One night, I awoke with a bursting bladder. I got out of bed and reached for the thunder mug under the bed. I pissed as quietly as I could and then slid it back under the bed. I got back into bed.
At this point, I became aware of noises coming from the next bedroom. They were not loud noises, just a steady pattern. As I lay in my bed, concentrating, I realised that the noise was bed springs squeaking – and someone breathing heavily.
If I had not woken to take a leak, the noises would not have roused me. They were not that loud.
A few moments later, with the rhythmic squeaking and gasps increasing, I knew Brad and Linda were fucking. It continued quite some time and, of course, as I listened I started to get a boner. The more I listened, the harder I got. So, of course, I had to jerk off.
Quietly, under the covers, I stroked my erection. Before I could cum, though, the squeaking got faster and louder and so did the gasping and panting. Then came a final flurry of noisy activity – and the squeaking abruptly stopped. I gathered they were done. I heard the rustle of bedcovers, I assumed he was getting off her.
I hear him whisper, “Are you alright?”
“Yes, but my bum gets so sore when you take such a long time like that.”
With that erotic vision flashing into my mind, I come in great gushes, biting on the sheets to stop my moans and groans from giving me away!
Thanks to JWren for all the editing help.