when the oh-so-confident and authoritarian-sounding Victoria said she would be spanking and caning her, Mrs Beckett even wondered if, just perhaps, those long-held fantasies would come true. Except, one thing held her back. In a worried, questioning tone, Mrs Beckett asked, “If Miss Collins is away ill, who will be disciplining me?”
Victoria had expected the question and successfully kept a straight face as she replied definitively, “I made it clear that if I carried out the review then I would deal with the outcome. So, me.”
Mrs Beckett replied in horror, “But you are only seventeen and I am, well, erm, over forty years older than you.”
Victoria looked firmly at Mrs Beckett, reckoning that she was arguing rather than point-blank refusing. “Age isn’t the point here, Mrs Beckett. You agreed to me dealing with whatever the outcome was. Remember?”
Mrs Beckett did remember but didn’t reply.
Victoria knew from the look on her face that Mrs Beckett did remember. However, instead of forcing the reply, she added, “Secondly, the rules are very clear. If you refuse your punishment then Alice is expelled forthwith, and you can collect her from her class and take her home, for good.” Victoria knew that there was an appeals system, but didn’t bother to say that.
Mrs Beckett breathed deeply as she thought about Victoria’s answer, and decided that it was perfect as she had no getout. She could be disciplined and live out her long-held fantasy, and, if she wanted to, complain afterwards. Either way, she was a winner here. She therefore replied, sounding doleful but actually feeling both tense and excited, “Well, if I have no choice,” allowing her voice to tail off.
Victoria still kept a straight face as she realised that Mrs Beckett was agreeing to being spanked and caned by her. Suddenly, though, she was worried as she felt it unlikely the rules really allowed her to discipline Mrs Beckett. Equally, she had never spanked or caned anyone before anyway. However, Mrs Beckett had really annoyed her with her attitude and so deserved to be disciplined, and Victoria supposed she would always be able to argue she had made it clear that Mrs Beckett would be subject to whatever the outcome was, and that she would be carrying that outcome out. Therefore, Victoria told herself that she would always be able to argue that she assumed she was supposed to discipline Mrs Beckett, given Alice’s poor review, and so reasoned that she would be a winner here.
So, with Victoria eager to discipline Mrs Beckett, and with Mrs Beckett eager to be disciplined, both felt ready and very willing to proceed.
Victoria stood up and, keeping a stern look on her face, ordered, “Stand up, Mrs Beckett, and address me as, ‘Miss,’ whilst being disciplined, and I will address you as, ‘Beckett.’ Understood?”
Mrs Beckett stood up and rather liked having to address Victoria as though she were a teacher. “Yes, Miss,” she said, obediently.
Victoria was astounded a woman Mrs Beckett’s age submitted so readily, but decided the dice had been thrown and so she should deal with Mrs Beckett as though she were a teacher herself. She pointed to the cane cupboard and ordered, “Take your knickers off and put them on the desk behind you. Then raise your dress above your waist and go to the cupboard and fetch me the hook-ended cane, Beckett.”
Mrs Beckett didn’t realise that canes were kept in each classroom. However, accepting that they were, lifted her dress hem above her waist, slipped her thumbs into the waistband of her knickers, pushed them downwards, stepped out of them, folded them, and placed them on the desk behind her. She had expected to put them on the teacher’s desk and not one of the student’s desks, but supposed Victoria knew what she was doing. She then pulled the hem of her dress up so it was above her waist and, now feeling decidedly naughty school girlish, walked over to the cupboard and opened the door. She immediately saw the hook-ended canes which, close-up, looked decidedly scary, took one down, closed the cupboard door, and walked over to Victoria and handed it to her, saying, “Here is the cane, Miss.”
Victoria still kept a straight face as Mrs Beckett took off her knickers and as she walked to the cupboard with her decidedly wobbly bare bottom cheeks on show. She wanted to smile as she watched Mrs Beckett walk back over to her with her full pussy mound on show, but still managed to retain her authoritative appearance, even as she took the cane from Mrs Beckett. Once holding the cane she ordered, “Okay, Beckett, Come and bend across my lap.”
