This story is dedicated to ChrisM. Thank you for your generosity.
I sat at my desk looking out over the London skyline. It was July and the rain was pouring down. I sighed and drank my tea. I was a coffee man but after three months in England, I had been hooked on the tea.
It wasn’t my office I was sitting in but one that was provided to me by the company who had contracted my services. I’m a marketing consultant and travel the world helping start-up companies to find their market share. I liked the job, but it kept me away from my wife back in the states. Not that it mattered much; we had been sliding down the slippery hill towards divorce for over a year now.
We had married young and at fifty us both realized we had grown apart. We had spent late nights talking and even went to counseling but it was to no avail, it was over. I wasn’t sure how life as a single man would be when it was over but I guessed I would survive, maybe even meet someone new.
“Mr. Cox, you have a phone call on line two,” said my secretary over the intercom.
“Thanks, Giselle.”
I pressed the button for two on my phone and picked it up.
“Hi, it’s me.”
My wife, her voice tired and stressed.
“What do you want?”
“The lawyer will email you the paperwork today. Please sign it and send it back by courier.”
“Are you sure about this, maybe we can still do something about it?” I said.
There was a moment of silence and then a sigh. “No, this is for the best. Call me when you get back.”
I hung up and sat in the silence looking at the phone. It was officially over; I was now a single man with alimony to be paid. Luckily our two children were grown up and had their own families. We had spoken to them and they had been alright with us getting divorced which had surprised me a little.
“Is everything okay, Mr. Cox?”
I looked up and Giselle was standing in the doorway. She was a beautiful blond who dressed immaculately and did her job the way I wanted. In that moment I wondered if I could fuck her. She smiled and I pushed the thought away. Never mix work with pleasure.
“Yeah, I am fine. It was my wife, well as of today my ex-wife.”
“I’m sorry. I know that you are going back to the states in two weeks but I had an idea. Why don’t you take a holiday before, I am sure you could use the rest.”
“I am not sure; the company might still need my services.”
She walked in and sat down in one of the visitors chairs. She crossed her legs and gave me a chance to admire her long legs.
“Why don’t you call Mr. Lawrence and ask him?”
Teddy Lawrence was the CEO of the company and the man who had contracted me.
She continued, “I am sure he would understand what you are going through.”
“Yes, maybe I will.”
“Good, let me know if you need any help with the reservation, I’ll be glad to help.”
When she walked out of the office her hips swung invitingly and I caught myself wondering if she was a bikini girl or if she preferred thongs.
Teddy Lawrence had agreed to me going on a week’s holiday and then come back for a few days before I left for the states.
Giselle had found me a last minute package holiday to Mallorca which she had booked. I thanked her and she even drove me to the airport.
“Do you have everything?” she asked at the security checkpoint.
“I think so, passport, boarding card, and money.”
“Good, here is a little goodbye gift from the girls at the office. Open it on the flight.”
She handed me a small box wrapped in paper which I put in my holdall. She kissed me on the cheek and ushered me towards the policeman checking passports.
The flight was full and I realized it would be a flight from hell. Behind me sat ten young men who were already so drunk that they could hardly sit up straight. A few rows in front sat four girls who were equally drunk. There were several small children on the flight that screamed constantly. Package holidays, what a shit way to travel, I thought.
When the plane began to taxi I remembered the present and opened it. I began to laugh when I saw what it was, a box of fifty condoms. At least the girls at the office had faith in my skills.
“Someone is going to have fun,” said the young mother next to me.
“Oh, sorry, it’s just a joke from the people at work,” I said and put the condoms back in my bag.
“Maybe, but you might actually get to use them.”
I turned towards her and was met by blue eyes and a big smile. “Really?” I said.
“You wouldn’t believe how easy it is to get laid where we are going. I might be a single mother, but I never have any problems. It’s harder to find a babysitter than getting laid.
Next to her a child was sleeping. He looked to be four or five years old and the mother around thirty.
“Thanks for the tip. If you don’t mind I am taking a nap.”
After we had collected our bags we were herded into different busses depending on which hotel we were staying at. I was lucky and the drunken young men and girls went on a different bus than I and so did the mother who had sat next to me.
When the bus was full a holiday representative came on and gave us a short speech and then left.
It turned out that my hotel was third on the route and in less than thirty minutes I was standing in the lobby.
I gave my passport to the receptionist and after a few minutes of typing and filling out paperwork I was handed a key and told that my room was on the fifth floor and that I had been upgraded to a room with a view.
I unpacked and then went down to the pool for something to eat and drink. It was one in the afternoon and the heat was overpowering.
