The woman looked nervous. Constantly teasing a lock of dark hair in her finger, then pulling down on the hem of her short dress. “It’s years since I’ve been on a date, let alone tried to pick up a guy. Who will be interested in me?” Beth Carter said plaintively.
“Lots of men,” Linda assured her. They were standing around a small raised table in a corner slot of Glyde’s Brasserie. Linda leaned on the table, took another puff on the inhaler and stuck out her rear. “Try it.”
“No, I couldn’t, you’re tall and slim, I’m short and dumpy.”
“I meant the inhaler!” Linda stopped herself from giggling. Behave! And that’s your last puff. “You have great boobs, honestly, Beth I wish I had your boobs.”
“They droop, you’d hate them.” Beth picked up the inhaler warily. She knew the effects, having tried it at Linda’s the other day. Oh, to hell with it! She inhaled and felt a surge of confidence. “Thanks, oh, that man is looking at your bum. Creep!”
“He is meant to be looking. I’m wriggling it in a provocative manner, Although he does look like a creep.” Linda giggled. Okay, add too much wine to the list. She pushed her glass away. “Besides he may be looking at your boobs.”
“Oh, god! Do you think so?” Beth clasped her hand to her chest.
“Draw attention to them, I would!” To be fair, the amount of boob Beth was showing was attention enough. “Honestly, you really do have great boobs,” Linda repeated encouragingly.
“Are you hitting on me, Linda Leason?” Beth smiled.
“You know my reputation is for younger ladies, but I am tempted to make an exception.” Linda pressed herself against Beth.
“Behave!” Beth’s smile meant she was pleased and more than a little flattered.
“He’s coming over.”
“What do we do?”
“Be nice.”
Terry Dawson was thirty-one and cocksure but with enough sense of humour not to be a total pain in the arse. “Ladies,” he grinned. “What you having?” He resisted the temptation to say ‘apart from me’.
The taller woman answered with a smile. “White wine, that okay with you Beth?”
Beth nodded, anxiety twisting her face. Terry liked that look. Older woman, short on confidence and big on tits. Terry fancied his odds as he made his way to the bar.
“He’s a bit young,” murmured Beth. “Sorry.”
“For what?”
“Well, you know,” Beth went bright red. “You liking young women.”
“Beth Carter, please stop worrying! I like my life and I like what I do. and yes, he’s young, so what? Means if you pull him he won’t flake after five minutes. Now are we here to get you out the house and start enjoying life again or fretting about every little thing?”
“That’s just it, I don’t know! I’m a nervous wreck, I don’t know what to say or do. Can I have another puff?”
“Oh, for Pete’s sake! Do you like him?” Linda handed the inhaler back.
“He’s okay, fancies himself a bit. Oh, god its so long since I’ve had a bloke.” Beth eyed the inhaler and put it down.
“I wouldn’t worry about that, I reckon Mr ego-pants will be more than happy to show you what to do.”
Beth laughed. “I do wish I was more like you, Linda.”
“Well, its taken years of practice, so don’t beat yourself up over it. Just relax, have a nice time and see where the mood takes you. Shush, he’s coming back.”
“Two white wines for two lovely ladies. I’m Terry by the way.”
‘Pleased to meet you, Terry. I’m Linda, and this is Beth.”
“So what brings you two gorgeous gals to Glyde’s?”
“Oh, we were just bored, so thought we would pop out and see if we can get laid,” replied Linda. Beth squeaked in alarm, then tried to cover it by taking a gulp of wine.
Despite his confidence, Terry was anticipating slightly more finesse. He looked at Linda, who stared boldly back. Terry decided to go all in.
“Look, Linda. I could spend the next twenty minutes chatting you up and you could be all flirtatious yada, yada, or we could just pop around the back and have some fun. What do you reckon?”
Linda turned to a wide-eyed Beth. “What do you think? You okay by yourself for a bit?”
“Or she can come with and hold your handbag,” grinned Terry, placing his hand on the small of Linda’s back.
“I’ll stay here with the bags and the drinks, are you really, you know?” Beth’s face twisted with a mix of anxiety and excitement.
“Yes, I’m really going to, you know,” replied Linda, allowing Terry to take her by the hand and lead her outside.
Linda breathed in the night air, feeling a little light-headed. She had been showing off in front of Beth, and while not regretting her bravado, spending more time getting to know this man wouldn’t have gone amiss. Terry stopped in the alley and pressed Linda against the rough wall, kissing her hard.
He was a lovely kisser, Linda thought, strong, but not without feeling, looking to accommodate her wishes rather than just focusing on his own. She began to melt into him, his hand on her arse, pushing his groin into her.
“You bring all the ladies down here?” Linda whispered as his mouth found her neck.
“Only the sexy ones.”
“You mean the ones that say yes.”
“Yes is a very sexy word.” Terry kissed her again, his hand under her dress, a finger slipping into the leg of her panties. She was smooth and wet to the touch.
Linda’s hand dropped to his groin, fumbling for the zip, shivering as his finger penetrated her. “We doing it here?”
“Well, we are not out here for the fresh air.”
“No, I guess—fuck!” Linda moved on his hand, the sound of her wetness seemingly loud in the dim alley.
“Like that, huh?” Terry bit harder on Linda’s neck as he pushed a second finger into her.
“Yes!” Linda reached for his cock that was pressing into her, a wet smear on her thigh, cooling in the night air.
‘Suck me!” His voice was urgent, pushing her down.
There was no resistance to the idea. Linda wanted his cock, and she preferred giving a blowjob to fucking in an alley.
He was warm and slick with her juices on his cock. The mix of scents aroused her as she sank to her haunches. She took his hardness in her mouth. Instinctively, Terry thrust forward, then pulled back as Linda’s hand stayed him, accepting her desire to control the action.