Victoria made a point of placing the cane on the teacher’s desk and then sitting on the visitor’s chair which had no arms, and pointed to her lap.
Mrs Beckett stepped to Victoria’s side and, momentarily, looked down at the teenager’s mainly bare lap before taking a deep breath and easing herself downwards. She put her hand on the far side of the chair seat and lowered herself, catching her fall with her other hand on the floor, and then lowered her full weight down across Victoria’s lap. Having never been spanked before she found the upside-down view of everything so new to her. However, she smiled as she felt Victoria’s hand rubbing her bottom in circles thinking how she was living her dream.
Victoria still couldn’t quite get her head around the fact that a woman of nearly sixty was lowering herself across her lap. She had deliberately pulled her hem up so that most of her thighs were bare as she wanted to feel Mrs Beckett’s bare tummy directly on her own skin, and had to admit that it felt good when the grandma figure lowered her full weight onto her thighs. She had now set aside all thoughts of wrongdoing as she placed her open palm on Mrs Beckett’s bare bottom and rubbed in circles. She loved the feel of the fleshy bottom which looked much larger than her friend’s bottoms which she saw when changing for gym class, or in the showers afterwards.
Mrs Beckett’s bottom was pulled flat as she lay across her lap, but Victoria made out the stretch marks of the much older woman and knew she would see drooping breasts and a wobbly tummy if she made Mrs Beckett undress. However, she didn’t suppose that Mrs Beckett would break any further rules that would require her to undress, and so was happy enough with the bare bottom and bare backs of legs she was looking at, and rubbing in circles.
Mrs Beckett became increasingly tense, and understandably so, as she realised the bottom rubbing had ended, and the next moment gasped as she felt the hard spank on her bottom. “Ow, that hurts,” she exclaimed.
Victoria ignored Mrs Beckett’s exclamation and landed the second spank on her other bare bottom cheek, and ignored Mrs Beckett saying that hurt as well. She proceeded to land spank after on alternate bare bottom cheeks and even enjoyed the continuing gasps she heard after every spank.
Mrs Beckett couldn’t help herself telling Victoria that the first spank hurt, and then couldn’t stop herself gasping after every spank. She knew the spanks would hurt, but hadn’t expected them to sting quite so much, nor for the stinging to intensify. Mrs Beckett’s gasps got even louder as she realised that several spanks were landing on the same bottom cheek and then several landed on her other bottom cheek, and she was certainly struggling more than she had expected to.
Victoria knew to spank alternate bottom cheeks for a while and then to spank the same bottom cheek several times in a row, and, as she spanked, could tell from the increasingly loud gasps, and by how she tensed or bent her legs, and wriggled about on her lap, that Mrs Beckett was struggling. That was very good, Victoria told herself, and the beginning of getting her own back for how rude and aggressive Mrs Beckett had been to her.
Mrs Beckett was also telling herself that her school friend must have lied when saying the spanking was easy to cope with. Had she told the truth then, maybe, she wouldn’t have fantasised for forty years about being spanked. Mind you, she knew she could have earned a spanking herself, but just didn’t have the courage at the time. However, as the spanking became more and more painful, she wondered how much the caning was going to hurt. At least, she did think about the caning until Victoria started to spank the backs of her legs because once that started all she could think of was trying not to embarrass herself by crying.
Victoria kept on spanking as she watched Mrs Beckett’s bottom cheeks and the backs of her legs turn deeper and deeper shades of red. She kept herself focused on the task and knew she mustn’t allow the strength of the spanks to lighten, but rather to make them harder and harder. She remembered watching as her classmates were spanked at the front of the class and had a particularly good view as hers was the desk right at the front of the class, and, in fact, the one where Mrs Beckett had put her knickers. That close-up view of the spankings now paid off as she had used each opportunity to teach herself to spank just in case she got the chance, not expecting that opportunity to have happened today.
