Mom, Is That You? – The Lake Cabin

"It was a dark and stormy night then a miracle happened."

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I thought we had a typical family, my husband, two sons and myself. My boys had grown up. One was married now and the other just finished his first year in college. We always tried to make sure there was family time no matter how hectic our schedules were. It was important, but this year, it just wasn’t going to work out.

You see, it was supposed to be our normal July vacation to our Utah lake cabin, but my husband had an important work deal that he had to close. If everything went well, his commission would double his salary for the year, so I couldn’t be mad at him for not coming. My older son, Darian, and his wife had delivered our first granddaughter (I was too young to be a grandma) a month prior and they didn’t want to be dragging her all over the country.

I was determined that what was left of our family was going to continue our tradition, so my younger son, Darius, and I were going – no matter what. We packed up my SUV with a week’s worth of supplies and gear then struck out at four in the morning on the twelve hour drive from Redding to Yuba Lake, Utah.

It was a long haul, but we swapped off driving duties, talked about his first year at USC and listened to a lot of music. This trip would allow us to get reacquainted. I think his leaving home affected me more than I expected. After he left, it was so quiet around the house – no more constant stream of his friends or girls coming by. I guess I was suffering a little from “Empty Nest Syndrome”.

We had always had a great relationship even when he was just a kid. He liked to tell me everything about his life. I knew I’d miss those conversations, but never this much. I wouldn’t admit it, but he was always Mom’s favorite. I don’t know why exactly, but we always seemed to connect perfectly on so many levels. Now, he was a handsome, smart, young man and I was very proud of him and his accomplishments.

As soon as we arrived, Darius unpacked the car while I put the food away. There were a couple of times when I noticed him just standing there looking at me. I finally said, “Hey, don’t just stand there looking. Put the bags in the bedrooms.” Soon everything was unpacked and we decided to take a walk around the lake and get some fresh air. When we returned to our cabin, we were both hungry. I’d precooked dinner before we left Redding because I remembered that drive from previous years. All I had to do was nuke it and make a salad.


As I know now, my brother and I grew up in a very liberal household – three males and a lovely female, my Mom. I didn’t notice Mom too much growing up except she loved us, took care of us and worked, too – the real “Super Mom”. The first time that I became aware that my Mom was a real beauty was that Thanksgiving when my dad’s recently divorced brother would stare at her a lot and whisper comments like your Mom’s pretty hot.

It was winter. How could she be hot? I noticed that he ogled her breasts when she wasn’t looking then he’d rub himself. After that, I started thinking differently about her.

Being in a house with three males, we were all uninhibited about our bodies. Most of the time, we all walked around half naked including my Mom. It just wasn’t a big deal, but after Thanksgiving, I did begin to notice her tits and they were a lot bigger than most of my friends’ moms. She always took her bath around eight, and after that, she’d dress in her nightgown, which was pretty transparent.

I could see the outline of her areolas and her bush. She never wore anything underneath it, but if it was really cold, she’d wear something over it. I always hated the winter because of that. There were times during the winter when her housecoat would flop open and I would get a glimpse of her nipples sticking straight out in the cool air.

After my brother left for college, I had views of Mom all to myself because she hadn’t changed her nightly routine. The sight of her caused me to jack off regularly after watching her sashay around the house. Her tits would bounce up and down or sway from side to side and every now and then I’d get a peek at her pussy hair. By then, I knew what it was covering up and I wished I could see hers. I finally started getting some young tuna from a couple girls in my class, but I always wondered what Mom’s would be like.

Sometimes when we’d go on summer high school vacations, we’d rent a beach house on a desolate portion of the California coast. Mom would sunbathe without her top. She really had nice tits. I liked to watch them after she came out of the water and lay on a towel. The breeze would cause her nipples to grow stiff and stick up about an inch or more. I thought that was so hot and sexy.

From inspecting her undergarments, I found out that they were 36Ds, her panties were 34s and her jeans had a twenty-six inch waist. Mom’s attire was a little slutty at times. She seemed to enjoy showing off what she had, and I think Dad liked having her on his arm that way. She’s a little bit of an exhibitionist and relished having people ogle her. She kept all my friends in a constant state of arousal during HS. They all said that they really liked her. I knew what they meant – they’d like to fuck her. She was a MILF.

