Mixed Couples

"Cheating was out of the question, fortunately there was no need."

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I can’t remember who suggested the no anal rule, Doug or me. We were out for dinner the evening after first swapping partners. It was a first for all of us and we were anxious to talk.

As it turned out Doug and Julie were as eager as Kayla and me to do it again. We all gushed about how it lifted each of us to a new level of sexual experience and pleasure, but were also concerned about the effects it might have on our marriages. We knew we were toying with the lid of Pandora’s box.

Over our second bottle of wine we set up a few ground rules for our little spouse swapping arrangement. We agreed the affair would remain comfortable if we had sex only when all partners could participate. If one of us was away or ill we would all respect that.

I may actually have been the one who suggested the no-anal rule. Since me fucking his skinny wife’s ass seemed a concern of Doug’s, I likely wanted to put his mind at ease. I would’ve agreed to anything to play with Julie again. My wife Kayla hated anal anyway so I didn’t care.

A few months earlier we met at a party of some mutual friends. Kayla and I had recently celebrated our seventh wedding anniversary. Doug and Julie had five years together. They met in medical school and just finished their residencies together at our local hospital.

It was Doug and I who hit it off from the start, but we all enjoyed each other’s company and began spending a lot of time together.

I’m pretty sure it was the sexual attraction between Julie and me that eventually kicked the relationship onto a totally different level. For weeks she and I had been flirting and teasing each other in ways that left no mystery about our desires. As discreet as we tried to be our attraction for each other was plainly obvious.

The attraction between Doug and Kayla was more conflicted than Julie’s and mine. Doug was torn between his protective jealousy of Julie and his desire for Kayla. He was attentive to my beautiful wife, yet always seemed aware of the flirtations between Julie and me. One minute I thought he was going to erupt with jealous rage, the next minute it seemed he wanted me to fuck his wife just so he could fuck mine.

My wife Kayla remained equally enigmatic. She appeared indifferent to Doug’s attention. A pert natural beauty, Kayla had been a popular high school cheerleader for whom sex came easy and often without any serious attachments.

Shortly after we were married Kayla once confessed to me that she enjoyed the effect she had on men more than the enjoyment she took in the sex itself. She delighted in teasing men and seeing how excited she could make them. In spite of being nonchalant about sex, she never wanted to be a “cock tease” so she took sex as an enjoyable part of the deal. She had a particular weakness for inexperienced virgins.

Maybe the ease of sex for Kayla from a young age was why her sexual tastes remained rather vanilla. She was very secure with herself and never really ceded control in bed. Our love ran deep but in the previous few years our sex together had grown complacent and dull.

Becoming friends with Doug and Julie energized us. Even as she remained more guarded of her feelings toward our new friends, Kayla’s own sexuality tipped her hand. I could tell she was excited, because in the weeks prior to that first night of mixed couples, she and I had begun having more frequent and better sex than anytime in the past few years.

Not as pretty as Kayla, Julie’s gap-toothed attractiveness was a little quirky but extremely sexy. She was quiet spoken. She had big soft tits on a body as skinny as an aspen tree. Her long hair hung straight and flat, the deep reddish color of Johnny Walker Black. The way she moved was comfortably sensual and beneath her quiet demeanor there lurked a playfully naughty sexual hunger. Maybe that’s what made her so sexy to me.

Her personality was quirky too, oddball brilliant. When the four of us got involved in intense political, scientific or theoretical discussions she didn’t say much until the discussion went awry. That’s when she often displayed the clarity of genius, an unemotional logic that set the conversation back on track. Doug complained that while he needed to study hard to just make it through med school, Julie made it into AOA barely cracking a book. It was a charge Julie denied with a smile.

Kayla didn’t appear at all jealous about Julie’s effect on me. Our marriage was solid and I guess Kayla knew I wouldn’t outright cheat on her. We had both cheated on each other before getting married. We didn’t call it cheating then, we called it “freedom” since we weren’t yet married, but it caused so much strife we weren’t about to go there again.

Because of our previous experience of “freedom” I dared not broach the subject of sex with Doug and Julie to Kayla. She enjoyed spending time with them as much as I did, but even as Doug became more and more infatuated with Kayla it was hard to tell if she had any sexual desire for him. It was perhaps that teasing indifference of hers that drove men crazy. It was not new to her. I’m sure she was aware of her effect on Doug even if she appeared not to notice.

In contrast, my attraction to plutonium Julie took total control of me. My cock began reacting like a Geiger counter around her, stirring and stiffening in my pants every time I got near her. Her own sexiness seemed to blossom like a flower whenever we got together.