Just as Victoria knew to turn the bottom cheeks and legs red, so she hadn’t realised just how much her hand would hurt. She ignored the pain to begin with, telling herself that as much as her hand stung, Mrs Beckett’s bottom and legs would be stinging far, far more. However, she eventually had to stop as her hand hurt more than she wanted to take, although knew that Mrs Beckett would be feeling the pain much more. However, Victoria also knew that Mrs Beckett would find the cane even harder to take, whilst she would get no pain whatsoever.
Victoria gave a few last hard spanks and then ordered, “Get up, Beckett.”
Mrs Beckett was just glad the spanking was over. As she eased herself up from Victoria’s lap, gone was the initial upside-down view, and all she thought about was her stinging bottom and legs. As she stood up, her hands flew to her bottom and she rubbed and squeezed her stinging bottom cheeks and legs. However, as she glanced at the teacher’s desk she gasped as she saw the cane and thought about the reality of much more pain.
Victoria was about to tell Mrs Beckett to stop rubbing her bottom and that it wasn’t allowed until the whole punishment was over. However, when she saw Mrs Beckett look at the cane and the horror on her face, she smiled as she realised that Mrs Beckett was now thinking about the rest of the punishment.
Mrs Beckett looked from the cane to Victoria and saw the teenager was smirking. She was about to say something but managed to stop herself, reckoning that if she was rude then it might earn her more strokes. As she stopped herself from making a rude retort, she was pleased with herself as it showed the spanking had had an effect on her, which was to make her think twice before speaking. Well, that was a good lesson to learn, she told herself, as she knew she too often spoke first and thought afterwards.
Victoria could see Mrs Beckett struggle to stay quiet and loved the fact the grandma figure was learning the lesson learned every day by someone at college. She savoured the feeling for a few moments and then commanded, “Go to the end of the desk, bend across it, and grab the far end, Beckett.”
Mrs Beckett grimaced at the order, as all she now wanted to do was to leave and go home. However, having taken the spanking she supposed she had to take the caning as well, because, otherwise, Alice would be expelled and the spanking would have been in vain. So, she stepped to the end of the desk, and looked down at it, realising that the books that had been on it were now stacked on the floor. So, she was able to bend over and grab the far end of the desk without upsetting anything that had been on it. Once she had stretched to grasp the far end she knew her bottom was now so unprotected and an easy target for Victoria’s cane.
Victoria waited until Mrs Beckett was bent across the desk before standing to her side and rubbing the cane back and forth across her very red bottom cheeks. She also had a first-class close-up view of students being caned at the front of the class as the new discipline rules now allowed spankings and canings to take place in the classroom as an added incentive for students to behave themselves. No one wanted to be disciplined in front of the whole class, compared to being disciplined in the headmistress study, and behaviour had significantly improved since the new rules were imposed. It wasn’t so different from public corporal punishment sessions in the local arena where members of the public, including the victims of crime, could watch the perpetrators getting their just desserts. The victims weren’t allowed to give the punishment, but Victoria could now see the additional benefit of allowing that and would advocate a further change in rules if she wasn’t disciplined herself for carrying out the punishment on Mrs Beckett, she reminded herself.
Mrs Beckett felt the cane rubbed across her bottom and wondered if she should just leave, and tell Alice she was expelled. It was certainly an option, she told herself. Once again, though, she thought about it and decided the caning was the lesser evil and was still on her bucket wish list, as well as it being unfair on Alice if she were expelled.
Victoria rubbed the cane back and forth a few times recognising she had to place herself so the whole cane landed on Mrs Beckett’s bottom cheeks rather than the end landing on air, as that would allow the maximum pain from the single stroke. Once happy with her position, she focussed on Mrs Beckett’s bare bottom deciding where to land the first stroke. She remembered from the canings she had watched that the first stroke tended to be about halfway down the cheeks, and subsequent ones one below the other. She was so pleased her desk was at the front and in such a good position to
learn from the discipline events in the classroom.
Victoria announced, “Six strokes, Beckett. Don’t get up as then that stroke won’t count, no matter how many times you get up. Understood, Beckett?”
Mrs Beckett heard the tariff, groaned, and replied, “Yes, Miss.”