“That’s it, babe!” Terry gasped. Linda’s tongue was everywhere, then settling into a rhythm as she sucked him. It didn’t take long. That warm, salty, bleach-like taste soon filled her mouth.
“Fuck!” Terry muttered, half leaning against the wall, his eyes regaining focus. “Fuck,” he muttered again.
Linda nuzzled his groin, rose, and then gave a startled cry.
“Oh, yeah, you met my mate, Gary?” Terry grinned.
“That’s everything, Mr Finch,” the youth said.
“Feels a bit light, Jimmy.” Finch hefted the envelope, his attention partly elsewhere.
“Trade was a bit slow last night, Mr Finch,” Jimmy rushed to explain. “I’ll be hitting the main pubs and clubs tonight, it being Friday. Bound to offload a load of pills.”
“Yeah, you’d better.” Finch pocketed the envelope. “You need more gear?”
Jimmy nodded.
“Courier will stop on Tidwell Road near the Kebab and Burger Bar. Around 10:30.”
“Thanks, Mr Finch, I won’t let you down.”
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Jimmy.”
“You can rely on me, Mr Finch.”
“Fuck off, Jimmy.”
Jimmy fucked off.
Finch picked up his whisky and kept an eye on the two women and the man who had just joined them. Finch didn’t cut an imposing figure amongst the clientele of Glyde’s Brasserie. Barely, 5’6′, with a lean, wiry build and an indeterminate face. He brushed back his long brown hair, his watchful eyes constantly darting around the bar.
“That was quick.” He put his glass down. The taller woman was leaving with her male companion, leaving the anxious woman behind.
None of his business. Except for the nod between the man who left and a big guy standing alone and nursing a drink. That nod might make it his business.
It was a good ten minutes before the big guy moved to the door. He had checked his phone several times as he waited.
“Fuck it,” muttered Finch. “Excuse me, darlin’.” Pushing his way to the exit, Finch caught the big guy turning down an alley. “Now, what’s the betting you and your mate like to double team,” he mused aloud.
“What?” Linda stuttered, a sinking feeling in her stomach.
“Figured you could do my mate.” Terry went on.
“Blow him, suck him off. As we have you here, shame to waste the opportunity.”
Linda glared, holding on to her anger for comfort and courage. “What the fuck do you think I am?”
“You’re a whore, sweetheart,” replied Gary, unzipping his pants.
“Fuck you—” Linda squeaked in alarm as Terry gripped her face.
“Now don’t be like that, we’re just being friendly. You suck good cock, might as well spread that expertise around.”
“You okay, lady?” A third voice interrupted.
Both Terry and Gary turned, startled at first, then with annoyance at the smaller man facing them.
“Fuck off, mate, get your own tart, this ones taken.” Gary zipped up his pants. Having your cock hanging out didn’t cut it in the intimidation stakes.
Linda stared at Finch. He looked vaguely familiar. She shook Terry’s hand off her. “No, I’m not okay!” Linda spat in Terry’s face.
“Fucking bitch!” Terry growled, wiping his cheek.
“Seems the lady has made her feelings clear,” said Finch mildly. His employer wouldn’t appreciate trouble with Linda in the vicinity.
Gary squared off to Finch. “This is none of your fucking business, mate so do yourself a favour and fuck off.”
“Sure I’ll fuck off, but only with the lady.”
“She ain’t going anywhere,” muttered Terry.
“Finch!” Linda suddenly said.”It’s Mr Finch, isn’t it?”
“Surprised you remembered,” smiled Finch.
“I do, you drove me home from the Spice Shop at the Depot. You work with my daughter.”
For, not with, your daughter. “Yeah, that’s right. I work at Depot.” The blade suddenly glinted in Finch’s hand as Terry and Gary began to feel the ground shifting under them.
“The Depot? Hey, this was just a bit of fun,” said Gary hastily.
“Your daughter?” Terry looked at Linda, half-hoping this wasn’t going where he thought it was going.
“Yeah, I work for the lady’s daughter. Raven.” Finch informed them.
“So, what happens now,” said Linda. “Oh, god, I forgot about Beth!”
They were standing outside the entrance to Glyde’s. Finch looked in and smiled. “She seems okay.” Beth was chatting to a guy in his forties. She looked relaxed.
“I had best go see.” Linda hesitated her hand on the door.
“I’ll wait for you, see you home if you like,”
“Yes, thank you.” Linda pushed into the bar.
He watched through the window as the two women chatted. Not that he cared about Beth. His interest was Linda and only because of his employer.
“Your friend okay?” Finch asked politely when Linda returned.
“She’s fine, think she had forgotten I slipped out. The guy seems nice.”
“So did Terry.”
Finch shrugged.
“None of this has to get back to Michelle does it?” Linda continued.
“Not if you don’t want it to.”
“I’d prefer it. She will get all judgemental and take it out on those two arseholes. Not that they don’t deserve it. I thought it was going to end in a fight.” Linda sounded slightly disappointed.
“Not once they figured who I worked for. That you’re Raven’s mother was when they really started shitting themselves. They’ll be shitting themselves for the rest of the month. Worse than a beat down.” He cocked his head to one side. “Why the face?”
“Nothing, it’s just, well I hate that name. Raven. Silly, but it bothers me.”
“We call her Lady if it helps. You want a lift back home?”
“I can walk, I’m staying at my flat in town, its not too far.”
“Want me to walk you?”
Linda did. She flashed him a grateful smile. “I haven’t thanked you for rescuing me.”
Finch offered her his arm, which Linda gratefully accepted. They walked in companionable silence.
Keying in the lobby door code, Linda turned to Finch. “Can I offer you a coffee?”
Finch hesitated.