“A beer and a cheeseburger,” I told the waiter who scurried off.
The pool area was large with hundreds of sunbeds where people lay toasting themselves. It was a mix of young and old and the never-ending howl of children.
A few good looking women walked past me where I sat and I rested my tired eyes on them. Bikinis, thongs, and bathing suits became a blur as I ate and drank.
I found a sunbed and after making sure my body was covered in SPF fifty I lay down on my back and closed my eyes. The sounds and smells assaulted my senses. There were the fragrances of several different sun lotions, the smell of stale beer that had been spilled on the floor and ten different conversations hit my ears at the same time. I lay there wondering what the point of going on holiday if you couldn’t relax. I thought about going up to my room.
“Hi, could I interest you in an excursion?”
My fingers grabbed for my sunglasses which I had put under the sunbed. When I found them I put them on and opened my eyes.
There was a young woman standing next to me. She had brown hair that reached her shoulders and heavy makeup. My first thought was that she must be suffering in the heat with so much lipstick, eye shadow, and mascara. She wore a blue skirt that did nothing for her figure and a dark red blouse with the company logo on over her right boob.
“What?” I said, my voice tired.
“Do you mind?” she pulled up a sunbed and sat down and then continued. “I have several excursions that might interest you. Are you by yourself or with your family?”
She opened a folder she had been carrying and began to flick through the sheets inside.
“By myself.”
“Oh, great, then I can offer you the bar crawl, and there is a sunset cruise which is lovely. If you are interested I also have a bus excursion that takes you around the island.”
I sat up and said, “Can I have a look?”
She handed me three pages and I looked at the picture. The one for the bar crawl showed several very drunk individuals standing in front of a bar; they looked to be in their late teens or early twenties. Not for me, I thought and gave the sheet back to her and she gave me the next. A big catamaran was sailing through clear water and people were having champagne and lobster. Better, I thought and put the paper aside.
The bus tour didn’t seem to be very interesting. Looking at the scheduled stops I realized I would spend more time inside the bus than actually saying anything of interest.
“How much is the cruise?” I asked.
“Sixty Euros and that include all the food and drink you want.”
“Not bad, let me think about it. What’s your name?”
That made sense, she had an accent but I couldn’t place it. “German?”
“Yes, from Frankfurt.”
“I’m from Nevada, USA, and you can call me Mr. Cox.”
She laughed. “How did you end up on a package holiday from London?”
I told her about the work I did and then asked, “And you, why is a German working for an English company?”
“I live on the island and the company demands that everyone who works do. There is another German girl, a Dutch guy and a couple of Italians.”
“Wow, sounds like the United Nations.”
She laughed and got up. “Almost, look, I will be in the lobby later around five if you are still interested.”
“Okay, I might see you then.”
When she walked off I wondered what she looked like naked, because the clothes she was wearing told me nothing.
Twenty minutes after Gretchen had left me I gave up on my poolside snooze and went to my room. The AC was heaven sent and when I lay down on the bed sleep came quickly.
I dreamt of Giselle and Gretchen having sex with me at the same time and when I woke up a sported a serious hard on.
Before I took a shower and quickly jerked off over the toilet and watched with sadness how my seed was wasted. I should have waited and possibly been able to deposit them in Gretchen pussy.
Suddenly I felt guilty. My thoughts were very disrespectful and I wondered where in God’s name they had come from? Maybe the lack of sex was making me into an asshole.
When I walked out into the room drying myself with the towel I saw that the bedside alarm clock showed five-thirty in the afternoon. Fuck, I might have missed Gretchen I realized and got dressed as quickly as possible.
“Oh, there you are, I was wondering if you would show up,” she said when I walked up to her little desk in the lobby.
Out of the sunlight, her makeup was even more ridiculous but I also noted that she had large kind brown eyes which I hadn’t seen before since she had worn sunglasses.
“Sorry, I fell asleep.”
“It’s okay, so, do you want to go on the catamaran?”
Here goes nothing, I thought and said, “what about if I take you to dinner tonight?”
She looked up from her paperwork. “I don’t think I can. The company has a policy against dating customers.”
“I am not a customer. I haven’t bought anything from you.”
She smiled. “You are right, you haven’t.”
“Okay, I know I am much older than you, and you might n0ot want to be seen with me so I understand if you don’t want too,” I said.
“I’m twenty-seven and I don’t care about age differences. As long as you can have an intelligent conversation, I am sure we’ll have a good time. Be outside in two hours and I’ll pick you up.”
She collected her folder and put them in her bag and then left. I was surprised at her age since she didn’t look a day over twenty.