Victoria pulled her arm back, took a final look at where she was aiming to land the cane, brought her arm down, and kept her arm firm as the cane landed on Mrs Beckett’s bottom. She saw the cane eaten up, momentarily, by Mrs Beckett’s amply fleshy bottom cheeks and then spewed back out. However, Victoria watched the red welt appear, just as she had done so many times when a classmate was caned in class. She expected, and heard, the pained gasp from Mrs Beckett, and saw her struggle to keep a hold of the end of the table.
Mrs Beckett gasped as the cane landed and couldn’t stop herself saying, “That hurt, Miss.”
Victoria was pleased with Mrs Beckett’s exclamation, as she brought the cane down for the second stroke. She watched the red welt appear and delighted in Mrs Beckett saying a pained, “That really really hurt, Miss,” as though hoping Victoria would lighten the cane stroke. Well, Victoria didn’t lighten the stroke and, with a relish, made the third stroke even harder.
Mrs Beckett yelped with the third stroke as it hurt even more, but instead of saying anything just cried out, “Owww,” as the pain cascaded around her bottom. When the fourth stroke landed the “Owww,” was even longer and was repeated, and she felt tears well up in her eyes. She grasped hold of the desk to make sure she didn’t let go as she certainly didn’t want the promised extras if she did get up, and once again realised this was so different from how she thought she would have reacted to the pain. She now knew corporal punishment was, indeed, a first-class teacher, and reckoned that it was right to impose it and use it on misbehaving students.
Victoria watched the fourth welt appear and was conscious of the fact that Mrs Beckett was reacting pretty much like her classmates who were caned for the first time as the bravado of commenting the first and even the second stroke hurt was soon replaced by unintelligible grunts and groans of pain. So, as the fifth stroke landed, Victoria made sure it was harder than the first four and was rewarded by more pained grunts as well as Mrs Beckett shaking her head from side to side, her legs bending at the knees, and as her knuckles turned white as they were stretched to the limit as she clung onto the end of the desk.
Mrs Beckett felt tears run down her face even before the final stroke, and, when number six landed, she just focused on staying down by clasping the end of the table with all her strength. She didn’t realise that her legs bent, nor that as she straightened back up so she stamped both feet on the ground as she yelped out loud. The pain was so all-encompassing and far far greater than she thought it would be, and again questioned anyone who said the cane was easy to deal with. Still, the
caning was now over, she told herself, as she stayed bent across the desk.
As Mrs Beckett sobbed as she clung to the desk, her feelings slowly but surely changed. First, she remembered how by being spanked she thought before she spoke. She was always annoyed with herself that she blurted things out without thinking, but not today with Miss Victoria being so strict with her. Secondly, she started to feel a fuzzy warmth across her bottom. It still stung madly, but the pain was reducing and something akin to her feelings when she used her vibrator were swimming around in her vagina, and she realised she was aroused. Was it the caning, or just the submission, or both, she wondered? What she did know was that, if she had been alone, she would give herself an orgasm as quickly as anything. Was this what her friend at school felt like a short while after her caning, she wondered? She squeezed her thighs and confirmed she was already close to an orgasm, and told herself that her old friend must have been aroused by the caning which overrode the feelings of pain.
As she pondered the increasingly delightful feelings she now had, and how the caning, in particular, had made her stop and think before blurting anything out, she wondered whether the threat of another caning would be something she should seek. If she did, how would she secure it? Maybe another review would do it?
Victoria let Mrs Beckett stay bent over the desk as she watched the granny slowly stop sobbing. She didn’t mind, as she rather liked looking at the six now well-developed red welts. She even wondered how they would feel if she ran her fingers along them, but held back and knew she mustn’t. Then she noticed Mrs Beckett clenching and releasing her thighs and knew immediately that she was actually masturbating. She was amazed but had heard of classmates who fingered themselves in the toilets after a caning, although plenty of others simply cried for ages as they rubbed their bottoms and said over and over that they wouldn’t misbehave again. She was sure that Mrs Beckett was one of those who seemed to be aroused by the caning, though.