“Sorry, you probably can’t wait to get shot of me!” Linda was suddenly embarrassed.
“No, it’s not that, I’m working tonight.”
“Oh, alright, no problem, thanks again, what’s your first name?”
“Finch. Just, Finch. I guess ten minutes and a cup of coffee can’t do any harm.”
Pleased, Linda smiled and led the way to the lift.
“Top floor,” she said as Finch’s finger hovered over the panel.
Finch punched the button while Linda surreptitiously checked out her reflection as the lift lurched into life.
“Make yourself at home, I’ll get the coffee on,” Linda said as she opened the door to her flat. She made her way to the kitchen, conscious that he was watching her.
“Nice place. Yours?”
Linda nodded. “Michelle bought it for me a year ago. I use it for weekends, going shopping, partying. everything is in walking distance. Cream?”
“Thanks, no sugar.”
She handed Finch a cup, watching him as he took a sip. He was her height, maybe a fraction shorter, but the way he carried himself was appealing. Self-assured without being brash.
“Do you always carry a knife?” Linda suddenly felt the need to say something.
“Yeah, since I was in my teens. Then I joined the Army and upgraded.”
“Oh.” Linda wished she hadn’t asked. It had sounded rude. “Shall we make ourselves comfy?” Something else she wished she hadn’t said. A small smile crept across his face.
“Sure.” He followed Linda to the seating area in front of the windows. It was all open plan and muted tones with a split-level staircase leading to the bedrooms.
“God knows what you must think of me.” Linda decided to confront the issue head-on.
“God knows what you think of me. It works both ways.”
“I think you’re a very charming man.” Dangerous but charming.
“And I think you are a very lovely lady.”
“Who lets men feel her up in alleyways.”
“We both make lifestyle choices.”
“Lifestyle choices? That’s what we are calling it now?” An echo of a conversation with her daughter from years ago.
“Why not? Look, Linda, can I call you Linda? Look, I don’t give a shit what you do or how you lead your life or the choices you make. I don’t make judgements.”
“Me, neither,” smiled Linda.
“That’s settled then. Thanks for the coffee. But I do have to go.”
“Really?” Linda tried to keep the disappointment out of her voice.
“Fraid so.” Finch stood up. “I’ll see myself out.”
“No, let me.” Linda walked with him to the door. “Thanks for everything, Finch.”
“And don’t say a word to my daughter!”
“Promise.” Finch paused. “You know I could—”
“I’d like that,” Linda replied quickly.
“It may be late.”
“I’ll wait up, no matter how late.” Linda held his gaze.
“Until later then.”
“Yes, until later.”
Tomkins looked at Finch as they sat parked up in a residential street. “Are you fucking mad? You were alone with Raven’s old dear in her flat?”
“What? I helped out, she wanted to talk. I was only there ten minutes.” Which was true. So far.
“Yeah, well, tread carefully, mate. You telling Lady?’
“Can’t. I promised Linda.”
“Pity, helping out would put you in well with her. Not that you need it. She all but wanks you off, the way she goes on about you.”
“I’m a valued employee, mate. And the ladies can’t get enough of me, so it’s inevitable I would be the favoured one.”
“Fuck off. Hang on, this him?”
“Yeah, Terry Dawson. Looks like he sank a few.”
“Trying to forget his major error of judgement earlier tonight.” Tomkins opened the car door and eased himself out. He was a big man, an easy 6’3′, with cropped hair and a ruddy complexion.
“Terry!” Finch called out as they approached their wobbly target.
“What? Oh, shit!” Terry stumbled back, then turned and ran.
“Fuck! He’s legging it! We know where you live you fucking tosser!” Tomkins yelled after him. There was a crash of bins as the fleeing figure sprawled onto the pavement.
“That was lucky, I didn’t fancy giving chase,” grinned Finch.
They approached the groaning man on the ground.
‘I’m going to be sick!” Terry mumbled.
Finch looked down at him. “Mate, that’s the least of your fucking problems.”
It was a bad idea, but lately, all her ideas were bad. Trouble was they were kind of fun, too. A flighty-fifty-something-year-old woman, a mother and grandmother, who happily went with a strange man down an alley to suck him off and then waited up for an even worse man to come back and do—well, God knows what to her.
What’s more, he worked for her daughter. “And the less said about that, the better!” Linda said aloud. The noise surrounding Michelle, she refused to think of her as Raven, seemed to grow louder each year. None of it is flattering, a lot of it upsetting, and some of it disturbing. No matter how hard Linda tried, she couldn’t block it out.
“Huh?” Linda jerked awake, glancing at the time. She had fallen asleep on the sofa. 1:41 am. Late. Another soft knock at the door.
Finch! Panic washed over Linda. She hurriedly checked her reflection in the window, a dark patch visible on the front of her dress. Oh, god, she had drooled over herself! Again, a knock. Linda got her act together and threw the door open.
This is dumb, Finch. Fucking dumb. It’s not like you’re short of pussy. The Depot had wall-to-wall snatch. Raven liked to keep morale up. So why the fuck was he knocking on the door of the mother of his employer at gone one in the morning?
Because I’m a fucking idiot. Finch knocked again. He knew the answer. He was a risk-taker, and this appealed to him. Still, he had time to walk—the door flew open, and a madwoman stared at him.
Finch knew he was going to fuck her.
Collecting her breath, Linda smiled at Finch. She was absurdly pleased to see him. She had stripped off her dress and grabbed a short robe on the way to the door. It was better than a dress with a drool patch.
“Hi, you made it!” Linda smiled breathlessly.
“Yeah.” He was staring at her tits.
“Come in, do you want anything?”
“Yeah, you.”
Linda was silent, a tightness in her tummy.
She knew she was going to fuck him.