We both knew we couldn’t take it any further without somehow getting our spouses together. Cheating would have ruined everything. Still, when left alone even for a few moments, mixing drinks in the kitchen or getting snacks, our teasing touches advanced freely. It wasn’t long before we began kissing and embracing in those stolen moments. Her skinny body with big soft tits felt so new, so different from Kayla’s firm athletic curves. When Julie would grip my cock through my pants, and moan and whisper her desires, I felt I was about to burst into flame.

Our passion had grown so overpowering we both were easily willing to trade our spouses to have at each other. The restraint of our commitment to not cheat only fanned the flames of our our desire. Easily, Julie and I grew bolder in our manipulation of the relationship between all four of us.

The evening it finally happened we were playing billiards in the basement of their house. Doug’s widowed mother called and he walked upstairs to talk to her. He was gone a long while and we could hear him pacing as he talked. Julie began telling Kayla that it would be a fun if she went up there and teased him off the phone, you know, “blow in his ear and kiss his neck”.

“You think I should?” Kayla asked with a mischievous smile, her eyes darting between each of us.

“He hates to be teased when he can’t do anything about it! It drives him nuts!” Julie said.

“Yeah, get him off the phone, it’s his shot, he’s holding up the game.” I offered acting annoyed.

Kayla walked upstairs and in a minute or two we could hear Doug’s pacing stop. Julie and I sat on the couch kissing and whispering about what might be happening upstairs.

Our kissing and petting progressed to the point where my hands had pushed up Julie’s bra under her top. Her breast overflowed my hand as I rolled her hard nipple between finger and thumb. She was aggressively stroking my cock through my pants as we kissed. The harder I squeezed her nipple the harder she stroked. I feared I was going to cum.

I stopped Julie and we listened for sounds. Hearing nothing we crept quietly up the stairs and found Doug and Kayla entwined on the floor. Doug had his hand up under Kayla’s shirt. She had her leg bent up between his. They reluctantly pulled their lips apart and looked at us without saying anything.

Julie took my hand in hers and stepped over their legs. “We’re taking the bedroom,” she said in a very matter-of-fact tone. Doug and Kayla were already kissing again as I stepped over their legs to follow Julie to the bedroom.

Julie switched on the nightstand lamp. When she straightened we embraced and kissed. Her lean body felt better than ever in my arms and her tits mashing against my chest excited me, but it was her mouth, a feverish torrent of emotion, that focused my attention. Her tongue claimed my mouth as her own and our passion began to boil.

When I felt her hands begin to tug up on the bottom edges of my t-shirt I lifted it up over my head and threw it aside. She put both palms against my chest and slowly slid them up until her arms were around my neck. Again her mouth went wild against mine. The unreserved movement of her lips and tongue felt so hungry, so different from my wife, and it was making me crazy.

When I began to pull up on her top she stepped back and drew it off over her head. She again put her hands on my chest, this time catching me off guard when she pushed hard. I fell back on the bed. She was at my belt immediately opening my pants saying, “This is what I want.” I lifted my hips and my jeans were gone. My shorts were gone and I was already begging her to make me cum.

Her wet mouth on my cock was marvel of sloppy efficiency. Even with my cock inside her lips her tongue didn’t stop until she backed off and stroked me with her hand. “You have the hardest cock I’ve ever seen,” she said.

“Not the biggest?” I asked in mock disappointment.

“Oh Kayla might tell you that,” she said looking straight into my eyes with a sexy smile as she stroked my cock, “But no, just the hardest…I’m a doctor, remember, I’ve seen a lot of penises. Besides, Doug’s is about as big.”

My thought instantly flashed to Kayla and Doug. I was at once glad to hear she wasn’t getting the short end of the stick, so to speak, and yet fully relieved that she wasn’t being spoiled by some monster cock.

Julie leaned in and gave a kiss to the swollen head. Then she gnawed it gently with her teeth. I watched her tits trying to spill out of her bra. “So fucking hard,” she said. Then she opened her mouth wide and shocked me as she slid down on it so far she made herself gag. She pulled back unfazed and watched my face as she slid her hand up and down the full length of my shaft. She gagged herself again, took a break, and on her third attempt her faced suddenly plopped against my abdomen when my cock finally pierced her throat. She stayed there for a moment then pulled off with a sudden gasp. Her face was a wreck but recomposed quickly into a smile.

She stroked me with a skill that created sensations I never felt before. My cock was slick with her deep saliva. Each of her fingers squeezed with independent suspension. On every up stroke she would run her thumb along the bottom side of the cap and over the tip spreading a layer of slick precum over the entire cap. Occasionally sucked it again. Occasionally she licked it. Her tongue was amazing. She looked at my face for reaction as much as she looked at my cock. Once more she pushed her nose tight against my belly.