I decided to have a drink at the bar while I waited for her to come back. I got a beer in a frosted glass and sat watching my fellow holiday makers. Some of the women were real lookers but they paid no attention to the lonely man at the bar, which was fine by me.
Two beers later I realized I wasn’t dressed for dinner. I wore the same shorts as earlier and a polo shirt. That wouldn’t do.
I changed into slacks and a light blue short sleeved shirt and then added some aftershave and after double checking myself in the bathroom mirror I left the room again.
Gretchen picked arrived on time in a type of car I had never seen before. It was an ugly orange and looked like if it was made of plastic. There were no doors just a rope to keep you from falling out. The roof was made of plastic tarp and there were no windows.
“What is this?” I said when I was seated in the passenger seat.
“It’s a Mehari, made by Citroen.”
I looked around. “It doesn’t look very safe.”
Gretchen put the car in gear and laughed. “Maybe not, but it takes me from A to B which is all I need.”
She wore a short summer dress in pink and black and on her feet white shoes in some kind of canvas material. I glanced over at her and noted that her tits were large for her light body and that her legs were long and nicely tanned. She had skipped the heavy makeup and only wore a coral pink lipstick and a minimum of mascara.
“Where are we going?” I said.
“To the beach.”
“What, to swim?”
She laughed again while swerving to avoid hitting a man on a moped. “No, there is a restaurant that I like and it happens to be on a beach.”
“Okay, that makes sense.”
We made small talk as while she drove out of the populated area and then turned onto a smaller road that took us along the coast. The sun was setting and against it I saw several sailing boats and yachts coming into the harbor after a day out.
Ten minutes later she parked the car by some bushes. There were several other cars all of them parked badly along the road.
“Follow me,” she said and got out.
After a couple of minutes’ walk we ended up on the beach and to my left was a restaurant. I heard music and people talking and laughing. The sun was setting right in front us and its rays reflected on the still sea. There were still a few people on the beach playing volleyball or just walking along the water’s edge. A few children were building sandcastles while their parents lay on sunbeds.
“Come,” said Gretchen and took my hand in hers.
Her skin was soft and warm and as we walked into the restaurant she moved in closer and her bare shoulder touched my arm.
“I’ll have a Mojito,” said Gretchen to the waiter.
“The same,” said I.
We had decided to go with the house special which was a fish dish. The place was packed with people but Gretchen had said some magic words to the waiter who had seated us on the first row to see the sunset.
While the big orange ball settled into the sea people applauded and cheered. I just sipped my Mojito and enjoyed the sight, it was pretty amazing.
“Do you have a wife or girlfriend?” Gretchen suddenly asked me, bringing me back from the magical sunset.
“No, recently divorced actually. What about you?”
“Single and loving it.”
With that out of the way, she set out grilling me about my work and life in Nevada. She thought I lived in Las Vegas, which was a city I hated and told her I lived an hour’s drive from it.
She had worked three seasons with the same company selling excursions and before that she had worked in a few hotels as a receptionist.
“I am thinking about moving on,” she said and drank from her new Mojito.
“I have no idea, but six years on this island is enough. I need new surroundings.”
“What about your family back home?”
Our food arrived and while we ate she told me about a dead father and a mother who lived in a nursing home. Her older sister took care of her and Gretchen and she didn’t get along very well.
The food was delicious and after we had coffee and a chocolate cake. I realized that it would soon be time to go and I didn’t want to. Gretchen was an interesting, smart and good looking young woman and I wanted to spend more time with her.
“When is your day off,” I asked.
“The day after tomorrow, why?”
“I really like talking to you and I was wondering if we could do some sightseeing together?”
She looked at me over the rim of her coffee cup and when she put it down she said, “Are you flirting with me?”
“No, no, I just thought that…”
She giggled and said, “I am only joking. Of course, I can show you around but now we are going to dance.”
A band had begun to play reggae music and before I had a chance to protest she got up and took my hand in her dragging me over to the dancefloor.
She pressed herself close to me and I felt her boobs against my chest. Her cheek rested against my shoulder and I could smell her shampoo, mango it was and I breathed in deeply.
She moved against my body and of course, my dick woke up and I tried to get some space between us which she wouldn’t let me. After two songs she said close to my ear. “Don’t worry about it, I take it as a compliment.”
I blushed and luckily she couldn’t see my face, Gretchen was just too cool.
We left after midnight and she drove me back to the hotel. I was a bit drunk after all the Mojito’s but she had only had two.
When she parked in front of the hotel she turned to me and looked into my eyes.