He had her wedged against the wall, kissing her hard. She twisted beneath him, kissing him back, her mouth open, her tongue urgent. Their breathing was loud and heavy in the silence.
Finch propelled Linda back to the lounge area. She gave a slight moan as he pulled down her bra straps, grasping her tit and squeezing.
‘How—?” Linda stuttered, her voice thick.
“Shut up!” Finch shoved Linda face down into the sofa cushion and ripped down her panties. “I’m still on the clock.”
Linda could sense the wolfish grin. His hand was between her legs, feeling her, then she heard him spit, a tiny wet splatter on her arse. A peaceful surrender overtook her. Finch was here to do her; she wanted him to do her.
Finch started doing her.
She had a great arse. Finch was a connoisseur of arses. He admired it as he dicked her. The thought of doing this had been tickling and teasing the back of his mind all night. He suspected it had been the same for Linda. Hours of foreplay stoking them, the inevitably of this moment, both knowing it as soon as they saw each other, the imperative, the need to fuck and get it out of their systems.
They went at it in silence, save the grunts, the stuttering breath, the wet slapping of flesh, neither wasted energy on words. They were rutting like back alley dogs. He grinned, teeth bared.
She just knelt there, arse in the air, semen dripping from her cunt. Linda didn’t want to move. Ordinarily, she and a new partner would be sharing post-coital reassurances and post-sex niceties. They were not necessary. She knew it had been great, a primaeval fantastic fuck. Dimly, she could hear him in the kitchen. Perhaps she should do something? At least wipe herself, do the post-sex-hostess bit.
Instead, Linda continued dripping cum onto the sofa cushion. It seemed right somehow.
He found some whisky and splashed it into a tumbler from the kitchen. Sipping the drink, he looked at the woman still on all fours on the sofa. He wondered if she had fallen asleep. An after-sex stupor. He knew she had been awake during the sex. She had made a small keening sound. He had almost slapped her to shut her up. Almost.
“Hey!” Finch finally said.
No answer. He walked over and slapped her on the arse. “Hey!”
Linda moved her head. She had liked the slap on her arse. “What?” Then: “Slap my arse again!”
He did. Hard. Linda liked the jolt. It galvanised her, shook her out of her post-sex lethargy. She had cum several times through him fucking her. Her motor had been running, and Finch had blipped it into high gear. Nought to ‘O’ in sixty seconds. It had wiped her out. Linda needed the stimulus of the slap.
“I have to go,” said Finch, knocking back the whisky.
She wanted to plead with him, get him to stay. She didn’t waste her breath. “That’s a shame. Enjoying my whisky?”
“Yeah. Kax?”
Linda rolled onto her side and shook her head. “For Roland, not that he’s been here in a while.” A long while.
“You want me to pop back? I have the morning off.”
“Yes, I’d like that.”
Finch grinned. “By the way, you’re dripping my cum on your nice sofa cushion.”
“Good,” smiled Linda. It was a languid, satisfied smile.
They slept in until eleven. Finch had turned up just gone four am. Linda had given him the code for the interior as well as the exterior doors. Her first awareness he had returned was a weight pressing down on her, then a strong mouth kissing her.
Linda’s first instinct was panic, to resist, then realising who it was, she relaxed. Finch smelt of booze and sour sweat, his breath sharp. She had gone to bed with his sex stink on her. Each welcomed the other’s scent.
“You finished for the night?” Linda whispered.
“Yeah,” Finch rolled off her and winced as he stripped. His body was lithe and taut. In the ambient light, Linda could just make out a dark bruise on his side.
“Spot of bother a couple of nights ago,” he said briefly, climbing back on top of her.
Linda adjusted slightly so he could enter her, wanting to provide comfort for the man and tend his wounds.
“That feels good,” his teeth flashed white as he settled into a rhythm.
Linda closed her eyes as he rode her, murmuring soft words for him, her lips providing affection, letting him bathe and cleanse himself inside her.
Finch made love to her.
Rubbing his face in the bathroom mirror, Finch gave himself a wink. That hat tip to ‘laddishness’ done, he used the spare toothbrush then hit the shower, sloughing off the dirt and sex, the bruise on his side a colourful reminder of his lifestyle.
Tying a towel around his waist, he went downstairs to the kitchen, where Linda was preparing breakfast. Scrambled egg on toast, juice and a pot of coffee.
“Thanks, babe,” he kissed Linda warmly.
It was old-fashioned, but Linda enjoyed looking after a man. Much as she appreciated her life and its freedoms, she missed the simple domestic pleasures.
Finch tucked into the fare while Linda sipped her coffee. This was the tricky bit, one she had navigated a few times, albeit more so with women than men these days. Linda wanted to see Finch again.
“So, what are your plans today?” Linda asked casually.
“I’m happy too.”
“See you again, that’s what you want to know isn’t it?”
“No, not at all, Mr full of him-fucking-self.” Her smile took the bite out of her words.
“Couple of issues. I don’t exactly have a settled life or regular routine, but you know better than most I guess.”
“You mean with you helping my daughter bleed this town dry?”
“Bit harsh.” Her statement surprised him.
“I get around, I go to places, parties, people talk to me, around me, usually they don’t know my relationship so I hear a lot of stories, and while some are no doubt exaggerated, they all can’t be.”
“Yeah, well I don’t have to hide that side from you I guess.”
“I prefer it if you did, Finch. It can be very wearing at times.” A shadow passed across Linda’s face.
“Okay, I hear you, not that I chat about business anyway. Then there is the other issue.”
“She wouldn’t be happy at us seeing each other?”
Happy? Lady would put him in a box. “No.”
“So, when you say, seeing me, you mean pop round on the QT for a quick fuck in-between beatings, extortion and threatening people?”