I let my head fall back on the bed and quietly moaned, “Please make me cum.” My cock was so engorged it hurt.

“Oh I intend to.” Julie didn’t increase the speed of her twisting strokes but gradually she increased her grip, squeezing ever so slightly harder on every stroke. She even pressed harder on her thumb as she swiped it over the cap.

The buildup was torturous, the release sublime. My cum came in long high arching strings that landed on my chest and stomach. After the first big blasts Julie took the head in her mouth and sucked hard until she milked the last few drops from my painfully sensitive stick. Then she smiled broadly, revealing the gap in her front teeth.

“Do you think I’m a dirty girl?

“No, but I think you’re a sexy girl.” I said, trying to be diplomatic.

“Well, you’re only half right, I’m a very DIRTY sexy girl.” She said and leaned over again and began licking the cum off my stomach and chest. Her fingers slid over my softening cock while she licked my skin clean, pausing only to take my still oozing cock head into her mouth. She worked up my chest and when every drop had been vacuumed by her lips she was poised over me with her face so close to mine I could smell my cum on her.

I remained motionless, paralyzed really. I was 28 years old and never tasted my own cum and here was this smart, sexy girl’s mouth glistening with my cum obviously expecting me to kiss her. For all I knew she was ready to spit my own cum in my mouth. I froze.

“Too dirty for you to kiss?” She asked with hint of a smile. I was relieved to see she had already swallowed. I really didn’t want to kiss her, but felt challenged. I put my hand behind her head and pulled her mouth down against mine so suddenly our lips at first got pinched between our teeth. Her mouth erupted into a frenzy of passion, wet with saliva and remnant sperm. My initial reluctance gave way to heightened excitement. Her lips, slick against mine, enthralled me.

When we settled down she lifted her face away from mine. Cradling my cheeks in her hands she said, “I hope Kayla and Doug are good, cuz’ you and I are going to have so much fun!” She resumed kissing me.

I had completely forgotten about my wife and Doug in the living room. My body must have tensed. “Don’t worry,” Julie said, “I’m sure we got all kinds of time, Doug starts real slow and takes his time.”

“Then I want to see your tits.”

Dutifully, Julie stood up at the end of the bed and unhooked her bra. It slid forward down her arms revealing her full soft breasts. She stood still for a moment, her arms at her sides with the bra dangling from one hand. Suspended from her thin torso were small neat aureoles and nipples that stared straight at me from large perfect globes. They moved and swayed with a life of their own. These were not Kayla’s pert firm B-cups. These were luscious womanly breasts that I stared back at. When she bent over in front of me to remove her jeans the rounded mass of her tits thinned a bit from the gravity. When she straightened she brought her hands and then arms up to cover herself. Her breasts just seemed to spill out around her attempts at modesty.

I sat up immediately and quickly moved to the edge of the bed. I took her wrists in my hands and moved them down and behind her, pulling her towards me. I pushed my face into her breasts gently at first kissing and sucking her small round nipples, then more roughly burying my face into and nuzzling under the pendulous globes. Julie let out a joyous little laugh. Her nipples hardened.

When I stood and laid Julie down on the bed she laughed again. I let go of her wrists and she slid her hands upwards over her tits, then to her hair, fanning it out against the mattress with her fingers before crossing her arms over her head. I never saw such a skinny girl with such big tits. Her body looked like a giant lollipop. Her skin, tightly drawn over protruding bones had the fluorescent look of skim milk, even in the golden light of the nightstand lamp.

I took hold of her ankles in one hand and began to lift them onto my shoulder. The movement caused her tits to float around around on her chest. She brought her hands down to cover them and hold them in place. She looked frail, yet so sexy to me.

With her legs on my left shoulder I pulled her panties the length of them. When they were gone I gripped each ankle and began to open her legs which she allowed to fall impossibly wide apart. I peered intently at her smooth glistening pussy. The year was 1983, before even porn stars were shaving their pubic hair.

I stared. I had never seen a hairless pussy before.

“I read that strippers in Las Vegas were shaving,” she said. “I shaved it this afternoon, hoping tonight would finally be the night. Do you like it?”

“So sexy,”

“It’s all yours now”, she said drawing my eyes back to her smile, “It’s your turn to make me cum.”

I sank to my knees beside the bed and inhaled deeply the heady smell of her sex. When I touched the pointed tip of my tongue to her hooded button her body jumped. She jumped the second time as well. I softened my tongue and pressed the soft fleshiness against her slit. She moved her hands to my hair and pressed me into her wet silk.