Like my brother, I went off to college and found plenty of chicks to fuck. I enjoyed making them do things to me or letting me do things to them. My brother and sexual mentor had taught me a lot of stuff. Apparently, some of it was deemed perverted by most of the girls I dated, but the ones that got into it, really enjoyed the activities.

After my first year, Mom and I had the chance to go on a week-long July vacation to our lakeside cabin in Utah. Dad had some business thing he couldn’t miss and my brother was married with a new baby, so he couldn’t make it either.

Mom said, “It’ll be nice just the two of us and all that quiet.”

We arrived at our sylvan cabin by the lake. It wasn’t large, just two bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room with a fireplace and a big picture window looking onto the lake and a bath with shower. I unpacked the car as we settled in. Mom was putting all the food stuff away and I was enjoying watching her stretch and lean over the counter to reach the top shelf to put various items in their place. She still had nice tits. I always enjoyed coming to this place. The scenery was beautiful; the fishing was good; the air was fresh and I had many great memories from past trips.

We spent the rest of the day just walking around the lake to see if anything had changed. With all that fresh air, I had worked up a sizable appetite. Mom fixed a sensible but scrumptious dinner.

After dinner, we sat and talked about my first year at the university. She knew I was sexually active and asked about how my love life was going. I was embarrassed for about two seconds and responded pretty well, actually. A sly smiled rippled across her lovely lips and her eyes seemed to brighten just a little more. Mom and I always had open communications. She even talked with me about bedroom problems between her and Dad. Soon it was eight o’clock, Mom excused herself to take her bedtime shower.

When she returned, she said, “I’m done, but you probably need to wait a few minutes to let the water heater catch up.”

She was wearing her normal attire – a see-through nightie with nothing underneath. My trouser snake started to squirm. I could see her tits and that patch of dark cunt hair. There wasn’t much left to the imagination. My thoughts of fucking her were quickly dispelled by normal mores saying that it’s not morally acceptable, but I could look. After all, she was a beautiful woman.

Finally, I heard the water heater shut off and headed for the shower. Once I was clean and dry, I returned to the living room in my underwear and a bathrobe. Mom and I talked for about another hour. I’d get a glimpse of her pubes when she re-positioned herself while talking. It was getting late and we were both tired from the long drive, so we each settled into our respective bedrooms for the night.

I like to sleep in the nude as it affords me the opportunity to jack off at any time during the night or to take care of that morning woody. This night, it began as soon as my butt hit the bed. The sight of my Mom traipsing around half-naked had my thoughts on my cock. While lying there, I’d think about my fuck sessions during college, but every now and then, I’d think about my Mom, too. I came on my belly. One of the perverted things that my brother taught me was to enjoy the taste of cum. I scooped it up and licked my hand clean then quickly fell asleep.


We were both tired and in need of a shower. It was only eight o’clock, but I knew that if I didn’t get ready for bed, I’d fall asleep on the sofa. After my shower, I threw on my nightie and returned to the living room.

After my son took his shower, we talked for another hour. I was brave enough to ask him how his love life was. I didn’t want to be surprised with a fiancĂ©e out of the blue like his brother did. From his comments and to my relief, he was playing the field and had not settled in on one girl.

Thank goodness, it was finally dark enough to go to bed. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.


The next day started out bright and sunny, I decided to go fishing off the dock. I grabbed my gear; the cup of worms I’d bought at the bait house across the lake the day before; a folding chair and set up residence at the end of the dock. I’d been there about thirty minutes when Mom showed up in her bikini. I don’t know if it was an older one that was too small for her, but it was barely covering anything. She looked so hot.

“You don’t mind if I sunbathe while you fish.”

“Of course not, but you have to be quiet. I’ve had a few bites. We don’t want to spook the fish.”

She sat in front of me and asked me to put lotion on her back and shoulders. As I did, she slid her straps off and the bikini top slipped down a little. I could see her nipples. They were already hard and I was quickly getting that way. I’m not sure which pole was longer – my fishing pole or the one in my pants. Once I had thoroughly coated her back and shoulders, she spread her towel and lay down next to me.

After a few minutes, I looked down and saw her belly, chest and legs were glistening with beads of sweat. She looked like Rachel Welch behind those Foster Grants. Man, was my Mom a sexy woman. She rolled over to cook the other side and now I was watching her nice ass as she twitched around.

I was hard as a rock and filled with shame, but I convinced myself, it’s okay to just look. She didn’t go topless because there were too many people at the lake. I caught a few rainbow trout and we’re going to have them dinner later.

