I awoke to the smell of bacon to find myself completely alone in the tent. Judging by the lighting outside, I’m guessing it was around 10:30ish. I was still in my boxers, so I went towards my sleeping bag to put on a pair of jeans and a shirt that says “Beavis and Butthead Return” (its true). I exited the tent to find my mom and dad fully clothed sitting around a fire cooking up a breakfast that made all our mouths water.
“Good morning Brian,” Dad greeted.
“Good morning dad, mom,” I replied.
“Good morning sweetie!” Mom shouted in an almost hyperactive voice.
“Something smells good,” I stated. “What’s the occasion? The trips not even half over.”
“I know,” mom replied. “But your father insisted we make bacon today. I don’t know why, he won’t tell me.”
Then my dad patted the seat next to him and said, “Please Brian, sit down, you must be starving after having such a fierce nightmare.”
“Yes,” Mom cut me off. “All that rattling you did sure kept us up, and it must have been a horrible nightmare.” Mom looked at me deeply when she said nightmare.
“Oh yeah, it was terrible. I thought someone had driven me over while I was sleeping.”
“The bacon will make the pain go away,” my parents said in unison.
We spent 2 minutes pigging out until my dad interrupted our feast.
“Guys listen,” he said. “There’s a reason I whipped out the bacon so quickly. I wanted to soften the blow for when I tell you.”
“Tell us what dear?” Mom asked
“I got a call from Fannie, my secretary,” he said. “She said the Henderson’s won’t wait until Tuesday, which means I have to go back to the office today.”
“Oh no, the trips over?” Mom said with a huge frown on her face.
“This sucks!” I shouted
“Yes, the trips over,” Dad replied, “For me. You guys should not come back home just because I’m not here, please, just go to the lake without me.”
Carlton Lake was going to be the second part of our camping trip. It wasn’t huge, but it was a popular local tourist spot. So many families came that they actually decided that you have to pay to get in. Cheap-asses.
“Honey, it won’t be as fun without you,” Mom complained
“Please,” said Dad. “Just do this for me. Knowing my family is having fun might keep me sane at work.”
“Don’t worry dad,” I said. “We’ll be fine.”
So, we took down the tents, packed up our gear, and dad drove us to the lake. He promised to make it back before the trip was over so he could drive us back. He dropped us off with all our gear and told us he’d take the credit cards so he could eat on the way to work. He gave us what we though was enough cash to get in, 60 bucks.
“Ok, have fun you two!” Dad shouted back.
“Don’t worry, we will,” I shouted back.
Mom waved back, then we headed towards the entry. We were about to pay the entry fee until we saw the sign.
Adults: $40
“Dammit!” I shouted. “They raised the price! Stupid recession. It’s turned everyone into a bunch of cheapskates.”
“Brian, Brian calm down!” Mom said. “I have an idea, look down at the rest of the sign.”
I looked down at the rest of the sign:
Special discount today, Couples get 25% off.
“How does that help us?” I asked. “We’re not a couple.”
My mom blushed as she said, “We could pretend to be, to get in.”
We eyes widened and my jaw dropped. I had just had sex with my mother last night that was true. But that was just so we could get to sleep. Now she wanted us to publicly hug each other and kiss on the lips?
I tried to talk her out of it.
“Mom, do you realize what you’re saying? This is insane!”
“Don’t worry Brian,” Mom stated. “We just need to hold hands and kiss every now and then, it will be fine.”
I thought about it for a bit. Kissing my mom on the lips was one thing. But to act like a couple in front of so many people? Then again, there’s a chance no one hear knows us. None of my friends talked about coming out here. And after all; its not like we haven’t kissed on the lips before.
“Well, ok,” I said.
Mom was giddy. “Fantastic! Lets walk over to the booth, I’ll grab your arm so we look like the real thing.”
Before I could say anything, she grabbed my arm. As we walked over, I started to get half a chub. Fortunately, it didn’t stick straight out, it went up to my waistband.
We walked up to the booth, said, “one couple,” and gave the guy the money. I couldn’t believe he bought it! Then again, mom is very youthful looking, and it isn’t that weird for a young guy to be dating an older woman.