Very slowly I began licking and tasting her pussy inside and out. Her pussy was so sensitive that it took more than a minute for her to stop twitching from the touch of my tongue. She grew wetter and wetter and my licking became more feverish. Kayla never let me lick her more than a few seconds before wanting me to put my cock in her. Julie was different, keeping both of her hands on my head and letting me ply her with my lips and tongue for as long as I wanted. I relaxed and savored the taste of her.

Wonderfully, her body continued to respond, even if more subtly. She emitted joyous little laughs. Eventually my face was pressing in tight as I stretched my tongue as far up into her as I could. I took a break and raised the game when I pushed two fingers inside, stroking along the front wall of her, pumping deeper and deeper, while still flicking at her with my tongue.

“Fuck me. Yes. Fuck me.” She suddenly yelled, startling me. I lifted my face away. My cock wasn’t ready again yet but, misunderstanding, I almost pulled my fingers out to move up over her anyway. Instead, she reached down and began furiously rubbing herself where I had been licking. My face remained inches away, stroking my fingers into her more vigorously. Soon I felt her walls grip my fingers with incredible pressure. Her pussy grew very wet and she moaned, “Oh my God Oh my God Oh my God”.

Her body shuddered. She back-peddled away from me and, with both hands covering her pussy, curled onto her side in a loose fetal position.

Kissing from her hip to her neck, I climbed onto the bed over her body. When my lips reached her cheek she smiled and unfolded beneath me, pulling me onto her, kissing me with renewed passion. As we kissed our bodies moved erotically against each other and assumed a natural missionary position. My cock grew erect and nestled in against her vagina. Her legs hooked over my calves. I lifted myself onto straight arms. “Are you ready?”

“I am so ready,” she said.

I retracted enough for my cock head to search for her opening. Her hand went there to guide me in. I watched her face as I slid in part way. I paused when I met some resistance and our eyes remained locked for those two or three seconds. She smiled weakly.

Her smile changed to strain as I pushed further into the tightest pussy I had ever felt. It was almost painful for me. I could see from her face it was painful for her. It was as if just beyond the slick softness of her opening my cock was wedging between hard unyielding bones. I collapsed against her, burying my face in her neck and hair, took a breath and drove my cock hard to the hilt.

So intense was the sensation that I barely heard her guttural scream. After a moment of keeping myself buried motionless inside her I lifted again to look at her.

“You feel so fucking tight.” I said.

“You feel so fucking big.”

“Am I hurting you?”

“Just enough.”

I backed out and began slowly stroking into her. I propped myself on locked arms so I could watch her mercurial face register her alternating pleasure and pain. The incredibly firm tightness squeezing me eased a bit.

Julie’s face relaxed, not exactly into a smile, but a softness appeared on her normally angular face bringing out a beauty I hadn’t noticed before.

“Ummm, that feels so good.” She said. Then, two strokes later, “Rougher please.”

Gradually my pace of fucking her increased. Her eyes closed. A moment later her mouth fell open. I remained propped up on my locked arms, mesmerized by the floating movement of her tits with each of my thrusts. Still tight, her wet slickness smoothed my strokes. I was entertained by how completely she seemed to give herself over to the sensations.

A new tension began to appear on her face. Her neck began to show strain. Her eyes opened wide then closed again. Incredibly I felt her vagina grip and tighten on my cock even more. Her fingers dug into my butt cheeks like talons as she once again began chanting. “Oh God, oh fuck, oh God, fuck me harder.”

I abandoned all efforts of control and lowered myself onto her with my arms encircling her torso and shoulders. I began pumping into her with a savage rage that was rare for me. I recall wanting to inflict pain, to really make her feel me, all of me, the way no women ever felt me before. I wanted her to forever remember me finally conquering her body.

Her legs wrapped around me, urging me on. I let myself get totally lost in my hard pounding of this skinny, sexy woman’s tight pussy. Her orgasm built, heightened. My focus gradually shifted from the sensation of my hard shaft invading her and being gripped by her, to a growing awareness of her body and legs shaking beneath me as if she were having a fit.

I momentarily paused until her fingernails tore painful trenches through the skin of my back. “Don’t stop, I’m still cumming, oh God, don’t stop.” She moved her hands to my butt and dug her fingernails in again, pulling me into her. Her body went further into a fit beneath me. I felt a rush of wetness followed by another. “Yes fuck me, cum hard in me, baby. Oh fuck, baby. Yeah gimme your baby!”

“Whoa,” my mind raced, “What?”, but it was too late, I was already pumping huge bursts of cum deep into her. In fact I had completely lost control, stabbing into her extreme wetness like a man possessed even after I was drained. The sound was like stomping on a sponge. I slowed, but couldn’t stop.

