I’d not stuck around last night after my dad had joined us, mainly because I was so bloody horny, especially after my fingers had abruptly slipped up inside Molly’s silky wet vagina. That happened because we’d been startled by my dad, but thank god for the blanket covering us. I was now totally addicted to Molly and her body. She was still, for all intents and purposes, my step mum and had been since I was a teenager. But now I was twenty, and I’d, correction we’d, both finally broken the shackles of that status quo.
Last night I’d touched her for the very first time in the most intimate area of her body, and she’d allowed me to. She’d even brought up her body to me so I could play with her; I’d gone slowly at first, not wanting to rush our moment together. But maybe now, looking back, that was the wrong move. If it wasn’t for my dad, who knows what might have happened between us, my mind buzzed as I lay there in bed. Touching myself the whole time at the memory of my fingers and where they’d been, plus her deafening words when she’d admitted masturbating over me.
I wasn’t ignorant of the fact that she and I were under the influence of alcohol. My question that I was dying to know the answer to was, with alcohol now out of the picture, was last night a one-off, and if so, where does that leave us now?
I’d not slept a wink last night; my wanking had hit new heights even for me. Molly was at the forefront of my mind, and I was already worried about seeing her this morning. So I jumped in the shower, got myself dressed, and then gelled my hair before putting on some aftershave to smell nice. If I was going to see her, I at least wanted to look and smell my best.
As I walked down the stairs, I saw Molly look up at me, stretching her legs near the front door; she was in her GYM clothes as she spoke to me in an uneasy tone.
“Err, just going for a run,” She said quickly and was out the door before I could say a word. I walked downstairs and found the house empty. I felt a little sick to my stomach; I’d fucked things up with a woman I adored. She saw me and, at that moment, she ran away. So it was blatantly obvious that she didn’t want to be around me right now. Every morning without fail, she’d ask me to join her for her morning run, so I felt somewhat jaded that she hadn’t asked me today.
“Fuck, things have definitely changed then,” I said aloud, walking into the kitchen and making my breakfast. I dropped four Weetabix and a splash of ice-cold milk into a bowl; I sat there and ate my cereal before my dad walked in, coming home especially early for once. Now for a man who’s never home, he’d been back prematurely two days on the bounce. I got a sinking feeling he’d seen us last night or at least suspected something was up.
“Hey, dad, good night last night?” I asked; he was lost in thought, looking at his phone and texting someone.
“Where’s Molly?” he asked, not answering me.
“Gone for a run,” I remarked, returning to my breakfast, which was starting to get soggy. I don’t know why but I love Weetabix when they’re still crunchy.
“Ok, well, I’ve tried ringing her, but she isn’t picking up.”
With my mouth still full of food and milk dribbling down my chin, I pointed towards the kettle to where her mobile phone was sitting on charge.
“Oh, ok… Well, I need you to tell her I’ve got to go out of town. Clare… I mean, work has asked me to head off to Spain for the week. Sorry about the short notice, but I need to go pack my bags… I’ll be back this time next week… But maybe we can go out and watch a game or something, yeah?”
My dad was already walking away from me, heading for the stairs. There would be no game or anything else for that matter. I know this, and he knows this, but it’s something he does to convince himself that he isn’t a shit dad.
I heard drawers and cupboards being opened before he shouted down to me. “Oh, Rick, can you do me a favour? Get Molly to ring me when she gets back… Oh, and I’ll give you two some pocket money for the next few days. Take Molly out or something; cheer her up. You know what she’ll be like with me leaving out of the blue without talking to her. But I know I can count on you to look after her, cheer her up, can’t I?”
I didn’t answer. Fifteen minutes later, he walked down the stairs to the front door, stopping only for a second as he went into his wallet and dropped a roll of twenty-pound notes into the wooden key bowl.
‘What a fucking asshole, he’s not even going to hand me the money or say goodbye,’ I thought to myself as the door shut with a bang. Getting up from my stool, I wandered over to the front door. Looking at the money discarded in the bowl, I picked it up before looking out the door’s small glass window. I watched a very giggly Clare beam at my dad, not hiding the fuck me eyes she was giving him.