We looked for a place to set up our blanket and umbrella and found a place close to the water. We put all our things at our spot, took our swimsuits and headed to the changing rooms. I took off all my clothes and grabbed hold of my fully erect cock. I tried to rub one out to make it go down. I imagined my mother. How her tight pussy felt against my dick. How it squeezed all the juices out of my cock. I remember the taste of honey on her fully erect nipples. It worked. I shot a huge wad of jizz on the wall.
It didn’t bother me that I just jerked it to my mother. I mean, I fucked her last night for god sake. So I put on my trunks and headed out.
Mom came out about five minutes later in a bikini I had not seen before. It was a blue floral bikini that left little to the imagination.
“So, what do you think, darling?” Mom asked as she winked at me.
I suddenly remembered we had to keep up our ruse in order to stay here. “Oh, you look absolutely hot my dear,” I replied.
Mom walked over and gave me a big smooch. There wasn’t any tongue, but it was definitely not the kind of kiss a mother should give to her son.
“Thank you dear,” she said in her giddy voice.” Lets head to the water.”
We ran after each other as we ran towards the shore. We instantly felt the temperature hit us. Shivers came down on mom and me. It didn’t take long for her nipples to poke out. It was a fairly thin material, so I got quite the presentation.
She really stuck to her commitment to keeping up appearances. She grabbed my ass whenever people glanced over at us. I played my parts, running my fingers through her wet hair whenever we got close. Right before we got out of the water, she turned me, facing her, and gave me a deep passionate kiss. This was no peck; it was deep. She stuck her tongue in my mouth, though she didn’t movie it around much.
She stopped and whispered in my ear, “Remember, this is just for appearance, I don’t want to get kicked out.”
We headed back to our spot where I tried to forget the feeling of my mothers tongue in my mouth. Mom walked over to the beach towel, laid down on her stomach and undid her bikini top
“Brian, could you please put the tanning lotion on my back?”
7 years of Internet porn and erotic fiction have taught me that when a lady asks you to rub anything on her back when she’s topless, it always leads to sex.
“Mom, I’d rather not do this?” I replied.
“Please?” she begged. “I wanna keep up my tan.”
I couldn’t deny her when she displayed her famous puppy dog eyes. So, I reached into the bag, found the suntan lotion, squirted some into my hands and started rubbing.
Mom let out a soft moan as I started from the mid-section, working my way up. Her skin felt so smooth. I couldn’t tell if my mom was enjoying this, but my full hard on said I sure was.
“Mmmmm, honey could you go a bit lower?” Mom asked.
I complied with her request and soon, my hand was actually touching the fabric of her bikini bottom. I could sense the heat being admitted, not just from the sun, but also from mom. I sensed every detail of her luscious curves and her silky skin. I felt like I was going to jizz right their just by skin contact. What was I doing? Hear I was, having already having had sex with my mother, now I’m rubbing suntan lotion practically on her ass in broad daylight. Before I knew it, she turned off onto her back and said.
“Brian, could you do my front?”
“What are you doing mo-, I mean honey?” I asked, remembering we had a ruse to keep up.
“It’s ok,” she replied. “This is a topless beach.”
Then she whispered in my ear, “And remember, we gotta make this look convincing.”
She was right. It’s perfectly normal for a son to put lotion on her mom if it’s on the back. This would help convince people we were a couple. We didn’t want to get kicked out. So I put more suntan lotion on my hands and started first with her toned belly. Mom jogs a lot, which really paid off for her. She has a flatter stomach than any lady I’ve ever seen. And the glistening light coming off her from the tanning lotion made her all the more appealing.
“Brian, could you please do my…….upper….chest area?” she asked in a mumbled voice.
Was she being series? Did she actually WANT me to touch her boobs? I know this as just for appearances, but this was ridiculous.
So, my hands slowly moved up her body and reached those soft, perky mounds my mom called breasts. I started slow, getting the lotion on her real good. Her boobs felt like they were made for me. They fit perfectly in my hands. I felt like I was kneading dough for a cake. It didn’t take for than a few seconds for my mom nipples to start getting hard under my hands. I kept rubbing her boobs for over 20 seconds, she didn’t tell me to go anywhere else. Then I realized. Was she doing this for more than an act? Was she really enjoying this? I couldn’t believe it! I felt like I’ve been strung along all this time like some sort off rolling toy. Was I a son or a toy to this woman? Then, she started letting out moans, which finally pushed me over the deep end, erotically and emotionally. I took my hands off and said,
“OK, that’s it, I’ve had enough!”