“I wouldn’t put it quite like that.”
“Well, how would you put it, Finch?”
Finch popped a piece of toast into his mouth, then shrugged. “No, you pretty much summed it up.”
“In that case, we won’t be seeing each other then. But I enjoyed the night and this morning and I’m still grateful you rescued me.”
“Fair enough.”
The Daughter
“She’s what?”
“Here. I had Patti park her in the cafe.”
Raven looked at her phone. “She didn’t message me to say she was coming. She rarely comes here and I always know about it.”
Max shrugged. They were standing in the courtyard of the Depot.
‘This isn’t a good time,” continued Raven.
“I heard.”
“Yeah, well. No doubt you agree with him.” Him was Kax.
“Not my business. You think setting up a drinks company is the way to go, that’s your call.” And your money.
“He just won’t fucking listen. Peddling dope, whores and stolen goods is short term. He knows that.”
“He does, and buying up property, leasing to legit businesses is what he thinks you should be doing.”
“We do that as well, fucks sake, it’s not a choice, we can do both. Anyway, thanks for listening.” Raven flashed him a smile.
“No worries. I’ll invoice you for the advice.”
”What advice? Get off me you big ape!” Raven wriggled out of Max’s one-arm embrace and slapped him goodnaturedly. “Best go and see what Linda wants.”
“Okay, Lady.”
The service at M’s Cafe was speedy. The bacon roll was tasty. Good coffee, too, for an ordinary greasy spoon. Business was brisk for a mid-morning.
“Linda!” Lips brushed her cheek.
“Michelle.” Linda appraised her daughter. “You look tired.”
“Business, you know how it is. Latte thanks, the bacon roll looks good, I’ll have one,” Raven gave her order to the waitress. Kax wouldn’t be happy. He had her on a strict regime in addition to the intensive training. Fuck him.
Linda continued her appraisal. She hadn’t seen Michelle in weeks. The young girl had long gone. The stark black hair didn’t help, the muscled physique under the t-shirt, the habitual black jeans and boots. “Well, make sure you don’t overdo it. McCraddocks works you too hard.” Linda emphasised the Firm, continuing the conceit that Michelle worked there full-time rather than just nominally.
“Sure,” smiled Raven, happy to play along. “Are you seeing anyone?” This was code for a girl. Linda’s last live-in girlfriend had left several months previously, and Raven had disliked her as much as she disliked the others.
“No, I haven’t met anyone. The waitress is cute though,” added Linda, unable to resist teasing.
“Mother!” Linda was always ‘mother’ when Raven was displeased, her smile, though acknowledged the tease. “Anyway, what brings you here?”
“Well, I haven’t seen you in ages so I thought I would come to you.”
“Sorry, it’s been a bit crazy. I’ll try and do better.”
“I know you’re busy, dear and I’m proud of everything you have done, I mean you even have your own cafe.”
“Yeah, well, we are working hard.”
“There is another reason. Last week I got into a spot of trouble, and, no, there is no need to be alarmed, it was partly my fault. I was out with Beth Carter, you remember Beth? Divorced a year ago? Anyway, we were out, kind of, you know.”
“Mares on the pull.”
“I was going to say cougars, anyway there was this guy and I sort of well, you know.” Raven did. “Except his mate wanted to jump in uninvited and it may have got nasty—”
“Who?” Raven’s tone was flat, hard.
“Nothing happened. Luckily, I had a rescuer. Your Mr Finch.”
“Yes, he sent them packing, then walked me to the flat. Perfect gentleman.”
“Thank god! Why didn’t Finch say anything to me?”
“I asked him not to. I was a bit embarrassed, and he promised he wouldn’t. Thing is we did have a nice chat and I sort of asked him out.”
“Yes, he was very charming and made me feel safe,” and the sex is fantastic! “but he didn’t think it would be appropiate.”
“Well, it isn’t. You can’t.”
“I’m not asking permission, dear. I date who I like.”
“As long as they are not my employees and we are talking about Finch, it really isn’t a good idea.”
“Well, I already asked, he seems happy to do so, but won’t if you’re going to get ‘unnecessary’ over it.”
“Unnecessary? What the fuck does that mean?”
“Don’t swear and you know what it means, I know we like to pretend but I’m not stupid, Michelle!” Linda felt her anger rising.
“The answer is no!” A sudden suspicion popped into Raven’s head. “Have you and him been?”
“No. Not that it’s any of your business, I mean look at us, who are you to be getting on your moral high horse. You were okay with Roland.”
“That’s different!” Roland isn’t a violent sociopath.
“Not to me, it isn’t. Seriously, I’m doing this, I want to do this. So does Finch.”
“So, you’ve both been planning this?”
“No, we talked about it. We get on. He doesn’t want any grief as he puts it.”
Raven stared darkly ahead. Grief? I’ll give the fucker enough grief for the rest of his fucking short life!
“She wants to see you.” ‘Tidy’ Jones jerked his head towards Raven’s office.
“Yeah, what about?” Finch knew what it was about. Linda had messaged him.
“The fuck should I know? You’re tighter with her than most. I’m just the fucking messenger boy.”
“And a fucking useless one!” Finch grinned.
“Fuck you, Finch.” Jones walked off laughing.
Not wanting to be seen rushing, Finch strolled to the office. Max was sitting in the small chair, Raven behind her desk. Patti flashed Finch a smile as she let him through, closing the door behind her.
Warily, Finch nodded at Max.
Raven got straight to the point. “Thanks for helping Linda out the other week. Appreciated. She thinks you let them off with a warning.”
“Yeah, I took their details and walked your mum back. Me and Tommo caught up with them afterwards. Teach them some manners.” Finch could see the satisfaction on Raven’s face.
“Good man,” grunted Max.