“Bye, dad, don’t come back!” I said aloud, a little angry at how he was treating Molly and me as Clare held out her hand, taking hold of my dad’s as she gave him a kiss that lingered a little too long on his cheek. My dad looked back at the house, he couldn’t see me, but I could see him and just like that, they both got in the car and drove away.
I’d set up camp in the front room, watching my favourite Netflix show after dumping the money he’d given us next to Molly’s phone. Three and a half hours later, Molly walked back into the house, looking fucked. Normally she’d run a ten miler and come back looking like a perfect specimen with maybe a slight rosy glow in her cheeks. But right now, she looked like she’d run a marathon while putting her head into a jet exhaust.
“Good run?” I asked, feeling my stomach tense as she walked into the front room; I decided to play it cool. I didn’t want to be this stereotypical guy wanting to know what was up between us, especially after just walking through the door. My carefree approach worked as she nodded at me, taking in big gulps of air. I wanted to be the mature one here, needing her to approach me on this elephant in the room. But I knew her all too well; she’d come around sooner or later.
I watched her put her hands on her hips, looking up at the ceiling and taking in big mouthfuls of air when she finally spoke. “Twenty… nine… miles… Fuck me… that hurt!” she wheezed with a bright red face looking very sweaty, with her hair looking wet and matted; she bent over to stretch her tender legs a little. “I’m going to hit the shower; what are you watching? Oh, Vikings, never mind,” she huffed, walking out of the room and headed upstairs.
It was a good hour before she came back down, wearing her pyjama bottoms and a simple cream cardigan top that was slinked over to one side, showing off one side of her shoulder. This was her typical lounge-around clothing, and it told me she had no plans for the rest of the day.
“Dad came home,” I said as she sat in the armchair away from me, another tell-tale sign that things were different between us. Molly was a bit of a bugger for invading my personal space and would generally crash right next to me, or maybe I was looking into this a little too much.
“Oh really, what did he come home for?” she asked, realizing she didn’t have her mobile phone as she got up and made her way to the kitchen.
“That he needed to head out to Spain on short notice, and he’ll be back next week.” There was no reply from the kitchen, but seconds later, she came back into the room with the roll of twenty pounds notes in her hand.
“And what’s this?” she asked, waving the money in the air as I glanced back at her.
“An apology, I think. He asked me to take you out on the town… Well, that’s clearly not happening now, is it!” I expressed cynically. Molly froze and dropped the money on the coffee table as she mulled something over. Then, turning on the spot, she left the room, leaving a bit of an atmosphere as she headed back upstairs.
“Fucking dickhead! Why did I just say that?” I scolded myself as the house fell silent again, with only the sounds from my TV show filling the house.
A good hour and a half later, I heard Molly come back down the stairs lingering in the doorway, causing me to turn and glance at her. When I did, I found the most stunningly beautiful woman I’d ever seen standing before me. She wore a very sexy red dress that clung to her body perfectly. She had killer high heels on that were open-toed, showing her red-painted toenails that matched her fingers that were the same colour as her dress.
Her lips were plump with dark red lipstick, and her eyes looked dark and smoky with long, lush eyelashes. Her dress had an open slit in the bodice, showing the sides of her boobs, drawing your eyes to them. You could see the raindrop curvature of them, letting anyone know looking at her that she was perky and she didn’t need to wear a bra.
“So what were you saying before about not taking me out, mister… Oh, and before I forget, was Clare, by any chance, with your dad when he came home earlier?”
I scrunched up my nose, feeling a tad uncomfortable answering her question. He’s a dick, but he’s still my dad; Molly waited for me to answer her.
“Yeah, she was with him,” I said, displaying that I was slightly deflated by that fact.
“Right! Well then, his loss. I’ve had enough of being played as the second fiddle in this relationship, so… Rick, babe, will you do me the honour of taking me out tonight… on a date?”
The biggest grin emanated across my face as I tried to find the words. “Err, sure, I’d love to take you out on a… A date,” I stuttered shyly, mesmerized by her intoxicating beauty. Standing up, I made my way over to her. I wanted to take a closer look as she twirled for me. My hands instinctively came to rest on her lower back as I examined her up and down; god, the things I wanted to do to her right then.
