Miss Udders – Part 1

"A student hires a mesmerist to punish his busty teacher."

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“Hmmm…” said the young, blond teacher, putting her hand to her chin, pretending to be deep in thought. 

She was standing in front of a crude painting of a man holding a football, and Tyler Carlson stood nervously to the side. He was close to passing, and if Miss Uden was merciful, then he would earn his credit and stay on the football team.

Miss Uden’s flashing green eyes turned to Tyler, her lip slightly curled up into a sneer. His heart sank: he saw no mercy there. 

“I see no inspiration. No talent. No understanding of the principles we’ve been learning about all semester,” she said in a cruel voice. Tyler heard giggles from the girls and arty guys that filled the rest of the class. They loved to see their school’s quarterback get knocked down a peg.

“Well, class, what grade do we think that this masterpiece deserves?” asked Miss Uden with a sweep of her arms. She was wearing one of her usual baggy, flowing sweaters, which added extra dramatic flair to her arm movements. 

The class erupted in boos, making a flush of anger creep into Tyler’s cheeks.

“Well, Tyler,” said Miss Uden smugly, her beautiful, delicate face twisted into a gloating smile. “It looks like the class has spoken.” She grabbed a thick red marker from her desk and walked to the painting, uncapping the marker and drawing a fat “F” across it, ruining the artwork.

“Better luck next semester,” she said tauntingly, walking with a sway of her hips back to her desk and sitting in triumph.

Tyler swore then and there that he would get his revenge on Miss Uden for this public humiliation if it was the last thing he did.

Faria finished counting the money and leaned back in her chair. 

“Why don’t you tell me a little bit more about the situation,” she said, rolling her shoulders and stretching her long, shapely neck. It had been a late night last night, finishing up a job for her last client, and she was a little tired and sore.

The young man in front of her scowled. “I paid you the money, right? Shouldn’t that be enough?”

Faria sighed and shook her head, tapping well-manicured nails on the shining hardwood desk.

“Mr…. Carlson, was it? My gifts are highly in demand. I only take cases that … interest me on a personal level. I thought yours sounded promising, but I can still walk away at this point. And I will, honey, if you don’t give me the details I asked for.”

The square-jawed young man across the desk from her rolled his eyes, but launched into his explanation. “I’m paying for you to use your …techniques on Lily Uden.”

“And what is your relationship to this woman?” 

“She teaches art at my school. I had her last semester.”

Faria chuckled. Another senior who was a little too hot for teacher. It wasn’t the first time she had seen it in her client requests.

“And why do you feel you need revenge on Miss Uden?” she drawled lazily. The sullen Mr. Carlson was correct, he had already sent this information to Faria when he made his request, but hearing it in person was an important part of the decision process. 

“She has some sort of grudge against people who play sports,” Carlson snapped irritably, “She purposefully set me up to fail her class so that I would get kicked off the football team.” 

Faria clicked her tongue. “A very bad teacher, then.”


“But that’s not the whole story,” said Faria, leaning across her desk and with a teasing smile, “You don’t pay ten thousand dollars to someone like me to correct a bad grade. There’s an element of…” Faria’s mouth quirked up into a mocking sneer, “…Lust here, isn’t there, Mr. Carlson?” 

Carlson blushed red and looked away. Awww, he’s embarrassed, thought Faria. Well, he ought to be if he truly desires my services. Carlson shrugged. “Yeah, I mean, she’s hot, ok?” 

“Show me.” Faria always asked her clients to bring a photo of their requested person. She found that the choice of photo often revealed as much about the client as the target. 

Carlson avoided her eyes, silently navigating to a picture on his phone and passing it across the desk. 

A cute young woman stuck her tongue out at the camera between her smiling teeth, an arm thrown over her shoulder, indicating that this had been cut from a larger group photo. Her delicate, almost elfin features combined with the expression to give a mischievous, flirty vibe to the picture. 

Her thick honey-blond hair hung braided over her shoulder, and was held back with a kerchief.  It was a candid beach photo, and Faria immediately saw why it had grabbed the young man’s attention.

Lily Uden had some of the most magnificent breasts that Faria had ever seen, and she had seen quite a few. They were massive, but also looked firm and well shaped.

In the picture, Miss Uden was wearing a dark green bikini that would have normally been quite modest. Unfortunately for her, whoever had thrown their arm over her shoulder had skewed her bikini top just enough to reveal the barest sliver of pink areola sneaking past the edge of the dark green material.

The combination of innocence and sexiness in the photo was enough to send any man wild. Or any woman of a certain inclination.

“One of her friends posted it on Instagram, and one of the boys found it before it got taken down,” explained Tyler sheepishly. 

Faria handed his phone back. She thought for a moment. The request certainly seemed to fit her criteria. The scenario excited her, which was obviously the most important factor. She also required that the target had genuinely wronged the client. That would take a little more research. The last criteria were critical as well. She had to see that the client was truly passionate about their dark desire for the target.