“Yeah, it’s appreciated. Turns out my mum likes you.” Raven looked at Finch hard.
“Fuck knows why. Scrawny runt!” Max was enjoying himself.
“Yeah, I like her too. Nice lady.”
“Too nice for you,” said Max.
“Lady, I don’t need this fucking comedian on my case,” said Finch softly.
“Fair point. Shut up, Max. Anyway, Linda was most insistent, she appears to have taken a real shine to you—I said shut up, Max!”
Max grinned.
“Anyway, I said okay.” Raven wasn’t happy but found it hard to go against her mother.
“Well, I appreciate that and your faith in me. Can I just say, I like Linda, and I’ll treat her good.”
“You better fucking do.” Raven was no longer smiling.
It depended on how you defined ‘treat her good’. They had been out for a lovely meal with good wine and the flunkies fawning over them like they were royalty. Linda hung onto Finch’s every word as well as his arm. Proud to be dating this smooth young man for the world to see.
Right now, Linda wasn’t proud. She was on her knees in her flat and choking on his finger, no, two fingers in her mouth, as he held her head back.
“Like choking on that, do you?” His voice was low and hard.
“Ummph!” Drool ran down her face as she nodded, her eyes wide. Trying not to retch as he pushed deeper.
“You did ask, didn’t you?” Finch smiled.
“Arrgghh.” That was a yes.
The question had come up as they were finishing their main course.
“It’s about what men really think, deep in their secret hideyholes.” Linda waved her fork around; she had hit the wine hard.
“You know what I mean, deep in their heads. The bad place.”
“You don’t really want to know.”
“But I do, it fascinates me.”
“You would never date a man again. No matter how inoffensive he looks, how kindly he treats his wife, kids and dog, you would forever sleep with one eye open.”
“You say that but I still want to know. Right now what are you thinking when you see our waitress, nice girl, tall, slim yet here you are on a date with me, do you compare us?”
“No. You’re just making it about you. I barely noticed the waitress.”
“It’s true. What I’m thinking is show Linda a good time and then fuck her brains out later.”
“I already know that,” replied Linda, sounding disappointed. “This is a means to an end.”
“No, not exactly, because I’m also enjoying the meal, the evening and the company. I could fuck you whenever I want.”
“You think?”
”I told you I wouldn’t see you on that basis, that’s why I had to get Michelle on side. Remember?”
“Yes, but you wanted the option of going out and dating. You wanted to be seen out with me, it gives you a buzz. I’m a trophy fuck. You wanna talk about thoughts squirrelled away in hideyholes, the bad place? Then check yours. It’s not just men that have them.” Ask your daughter.
Linda moodily prodded what was left of her lamb cutlet. “I guess you’re right.”
“I know I am. Men and women ain’t that much different. We both want things our way, and in ways that please us. Men may be more direct, obvious, but we are all driven by instinct and urges we don’t always understand or comprehend.”
“You are a fascinating man. I can see why my daughter values you.”
“I’m a chick magnet,” grinned Finch.
“You had to go and ruin it,” Linda smiled back.
“Yep.” Finch paused. “Enjoying the meal?’
“It’s fantastic, as is the wine. Unfortunately, my date is bit of an arse.”
“Shame, my date has a great arse.”
“Really. Very fuckable.”
Linda wriggled in her seat, conscious of the warm sensation spreading through her. This young man was hot, delicious and dangerous. She couldn’t decide which was his most appealing trait.
“You’re a bad man, Finch.”
“Yeah. Bring me your panties.”
“My what?”
“You heard. Head to the ladies, slip off your panties then give them to me. Saves removing them later when I fuck you.”
“I’m not sure I want you to fuck me.”
“You have ten seconds to do as you’re told.”
“I’m not moving.”
“You’re wasting you time, Finch.”
“Okay, okay, I’m going!” Linda struggled out of her seat and walked quickly to the restroom, her legs wobbling dangerously. Once safely inside, she leaned against the sink and looked at her reflection. Her face was flushed, her eyes bright. Linda felt alive.
He watched Linda scramble to the ladies and chuckled. Finch enjoyed the feeling he could do what he liked with her. Within reason. There was still his employer to consider.
The appeal of Linda was partly down to her daughter. Like most of the crew, he had teamed up because of either Kax or Max. That they often deferred to this young woman, Kax’s wife, he later found out, had made him laugh. Their easy acceptance of the situation puzzled him, but the opportunities were good, and the woman seemed to have it all mapped out. Still, he hadn’t taken her seriously until Dai Evans.
Evans hadn’t really accepted the chain of command. Kax and Max were happy to remind him, but he couldn’t help kicking against it, and the stupid prick couldn’t keep his mouth shut or his opinions to himself.
They were at the weekly meet one Friday morning, discussing business. Dai had been lounging in a chair, only half-listening when Raven took a bat to him. It had been quick and brutal. Clever too. The first strike to the bridge of Dai’s nose came without warning, blinding him with pain and blood. Then she popped his knee, allowing her to dance around him, striking at will, fingers breaking as he tried to reach her. Speed and intent, overcoming heft and bulk. Evans flopped around the floor until he no longer could.
The meeting continued as if nothing had happened. The woman wasn’t even breathing heavily. She might as well have been ordering tea and cake.
Then she and Kax had left. Her last instruction to Max had been to get rid of the garbage. Max looked around the crew. “Well? You heard, Lady.”
Finch and the others had heard.
“Bastard.” Linda’s voice interrupted his thoughts.
“You made it back.” Finch held out his hand. Linda placed her balled up panties in his palm. Closing his fist, he smiled. “They feel damp.”
“Fucking bastard!” Linda hissed, her eyes glittering and sharp.
“Yeah, we established that. Now enjoy the meal and I’ll consider how and where I’m going to fuck you.”