“I must say, Rick, I love how you look at me… what are you thinking right now? Tell me,” she mused, biting that damn sexy lip of hers. A part of me wanted to be crass, admitting that I was thinking about pulling her down to the floor and fucking the living daylights out of her. Not to mention sucking on that damn lip she loves to bite so much, but I decided to play it cool instead.
“Hmm, well, I think you already know what I’m thinking, Molly,” I beamed, tonging my teeth playfully at her, making her blush as she slipped a lock of hair behind her ear and stepped a bit closer to me, so our faces were only mere inches apart.
“Maybe, but I have to ask. Do you like this dress; it’s not too flashy, is it? I feel like I’m on show and don’t normally display this much skin?” She remarked, bringing her hands to cup her boobs, sliding her fingertips inside the dress’s cleavage to try to cover herself a little more.
“You know that you’re one of the sexiest women I know, Molly, and you have a body to die for… I love looking at your… skin!” I declared, scrutinizing her boobs in that dress, but my words had gotten the desired effect making Molly chuckle.
She fluttered her eyelashes, glancing down at her own body, pressing the fabric of her dress onto her flat tummy, and then looked back at me.
“Well, I’m glad you like my body, Rick… It’s been quite a while since I’ve let someone other than your father take a look at it or touch it!” Her words were soft but deliberate. We both wanted each other as the silence between us grew. She was waiting for me to make a move on her, and I was doing the same, praying she’d step in for a kiss.
Cough, Cough. “Is it hot in here, or is it just me… I need to get washed and dressed and sort myself out,” I spluttered, needing to break our stalemate.
Molly clocked that last part stepping back to give me room so I could get past her. “Excuse me, sort yourself out! How exactly do you plan on doing that, mister?” She queried, and I blushed, not intending for it to sound quite like that. It was merely a turn of phrase, but she had somewhat hit the nail on the head. I needed to release the tension that was building within me, especially with how she was looking, if things were going to happen tonight, which seemed very likely now. Well, I’d last mere seconds, so I needed relief from this throbbing build-up in my loins. I took far too long to answer, causing her to step closer to me, placing her hands on my shoulders as she looked deeply into my eyes, pressing her crotch into mine to emphasise her point.
“Please don’t cheat me out of my moment with you tonight, Rick; I know why you want to, you know… Release some pressure that might have built up right now,” she said, cocking her head to one side while she looked down at my bulge that had started to press into her.
“I like it when you’re this horny, Rick. You look at me with such hunger; also, don’t forget we have all week together to take our time, so no relieving yourself, ok! Please, for me, sometimes having a man erupt right away is rather sexy. It tells a woman he can’t control himself around her, and right now, I need that feeling! To be that desired that you can’t help yourself, understand?” Pressing her crotch into mine a little more, she began rubbing up against me, looking deep into my eyes, making my balls hurt at the notion that I might have her at long last.
I observed Molly curving her crotch into me repeatedly as our breathing got more and more laboured. “You said not to cheat you out of your moment tonight! So I take it we’re going to…?” I gulped as she lent in, pulling my face into hers with the smell of her sweet perfume filling my nostrils, and her lips came to my ear. At the same time, her gentle fingers slipped into my hair, giving me goosebumps all over my body.
“We are going to have sex tonight, yes… But how it happens and where it happens, I’ll leave that up to you. If you want to kiss me, then go ahead and kiss me, and if you want to touch my body… then touch it,” Molly whispered, sounding husky with her words affecting us both. “And if you want to fuck me, well… Then I want you to take me where ever and whenever you feel like it.”
My mouth went dry, and I found it hard to think. “Are you sure, Molls? Don’t you just want to take the lead and tell me when you want it?” I asked, making absolutely sure she meant all of this.
“Rick, I wanted to feel excitement again, to feel alive like I did when I was younger. I trust you more than any bloke that I know, and I trust your judgment.” There was this look between us, a lustful hunger as we gazed at one another. Then, with her hand still on my neck, she began to pull me in slowly as my eyes closed; her smell was divine, feeling the wetness of her soft lips press against mine.
My god, our first-ever kiss was unbelievably sensual and soft. It was like we were inhaling each other’s desires, feeding off one another’s lust with the added knowledge that the moment we were having was beyond taboo in polite society; she was my step mum, and we’d given ourselves over to sin and temptation.