“I’m sure you want me to come up to your room, but I don’t think that’s a good idea, the receptionists know me.”
She leaned in and planted a soft kiss on my lips and then said, “Be here at ten Wednesday morning.”
“Will you not come by tomorrow?”
“No, I have other hotels on Tuesdays.”
I was a bit disappointed not being able to see her but it was her job.
“Thank you for a wonderful night, Gretchen I really enjoyed it.”
“So did I, now get out so I can get my beauty sleep.”
I watched the weird looking car with the amazing woman inside drive away and on unsteady legs made my way to my room where I crashed in the bed.
At ten I stood outside the hotel wearing swimming shorts, sunglasses, and a plastic bag with my towel and a change of clothes.
Gretchen was a bit late but when she arrived I got into the car and she kissed me on the cheek.
“Hi, nice to see you again,” I said.
“The same. How was yesterday?”
“I just hung around the pool and had dinner around the corner. I needed a day doing absolutely nothing plus all those mojitos gave me a hangover.”
She laughed and nodded. “Now you know why I only had two.”
She took us out of the city along the coast. We drove through a couple of small hamlets and at one we stopped for a coffee and I took some photos to send to my kids.
“Where are we going?” I said when we were on the road again.
“To my special place.”
“Which is?”
“It’s a beach where few people go because it’s hard to get to it.”
She was not lying. After parking the car we had to walk down a narrow trail with loose stones, small thorny bushes, and dangerous hairpin turns. There were no railing and when I looked down it must have been at least a hundred feet straight down to the sand beach below.
We made it down safely and when I walked out onto the sand I saw no one around.
“This is amazing, what a beautiful place,” I said.
She walked off to the right and I followed her. What looked like a part of the rock wall was actually to mammoth size boulders and behind them, there was a private little beach no more than twenty feet long and maybe thirty feet deep. If you didn’t know it was there you would have a hard time finding it.
“Here we are,” she said and opened the bag she had been carrying.
Out of it, she took a towel and a small cooler which she placed in the shade from one of the boulders.
“Beer and wine in the cooler, and I have plastic cups in the bag,” she said.
“Wow, you come prepared,” I said.
She ignored me and began to take off her shorts and t-shirt. Under she wore a light yellow thong bikini which let me see her beautiful round ass.
“Swim?” she said.
She ran down to the water and I followed. It was warm and as I swam after her I realized it wouldn’t cool us down a bit.
She had stopped and when I reached her she was standing on the bottom with only her head sticking out of the water.
“This is amazing,” I said and stood in front of her.
Suddenly her hand was on my cock through the shorts and I involuntarily stepped back.
“Oh, I am sorry, I thought you wanted too,” she said, raising an eyebrow.
“It was just a surprise, please continue,” I said and stepped closer.
She slid her hand inside my shorts and began to stroke my cock. I leaned down and we kissed. I tasted salt water on her lips and the smell of sunscreen on her face.
She knew how to stroke a cock and I was worried I would come too fast. I took her by the shoulders and turned her around and then cupped her boobs. My hands slid in under the fabric and found her nipples hard.
She pushed her ass against my cock and began to move back and forth. I kissed her neck and nibbled at her earlobe.
“You better stop that, or I will come, “I whispered in her ear.
“That’s not a problem, we have all day.”
Her hand slid between us and found my dick again. This time I didn’t ask her to stop and when I came against her ass under the water my knees buckled and I fell backward.
She laughed and began to swim back to the beach while I tried to find my footing.
“I love this place,” she said when I caught up with her. She was lying on her back on a towel and she had opened a beer.
I took one too and then sat down next to her. “Yes, it is a beautiful place. How did you find it?
“In the winter I explore the island and last December I came here, I was lost and found this place by mistake.”
Suddenly she got up and took off her bikini and sat back down naked. I looked away and she must have noticed it.
“Don’t be shy; no one will see us here. You can take off your shorts if you want too.”
I glanced at her and now that she was lying down I saw the soft curve of her pussy which had just a tuft of brown hair. Her boobs had spilled out and her nipples were hard.
I took off my shorts and lay down next to her. It was a very liberating feeling. The warm breeze kissed my skin and the seagulls spoke high above us as they sailed across the sky looking for a fish below. I closed my eyes and took in the situation. I was lying next to a sexy woman on an empty beach after she had jerked me off in the sea. Two days earlier I had learned my divorce was final and that I was a single guy. Life was funny.
“Do you mind?” she said and put her hand on my dick.
I laughed and raised my head a little. She had her fingers wrapped around the shaft and was slowly stroking it but it was like if she was doing it out of comfort more than actually wanting to have sex. I grew harder and as she began to move her hand faster I moaned.