Suddenly, before I could process what just happened she said, “We gotta pull this bedding!” She rolled out from under me and tugged up on the corner of the sheet and pad and pulled everything off the mattress, rolled it into a ball against herself and threw it in the corner of the room. She felt the middle of the mattress and, satisfied it was not wet, flopped onto it.

She held her arms out to me and said, “cuddle time,” a little too sheepishly.

I stood bewildered. “What the hell was that?” I asked.

“That was fucking great! Or great fucking, whatever, now come here.” She patted the mattress at her side unfazed by what just happened. She looked a mess. Her hair was matted with sweat and her skin blotched from rough handling. Her upper chest and breasts were crimson. Her pussy was redder still.

I stood still, just looking at her. She brushed away some tendrils stuck to her cheek with her fingers. She self-consciously brought her legs together. She moved her arm across her tits.

“I mean, did you pee?”

“No. I didn’t pee, it wasn’t urine.”

“Well what was it? I never saw a woman get so wet before.” I climbed onto the bed next to her and slid my arm under her head.

“I don’t know, it’s embarrassing, but it’s not pee, at least it doesn’t smell like pee.”

“Do you always do that?”

“No! Hardly ever! I’m sorry. I’m so embarrassed. Hardly ever, maybe two or three times before with my first husband. Never with Doug.”

“Your first husband?!?”

“Yeah, he was not a nice man, I don’t want to talk about him. WE don’t talk about him.”

I slid my hand between her thighs trying to move it to her pussy. She kept them tightly clenched. “I want to feel your wetness,” I said.

“No.” She said.

“That never happened with Doug?”

Julie laughed, “No, sex is not a big thing between me and Doug, it never really was. In fact we haven’t even fucked in almost two years.”

“Who have you been fucking?”

“In the last two years?”


“No one! We’ve been busy. Only you.”

“Oh Christ…” I said and stopped myself. I was thinking that if a woman as sexy as Julie hasn’t had sex with her husband for so long, things had to be really messed up between them, even if they had been busy. “…but you are sooo sexy!” I finally said.

“I know!” She said with big eyes and a wide smile, “Go figure.”

I made a second attempt to reach her pussy. It turned into something of a wrestling match which I won when I brought my hand around the back of her thigh to hook my thumb in between her pussy lips. She relented. I kissed her and slid my other hand down over her abdomen. She opened her legs. I moved my fingers down over her smooth mons, and against her hairless pussy.

I brought my wet fingers up to my lips before she could protest. It tasted clean and odorless, a little salty. Not pee, more like sweat, but not sweat either, just pussy.

Julie was looking at me with curiosity. “Well?”

“You’re a doctor, don’t you know?”

“I’ve researched it, no one seems to know. Most experts even deny it happens.”

I offered my fingers to her. She took a lick. She smiled. “It might be pee,” she said teasingly.

“Nah,” I said. I pushed my fingers back inside her. She opened her legs and let her head fall back against the pillow. She was slick with a combination of her own juices and my cum. I fingered her faster and harder. She grew excited. I wanted to see if I could make her do it again.

Julie grabbed my wrist and made me stop. “I don’t want to ruin the mattress she said.” When I withdrew my fingers a cocktail of fluid, mostly mine, spilled out of her onto the mattress.

“Oh shit,” she said and ran into the bathroom returning with a damp cloth. After she was satisfied the wet spot was clear Julie said, “Let’s go check on Doug and Kayla. Please don’t tell either one of them about my wetness.” She picked her bra up from the floor. “I mean, I’ve told Doug about it but he’s never…and the fact that you…well you know…”

“It’ll be our secret.”

“Thank you,” She said with a smile. She began putting on her bra.

I picked up my undershorts then asked, “Do we need to get dressed?”

Julie paused, looked at me up and down, cupped my soft cock and balls with her hand, smiled and tossed her bra on the mattress. “No, it might be better not to. They will probably still be naked. Probably better that we are too. Besides, I wouldn’t want anyone to think we’re done.”

As we walked out of the bedroom, I asked, “What was that stuff about giving you a baby?”

“Oh, I don’t know, some of my suppressed weirdness I suppose, don’t worry, I’m not able to have kids.” Julie said this so matter-of-factly I only nodded my head in silence. Kayla and I had just begun talking about having children before meeting Julie and Doug, but she was still on the pill.

We walked through the empty living room. As we began down the stairs to the basement we heard low wailing moans coming from Kayla. We waited until they subsided. When we reached the basement we found a naked cowgirl Kayla astride Doug’s prone naked body. Kayla smiled sheepishly, but stayed put. “Are you guys done?” She asked.

“No,” Julie answered.

