A frosty breeze whipped around outside my window, a stark reminder of why I was heading down to Miami. I settled into my seat, buckled my belt, and shoved my backpack under the chair in front of me.
I let out a giant sigh, attempting to release all the tension I felt throughout the morning. With the oncoming snowstorm, I worried my flight would canceled. A gentle touch, helped settled me down. I looked to my left, and was greeted by a warm embrace.
“I can’t wait to do this. I’ve missed you so much since you left in the fall,” Mom told me.
“It’s only been a few months,” I replied.
“Maybe, but even in that time, my little girl has grown into a beautiful young woman, and I can’t wait to spend time with her,” Mom gushed.
A part of me wanted to roll my eyes at Mom’s comments, but I knew they came from a sincere place. I was excited about this trip just as much as she was. While I was looking forward to spending time with my mother, I was most excited to see my best friend, Jamie. We ended up at different schools, and I couldn’t wait to party with her this week. Carol, Jamie’s mom and my mother’s best friend was joining us on the trip, which meant that I didn’t have to worry about taking care of my mother, and I could just focus on going wild.
Exiting the plane, the hot and humid Miami air hit me like an old friend. Still bundled up in my layers, I couldn’t wait to get into something skimpier. With our flight delayed, I knew the beach was out of the picture today, but I hoped that Jamie and I would be able to hit a club tonight.
The ride to the hotel was uneventful. Mom was going on about all the things she wanted to do while here, but all I could think about was getting Jamie’s lips on mine. Jamie and I were friends. There was never anything romantic between us, but that didn’t stop us from hooking up when there wasn’t a boy in the picture. While I wasn’t sure where we would do it, I couldn’t wait to get between Jamie’s thighs.
“Amy!” Jamie shouted when she saw me enter the suite.
We jumped into each other’s arms, gripping each other like our lives depended on it. Carol and her had arrived the night prior, which meant that Jamie had a head start on her tan. She stood there in only a string bikini top, and a jean mini skirt, showing off her fit body. Surprisingly her mother was wearing a similar outfit. I was shocked to see Carol wear something so revealing, but I didn’t make much of it.
Jamie pulled me into their portion of the suite and shut the door behind us. Without saying a word, she pushed me against the wall and kissed me hard. I was hoping for some action, and it was clear that Jamie was just as horny as I was. Since our mothers were on the other side of the wall, I knew we couldn’t get too hot and heavy, so I made sure to savor every second of her lips on mine.
Soon, we heard the door opening and jumped off one another.
“Can you believe this place?” We overheard Carol saying to Mom.
“I’m so happy we could get a joint suite. This is going to be so amazing,” Mom gushed.
Jamie and I cackled, listening to our mothers going on about the accommodations.
“What are you two going on about?” Mom laughed.
“Oh, we are just excited to go dancing tonight. You two should join us!” Jamie cheered.
I gasped. All week, I had been looking forward to getting Jamie alone for a few hours, and now I worried that Mom and Carol would take Jamie up on her offer.
“I don’t know. I haven’t been to a club in over twenty years,” Mom bellowed.
“Oh, don’t be silly, Megan. You need to let loose. Dancing the night away will do just that,” Carol pushed back.
My face dropped. I knew there was no escaping it now. I did my best to hide my disappointment, but Mom could sense my annoyance.
“I think we should give the girls their alone time,” Mom said.
I grinned wildly, thankful that Mom picked up on my signals. Sadly, my excitement was dashed.
“Non-sense. Megan, you and my mother will have so much fun dancing together. I insist that you come,” Jamie told her.
“I wouldn’t argue with my daughter. If I’ve learned one thing over the past eighteen years, it is that no one wins when they fight with her,” Carol giggled.
“Then, I guess we’re going dancing tonight,” Mom shrieked.
Due to our long day of travel, we decided to order in room service. This gave Mom and I plenty of time to unpack, rest, and get ready for tonight. Even with Mom coming out with us, I still planned on getting dressed with the intent of getting laid.
I quickly showered, making sure to shave off all my body hair. While I usually left a little landing strip, I knew this outfit would feel better if I was bare. I sat at the vanity and looked at myself in the mirror. Fresh out of the shower, my hair was still damp, and my skin looked dewy, giving me a youthful appearance. That would never do with what I had planned for tonight. I decided to apply some dark eyeliner and some smokey eyeshadow to give myself a mysterious allure. I finished the look off with black lipstick, making my lips pop against my pale skin.
My dress lay flat on the bed. I looked at it one more time, quietly doubting whether I could pull it off. My roommate challenged me to buy it on a dare, but I never got around to wearing it at school. I figured this trip would be the perfect time to try something out of my comfort zone.