The feel of his hard, rough fingers in her mouth was demeaning. The taste of oil, sweat and a hint of the ribs he had for the meal. She was drooling and trying not to, gagging but holding the reflex back.
“You want to see inside my hideyhole, Linda?”
“Are you liking it so far?”
Linda nodded as saliva ran uncontrollably onto her rug.
“Hitch up your dress and show me your cunt.” He reached down and slapped her bum cheek as she complied.
“Thing is, Linda, what’s in your hideyhole? You like me making you drool everywhere? That in your bad place?”
Linda nodded again. She had given up making sounds for fear of being sick.
“Linda likes it nasty, does she?” He seemed amused as he removed his fingers and wiped them over her face.
Pressing against his hand, she welcomed him slathering her face with her drool. Linda heard him unzip, then a warm fleshy hardness against her lips. With a moan, she accepted his prick, loving that taste, the intrusion into her mouth, a faint zing of piss. It was dirty and nasty, causing her to shudder, her leg almost spasming in pleasure.
“Good girl,” he whispered softly. Finch gripped the back of her head and forced her down on him. She took him. Linda was no stranger to men using her mouth. She fantasised he would use her, then abandon her once used.
Abruptly, he pulled out of Linda’s mouth, ignoring her protests, and pushed her onto the floor. Kneeling between her legs, he looked down at her.
“Spread yourself.” Finch ordered.
Obediently, Linda spread her pussy with her fingers, gently teasing her clit as she did so.
“Nice,” he grinned. She kept her eyes closed, lost in her dark place. Bracing himself, he bent forward and thrust inside her, a small grunt escaping him as he did so.
The floor was uncomfy, her joints stiff, yet it blended nicely into the fantasy playing in her mind. She had been thrown to the floor; a man, an intruder, was on top of her. Linda could almost see herself from above, her legs splayed, helpless under this dangerous man intent on having her, ravishing her in her own home, his body lean, strong, overpowering her. All she could do was endure, and oh God, endure she would!
He took satisfaction in pounding her, feeling her body crunch between himself and the hard floor, legs wrapping around him, nails digging into his arse, driving him on, her tiny shrieks and gasps as she clung to him, now urging, whispering to take her, have his way with her. Then, one final hard thrust, and he came inside her, marking his territory.
She felt that growing warmth inside her, filling her, a surge of pleasure and satisfaction that she had sated her dangerous intruder, their bodies slowing, clinging to each other, as they wound down to a slick, drenched stop.
Linda could have lain there forever. Her fantasy was complete.
The Daughter
The car door opened. Raven glanced over as Kax climbed in.
“You found me,” she said.
“Yeah, well, didn’t take a genius to figure you would be sitting outside Linda’s apartment at nearly one in the morning. And I pinged your phone finder.”
“For a moment I was impressed. You here to talk sense into me? ”
“No need. You already know this is a big mistake. Your mum finds out she’ll go batshit and with good reason.”
“I know.”
“Finch will treat her right. He’s a smart guy.”
“I know.”
“You’re going to have words with him aren’t you?”
She fired up the engine. “Yeah.”
He lay back in the bed as Linda went down on him. Last two days, he had popped in for a blow job and a coffee. Today, he was also getting cake.
She was good at sucking cock, teasing his balls cupped in her hand, even sticking his finger in his arsehole. That had surprised him at first, but then he relaxed. Linda knew what she was doing.
“I’m in the hands of an expert,” he grinned.
Linda flashed him a look and continued to fellate him.
“That’s great babe,” murmured Finch, starting to tense, his climax building.
Her tongue began working his shaft, then teasing his dick slit, then back down her throat, as if intent on swallowing him whole as he finally came.
She gave an involuntary snort, his cum dribbling back out of her nose.
“Oh, dear!’ Linda smiled, wiping the jizz from her face with the back of her hand.
“Eat it.” Finch ordered.
Obediently, Linda licked it, then ran her tongue around her lips as if to find more. Her face was red, her eyes watery.
“Can I get you some more coffee?” Her voice sounded rough.
Finch shook his head. “Meeting Kax in ten. Need to get going.”
Linda nodded. It wasn’t a question of just understanding his life and routines but indirectly understanding her daughter’s. It wasn’t a conscious thought, more a compulsion, and beyond that, a fear of how it would all end. The fate of her relationship with Finch was intertwined with the fate of her daughter.
Bending forward, she covered his dick and balls with tiny kisses. “Thanks.”
Finch looked surprised. “For what? You’re blowing me, remember.”
“For letting me in.” Linda saw the look on his face. “Don’t panic, I’m not declaring undying love, nor any love for that matter. This has been fun and its been interesting to see it from your side.”
“How so?”
“You know what I mean. The outside view of you is fear. The Depot. Scary place! I see you with the bruise that time, the irregular hours, always on your guard.”
“Goes with the territory.”
“That was my point.” Linda rose and walked naked to the bedroom window. She liked the thought of people seeing her by chance.
“I gotta shoot.” Finch pulled on his pants and walked over to her, cupping her breasts from behind.
She shivered as his hands covered her breasts. It felt good. Twisting, she kissed him, then helped him on with his shirt.
“I like a well-dressed man.” Linda buttoned him up, leaving just the collar undone.
“I can bring my shirts around for you to iron.”
“I’d be happy to.”
“I was only kidding. I have a woman who does that for me. As in it’s her job.” Finch added.
“It wouldn’t matter what services she provided for you, it is your choice if you find comfort elsewhere. Just remember I’m here, be it to iron your shirts or anything else you fancy.”
Finch grabbed his jacket. “You need to be careful. I may just take you up on that.”