“And what is it you want me to do, Mr. Carlson?” she asked in a formal tone.

“Ummm,” said the young man, looking confused, “I want you to hypnotize her for me. Isn’t that what I’m paying you for?”

Faria clicked her tongue. Such a crass young man. “I mean,” she said impatiently, “What is the result that you want? How do you want me to influence her?”

Faria thought the young man would let her down for a moment, but then she saw the familiar dull light of perverted lust burning in his eyes.

“I want her humiliated, like I was. I want her to beg for forgiveness in the most depraved way possible, only for me to say no.  I want her in my power. I want to see her get knocked down off her pedestal and look up to see me above her. I want to feel that cow’s tits in my hands and hear her moan for more.”

“Fantastic,” said Faria with a wide, shining smile.

Faria found it easy to slip into any place she chose. Her shiny black hair and tanned complexion allowed her to pass for Greek, Arabic, latina, Italian, or others. She had even managed to leave people with the impression that she was Thai once, with some clever makeup.

Today, she had chosen a simple professional suit. Faria left the school secretaries with the vague impression that she was some sort of social worker checking up on a student, and effortlessly led them to forget to sign her into the visitor log. It was important to cover her tracks as much as possible: if she was able to pull off what she had planned for this target, it might be a good idea to leave a low profile.

Faria waited in the staff lounge for a few minutes until the bell rang for the end of the day, then made her way up to Miss Uden’s room, nodding forgettably to the students and staff that she passed. 

As Faria walked into the airy, bright art classroom, Lily Uden was bent at the waist, reaching for a paintbrush that had fallen behind a table. It should have been a magnificent view of her ass, but it was spoiled slightly by the fact that Lily was wearing baggy overalls.

As she straightened, the young teacher realized that she had a guest, and whirled with an apologetic smile.

“Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry! Didn’t hear you come in!” She had a long sleeve shirt under her overalls, and her hair, like in the photo, was braided and held back in a kerchief, which must be a signature look of hers.

There was a splotch of yellow paint on one of her cheeks. The effect, Faria had to admit, was adorable. But it was clear that the nip slip at the beach was completely out of character for her.

She looked like she might have even had to be talked into wearing the bikini, if this is what she considered normal clothes.

“What can I do for you?” asked Lily, bringing the brush to a sink and rinsing it as she talked over her shoulder. “Are you a parent?” Lily’s brows furrowed a little as she realized that Faria looked far too young to be the mother of one of her students. “Err, I mean… sister of one of my students?”

“No, no, no,” said Faria smoothly, a cool appraising look on her face as she studied the contours of Lily’s body, “Nothing like that. I’m actually part of a new district program. Stress levels have been through the roof in education these past few years. I’m just going around to classrooms to check in with teachers and do a little on-the-spot counseling.”

Lily flicked the brush and set it down to dry on a ratty old towel, drying her hands off as she turned with a confused expression on her face. “Wow? Really? I would never have thought the principal would pay for something like that. Not that I’m complaining!” she added with an apologetic smile. 

Faria smiled back, closely observing Lily’s facial expressions, her body language, her tone and cadence of speech. The more information she could gather before attempting her technique, the easier it would be. “Well, are you interested in a short session?”

“Right now?” said Lily, looking thoughtful. “I’m not sure that I would have the time today. You see, I have to get to…”

Faria felt like she had enough information for a mild push. She had no interest in scheduling for a later date.

 “I think that you shouldn’t put it off, Lily. There’s no time like the present.” The words would have sounded strange to anyone but Lily, somewhat slurred and lisping. The tone was unusual as well, sounding more angry than persuasive. Faria’s voice was her instrument, and she had controlled it precisely to interfere with Lily’s mind. 

“How did you… know… my….” Lily started objecting, but the voice had already begun its work, causing her face to cloud over with a familiar look of stunned confusion, “….name?”

She finished the sentence, but her tone made it clear she didn’t really remember what she had been asking. Faria watched as the outside idea planted by her voice slowly took root in Lily’s head. Too slowly. Sloppy.

Faria had been forced to push Lily a little before fully analyzing her mental state and personality. She would have to be more careful next time.

Well, it looked like it had worked, regardless. The confusion on Lily’s face passed like a cloud uncovering the sun, and she continued the conversation with no acknowledgment of her brief lapse into silence. 

“You know what? There’s no time like the present. It’s been a stressful day, and I should prioritize my mental health,” she said warmly, giving Faria a sunny smile. “Should I close the door?” 

“No, I think it will be more fun if we leave it open,” replied Faria with a wink. 

What a strange comment, reflected Lily.

“Well, anyway, thank you for coming to see me, Miss…”

“You can call me Faria,” said the enigmatically smiling woman, extending a slim tan hand to shake. Lily took the hand, finding Faria’s grip to be firmer than she was expecting.

“What a pretty name! Is that your first name?… Or your last?” asked Lily.