“Are you okay?” Doug asked looking intently at Julie.

Julie immediately sensed allowing Doug to see her so disheveled was a mistake and pushed more of her hair back out of her face. She kneeled down beside him and kissed him lightly on the lips. “I am so very okay, dear,” she said. “I hope you are very okay too.”

At the same time Kayla reached out and took my soft reddened cock in her hand. “My poor baby,” she said softly. I wanted her to kiss it but she didn’t. Instead she involuntarily bucked herself on the cock inside her.

“Having fun?” I whispered back.

“Yes, I really Iike this,” she said, adding, “Thank you.”

From his position with his back on the floor Doug said, “Yeah, this is good.”

“Yeah,” Julie and I said together.

“What happened to your pubic hair?” Doug asked her.

“We shaved it,” Julie said with a surpressed giggle.


Hesitating only a second, she lied. “A little while ago.”

Doug looked a me. I shrugged. Kayla started gently bouncing on Doug again. Then I smiled at Julie and followed her back upstairs to the bedroom. When she reached the top step I grabbed her hips to hold her there. I don’t know what came over me. I used my thumbs to spread her small butt cheeks and pushed my tongue against her anus and gave it a fluttering lick. It must have been the joy I was feeling, I had never licked an ass before.

She bent over a little and arched her back saying, “You are so bad.” I pushed hard on my tongue but it did not penetrate her opening.

She must have told Doug later, perhaps torturing him with the details of our first evening. Kayla and I rarely talked about our sex with them. “Honesty” was their thing. I learned later that Doug made Julie recount every detail. Liking the torture, I guess. The next evening the “no anal” rule was enacted.

I never gave the ban a second thought because sex with Julie was so exciting and otherwise uninhibited. As good as she was at getting me off, she was even better at massaging my tired limp cock back to life. I came more often in a night with her than I ever thought possible. Our sex was aggressive. From the very beginning Julie liked to be fucked hard. We stuffed folded towels over the top of the bed headboards so Doug and Kayla wouldn’t hear it banging against the wall. I was amazed at the pounding she wanted her frail body to take. Most satisfying to me was that she liked my cum, inside and out. I love the way she delighted in the taste, feel and sight of it. The harder and more aggressive our sex became the more cum my body seemed to produce for her.

Months of delirious wife-swapping sex went by before Julie asked me one evening during a break if I thought rimming each other would violate the rule. “Not technically,” I answered with a sly smile, “No, I think, not technically at all.”

“I can’t stop thinking of the time you licked my ass that first night.”

“I so often want to lick it again,” I said.

We both loved the taboo anal play. Julie’s blow jobs were already amazing, but when she slid off the edge of the bed and pushed up on my legs to lick my ass it took me to a whole new level.

I wasn’t satisfied just being allowed to tongue and rub her clenched little rosebud. I wanted to push inside, but it was an iron gate. I couldn’t even get the first knuckle of my pinkie into Julie’s tight asshole. My tongue would move from pucker to pussy as I pushed with my fingers. The harder I pushed, the more Julie kept repeating, “I can’t believe the amazing things you do to my body,” but there was little progress.

It was weeks before we completely broke the rule. I had already cum twice that evening but her suggestion of violating the prohibition and finally having me fuck her there turned my young cock to steel once again. We took it slow, we had to, building on the invasions my fingers had managed to make in the recent past. I tongued her tight hole for a long time just to get her to relax and loosen up enough to let my finger in. I put massage oil on my hands. With a finger of each hand I was able to massage and stretch her opening. Soon I had four fingers pulling her wider and she brought her own fingers to her pussy. She had a gentle orgasm.

Even after I was finally able to wedge my cock into her tight ass it took a while for me to completely bury it. It took even longer before I could begin stroking without causing her pain. I was afraid her yelps would bring Doug running. She had her face buried in the pillow with her ass in the air. I stood straddling her body, carefully controlling my strokes by bending my knees. A few minutes later however she began asking me to fuck her ass harder.

Gradually everything escalated to where I was actually punching my stiff prick into her with everything I had, even as she kept pleading for me to keep fucking her ass harder and harder. She collapsed from her knees to lying flat on her stomach and began rubbing and fingering her own pussy. I moved my hands from her hips to the headboard. With my feet on each side of her waist I kept viciously driving into her until her body began trembling and she made a wet mess of the bed.

She was too exhausted to care. For a long time she just laid there whimpering beneath me with my cock slowly moving and throbbing in her ass. I didn’t cum yet but didn’t care. I stopped and remained still until she was almost asleep and my cock grew limp and was pushed out.

In that one night Julie went from anal virgin to full-on anal whore, often begging for me to plow her ass. The more I made her beg for it, the harder she wanted it.