Linda brushed down his jacket. “I mean what I say. I’m here to tend and look after you.” She kissed him. “Now go, you’ll be late for your meeting.”
He climbed into the passenger seat. Kax pulled out into traffic.
“What’s this about?” Finch asked.
“A pick up on the Kaneside industrial estate, and a chance for a chat.”
“What about?”
“You know what about. It’s driving my wife nuts.”
Finch resisted the temptation to ask how anyone could tell. “We’ve been over this. Lady is cool.”
“She isn’t cool, and I’m getting the brunt of it. I’ve stopped her talking to you about it and she can’t talk to Linda about it—”
“So, you’ve been told to,” grinned Finch.
“Sort of. Look, mate, I like a quiet life, and there is enough aggravation over business without you sticking your dick in Lady’s old dear, and have you really thought it through? As soon as there is a bust up and Linda is sobbing what a bastard you are, and lets face it, you are, then Lady is going to go nuclear on your arse. Your only saving grace is that you aren’t younger and female.”
“Yeah, what is about Linda and the young ladies?”
“Fuck should I know? Ask her.”
“I did, she shut me down.”
“For Lady it’s a straight jealously thing. Its like they replace her as daughter, Linda looks after them and the sex is a bonus.”
“Oh fuck!” A realisation hit Finch.
“I just realised something. Linda was all but encouraging me to chase pussy, she would still be there to make sure I was looked after. Like I’m her son or something.”
“You’re fucking kidding me.”
“Swear to God, mate! She was buttoning my shirt and wiping dirt off my chin with her thumb. She’ll be packing my lunch next.”
“She’s adopted you. Lady is going to love having you as a brother!” Kax laughed.
Finch joined in, shaking his head. “Women in that family.”
“Careful, mate, one of them is my wife.”
“So does this make things better or worse?”
“Fuck knows.”
The Daughter & her Husband
Raven was on her front and hanging off the end of the bed as Kax slid into her. His arm circled her neck, restricting the air as he began fucking her.
She enjoyed that restriction, the feeling her life was in his hands, that he could choose to choke her as he fucked her. Punishment married with pleasure. Her eyes flittered over the wheezing woman lying naked on the floor.
“I’ve been bad, Mr Kax.”
Kax said nothing, slamming into her, his arm consciously tightening around her neck. He had let Raven have her way with Tilly, only stopping her when he judged the beating was enough. There were no broken bones; the damage had been to soft, plump flesh. It was a ritual familiar to Raven and Tilly and accepted by both.
“Are you going to punish me, Mr Kax?” Her breathing was ragged as she responded to his fierce love-making as if he was trying to resolve his complex feelings towards his woman.
“Yeah, I’m going to punish you,” he replied softly, waiting for her to lose consciousness.
Then he was going to fuck Tilly. Lay her on his unconscious wife and fuck the redhead with her juicy arse and even juicier tits into oblivion.
He hissed this to his wife as she hovered between conscious states. She orgasmed at his darkly whispered intent, then blacked out.
“Your son?” Raven looked at him, eyes hidden behind dark glasses, a scarf around her neck.
Kax lounged in the background. Finch idly wondered what sex the two of them indulged in, a subject that provoked lurid speculation amongst the crew.
Finch nodded. “Yeah, kind of mothers me. Kind of sweet, really.”
”So she cooks for you?”
“Yeah, wants to do my ironing, make sure I eat properly and take care of myself.”
“And she actually said she didn’t mind you banging other pussy?”
“Well, not in those exact words.”
“Can you believe this, Mr Kax?”
“Yeah, it fits how Linda treats the young women, mothers them, companionship.”
“She’s not asked you to move in, has she?” Alarm rose in Raven’s voice.
“Fuck no, we ain’t doing that. I think it just makes her happy fussing after me.”
“Oh.” For once, Raven was at a loss.
“And it’s better than your mum with young women, right?” Finch pressed home the advantage.
Raven stared at him for a long moment. “Learn to take the win, Finch. Don’t overplay it.” Turning on her heel, she walked off.
It may have been his imagination, but Finch could have sworn she hummed a tune as she went.
“You’re a lucky bastard, Finch,” muttered Kax as he followed his wife.
Toggling the steam function, Linda gave the shirt one more press. She sensed Finch behind her, then his hand on her bum, steering her away from her task.
“The shirt looks great.” Finch bent her over, pulling down her knickers. Obediently, she parted her bum cheeks. A morning ritual. Just before he left, he sodomised her. Coffee, breakfast and sodomy. A pressed shirt was a bonus.
He enjoyed fucking Linda in the arse. She had a great arse, and he liked arse. It was also a way of fucking his employer and the world in the arse. She was receptive as he pushed inside her, slightly red and sore, but that was his price, and Linda was happy to pay it.
They fucked in silence. Finch wasn’t big on talking first thing in the morning, and Linda had learnt to keep her mouth shut. A quirk as he fucked her, teasing his own nipple. He liked a woman to tongue it when he was fucking. For now, he teased it, looking down at his dick slick with lube, ploughing into her. Yeah, it looked as good as it felt. He pulled out, shooting ribbons of cum over her arse.
Linda quickly got to her knees and turned to clean him, then rose to pick up his shirt and help put it on. Finch kissed her nose as she buttoned it.
“I won’t be over tonight, job in London, may stretch to a couple of days.”
Linda nodded. “Do you want me to pack an overnight bag, toiletries?”
“Condoms,” she smiled. One of her few rules. Her boy could bed other women, but only if he used protection.
“Always,” he kissed her more fully.
“I’ll drop the bag at the Depot, and take care if I don’t see you before you go.” Linda helped him into his jacket and brushed him down. “Very smart. Have a good day at work, dear.”
Finch patted her bare arse and grinned. “Thanks, Ma.”
© Jake Mantlin