Mother Learns How To Punish Wayward Son – Chapter 1

"Wendy Learns How To Punish Her 19-Year-Old Son"

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“I just don’t know what to do anymore, Susan. He has been completely out of control since his father left.”

“This might seem a little draconian but have you not thought about corporal punishment?”

“He is nineteen years old, Susan. Wouldn’t it be completely inappropriate?”

“Nonsense, Wendy. It didn’t do my kids any harm. John is completely out of control. Look at Derek now. He is working at a fancy bank in the capital and has just put a deposit down for a house.”

“I guess… but how would I go about incorporating it? Surely he would resist?”

“Why are you talking like he has a choice? it’s your house and if he wants to live there he needs to follow the rules. It’s simple really. Either he follows your new rules or he finds somewhere else to live. He doesn’t work so he has no other choice.”

“Ok …I will try it your way. I’ve tried grounding him, taking his consoles away and nothing else has seemed to work. How would I even begin?”

“Great. I will email you later today with all the information I found on how to incorporate corporate punishment for wayward teenagers. I spent countless hours on the internet back in the day and it was a great help for me once I first started implementing spanking. You see, Wendy, it’s really important that you follow the steps closely since he has been used to getting his own way for so long.


“Hey sis, I have provided a guide below. Remember, make sure to follow it all. I know some of it might feel strange and uncomfortable but it’s so important if you want it all to succeed. It took a couple of hours to write since I had to find all the original sources and make sure it was all applicable to John’s case…

—–A guide on how to punish wayward teenagers and to gain the control that has been lost—–

Part 1: No negotiation

Wendy, this is your house and he is your son. Whilst he lives under your roof, he has no say on what happens to him and if he doesn’t agree to everything in full he can leave. If he fails to accept, it’s completely within your rights to give him some starter-up money and follow through with your threat to kick him out. You need to sit him down and calmly go through all the new rules and the consequences of breaking said rules. Make sure he is aware that you are hell-bent on implementing every single consequence and that you will not be backing down. It’s important that you make sure that you are in complete control during this process and that if he has any concerns or questions he will have time to respond once he knows exactly what the new rules entail.

Part 2: Incorporating corporal punishment

You might wonder how to start after not having control for so many years. The simple answer is to be assertive and remain in control at all times. The issue with losing control is that it is much harder to gain it back. It requires extreme actions in the short term. It is this action that results in the need for humiliation. You need to strip him of all his control. You need to embarrass him. You need to control him. You need to make sure you never lose control ever again.

Whilst you could simply just announce that you will start spanking him. That will not be enough, at least in the short term. You need to have a set of rules and the consequences that will result if said rules are broken. The rules are not as important as the consequences but they need to be catered around you gaining the respect and control that you have lost. Make him look for work, do the chores around the house and treat you with the respect you deserve etc.

Part 3: The Consequences

You need to learn how to spank. Make sure you are calm. Instruct John to remove all pieces of clothing and to stand in the corner of the living room with his hands on his head. Make sure he is aware that there will be no room for protest or talking. He is to do as you say and do it when asked. There will be no rush for you to see him. You are in control and you alone will decide how long he stays in the corner naked. He will be embarrassed but that is all part of breaking down the control he once had. Once you are ready to spank him, sit on the couch and call him over. Make sure that his hands remain on his head at all times. As he is standing in front of you, lecture him on his rule breaking and explain that his actions have consequences.

Once he is over your lap, it’s time for the spanking to begin. At first, it’s customary to use your hand as a warmup. As John is nineteen-years-old, he will not be too fazed by a hand spanking. However, it will embarrass him and will leave no question who is in charge. Make sure he is aware that if he resists there will be additional punishments. Once the warmup has finished, it’s time to move on to implements. This is mostly personal preference and you can use things you already have around the house. Think of things such as a hairbrush, wooden spoon and belt etc. It’s important that you don’t stop until the lesson has been taught. Using the implements will result in a very red bottom and will be certain to achieve the desired results.

The over-the-lap position is not the sole position that should be used. As part of taking control, it’s important to make sure he learns to follow orders. I highly encourage you to make him switch positions often. In practice, this could be as you move on to different implements. For example, when you move on to the belt, you could make him put his hands on the side of the couch and spread his legs. With the wooden spoon, you could make him lay on his back and lift his legs in the air. And with the hairbrush, you could make him get on the floor and stick his bottom in the air whilst on his elbows. I would encourage you to try different positions and study how he responds to them.

Regards, Susan”


“Oh my god, Susan. I was up all night after reading your email. I didn’t expect it to be so detailed. Do you really think all of the above is necessary?”

“Yes, Wendy. I don’t just think the above is necessary, I honestly believe that more will be required to take control of John. He is too out of control for basic measures. It is your own fault that such measures need to be taken. You are responsible for giving up your authority and it is your responsibility to gain it back.”

“I understand, sis. I will make sure to sit John down on Monday and explain that things need to change and that he has two options. He will either need to accept the new rules and consequences or leave.”

