Miss Udders – Part 2

"Lily falls deeper and deeper under Tyler's spell as she loses control of her classroom."

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Lily Uden checked the roster of her new class once again. She knew in the back of her mind that this last-minute schedule change should have made her furious. 

These students on the list were all Senior boys in their last semester of school. They had all failed her class previously and had nearly all been terrible troublemakers in class. She should have been filled with dread and annoyance. 

So why was she filled with… nervous excitement? She didn’t know. Maybe she was just in an unusually good mood. Regardless, class would be starting soon. Lily nervously shuffled some papers on her desk and waited for the bell to ring…

The boys in her new class entered in groups of one or two, loudly laughing and joking. As the bell rang to start class, they paid no attention, continuing their loud conversations without pause. 


She expected such disrespect from this particular group of boys. Well, she had dealt with disrespectful classes before. She was sure she could handle it. 

Lily did notice, however, an odd energy in the class. Some of the boys were talking in low, excited voices to their friends while looking in her direction. The whole thing made her a bit nervous. Were they talking about her? 

She subtly adjusted the fit of her sweater. Whenever she caught a sidelong glance from an older boy, she always assumed it was about her breasts. Boys were obsessed with them. The thought of her students ogling her body made her skin crawl.

Well, she had let this talking go on for long enough. She stood and clapped her hands together, giving her best teacher’s smile and projecting her voice. “OK students, it’s time for class!”

None of the boys stopped talking or even looked at her. Her stomach dropped. It was surreal. It was humiliating. 

Even in a class of troublemakers, some of them should have at least looked up when she spoke. She felt a flare of annoyance. Well, if that was the way it was going to be, then she would have to get tough and put these boys in their place. She put her hands on her hips and prepared to lash out with her strongest “mean teacher” voice. 

She took a deep breath…. and nothing came out. Somehow, it felt wrong to yell at these boys. It would be starting the semester off on the wrong foot.

 She had always thought that it was extremely important for her students to like her: it was much more important than being respected. She would have to find some other way of getting them to pay attention.

“Ummm…,” She said softly, twisting her hands nervously in front of her. “It would be really great if all you boys could be quiet for a second.” The boys continued laughing and talking. 

In one corner, two boys were playfully shoving each other, harder and harder. Another group was watching a video being played aloud on a phone, a female voice could be heard moaning over the phone speakers. No one paid the slightest amount of attention to her. 

A blush began to burn on Lily’s cheeks. She felt a wave of powerlessness. She was a teacher! She should be able to do this! 

She tried to think back to how she had handled rowdy classes in the past, but she drew a blank. The boys continued to do whatever they wanted, and every moment she stood there, Miss Uden felt more and more foolish and weak. 

Finally, one of the boys cleared his throat and the other boys rapidly settled down, turning to focus their attention on him.  Lily saw with dismay that it was Tyler Carlson. 

In many ways, Tyler was her worst enemy. She had successfully failed him last semester, yet here he was, with a smug look on his face. She wished that it had been anyone other than him who had come to her assistance.

“Hey guys, it looks like our teacher is trying to speak. Let’s hear her out,” he said confidently. The rest of the boys were raptly paying attention to him, the clear leader. “Go ahead,” He said, nodding to Lily. “You have permission to speak.” 

Lily felt a surge of annoyance. This little shit was clearly making a power play, acting like he was in charge of the class instead of her. 

She would have to put him in his place, or he would be a nightmare… No. No, that was wrong, wasn’t it? 

She had to make sure that the students liked her, and biting the head off of their leader on the first day wouldn’t help. She felt like maybe she should just… go with the flow. What did it matter if Tyler looked stronger and more competent than her?

“Th-thank you Tyler,” she said with a sickly smile. He nodded back to her, smug look still plastered across his face. The rest of the class gave each other knowing grins, and Lily’s stomach sank again. 

She needed to push forward. “All of you have struggled in my art classes before. This class is designed to allow you to make up the points that you missed. Because you are all making up for different courses, this special remedial course will include a broad sampling of artistic techniques including clay modeling, photography, and painting. It will be a lot of hard work, but you should all be able to make up for any classes you failed.” 

She had practiced this speech in her head, and although it came out a bit shakier than she had planned, she felt like she was getting back into the swing of things.  “Now, to keep things simple, we are going to be focusing on still-life subjects this semester.” 

She gestured towards a bowl of apples that she had set on her desk. “Now, why don’t we start by…”

“Miss Uden,” said Tyler, cutting her off abruptly. A smirk crossed his face. “Actually, that sounds a little too formal. I’m just going to call you Lily.”

All of her previous students had used “Miss Uden”, at her insistence. It had seemed vital to create a distance of respect and authority between teacher and student, but she couldn’t remember why that had seemed so important to her before. Respect wasn’t the most important thing in the world, after all. 