A few weeks later, after fucking her ass so long and hard that our bodies were slick with sweat, cum and squirt juice, she finally told me about her first husband, twelve years older than her, her Svengali. She had become his sex slave and married him against her single mother’s wishes when she was sixteen. She had already graduated from high school, a year early.

Growing vengeful of her intelligence and sass, he physically and sexually mistreated her. Still, she submitted to almost everything to please him. She tried to have anal sex with him many times, but she could never relax enough to get over the pain. She often wished she could. She hated to disappoint him. “Maybe if he had your patience…” She said.

By the time Julie was eighteen she felt trapped in the marriage and no longer had desire to please him. She wished she had listened to her mother. Before he returned from work one day she ran back to her mother and filed for divorce. She enrolled in college on academic scholarship. She said she had often feared that she had been damaged sexually. “Doug rescued me and protects me, but he can’t satisfy me. I don’t even like him to touch me anymore,” she said, “It’s ironic. I am enslaved by your touch. I love sharing all of my body with you.”

Kayla and I did not talk much about the details of our sexual experiences with Doug and Julie, but we did discuss the many strange aspects of their lives. After Julie reveled the nature of her first marriage to me we came to understand the nature of Doug and Julie’s co-dependency. Julie needed Doug to feel safe. Outside of the academic world she made poor decisions. He was her protector, he helped her get through medical school and through life. Doug’s need was to have someone love him and depend on him completely through thick or thin. The more they ventured beyond their comfort zones, the more they needed each other.

We swapped with them for more than a year and a half. Doug and Julie, other than a few failed tests of their sexual compatibility, did not have sex with each other. Still, they never would have wanted to leave each other. We met at their house or ours two or three evenings a week, usually breaking off immediately to separate rooms. The relationship between the four of us became very intense.

We spent most of our weekends together. Together we hiked or went shopping, went to movies and dined out. The activity provided necessary breaks from the otherwise constant sex. We went on a few vacations together. One time we went on a wilderness camping trip where we remained naked all day until the bugs came out. The other trip was to Jamaica where one night we had sex openly and together. Other than that one time, we all continued to prefer sex while separate as mixed couples.

The sex, at least between Julie and me, increasingly veered toward what I would have previously considered perverse. It ranged from the innocence of watching each other masturbate to nearly criminal acts of sexual brutality. Nothing was out of bounds.

It began inanely. When I was ready to cum during sex Julie started asking me to jump to my feet to cum onto her body from above so she could watch it fly onto her. Then, eyes closed, her body would writhe on the bed as she spread the slick goo over her skin with her hands. Her thrall would end with a shy smile when she would open her eyes and lick her fingers clean as I watched. At first I thought it was a bit weird, but now to this very day, the recollection of those images can still give me an instant hard-on.

The embarrassment over her occasional squirting went away and, in fact, sometimes became our goal for the evening. Julie would kneel, straddling my face for long periods of time. Between the effects of my tongue, my fingers in her ass and her fingers strumming herself, she sometimes triumphantly flooded my face. We succeeded only a few times but I loved it and so did she. I drank as much as I could as it splashed onto my face. Each time I rewarded her with the hardest fucking I could give her.

Julie began demanding rougher and rougher sex. Hair pulling and spanking were not enough. One of her favorites was being fucked hard while I pressed her standing body against the wall. I repeatedly squeezed her tits, held her by her neck or hair and reached around to finger her pussy until she came. The more violent I was the more she liked it. Sometimes she would really go off and completely drench the wall with her legs shaking until she collapsed.

Brutality was not normal for me. More and more I had to role play to fulfill Julie’s desires. Talking dirty was a big part of our relationship. Often she antagonized me and challenged my manhood to rile me into using my cock as a weapon. She’d tell me I wasn’t enough for her. “Big tough guy,” she would say, “you can’t even fuck me like a real man.” I knew she was just playing but she still got me all pumped up. I’d call her a dirty whore. “Yes, I’m your cum sucking slut,” she would say, “Use me.”

I would build narratives about the ways I was going to use her. Growling about how I was going to share the her with other men and watch them gag her with their cocks as I fucked her, “or just sit back and watch them gang-bang you,” it would excite her and often bring on another leg throttling orgasm.

The role playing distanced me. The more objective I became the easier it was to inflict the pain Julie demanded. Her skin bruised easily from my hands gripping her as I pummeled her with my cock. I often worried if Doug would see the reddened, bruised skin of her bottom from my spanking and slapping, but I admit, I became as addicted to the raw savagery of it as she was.