“You are doing the correct thing. Really, I’m surprised you let it get this far before asking for my help. However, I do believe that you will need to include extra things such as humiliation. “

“What do you mean? Humiliation? Such as scolding him?”

“Scolding? He is not a child, Wendy. Real humiliation will be key to making sure that John doesn’t disobey you. The more humiliated he is, the more control you will have over him. You will need to humiliate him every single time he disobeys you. This is essential and there is no room for compromise. I tried different types of humiliation with Derek but what we found out really works is nudity punishment.”

“Nudity punishment? In the email, you mentioned that he would be naked during his spanking. I don’t understand what you mean?”

“Yes, he will be naked during his spankings but this is a different punishment. As part of making sure there are consequences for his disobedience during spankings and when he is not conceding control in everyday life, the punishment of nudity will need to be taken further. It is important that this punishment is carried out after the spanking so that it is clear this is a separate punishment. The punishment could be carried out hours after his spanking or even days. I would recommend mixing it up and finding out what works for you. As a nineteen-year-old, John will be very taken aback by being exposed by his forty-eight-year-old mother. However, this is an essential part of the humiliation.

“I could see how being naked in front of your mother would be embarrassing. So what would I need to do?”

“Order John to go to your bedroom and put his hands on his head. Unlike during the naked spanking, you will be the one stripping him naked. You will then instruct him to remain naked until his punishment is over. It is important that he is not simply allowed to remain naked in the privacy of his own room. Inform him that he will need to complete all the daily chores without any of his clothes and that you will be keeping a close eye on him. As you are in charge, you can add any additional chores as you see fit throughout the day. With Derek, I incorporated certain chores that added to the embarrassment of him being naked. I made him get on his hands and knees and do some deep cleaning, made him get on his tiptoes and dust the curtains etc. This all proved effective at providing additional humiliation.”

“You know, sis. I really do appreciate all your help. I am still a little concerned about all this but I have seen how well Derek has turned out so at this point I am willing to do whatever you think is best. I have complete trust in you. “

“Don’t blame yourself for how John has turned out. He is still young and has time to change. There is one more thing we need to discuss, however, but I am worried you might be a little shocked at first.”

“Sis, like I just said. I am willing to do anything you suggest at this point. I am at my wit’s end. What is it?”

“As you know, Derek has never been anywhere near as bad as John so I really do believe that humiliation needs to play a more central role in the punishment. There was an additional part of the nudity punishment that I accidentally stumbled upon. Derek was downstairs folding laundry during his nudity punishment so I decided to take a shower. I realised once I left the shower that I had handed him all the bathroom towels earlier. I was forced to head towards my room completely naked. To my surprise, Derek was in the room grabbing additional laundry.

He turned around, both of us completely naked, and his face was bright red. He was so embarrassed and was completely lost for words. He left the room but I couldn’t help but think that if he needed extra humiliation I could incorporate my own naked body as a punishment aspect. Thankfully, I never needed to go that far with Derek since he was relatively well-behaved. However, with how out of control John has become I strongly believe you have no choice but to implement additional humiliation from the start. I want you to go naked around the house at times. As his behaviour improves, only then can you think of removing such additional humiliation. But to be frank, I think if anything you will need to keep adding humiliation to his punishments in the foreseeable future.”

“What? You expect me to expose myself to my son? Surely that is too far? I couldn’t.”

“Wendy, you just said you had full trust in me and would do whatever I asked of you. Trust me, you don’t want to end up with a loser of a son. Just think, in a few years John could be just like Derek.”

“I did say I would do whatever you thought was needed. I’m not young anymore. I’m forty-eight years old, I have big saggy boobs and nobody has seen me naked in years. However, I do bet he would hate seeing me without my clothes on. He wouldn’t know where to look and I can only imagine it would be hell for him. Ok. So how exactly would I do this?”

“It’s simple. It’s your house and you can walk around however you like. If he doesn’t like it he can move out. You could start by just walking around in your underwear. In fact, you could go out and buy some special underwear such as G-strings, thongs and just general see-through ones. I would love to see just how embarrassed he gets with you walking around in a little G-string or completely naked.”

“Again, you are right. I should be able to dress how I like in my own home. If that embarrasses him and gets him to be better behaved, then that is just a bonus. Actually, imagine if he was really playing up and I threatened to spank him in just my underwear. He would be forced to look at my big saggy boobs as I punished him. I think that would really embarrass him. Like I said, I will talk to him on Monday and will start from there. I promise I will not back down and will fully implement everything that you have suggested. Love you, sis x. “

“Wow… you are learning fast, Wendy. Yeah, I would assume that being spanked by your forty-eight-year-old mother whilst she is wearing nothing but skimpy underwear would really have an embarrassing effect on a nineteen-year-old boy. Keep me posted on how things turn out on Monday. If he agrees to your new rules, don’t be afraid to make him strip naked and spank him until he is almost crying right then and there as a taster of what is to come. In fact, I would encourage it after all he has put you through in these recent years. Take care, sis xxx.”

Chapter 2… After communicating with my sister, it’s time to write the rules and consequences for breaking them for my nineteen-year-old son.

Published 3 years ago

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