“Of what, dear?” she asked
“Oh, cut the crap!” I shouted back. “I know you’ve been toying with me ever since we got here.”
“Brian,” she replied. “Please don’t be angry, people are starting to stare.”
“Good! I want them to know!” I shouted back angrily. “I want them to know that for the last two days, I’ve been toyed with and used as some toy by some sex starved woman.”
“Brian,” she said in a sadder voice. “Please don’t be mad, I just…”
“Just what! Needed some relief because you never get any action! I can’t believe you, just go back to the campsite without me!” Then I stormed off.
“Brian, wait please!” she shouted back in a desperate voice, but to no avail.
I didn’t know where I was going. I was so pissed and horny at the same time. This may sound like a good combination, but its not. I had to get some relief somewhere, so I headed for some rocks not to far away where I could jack the feeling of my mom out of my mind.
I arrived at the rocks and got behind a really big one so no one could see me. I got out my throbbing cock and tried to make the anger and arousal go away. No more Jenna Jameson, no more Jada Fire. The only thing that could get me off was my mom. Her perky, diamond nipples. Her soft, fleshy mounds, her silky, bronze skin. I stroked my throbbing erection so fiercely I feared I was going to get friction burns. It didn’t take me long to cum like a fountain. I thought that would calm me down, but it didn’t. I was still lusting after my birth mother, yet still angry with her at the exact same time. The only thing that jack off sessions gave me was a good sleep.
I fell asleep, dreaming of last night. How mom asked me to have sex with her so we wouldn’t have to sleep in my jizz. But I also dreamt about other memories of her and me, so many fun times we shared together, she helped me get through so much. I know she loved me and I know she would never hurt me. What had I done? I may have twisted and broken the wonderful relationship we had together as mother and son. Then, I woke up.
To be more precise, I was woken up. By my mother kissing me no less. I looked around. The sun was down so I must have been out like a log. She kissed me so passionately, with so much tongue and so much tenderness. She saw my open eyes and pulled her face away.
“Brian, please don’t me mad at me,” she said. “I truly, deeply love you. That is why I did all those things with you.”
“Your father hasn’t touched me in ages. And I’ve been noticing how you’ve looked at me around the house. I been hearing you jack off for ages. You seemed so sad, not having a girl next to you, I wanted to help us both!”
She kept explaining things to me in a way that made my heart break.
“When we had sex, I though you finally wanted me,” she continued. “You said you loved fucking me. But what was I thinking? Your right, you’re my son! I shouldn’t have do-“
I cut her off with an equally passionate kiss that she gave me a few seconds earlier. She looked confused, but she didn’t try to push me away. She held me in her arms, our tongues wresting with one another. After about thirty seconds of saliva swapping. I pulled myself back and said:
“Your right mom, I have the hots for you too. But I though you just wanted a fuck buddy, I never knew you truly cared.”
“Of course I do!” She shouted. “I’m your mother! I love you more than anything!”
“Oh, I love you too, mom. So much!!”
After that we resumed our passionate French-kissing. We rolled over, off the rocks and onto the sand. I broke the kiss and removed my mother’s tank top. I saw she was still wearing her floral bikini. Her nipples were so freakin hard, I thought hey would break through the fabric. I proceeded to remove my mother’s jean shorts. I unzipped her, and she wiggled her ass out of them. We then kept making out while I placed my right hand over her left, bikini covered boob. I couldn’t believe it, my mom and I were officially lovers. Then she broke the kiss and said:
“Mmmmm, brain, let me suck that beautiful cock of yours.”
I didn’t even have to answer. She peeled off my trunks and threw them with the pile of her clothes. She grabbed my shaft and began licking. She then engulfed my large member into her mouth. She never broke eye contact with me as she continued sucking my cock.
As she kept sucking, I reached behind her and undid her bikini top, letting her large breasts free. I cupped each breast in both hands playing with then and squeezing her nipples. Then I felt a stirring in my dick.
“Oh, mom, I’m gonna cum!”
“Not yet!” she said. “I wanna save your seed for my womb. Here, let me re-introduce you to my boob.”
Then, my mother got up, placed her right tit…