The latex felt cold as I slipped it over my head and down my body. I wiggled it down my torso, inching myself into it. With every tug, it felt like the dress was molding to my figure. Once on, I smoothed out the plasticky material, getting rid of any wrinkles. I reached behind my back and zipped myself into the dress. While I thought the dress was tight before, once encased fully, the dress acted like a second skin, moving with my every breath. I sprayed the dress with polish and shined it until it practically glowed.
I stared at my reflection in the mirror and couldn’t believe how powerful I felt. I barely recognized the woman staring back at me. Gone was the girl who stepped off the plane. The woman standing before me wasn’t going to take no for an answer from anyone. I ran my hands over the shiny fabric, relishing how it felt pressed into my skin. If it wasn’t for my mother bursting into the room, there was no doubt I would have ended up playing with myself standing right there.
“Can you zip me up?” Mom asked.
Mom had slipped into a red dress that was tighter and more revealing than anything I had ever seen her in before. While I knew she had lost weight and gotten into better shape since I left for school, all of her baggy winter clothes had hidden her new figure, leaving me shocked by how fit she looked in her dress.
“I know it is a bit much,” Mom said before spinning around and showing off her outfit to me.
“You look great, Mom,” I reassured her.
Excited to go dancing, Carol called a cab, and we made our way to the club.
The bass was pumping, making my latex dress reverberate from the sound. Droves of beautiful young bodies moved to the music, lost to the energy of the room. Mom and Carol stuck out like sore thumbs, clearly the oldest in the room.
Their presence frustrated me to no end, but as Jamie took my hand and pulled me to the dance floor, all my worries melted away. She wrapped her arms around my torso, pressing the latex into my warming skin. I melted into Jamie, letting my body and hers become one. My hands roamed her form, taking in every inch of her toned figure while our legs slipped between each other. We ground our bodies into each other, relishing each other’s touch.
The whole world disappeared around me as we danced. Sweat formed on my brow and trickled down my neck. My hair clung to my sweaty skin, making my once perfect slicked back pony look like a disheveled mess. We had only been there for ten minutes, and I already felt a fire building in my loins. I was about to kiss Jamie when I noticed our mothers dancing beside us.
Mom and Carol had gone to get drinks, and it was obvious that they had taken advantage of being over twenty-one. They each had a drink in hand, and it clearly wasn’t their first.
“This place is so much fun,” Mom shouted over the music.
“I told you you wouldn’t regret coming,” Carol screamed while pulling Mom close.
The two of them danced beside us, their moves becoming progressively intimate with every song. I tried my best to focus on Jamie’s slick pussy grinding into my bare thigh, yet I couldn’t stop watching as our mothers breathlessly gyrated to the beat. A heat built between them as a thin sheen of perspiration grew across their chests. I don’t know why, but witnessing Mom moving her body like she was in a state of pure erotic bliss did something to me that I was uncomfortable acknowledging.
My dress didn’t help matters. The latex didn’t breathe, making me sweat in places I didn’t think possible. The latex clung to every inch of me, a sensation that was completely new to me. I was shocked by the effect the latex rubbing against my slick skin was having on me. My labia were engorged, and my juices were seeping down my thighs. I could barely remember a time I was this wet. Unfortunately, having Mom dancing beside me made the whole experience awkward.
“Let’s switch,” Carol suddenly said, yanking her daughter away from me.
I didn’t know what to do, but Mom wasn’t as encumbered. She glided over to me, taking me in her arms. I sighed loudly as she nestled into me. I was over-aroused, and feeling Mom’s sweaty body against mine didn’t help.
“Here, drink this,” Mom said, handing me her cocktail.
I took her glass and quickly downed whatever she was drinking.
“Someone needs to learn to let go,” Mom whispered in my ear.
Mom was right. Despite her age, she fit right in. Mom had been dancing up a storm and even flirtatiously grinding into her best friend. She wasn’t any different than me. I let my mind drift, refocusing on the pleasure building between my legs.
I ran my fingers through my messy bun, letting my hair fall loose around my shoulders, before lifting my arms into the air.
“Whooooo!” I hollered.
“That’s my girl,” Mom declared.
Mom threw her arms in the air, matching my frivolousness. Our fingers intertwined as she spun me around before holding me tight against her. As Mom’s arms descended down, the back of her palm accidentally grazed my aching nipples, causing me to moan loudly. Mom shot me a smile and winked at me. I was taken aback by Mom’s brazenness. There was no way she did that on purpose, I told myself, yet what are the chances that her hands would brush against both of my tits at the same time.
I pushed the thought aside when I saw Carol and Jamie dancing like long-lost lovers. The two of them moved as one. It was almost impossible to tell where the mother ended and the daughter began. Their matching dresses were soaked in sweat as their limbs thrashed around. Finally, they seemed to settle down, and Carol wrapped an arm around Jamie’s neck. Subtly Carol’s other hand trailed down Jamie’s back until it rested on her ass.
