Mom Has a Naughty Side

"A couple found a unique way to have a family and a love life."

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I sat with my two sons, two daughters, and their partners, finally alone in the house my kids had grown up in after all the well-wishers and friends had departed following my husband’s funeral. His death hadn’t been unexpected; he had been ill for a while and mercifully, he went fairly quickly once his awful disease had decided to run its course. Fuck cancer.

“Are you kids okay?” I asked. “Can I get you anything?”

“We’re good, Mom,” my eldest, Jack Jr said. “Let us look after you for a change.”

“I’ll be fine,” I said as I hugged him.  We chatted for a while about how it was nice to see people we hadn’t seen in a long time and that it was sad that it took Jack’s death to bring us together again. I was especially pleased to see my husband’s four best friends, James, Gavin, Arthur, and Eric. They had met in university and were friends for life until Jack’s death six days prior. They were very good friends to me as well, taking care of the things that Jack used to do when he became ill and supporting me through it all.

“When do you think the lawyers will be done with Dad’s will?” my youngest, Eva asked.

“Can’t wait for your inheritance?” her sister, Adrienne, or Adie, my second oldest, needled. Theirs had always been a contentious relationship.

“No, I just want to put all of this sadness behind us and move on with our lives! I hate that Dad’s gone but he’s gone and we need to move on!” She had twin boys at home over a thousand miles away and she wanted to get back to them.

“It shouldn’t take more than a few weeks,” I said. “It has to go through probate and a judge has to sign off on it. Eric said it’s pretty straight forward so it shouldn’t be held up.”

The kids started clearing the table and I watched proudly as they put their petty differences aside and worked together. That done, I sighed, “Thank you, kids, I really appreciate you getting along, especially right now.” We shared a group hug, “It’s been a long day, I think I’ll turn in. You kids stay up as late as you like!” I kissed and hugged each one of them before heading up the stairs to the bed I’d shared with my husband for nearly forty years.

I ran a warm bath, as I did most nights. I always preferred a bath at night to a shower; showers tended to wake me up but a bath seemed to get my body ready for sleep, or other activities from time to time. I reminisced how Jack used to come in and wash my back, and sometimes my front and my bottom before helping me out of the tub, drying my body with a towel he’d warmed in front of the fireplace, and then taking me to bed.

Seeing the four horsemen, as I called them, had stirred something inside me. I had very fond memories of all of them, having dated each of them in turn before finally falling in love with the fifth and most unlikely horseman, Jack. They were the reasons I wasn’t a virgin when Jack and I got married and I remembered each of them for their own skill and enthusiasm in the bedroom.

As I had done many times throughout my marriage, I prepared myself and, after laying out my collection of toys, I settled into my bed and brought myself to a quiet but satisfying orgasm. The only thing missing was my husband’s lips on my clit as he placed his hand on top of my hand while eight thick inches of dildo fucked my pussy.

The next day, my children all returned home, promising to return once the will was ready to be read. Three weeks later, we all convened in our living room along with Eric, Jack’s friend and lawyer, James, Gavin, and Arthur.

Eric opened the letter and read it aloud. I was to receive the bulk of the rather sizable estate with equal provision for our children and a trust for our grandchildren, of which we had two and hoped for at least a half-dozen more.

“Lastly, to my friends James, Gavin, Arthur and Eric, you have been better friends than any man has the right to expect. The gifts you have all given Laura and me over the years are beyond value. As such, I leave a sum of five thousand dollars for the four of you to go on that deep-sea fishing trip we all said we’d take one day. Don’t wait, gentlemen, you may not have as much time as you think!”

My kids all looked at each other with somewhat surprised looks. “Gifts? What does he mean by gifts?” Susan asked.

“That is between your father and his friends,” I said.

Eric asked if there were any more questions and there being none, said that the disbursements would be done by the end of the week and he’d have the trust fund for the grandkids set up a week after that. The men all left, leaving me alone with my children.

“Kids, there’s something you need to know about your father and me,” I said. “When your dad was in high school, he had a very bad bike accident. The injuries left him unable to have children.”

“Are you saying we’re all adopted?” Eva asked.

“No sweetie, none of you are adopted, I carried each one of you.”

“So what then, artificial insemination?” asked Gary, my third.

“No, that wasn’t really an option for us,” I said.

“So how are we here?” asked Adie. As I was trying to search for the right words, my oldest, Jack Jr’s face lit up.

“I know how,” he said. His siblings looked at him. “Think about it, Dad’s friends, James, Arthur, Gavin, Eric. Our names are Jack, Adrienne, Gary, and Eva.”

Eva’s hands flew to her mouth. “You mean that Dad isn’t our dad?”

“No, Sweetie, your Dad was, and always will be your dad. You’ve heard of surrogate mothers? You all have surrogate fathers, men who impregnated me so your father and I could have a family. A wonderful gift!”

“So you slept with all of them?” asked Adie, scarcely able to believe what she was hearing.

“Not all at once but yes, over the course of six years, I slept with each of them in turn for as many times as it took to get pregnant.”

“God, Mom! How could you do that?” asked Eva. She had been closest to her dad so I knew this would hit her the hardest.

“Listen to me, all of you. Your Dad could not have loved you more than he did. You may not be biologically his but make no mistake, you are his children! He loved you all and he was so proud of all of you, as am I.”

“Why tell us now?” asked Jack Jr. He was always the most pragmatic of the four of them.

“You deserve to know. Your Dad didn’t agree. He wanted it kept secret but I always believed you should know so now that he’s gone I’ve told you.” I reached into my purse and gave each of them a letter. “These are from each of your biological fathers. Their wives know the whole story and they were all willing participants. Contact them, don’t contact them, it’s your choice but I can assure you they are all wonderful men who are married to kind, caring and progressive women. You would do well to have them in your lives.”

I answered all of their questions and when they were done, we went to the churchyard and visited with Jack Sr, each of us having a private moment with him. Then the kids went their separate ways, returning to their own families. When I got home my living room had eight houseguests, my late husband’s four friends and their wives.

I kissed each one in turn. “Well, we said when each of you goes the ones who are left are going to have a great big party!” I sank to my knees in front of James and fished out his cock as his wife sank down beside me. Together we took turns sucking his cock until he blew a big load over our faces. The others cheered as he came and we cleaned each other’s faces.

As I had done many times before, I serviced each man in turn with help from his wife and each time the rest of the group cheered as spurt after spurt of warm cum was spattered on our faces. “I’ll bet wherever Jack is, he’s jealous right now!” laughed Janine, Eric’s wife after we cleaned each other’s faces and kissed.

“He did like to do the cleaning!” I said. “He was so thorough!”

“That’s not all he liked!” Helen, Arthur’s wife added. “He might not have been able to give us a good stiff cock but he could eat pussy like no one else in the world!”

“I’m gonna miss his tongue!” Gavin’s wife Glenda mused. I went over to her and kissed her.

“Mine will just have to do!” I grinned.

That night we all fucked and sucked ourselves into exhaustion, me finishing with James who had deflowered me so many years ago as his wife watched. “You never forget your first!” I whispered as we lay together in the bed I’d shared with all four men and their wives many times in the past.

The following February, I accompanied all four men on their fishing trip to the Bahamas, with the blessings and good wishes of their wives who went on a vacation of their own together. By day, the men would go out and catch, or mostly not catch, large fish while I worked on my tan, tended our villa and made dinner. By night they took turns filling all my holes with hard, thick cock, something my husband had never been able to do. But there’s more to a marriage, and a life, than hard, thick cocks!

Published 3 months ago

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