“Neither,” said Faria brusquely, “It’s a pseudonym.” She turned and sat behind the teacher’s desk, motioning for Lily to bring over a stool from one of the tables. It was strangely rude for the strange woman to take Lily’s seat like it was her rightful place.

Lily tried not to be offended as she hauled over a stool to sit in front of the teacher’s desk. “Why would a therapist need a pseudonym?” wondered Lily out loud as she sat.

“Why indeed?” said Faria with a sphinx’s smile. “You said today was a stressful day. Tell me why.” Faria spoke in a voice that Lily found a little too demanding. Well, she strongly felt like this was something that she shouldn’t put off, so Lily began explaining with an exasperated sigh.

“Oh, I don’t know. I have these boys in my class. They just don’t take art seriously. They don’t have the artistic drive that I want to see in my students. Today, of course, when they saw their grades for the semester, they suddenly raised a big fuss. I had to speak to them, then their parents, then the football coach, then the principal. It’s been a mess.”

“So why not back down?” asked Faria, staring deep into Lily’s eyes. “Why not just, you know, pick your battles?”

Lily snorted, and her lip curled slightly with disgust.

“With this sort of boy, you can’t give them an inch. They think they are God’s gift to the world, and they are just shocked when you don’t bow down and kiss their feet. I refuse to play along with their little fantasy, unlike the rest of the school.”

Lily looked a little surprised at herself. “Oh shoot, sorry! I guess I’m a little more frustrated than I thought. That went a little too far.”

Faria cheered internally. It may have been a little too far, but it was just what she had needed to get a lock on Lily’s thought processes. She stretched back, and lifted her feet to rest her sensible heels on the teacher’s desk, getting a little dirt on some papers as she did so. 

“Hey now!” said Lily, her brows knitting, “Please don’t put your dirty feet…” 

Faria cut her off. “Silence, Lily.”

This time the voice was pitched perfectly. Lily’s mouth shut with an audible snap, almost catching her tongue between her teeth. Dull Confusion clouded over Lily’s face once again. Faria reveled in her power. The rush of control truly never got old. 

From now on, when I tell you to do something in my normal speaking voice, you will feel compelled to obey,” Faria said in her strange, slithery voice. “Now nod.” Lily’s head bobbed up and down, her face still vague and unfocused.

“Perfect,” said Faria with a cruel smile. “I think it’s better if you stand, Lily. When we both sit, it’s almost like we are equals. That won’t do.” Lily got to her feet and stood, twisting her hands and fidgeting like a nervous schoolgirl. She was already completely under Faria’s control.

“Now then, we are going to have a conversation, so I need you sharp. On the snap of my fingers, you are going to return to your normal state of mind, but you will still obey me. Most importantly, I need you to answer all of my questions truthfully.”

She held her fingers up, watched as Lily’s dull eyes focused on them, then snapped. Lily’s eyes leapt back into bright focus, moving to Faria’s face with a look of shock and horror. She took a step back, prompting Faria to snap, “Stay right where you are, Miss Uden.”

Lily froze, breathing heavily. Her jaw was tight, still being forced to obey the “Silence” command. The heavy breathing was doing interesting things to her massive chest, even concealed beneath multiple layers. Faria paused. She should really get straight to business… but what was the harm in a little self-indulgence?

“Ok, Miss Uden. We’ve done a little mental inspection. Now I think it’s time to take a closer look at you physically. Roll those ridiculous overalls down to your waist.” Lily looked like she had swallowed something sour as she hesitantly slipped both straps off her shoulders and pushed the overalls down to her waist, exposing her long-sleeved undershirt, puffed out magnificently by her large breasts.

Faria let out her deep, musical laugh. “Now the shirt, honey. Roll it up.” Lily’s eyes darted wildly. Although she couldn’t turn around after being told to stay where she was, she was clearly trying to look behind her, to the open door of the classroom.

Faria leaned forward. “I told you it would be more fun with the door open,” she said in a stage whisper. It wasn’t that long after school, and occasional people could still be seen walking down the hallway past the open door. 

Lily’s fingers betrayed her. Bound by the command that Faria had just given her, they gripped the hem of her undershirt and began to pull it up, first exposing a tender, pale belly to the open air of the classroom.

Seeing that Lily was starting to hyperventilate, Faria intervened. “Calm down Lily.” She watched as the command worked against and finally triumphed over Lily’s instincts, and the young teacher began breathing evenly again as her shirt rose to reveal the underside of a comfortable-looking cream-colored bra. 

Faria opened a drawer in the teacher’s desk and rummaged around as she spoke. “Well, it’s a good news, bad news situation, Lily.” She found what she was looking for: a pair of strong-looking shears used to cut cardboard. “The bad news, for you at least, is that you are about to show me your beautiful naked titties.”

Faria rose from the desk and clicked her way over to stand in front of the teacher, who now stood with her arms holding her shirt above the huge, creamy expanse of her…

Published 1 year ago

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