Which was better, Victoria asked herself with a smile, and when she heard the slightest of erotic gasps from Mrs Beckett she knew what this grandma figure obviously preferred, and immediately wondered how damp her hair mound was right now.
Victoria momentarily asked herself if she should be cross with Mrs Beckett for turning a punishment into something sexual. However, she reconciled that the punishment wasn’t Mrs Beckett’s choice and so if she happened to get off by being caned then that was lucky for her. So, she decided to let it go. Instead, she ordered, ” You can get up, Beckett, and straighten out your clothes.”
Mrs Beckett took a few moments but pushed herself up, thinking that if she had stayed down much longer she would have had an enormous orgasm which would have been so embarrassing. Better to go to the toilets and finger herself, unless she felt she could get home where she would have an even better orgasm. Then she wondered if she could do both.
Victoria interrupted Mrs Beckett’s thoughts by saying sternly, “I will mark the review as completed
and the consequences applied. Do not forget that Alice must not be told about the review or the consequences. Understood, Beckett?”
Mrs Beckett was focused again on the very strict Victoria. As she listened, she realised that part of the reason for her arousal was the haughty tone of the teenager, and was thankful that she had made her fantasy come true. She again wondered if the experience could be repeated, and asked, “Is there a follow-up review, Miss?” and waited for the answer.
Victoria wondered if Mrs Beckett wanted a follow-up review or was worried there would be one. She asked, “You can request a further review, and parents do find it useful as they seek to get back matters on track. Shall I ask Mrs Collins?”
Mrs Beckett bit her lip, and then said tentatively, “Maybe you should carry out the next review as well, Miss?”
Victoria was surprised by the request, but then, thinking about how Mrs Beckett had clearly masturbated, maybe she shouldn’t be so surprised. Did she want to spank and cane Mrs Beckett again though, she asked herself? Of course, it could be that Alice’s work would have improved by the next review so maybe there wouldn’t be any punishment. Maybe, Mrs Beckett had even learned her lesson and wanted to show that, under her supervision, Alice could improve her work. Could that be it? However, Victoria remembered most vividly Mrs Beckett satisfying herself sexually and thought the most likely reason was that the granny wanted to be spanked and caned again, and, on balance, Victoria told herself that it would be a useful exercise for her as she had a leaning towards being a teacher, and saw the immense benefits of the new punishment structure. She even thought, wickedly, that she felt a little aroused herself by spanking and caning Mrs Beckett, so maybe one more time might just be so much fun for her.
Victoria decided to go for it. “I can, Beckett. It would be right to carry out a review after one week to check on your attitude, and even if Alice’s marks have improved it might still be right to discipline you again under the Scheme.” She added after a short pause, “So, if you want, I can carry out that review as well, Beckett.” She waited for Mrs Beckett’s response.
“Yes, please, Miss,” Mrs Beckett replied, blushing at the very thought of another spanking and caning, but she was so taken by Victoria’s strict authoritarian tone of voice and, whilst worried, she was already looking forward to their next meeting.
Victoria was also looking forward to the meeting. “It would be best if we find a time for me to attend your home when Alice is out for a couple of hours.” Victoria felt more comfortable breaking the rules outside of the college and knew she could sneak a cane in and out in her sports bag. She knew that Alice attended a drama group after school on Thursday, and that would be ideal.
So, after arranging the review for the following Thursday, Mrs Beckett bade Victoria goodbye, and
went straight to the toilets, sat in a cubicle, and gave herself a huge orgasm. Mrs Beckett told herself, ‘That girl is just the best, and I want her to spank and cane me again no matter what the outcome.’
Victoria was able to stay in the classroom and slip her fingers inside her knickers, which she knew were already damp, and she too came with huge orgasmic gasps. She loved the fact that as a teenager she had spanked and caned, ‘granny Beckett,’ and told herself, ‘Blow the rules, and roll on next Thursday as I already know she will get another spanking and caning.’
So, as Victoria sat in the classroom still running her fingers up and down her very wet pussy lips, and granny Beckett made her way home with a stinging bottom but with flutters flying around her vagina, both thought about what would happen the next time they met.