“Are you okay, do you want me to stop?” she said.
“Isn’t it my turn to take care of you?”
She turned her head and we were face to face. Her wet hair had fallen over her left eye and I reached out and took it away.
“What do you have in mind?” she said.
“I would love to eat you out.”
She giggled and let go of my cock. “Go ahead, it’s an all you can eat offer.”
I moved down and got between her legs which she spread so I had easy access. Her pussy lips were swollen and when I ran my tongue along the slit she giggled again.
“You taste good,” I moaned.
“Thank you, now there is something you should know before you continue.”
Without looking up at her I said, “What?”
“I squirt.”
I smile grew on my lips. I had never been with a woman who squirted. The only time I had seen it was on porn sites on the internet. This was turning into an amazing experience.
“So, all I have to do is to lick you and you squirt?” I said my voice muffled by her lips.
“No, you have to use your finger and then rub my G-spot really fast.”
I loved Gretchen, she was giving me directions. Few women ever did. Most women come without instructions and you have to guess or try different things before you get where they want you. This was much better.
When she began to moan and press her hips against my face I figured it was time to see if I could make her squirt. Gently I inserted two fingers to the point where the G-spot is supposed to be. Then I began to move my fingers while pressing down, first slow and then faster until she began to yelp.
“Yes, yes, just like that, oh God, I can feel it, it’s on its way, don’t stop.”
Her eyes were closed but her mouth was open and she was gasping and moving her head from side to side. I finger fucked her as fast as I could and suddenly she held her breath, her eyes flew open and she screamed.
I looked down at her cunt and when I did a shot of liquid erupted from the area of her clit.
“Jesus! Wow, that is amazing,” I said and wiped my face.
“Oh, oh, mmm, now fuck me, I want your cock in me,” she said and pulled me over her.
Needless to say, her pussy was extremely wet and I slid right in. I have an above average sized cock with a big head. When I was all the way inside her she flung her arms around my back and dug her nails into me skin.
I reached down and pushed her thighs up so I could penetrate her deeper and when I did she bit into my shoulder, there was a searing pain but I didn’t care. I fucked Gretchen as hard as I could.
“Oh, baby, I am coming again, give it to me, fuck me harder,” she said into my ear.
I felt her cunt grab onto my shaft and then her entire body shuddered as her orgasm rolled over her. I was close to coming too and decided to give her a shower of my own.
“Yes, let me jerk you off,” she said when I knelt between her legs.
She grabbed my shaft and began to slide her hand up and down using her thumb to tease my cock head,
“Oh, here I come!” I said and shot my load.
Gretchen giggled as the white liquid landed on her boobs and a few drops reached her face. When it was over she wiped the drops of her cheeks and then looked up at me.
“Let’s go for a swim and clean this off.”
My face was still wet from her juices and I nodded.
We ran down and into the water diving and swimming under the surface. When we came up it was shallow enough for me to stand so she swum up to me and wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck.
She lowered herself slowly and began to rub her cunt against my cock which grew hard again.
“Mm, I’m going to ride you right here,” she said and then her mouth opened as I slid into her.
At that moment I had a crazy idea. While she moved up and down on my shaft I said, “Why don’t you come and work for me? You said you wanted to get off the island and I need someone when I am on the road who handles appointments and paperwork.
She leaned back still with my dick inside her. “What are the benefits?”
I grinned. “Oh, you know what they are.”
She laughed and while she did she came again, her eyes closed and then she hugged me hard.
“I would love to; by the way, what is your first name?”
I laughed. “It’s Brian, Brian Cox.”
“Okay Mr. Cox, you have yourself a new secretary. Now take me back to the beach because I feel like squirting again.
Three days later we were back in London where we had a two days layover before we left for Munich where I had another job.
“Mr. Cox how was your holiday?” said Giselle when Gretchen and I walked into the offices.
“Great, this is Gretchen,” I said.
“Oh, we know each other.”
I was confused and looked at first Gretchen and then at Giselle. “How is that possible?”
It was Gretchen who spoke up. “We are sisters and when she told me her wonderful boss was going to Mallorca I decided to hook up with you.”
“But you have no German accent,” I said to Giselle.
“I have lived in London since I was five with my dad until he died, Gretchen stayed in Germany with our other sister and our mother.
My eyes moved from one sister to the next. “So, what does this mean, you are staying here, Gretchen?”
“Oh, baby, I am still going to work for you,” she said.
I laughed and walked into my office letting the sisters catch up. What an amazing summer I thought and looked out at the city where the rain was pouring down.