Molly was like a drug I could not say no to, sliding her tongue into my mouth, causing bolts of sexual chemistry between us. Our kiss turned into a full-blown snog as I moved her backwards, pinning her hands above her head against the living room wall. Then, pulling her body into mine, I felt the heat of our sexual tension building rapidly while I dry-humped her hard against the living room wall.
“No, no, no… not here… when we go out, Rick, stop, please… Baby, please,” she pleaded as my free hands cupped her ass, pulling her into me harder. I could feel her soft, warm pussy lips pressing into my cock. She had begun to moan, and her body shuddered each time I flicked myself into her. It was just a shame I still had my jeans on. Our breathing was getting more laboured, and that was before she pushed me off her trying to catch her breath.
“What… you don’t want this? Tell me you don’t want me?” I gasped, feeling incredibly frustrated, as I walked back into her body and flicked my hips back into hers. Our sexes mashed together once again as she let out a sweet gasp, trying to push me off like before but resisting less and less by the second.
“I do, like you have no fucking idea how badly I want you inside me, but not right now. When we’re out, that’s when you can take me,” she gasped as I pressed my cock into her over and over again, causing her to close her eyes, losing the battle of wills. Her mouth fell open, and she let the feeling of what I was doing wash over her.
“Please, baby… Rick, you’re going to break me, and I don’t want to do it here, not in this house, not for our first-time, please!” I realized now what she was getting at. She didn’t want to sully our first time together in this house, the same place my dad broke her heart.
“FUCK!” I sounded exacerbated, breaking away from our embrace as we both panted, staring at one another, lusting for each other’s bodies.
“God, Rick, I nearly gave into you just then. God, you’re such a naughty fucker; I’ve never been that excited before in my entire life, never… Right, you go upstairs and get ready, mister. I think I’ll go change my panties,” Molly giggled; I took another step back away from her, bumping into the door frame, making her laugh before heading upstairs. Not before looking back one last time at how stunning she truthfully looked, not believing this was all really happening to me.
I took an ice-cold shower which helped a great deal, before getting dressed and did as she asked, keeping my hands off the merchandise. I donned a grey short sleeve shirt along with a black jacket and my trousers which were also black, along with the smart shoes that I liked to wear for job interviews. Once dressed, I gelled my hair and checked myself in the mirror, “Not bad, hmm, not bad at all, but I’m missing something,” I said aloud. “A watch!”
I decided to grab one of my dad’s expensive watches, but when I walked into his bedroom, I found Molly lying on the bed; she still had her sexy high heels shoes on, waiting patiently for me.
Having a second wind and no longer having a case of sex on the brain thanks to that ice-cold shower, I wanted to tease and excite Molly something rotten. She was on her mobile phone when I walked over to her, climbing onto the foot of the bed.
“Come here, you,” I growled as I gripped hold of her ankles, pulling her down the bed to me. This made her squeal with excitement as I dragged her under me, and I grasped hold of her hands, pinning them above her head, leaving her open to me.
“Rick, I love you controlling me but no, not here,” She chuckled as I parted her legs with my knee and saw her new red panties come into view as her dress rolled up. Her panties were partially see-through due to the lacy red fabric, so I could see the outline of her clamshell shape lips.
“Do you trust me?” I asked. Molly pursed her lips for a second before nodding yes. I laid my body on top of hers. “Then let me play with you but trust me, we’re not doing anything in this house,” I remarked matter of factly.
Molly sighed as I leaned in, kissing her softly, moving my tongue into her mouth as she sucked on it, and I felt her legs spread a little wider to let my body rest on top of hers. With that, I pressed my crotch into her as her whole body shuddered to my rhythmic slow dry humping. It didn’t take long before she started gasping, her gaze drifting drowsily from me up to the ceiling as what I was doing affected her.
“Rick, what are you doing? You need to stop… Rick, it’s becoming too much to take. Please, baby, I’m so fucking horny right now that if… Oh my god, right there, that’s it. Don’t stop! God, you little shit… Oh, sod it, just fuck me… Rick, I want you in me, don’t toy with me.”
I loved the power I had over her. Still holding her hands above her head, I looked down between us and watched as her body rippled under me, trying to meet my thrusts.