For Julie, a great night of sex was when her exhausted body reached the point of collapse. She called it “rag dolling” because all control was ceded to me. She said being fucked then was as euphoric as taking I.V. Valium. Most often I was as “rag-dolled” as her, completely satisfied and relaxed. Doug and Kayla occasionally found us fast asleep, draped over each other on the bed, covered in dried cum, towels still wedged between the headboard and wall.

Once, they came in on us when Julie was rag-dolled but I was still hard. She had hung her head off the edge of the bed and was taking all of my cock deep in her throat. Her body was so exhausted she could barely even grip the disheveled bed covers. The exquisite feel of her throat, her euphoric moaning and the sight of my thrusts surging in waves through the flesh of her amazing tits, had just brought me past the point of no return when Doug and Kayla suddenly opened the bedroom door to look in on us. Julie was too exhausted to even respond. They stood there watching as I quivered and drove my load deep into her throat. I often wished Doug never would have witnessed that.

Kayla and I continued to have sex together, even more than before. I felt smug being loved by two women and having rewarding sex with them both. I think Kayla felt the same. Unfortunately, an underlying strain between Julie and Doug seemed to fester as their sexual interest in each other completely disappeared.

We found it flattering and a little humorous when they first told us they loved us, really loved us and wanted to live all together. To Kayla and me it was just silly talk, and a way of saying that they like the sex as much as we did. We took their proposition no more seriously than the time we all speculated what traveling together through space might be like.

We were unprepared for the shock when, a few weeks later, Doug and Julie told us they were purchasing a larger house and proposed that we sell ours and move in with them. They were serious about building an extended family. They made logical arguments for the social and financial benefits of living together. Even the outlined benefits of child rearing made perfect logical sense. Kayla and I thought they had gone completely off the rails.

The fact was that Kayla and I both began to feel emotionally crowded. We liked the sex, in fact we felt almost addicted to it, but a marriage of two was tough enough. We wanted to start a family of our own. Complicating things even more was when Kayla began to feel Doug’s desire for her to bear his children as well as mine. The truth was we didn’t love or need them the same way.

Soon after they moved into the new house without us, Kayla and I began to tire of the arrangement and pulled back to the comfort of our love for each other. It was a gradual parting, but a definite one, a tearfully painful separation for all of us.

Six months later, a month after our last sex with them, Doug and Julie took an offer to join a medical practice in Phoenix, far away from Philadelphia. For the first few years we continued to occasionally speak on the phone with them. We talked about visits but never made them. Even the Christmas cards stopped after the second of our three children were born.

For Kayla and me the affair had been a godsend. Her sense of sexual adventure and imagination increased and so did mine. We remained true to each other until the kids were well past puberty.

It was only then, a decade after we lost contact with Julie and Doug, that Kayla and I began sharing all the untold details of those sexual escapades. I learned that Doug and I were as different sexually as Julie and Kayla. The girls had secretly called me “Six-gun Pete” and Doug “Single-speed”. While I was all hard charging passion and multi-orgasmic, he worked hard at controlling his climax.

Kayla told me that the first thing she liked about sex with Doug was that she could dependably ride his cock to orgasm after orgasm. I remember often hearing her wail from beyond the walls in ways she never did for me. With Doug she would pull out all the stops of her sexuality and get creative just to get him to finally cum. Some nights he never did and she sometimes found his metronomic style frustrating or boring. That’s why she so often wanted to make love with me afterward, she needed the passionate reward, she needed the confirmation that she could still excite a man. It was those nights she first began swallowing my cum. Kayla never wanted to bathe in the stuff the way Julie practically did, but on occasion she even now still takes a facial, giggling the whole time.

The more Kayla and I confessed to each other, the more our lovemaking climbed to new heights and eventually led to the opening of our marriage. The key to the final lock was our confession that we had both broken the no-anal rule. Ever since reveling that final secret, our marriage became honest and open. Plus, with the right combination of romance and foreplay, I get to fuck Kayla’s ass. Now our one and only rule is that if we have a secret affair with someone else, we must come clean about it and either find a way to share that lover, or break it off.

Having only that one rule, it’s easy to imagine, has led to some exciting and heart challenging adventures. We’ve taken lovers keeping no secrets and we’ve even managed to share some of them. It’s proven to be a good rule, preventing us from deviating too far from each other.

It might only be nostalgia, but even after sexually fulfilling lives, including sex with others, we still miss Julie and Doug. I can barely look at a skinny woman without checking out her tits. If she’s a “lollipop” I can’t help but compare her to Julie and wonder if she needs to be fucked with the same savagery. I wonder if her man can get her rag-dolled the way I could. When Kayla catches my gaze lingering too long she just smiles knowingly.

Published 10 years ago

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