“Hungry?” She smiled.
Famished better described my current state of mind. She continued her seductive reveal until the hemline reached an altitude that confirmed that she had left her panties at home. That’s where her hand stopped; her eyes locked on mine assessing my reaction. I felt like a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming car, knowing damned well I should move and at the same time unable to.
As I stared, I could see her eyes were smoldering. Her hips rocked ever so slightly and my mind suddenly slammed the door on everything that wasn’t Monica. She had totally consumed me and before I realized what I was doing, I had her pinned to the door. Our lips pressed together as if one of us was water and and the other dying of thirst. Our tongues meeting and embarking on their first dance, gliding and tangling gracefully as if they had been lifelong partners and knew the routine by heart.
My hand reached up and cupped her breast as we kissed. I felt the nipple respond and harden beneath the thin material of her blouse and the bra that contained her. I kneaded the soft flesh and broke the kiss to press my lips to her, nipping at the nipple hidden just below the surface of the silk blouse.
With both hands I started to fumble with the buttons and in a moment of impatience, I pulled at the material, tugging it apart. The blouse immediately flew open, the buttons sent flying like bullets, ricocheting off the walls and mirror before falling to the floor.
“You rogue! You’ll pay dearly for that blouse!” she teased, struggling playfully as I pushed the blouse open to reveal her shear lace bra and the nipples that presented themselves as if to say, “Hi! We’re delicious! Come see for yourself!”
How could I resist such a greeting? I bowed my head once more to take each one, bra cup and all into my mouth. My hand reaching down, sliding over her hip and thigh which she graciously raised to wrap around my leg. I held her leg in place and returned my attention to her sweet lips, kissing her deeply.
She let out a slight moan as we kissed, which woke me from my reverie. My senses surrounded by the way she felt, the taste of her mouth and the smell of her. I slipped my other hand around her and picked her up. She instinctively wrapped her legs around me, never breaking the kiss while I carried her awkwardly toward the bed. It always looks so damned easy in the movies! She’s either heavier than she looks or I’ve grown weaker over the years. Better stick with the latter.
I bent to place her on the bed. Misjudging the height, weight and distance I dropped her the last few inches. Caught off balance, I fell on top of her, breaking the fall just enough to keep from knocking the wind out of her. Luckily it was a mattress and not the dining room table I had so often fantasized about.
“You’re an absolute klutz!” she giggled. “What are you trying to do to me? Is that your way of sweeping me off my feet?”
Then her eyes glazed over again, with a look of pure lust and desire. She then spoke the words that would be etched into my mind with indelible ink for the rest of my days.
“Are you going to fuck me the way I’ve always wanted you to?”
A feeding frenzy of desire ensued that consumed both of us. Hands fumbled with what buttons remained, tugging, discarding and pulling at any stitch of clothing that dared to get in our way. Our lips pressed tightly together hungrily taking whatever the other had to offer. Our bodies simply couldn’t get close enough.
There were no obstacles. There were no boundaries. There were no doubts or second guessing. No time at all for thought or a care to ponder the what ifs. There was absolutely nothing between us and I felt myself slip slowly into her for the first time. I was enveloped by the moist, velvety, slippery silkiness that was Monica and she fit like a glove. A low moan escaped her lips as I took my first step across that threshold as if she were welcoming me home. With her hands drawn across my back, her legs wrapped around me as she drew me into her. All the way in. Still our bodies could not get close enough.
The movements were slow and deliberate; we savored them. I slid forward, pressing against her as deeply as I could go before withdrawing ever so slowly until I was almost all the way out. She responded immediately by drawing me back into her, after which I would teasingly withdraw again. It wasn’t long before the intervals grew shorter, and the pace quickened.
We became hungry, ravenous as if it had been days since our last meal.
I pulled back ever so slightly and as I did she groaned again. The sound of her was the hand on my back that nudged me and sent me teetering over. I throbbed inside her, each spasm delivering another spurt into her. She had her face buried in my neck, tightened the grip of her legs and I could feel her clenching against me once more.
We lay still. Neither one of us moving, just languishing in the feeling of one another. I could feel her warm breath on my skin and I felt complete comfort and peace. She kept her legs and arms wrapped around me tight, as if she would never let me go. And that was just what I wanted. Our bodies couldn’t possibly get closer, and were still not close enough.
Inevitably I softened and slipped from her. She lay her head back and looked up at me.
“That’s how I’ve always wanted you to fuck me”, she said with a smile.
I kissed her on the lips again and slowly rolled off of her. Pulling her close to me, she placed her head on my chest. I felt her body relaxing against mine as my fingers caressed her and we drifted off to sleep.
It was that perfectly deep black empty sleep. The kind where time stops and peace surrounds you. A sleep that is warm, and wet. Surrounding you. Tugging at you. My eyes fluttered open.
What I saw and felt was surreal. Monica had my shaft in her mouth and was slowly sucking on it. Her hand wrapped around the base. She was on her hands and knees, rubbing herself with her free hand as she bobbed slowly up and down on me. My eyes rolled back in my head. The last time a woman woke me this way was… well. Never.
I reached out to her, placing my hand on her thigh to beckon her closer. Without losing concentration, she inched toward me, swung a leg over and straddled my face. She then slowly lowered herself onto my mouth. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her down against me, my tongue slowly parting the moist swollen lips, getting my first taste of her. Ambrosia.
I focused my attention as best as I could, given that she was doing her very best to distract me. I slipped a finger slowly inside her as my tongue ran slow, steady laps around her clit. Pausing every now and then to give her a well timed flick. She would buck her hips reflexively and press into my face each time. I was in heaven.
Yet she held the advantage and was drawing me back to the cliff we explored earlier and I knew I was starting to fall headlong over the edge. A perfect swan dive, no need for the pool of course. I barely uttered a groan when my cock spasmed in her mouth and I could feel the first splash of cum leave me. Her lips tightened around me, determined not to miss a drop.
“Oh my!”
Oh my? Did I just hear ‘Oh my?’ Who the fuck is that? Monica stopped midstream and looked toward the voice, releasing me from her mouth. There is no stopping a runaway train and the next spasm that rocked me shot thick cum onto her lips and chin. I peered around her to see the young woman from hotel housekeeping standing there with towels in her hand.
“I’ll need one of those in a sec.” Monica giggled wickedly as she wrapped her lips around me to finish me off and consume what remained of me.
My hips rocking the entire time she worked on me. My eyes locked on the young woman in the room watching us.
She just stared with an empty glazed look in her eyes and a blush washing over her face. I thought to myself, I know that look. How do I know that look? The light bulb lit above my head. She’s a deer in the headlights! Dear lord, does Monica have that affect on everyone? Apparently so because the young woman stood transfixed watching.
When Monica was satisfied there was nothing left, she licked her lips and reached out her hand for a towel. The girl handed it to her as if it were second nature and she did this all the time.
“Too bad you didn’t show up sooner.” Monica smiled at her, “You could have joined us!”
Sooner? Oh dear lord! I turned to look at the clock to see that it was 2:45.
“Shit! I’m going to miss my flight!” I said staring at Monica who was still wiping the cum from her chin.
“Good!” she smiled. “There will be other flights. That gives us more time to play!” She then turned her gaze to the woman from housekeeping.
“Know any good games?”