“Just put it in me already, god, you are such a little shit! Stop winding me up and fuck me!” Molly complained, letting out deep gasps as her body began to shake and tremble each time I pressed my cock against her, hitting her clit each time I pushed upwards. With my trousers being a much thinner fabric, I could feel the soft mound of her sex pressed against me more prominently.
“Getting close, are we, Molls?” I smirked devilishly as I let go of the hands, causing her to grip the bed covers, biting down on my jacket top while wrapping her legs around me. Locking me in place, I observed her hands then sliding down between us and began to fiddle with my belt buckle, trying to pull my cock free.
“No, no, no, Moll’s, I don’t think so, little lady,” Re-grabbing her hands and pinning them above her again, laughing as she growled at me, giving me such a frown but then burst out laughing when I stopped my humping and kissed her on her nose before jumping off her, causing her legs to swing open.
“You are such a fucking tease, Rick… two can play at that game, mister. Just wait!” She huffed, pulling down her dress as I got off the bed with a cheeky grin.
“Great, now I need to change my panties again; thanks,” she taunted playfully. I reached over, stopping her from getting up and slid my hands up inside her dress. Molly rested on her elbows, looking down at me with a horny bemused look, watching me pull her second set of sodden panties from her. At that moment, Molly spread her legs wider, revealing her wet little pussy with a patch of dark pubic hair sitting on the top of her perfect plump mound.
“You like that, do you?” She asked with a sweet sigh, and I nodded my head, unable to take my eyes off it. She slipped her middle finger along her clamshell-like entrance; this woman was, quite frankly, perfect! So what the hell was my dad thinking, leaving a woman of this calibre at home, only to go off and play with plain old Clare? I’ll never know.
“Here, take a closer look if you want.” With that, Molly arched her legs apart even wider as she parted her pussy lips with her middle finger, slipping it up inside her causing the wetness that was being held behind her labia to instantly gush out. It trickled down the crack of her ass and onto the bed. “Want to have a quick taste before the taxi gets here?”
Of course, I knew nothing about any taxi, but knowing my time was limited, I nodded, lust drunk. I was absolutely memorized by her gorgeous-looking pussy, watching intently as she delicately played with her engorged bulb of a clit, sending shivers of animalistic lust to my balls. Placing my hands on the bed on either side of her bum, I moved in closer, smelling her sweet bouquet of womanly fragrance.
“That’s it, Rick, suck my clit!” Molly shuddered. I put out my tongue to sample her, but in that instant, she commando rolled backwards off the bed, shutting her legs. “See, it’s not nice to tease someone now, is it” She sassed me playfully just as her phone went off, meaning the taxi was outside. I’ve got to give credit where it’s due; she got me good and proper. She got off the bed and began to lift the hem of her dress as she pulled out the third set of fresh panties from her dresser drawer.
“No, leave them… I want you naked down there,” I said aloud, making Molly turn and give me a devilish sexy smile before she dropped them back into her drawer.
“Well, looks like I’m ready and pantie free… I’d love to read your mind about what you have in store for me tonight. Maybe you could tell me in the taxi,” Molly mused, but I didn’t say a word, only slapping her perfectly formed ass as she walked past me, making her squeal with delight.
Immediately she bent over at the hip right in front of me, pulling up her dress again, showing me her naked bare ass and that inviting pussy. “I love a good spanking, do it again before we go,” She giggled.
Walking up behind her, aware that the taxi was waiting outside, I came to the side of her. I smoothed my hand over her ass, loving how soft her skin was but how firm it felt when I squeezed one of her cheeks. Then, with a flat hand, I landed it on her left buttock, leaving a slight pink mark on her white skin. “That’s what you wanted, isn’t it? You naughty girl,” I asked playfully, not really sure if I was too hard, but I was quickly coached.
“Hardly, do it harder, really smack it. I want to feel the sting!” She moaned, and I watched as she grabbed her ankles, bracing herself for my next hand slap.
“Ok…” I said, a little nervous, not wanting to actually hurt her. I smoothed my hand over her pink skin where I’d smacked her. Raising my hand up, I landed it in the same spot as before but much harder this time; a loud audible crack vibrated around the room. She groaned.