“That’s ummm… that’s fine, Tyler,” she murmured sheepishly, seeing some of the boys smiling and elbowing each other, amused that she had given in so easily. 

“Well Lily,” said Tyler Carlson, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms. “I don’t think apples are going to keep my interest. What do you think, boys?” The rest of the students, on cue, launched into jeers and boos. 

“I think we should focus on something much more interesting. The human body.” At this, the rest of the class cheered and laughed in agreement. 

“W-well…,” stuttered Lily. “Capturing the human body can be really complex, I don’t know if…”

“But we are reeeeally interested in the human body, Lily,” said Tyler, letting his eyes travel slowly down his teacher’s curves, then back up to her eyes. “We want to understand it better.”

Lily fought the urge to use her hands to cover her body as the rest of the boys followed Tyler’s example and openly leered at her. She was wearing a thick sweater and jeans, so there was nothing her hands could cover that wasn’t already well-hidden.

She always wore very conservative clothes to school to avoid this very issue. But it wasn’t worth starting a fight over. High school boys would be high school boys. 

Well, if switching topics would make the class like her more, then she saw no reason to refuse.

“Sure. We can focus on human subjects this semester,” she said with a smile. Tyler matched it with a smile of his own, one considerably crueler and sharper.

Lily struggled to get back on track with the sudden shift in subject matter. 

“Well, our original plan for the first class was for you to attempt to sketch this bowl of apples, just so that I could get a sense of what skills you are bringing in,” she said, gesturing to the bowl on the desk. 

“But, umm, it seems like we have a change of plans. I just want you to grab a sheet of paper and try to draw a human subject. A face, a body, even part of a body. Don’t worry about drawing fine art today, just do your best. I will be circulating to give you some pointers.” 

Humiliatingly, the boys looked to Tyler first, waiting for him to nod before accepting her directions and beginning the assignment. 

Lily sat at her desk for a moment, taking a deep breath. This wasn’t going as she had hoped at all. It was just the first part of the first class, and she already felt like she had lost control. Not to mention the hungry looks that the boys had been giving her body.

Normally, that would have made her disgusted, but for some reason, today it was making her feel a little… hot and bothered. What was wrong with her? 

Maybe her hormones were out of whack. She would just have to break out her vibrator when she got home and work off some of this misplaced horniness. Well, at least the students were working. She gave them five minutes to get started, then began to circulate.

She stopped by the desk of Tommy Nelson first. He was the star lineman for the school football team, and one of Tyler’s teammates. Everyone called him “Brick”, in reference both to his physique and his intelligence. 

Lily disliked him almost as much as Tyler, but it hadn’t required any trickery at all to fail him when he had taken her class. 

He was crudely drawing an enormous erect penis and balls, with sperm spurting out of the end. He saw she was looking and chuckled.

 “I call this one ‘self-portrait,’” he said, grinning. 

“Tom, I think you should, uh… focus on a different human subject,” Lily said uneasily.

“Why? I want to draw this,” said Brick bluntly, giving her a flat stare.

“Sure. Sure,” said Lily placatingly. If Brick wanted to draw a penis, it was probably better just to let him do so, rather than run the risk that he would dislike her if she insisted. “But maybe you could, you know, try to draw it a bit more, artistically. A bit more true to life.”

“Well, you’re the art teacher, Lily,” said Tyler, butting in on the conversation. “I think you should give us an example.”

“An Example?” 

“Yes. He wants to draw a cock, you told him that his cock drawing wasn’t artful. Give him an example of an artfully drawn cock,” said Tyler slowly, as if talking to someone very stupid.

“Ah…. Yes. Right. Of course,” said Lily, sensing she had walked into a trap. Tyler gestured to the chalkboard with an “after you” Gesture. 

She picked up a piece of chalk with shaking fingers, noting that the rest of the class had turned and were watching intently, with big silly grins on their faces. She glanced nervously at the small window in the door. This particular lesson would be hard to explain if anyone happened to look in. 

“So!” Her voice emerged as a squeak, and she cleared her throat.

“So, if we want to draw a p-penis, first, we need to consider perspective. That’s a little advanced for the first day, so I will just be drawing a… I’ll just be drawing it in profile.” A bead of sweat dripped slowly down her face.

“Maybe you should draw it from below, looking up,” said Tyler, in a helpful tone. “You might be more familiar with that perspective.” 

The other boys hooted and laughed, gleefully turning to MIss Uden to see what her reaction would be. 

“T-tyler, that’s… that’s too much. I’m your teacher…,” she said weakly. Something was wrong about this whole classroom atmosphere, like reality wasn’t quite matching up with her expectations. 

“Just a joke, Lily. Don’t get upset,” said Tyler, raising his hands placatingly. “You can draw the cock however you want.”

It was best to just move past the crude joke, judged Lily. Maybe the students would like her more if they thought she had a good sense of humor. 