We returned to the cabin and both took a quick shower. After cooking in the sun, Mom didn’t want to be in the kitchen cooking something else, so we went to the local eating joint for a burger. We got a booth and she patted the seat next to her and said, “How ’bout if my big boy sits next to his Mom, so we can talk some more?” I slid in next to her.

We began a wide-ranging conversation covering all kinds of topics. When she wanted to emphasize her point, she’d put her hand about mid-thigh on my leg and rub it up and down while talking to me. I’d forgotten how smart Mom was. After all, she did have a PhD. We finished our lunch and started the walk back to the cabin, which was difficult for me with a raging hard-on.

“I wish your Dad would have conversations like that with me. That was just mentally invigorating. I just love you to death, son.” She threw her arms around me, pulled me in and kissed me.

“Mom, please!”

“Yes, I forgot. You’re too big to have your Mom show you how much she loves you. Sorry if I embarrassed you.”

Now I felt bad and replied, “I’m sorry, Mom. You just caught me by surprise. I’m not embarrassed. I’m glad you love me so much.” I gave her a hug and kissed her cheek. She beamed a big smile.


The next morning, the sun seemed to rise extra early and with its full intensity. After breakfast, my son decided to get his line wet and test his fishing skills. It was perfect tanning weather – lots of sun, nice cool breeze off of the lake and I had my iPod full of music. I had brought a couple of different bikinis. I picked the skimpy one, so I’d get the maximum tan.

Since I needed someone to lotion up my back and shoulders, I approached my son sitting at the end of our dock. I sat down in front of him and slid my straps of my top off, so he could lather me up. It was a nice sensation – the contrast of his warm hands and the cool lotion sliding over my skin. I got a shiver when a cool breeze blew off the lake, I felt my nipples harden. I hoped he didn’t notice.

I put on my sunglasses and lay down. After about twenty minutes, I rolled over. During that time, my son caught three fish. He was really satisfied with himself – mister outdoorsman. We would eat them for dinner.

From our activities, we’d both gotten sweaty and needed a shower. I took mine first. Since it was lunchtime, I suggested that we go to the burger joint down the road. We set out walking. Once we arrived, I picked a booth and asked my son to sit next to me so we could continue our conversation from the night before. I was amazed at how much he’d learned about life this year.

Our conversation covered many different topics and my son seemed to have an opinion on most of them. That was very encouraging and I was taken with and very satisfied with his maturity. I was proud of the man he was becoming and had become. My baby was grown up.

On our walk back to the cabin, I unthinkingly blurted out, “I wish your Dad would have conversations like that with me. That was just mentally invigorating. I just love you to death, son.”

I impulsively threw my arms around him and gave him a big kiss. Judging by his response, it must have embarrassed him, but that didn’t change how much I loved him.

I knew I’d broken Parenting Rule 101 – Never complain to your kids about the other parent, even if it’s true. There was much more I would have liked to have shared with him about his Dad, but it was too painful a subject to bring up. Things between his Dad and I had gotten much worse after my son left for school.

I guess it was because we had to talk to each other again. We were two different people, living separate lives under the same roof. We didn’t know each other anymore. Our interests and views on things that mattered had changed. We weren’t on the same page. I don’t know if we were even in the same book. We had nothing left in common but our kids. I felt dead inside and stuck in our relationship, but I’d already invested twenty-four years. How could I blow it up now? I felt like a zombie just staggering through this so-called life.


The rest of the afternoon and evening, we just sat around enjoying the fresh air and talking, reading or listening to music. It was delightful and we both were at ease in this bucolic place. The evening routine began about nine, Mom took her shower first and then me. She wore a different, shorter see-through nightie.

In fact, it barely came down to her butt. Earlier in the evening, we had seen some lightning in the distance. As bedtime approached, so did the thunderstorm. We retired to our respective bedrooms as the thunderstorm arrived.

About thirty minutes later, I heard a noise and said, “Mom, is that you?”

She came into my bedroom and said, “You know how thunder scares me. Can I sleep with you?”

“Sure, but I’m naked.” I replied as I lifted the covers.

“Son, you don’t have anything that I haven’t seen a thousand times before.” Once she had slid in next to me, she asked, “Would you put your arm around me?”

I draped my arm around her waist, but she pulled it up to her chest as she intertwined her…

Published 3 years ago

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