My eyes widened, unable to believe what I was seeing. Yet, Jamie did nothing. If anything, it looked like she pushed her ass back into her mother’s grasp, appreciating Carol’s touch.
Mom looked at me and then at our friends and smiled. Her eyes were glued to Carol’s hand caressing her daughter’s behind. I knew it was wrong, but seeing my friend being molested by her mother made my heart race.
My mother snuggled into me while never turning away from Carol’s naughty behavior. Almost as if encouraged by her friend’s actions, Mom bit her bottom lip, then proceeded to move her body up and down mine. Mom’s ass practically hit the floor before she expertly danced against me like an expert stripper. I was shocked by Mom’s agility. It was as if I was being invited into a part of Mom’s life that had previously been all but hidden from me.
“I need a drink,” I lamented.
“It’s a shame you are underage, sweetie. You downed my last cocktail like you were running from the devil,” Mom commented.
“Something like that,” I bellowed.
We made our way to the bar in desperate need of a break. While I expected to just get a club soda, Mom ordered a couple of shots for her and me.
“To getting to know each other in new and unexpected ways!” Mom crowed.
“Amen,” I cheered before clinking our glasses together.
The vodka burned as it slid down my gullet. The warmth only added to the burning I continue to feel growing inside. I needed to cum, yet being with Mom didn’t leave me a lot of options when it came to finding someone to hook up with.
Making our way back to the dancefloor, I eyed the crowd, looking for someone who caught my attention. As my eyes perused the floor, I thought I saw Jamie and Carol kissing out of the corner of my eye. Yet when I looked back, Jamie had turned her back to Carol and was gyrating her ass into her mother’s crotch.
“Did you see that?” I asked Mom.
“See what?” She wondered.
“Never mind,” I replied, putting the crazy thought out of my mind.
We spent the next hour dancing away. By the end of the night, I relented and gave up on the idea of hooking up with anyone. Instead, I hoped to find time to get myself off in the shower.
“That club was sick,” Carol said as the four of us collapsed onto our bed.
“Yeah, real sick,” Jamie and I cackled in unison.
“You two can laugh all you want, but your mother and I put on quite the show back there,” Carol sneered.
“Oh, do tell,” Jamie joked.
“If you must know there were several younger gentlemen that propositioned your mother and I tonight,” Mom spoke up.
“I think they wanted to get the two of us in bed together,” Carol chimed in.
“They were cute,” Mom giggled.
Jamie and I sat there dumbfounded. Our drunk mothers just insinuated that they were invited for a threesome and seemed to relish in that fact. Had so much changed in the few months that I had been away that Mom would openly talk about such things with me? Carol was having more of an impact on my mother than I expected.
Despite these revelations, my attention turned inward. My skin tingled beneath my latex dress. With every breath, my dress pulled at my skin, reminding me of its naughty nature. I discretely ran my hands over the latex, pressing the smooth fabric into my sticky skin. An abundance of sweat beneath my dress caused the latex to cling to me in ways I didn’t know was possible. Even through the dark, plasticky material, my throbbing nipples were easily noticeable to anyone who cared to look.
My teasing fingers sent shivers down my spine, making my pussy flower more and more. The longer I lay there, the hornier I became. Carol, Jamie, and Mom’s dirty jokes became background noise to my inner dialogue. I pictured Jamie sliding down between my legs, hiking up my dress, and plunging her tongue between my wet folds. I looked up at Jamie and licked my lips seductively. She smiled back at me, flirting with me with just her eyes.
“I’m going to go shower,” I announced, popping up from the bed without warning.
I couldn’t stand it anymore. Between the dress and being surrounded by three sexy women discussing sex, I needed a release.
Quickly, I maneuvered over to the bathroom and attempted to strip down. However, my dress fought me with every tug. The snug dress hugged me like a second skin, compressing and expanding as if it were alive. I rolled the dress over my tits and down my stomach. The dress acted like a heat trap, making me glisten. Once naked, I found myself missing the full body hug the latex provided me. I neatly folded the dress and hoped I would find another excuse to wear it on the trip.
The water splashing against me hit me like a freight train. While I hadn’t drunk a lot, the couple of shots I did have went right to my head, and I was getting drowsy. The warming water woke me up from my oncoming slumber. I stood under the shower head and breathed deeply. The water cascaded down my naked form, rinsing away all the dirt and grime. I relished the understated massage the pounding water gave my aching muscles.
While the water rushing over my body felt great, I needed more. I reached for the body wash and squirted some into my hands. I rubbed the soap into a lather and let my hands move without thought, letting my urges lead where they may.
I cupped my tits, kneading the soap into the pillowy flesh. My head flew back, and my mouth gapped as I pinched my nipples between my slippery fingers.
“Fuck,” I grunted.
Leaving one hand on my tits, the other one crept down my body, leaving behind…