She continued. “A penis is a part of the human body, and should have curves when drawn rather than straight lines. Like so.” She drew a quick outline of a penis on the board, tracing a slightly curved shaft that swelled outwards for the head.

“Bigger.” Called out Brick, cupping his hands to increase his volume. 

“Excuse me?” 

“It needs to be bigger. It’s a self-portrait, remember,” said Brick with a grin. 

Lily sighed and shook her head. It wasn’t worth fighting him on this. She erased the penis and started again, tracing a longer, thicker dick on the whiteboard. 

She had barely finished before Brick called out again. “Nope, guess again, teach!” 

“Come on now,” she said, her voice taking on that new, pleading tone that she was beginning to hate to hear coming from her own mouth. “Bravado is great, but let’s be realistic. Your p-penis certainly isn’t bigger than this, Tom.” 

“I’ve been in the showers with him. He’s not lying!” shouted a student in the back. 

Well, if they insisted, who was she to argue? Blushing, Lily redrew the cock one last time, making it bigger than she thought was possible. Cartoonishly big. 

Now Brick nodded at her with a knowing look on his face, making Lily’s blush grow hotter and redder. 

As she proceeded with the lesson, explaining how to add shading and details like veins and pubic hair, she noticed that the boys in class were completely focused and attentive. 

They might have nasty smirks on their faces, but maybe focusing on what they were interested in was actually a good educational strategy.

Finally, her face crimson with embarrassment, Lily finished her forced tutorial and the boys got back to work. Many of them squinting up at the board and trying to replicate her drawing. She felt a small surge of pride for sparking their interest in art.

Tyler was an exception. She avoided approaching him as long as she could, but eventually, she had stopped at the desks of all the students but him.

Lily approached him nervously. He wasn’t trying to replicate the penis drawing like the rest of the students. Instead, he was working on a crude drawing of a large breasted nude woman. 

The poorly drawn kerchief and braid made it clear who it was supposed to depict.

Tyler turned towards her with mocking eyes. “I have a lot to learn, Lily, but the subject really interests me.”

As red as a beet, Lily tried to say something, to reprimand him for being so clearly inappropriate, but she couldn’t find the right words, her brain felt scrambled. 

“Well… what artistic critiques do you have for me, Lily?” he asked, tapping his drawing with a pencil. 

He was right. Even if he was being inappropriate, she had a duty to help him improve. “The um… the b-breasts. Natural breasts aren’t round and stiff like that, they’re soft. Imagine two water balloons and how they would hang.”

“Hmmm,” said Tyler, looking at his paper and then leering unselfconsciously at her chest. Lily felt a flutter in her stomach from the piercing blue gaze pointed at her breasts. Why was she feeling so strange today?  “They look right to me. Are your tits natural, Lily?”

Lily was mortified. She should probably not answer, and tell him off for being inappropriate. But… on the other hand, it would help him to improve his art. That was supposed to be her primary goal, right? 

“Y-yes. They are,” she said in a voice barely above a whisper. “But I’m obviously wearing a bra right now, which changes their shape significantly.”

“Huh,” Said Tyler, looking back down at his sketch. “I hear what you are saying, but I just can’t picture it.”

“I  know!” he said, snapping his fingers, “What if you came to class tomorrow without a bra? That way, the class could see what you mean about natural tits.”

“No, Tyler. I couldn’t. I’m a teacher. That’s totally inappropriate.” It hurt that saying no might make some of the students dislike her, but his suggestion was a step too far. She looked down with apprehension to see that Tyler had a determined look in his eyes. 

“Come on Lily. It clearly has an educational purpose, and it’s not like you’ll be naked. You’ll have your shirt on the whole time.” 

The rest of the class chimed in too:

“Yeah, do it, Lily!”

“You’ll be the coolest teacher ever.”

“It will help us draw better.”

Lily felt confused. It was clearly something that her students were passionate about, and today had taught her that giving in to those inappropriate passions was a way to spark their interest. 

But… could she really dress in a way specifically intended to help her students see the shape of her tits? 

She wavered. Somehow, after the way she felt today, the idea of her students looking even closer at her tits, the idea of presenting them for clearer viewing, caused a sick twist of arousal in her belly. 

“Do it, Lily,” said Tyler seriously, staring her in the eyes. 

“Ok,” squeaked Lily, trying to avoid eye contact with the boys in the room as they whooped and cheered. ”But just this one time, and only for a minute, then I’m going to change back.”

“Well,” said Tyler with cool confidence, “Come in without the bra, and I’ll decide when we’ve seen enough.”


A few weeks ago, Faria continued her programming session with Lily Uden…

The first bit of programming had been easy. Faria could tell that Lily was by nature a shy and reserved woman, she just had to put on a mask of authority and forcefulness to do her job. Faria had simply removed Lily’s mask. 

The command to defer to students would probably…

Published 1 year ago

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