“Thanks, darling, I really needed that! I’ve been such a bad girl lately,” She shuddered, standing up and walking out of the room with a spring in her step. Clearly, Molly liked being spanked quite a lot. “Oh, and I do plan on being a naughty little slut tonight, Rick; maybe you could put me over your knee and punish me some more when I misbehave, aye?” She mused before she sauntered downstairs; I had to take a moment loving this bad girl vibe I was getting off her. We grabbed our coats before locking up and got into the cab.
What surprised me was the location she gave, it was the next town over and a good forty-five minute drive away, but I understood why. People knew us both in our own city, and even as unlikely as it was, we didn’t want to be caught out fooling around.
Molly leant into me with me putting my arm around her, brushing my fingertips along the tops of her breasts.
“Now we’re out of the house. I’m yours now, Rick. Do with me as you will. I want to be desired by you, but I also want to feel young again,” She whispered as I nodded back at her giving her a little kiss.
“You’re still young, Moll’s,” I retorted back to her as she interlocked her fingers into mine.
“But I’m not your age, though, am I. I love how you look at me, as I said earlier. I want you to play with me, tease me like you did in the bedroom… I love that kind of stuff, stuff girls your age get up to on a night out. You’ve turned into such a gorgeous young man, and the idea of you touching me, using me…!” She paused as she blushed slightly. “I haven’t even seen you yet; if I’m honest, I’m a little nervous.”
I pulled a face knowing she was telling me some porkies somewhat. “So you didn’t sneak a peek at me in the shower yesterday, then?”
Molly bushed, sending shivers to my nether regions. “Hmm, you saw that, did you? Well, can’t blame a woman for looking; you’re hot!” She giggled. “So yes, I might have had a sneaky peek yesterday; sorry but not sorry….” She snorted. “I’ve not seen you hard yet though, and from what I did see, it doesn’t disappoint; let’s just say I’m going to enjoy finding out tonight what you’re capable of. But don’t take too long to try, Rick. I’m just as wound up as you are baby… if not more!” She stipulated, making it loud and clear that she desperately wanted me to play with her.
Molly then gave me a very soft wet kiss on my neck, which turned into both of us snogging for a good ten minutes as the taxi took us to our destination. I didn’t miss the taxi driver looking back at us while we ate each other’s faces; he looked a little lost for words at how a young guy like me had bagged such a stunner like Molly.
Forty-five minutes later, we were there. The plan was simple: have some fantastic food and then hit a club or bar for cocktails. I had an idea we might get a hotel, but we needed to discuss that.
Making our way to the restaurant, Molly walked with her arm locked into mine; even with her coat on, she was getting looks from guys and women alike.
“Everyone is looking at you, Molly.”
“And they are looking at you too, babe… My hot little toy boy,” She giggled, making me laugh as we went into the place. Once inside, Molly made it clear that she wanted a table at the back out of the way so we could be alone. Drinks and food were ordered, and as we waited, I took the time to ask her some questions.
“How long have you liked me then? How old was I?” I enquired as our waitress turned up with our wine; the lady pouring our drinks looked about my age, just as Molly replied to my question, shocking me somewhat.
“Since you turned 18, that’s when I’ve started to fancy you, but it was only a little crush before. I never wanted to make you uncomfortable, so I wrote it off as a simple silly fantasy of an older woman. But as the years went by… and I watched you grow… well, last night it all came to fruition” The young lady stayed silent but looked at Molly’s tits, then at me with a smirk. “Why, when did you realise I liked you?” Molly questioned, ignoring the waitress.
I must admit, I enjoyed another person listening to us. “I’ve seen you look at me when you think I’m not looking but thought it was all just in my head, but when I saw you checking me out in the shower.”
The waitress coughed, as I got the feeling our frank talk was getting to her. Still, she was sure taking her sweet time pouring our drinks.
“I’ve not stopped thinking about how you touched me yesterday, how you slowly worked those hands over my body.”
The waitress blushed as she put the bottle back in the ice bucket, smiling at us before she walked off.
“That was fun,” Molly chuckled, and I must admit I found that back and forth quite exciting, too. I had no idea what tonight would be like, but Molly was clearly up for getting up to mischief.
To be continued….
End of part 2