Miss Michigan

"Missing my lover as I masturbate"

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I should just call you Miss Michigan
I can’t play with you any more
So I have you endlessly
In my fantasies
Even when I’m not alone
I need you
To finish

Remembering the last
You waking me
Using my fingers to touch
Your softest places
Trying to force my hand

Your hungry tongue invading
Kissing me desperately
I will only kiss you
With my mouth closed
If I kiss you back
It won’t be just
Just a kiss
That I give

I hold you
You hold me
Each stirring the pot
I caress your skin
Tease as you strain
Walk the edge
As you beg
Trying to pull me in
I feel the hot
The thick
The gooey
The place I want to live
The home of the puppet show
I remember every line
“Fuck me”
“I cant”
“Hurt me”
I remember every excuse
Every bit of denial
Even blame
I remember when
“Never again”
Became “every day”
Sometimes twice
Or even thrice

I’m the one in love
But you couldn’t stop
So after hiding
From me
This was the only way
And after this way
You did find a way
To stop
But I need to see
Your beauty again
Hills and valleys
I want to bask in your warmth
Cuddle in the cold
In your Great Lakes
Or at least watch

Like before
Watching you sweat
Feeling you rain against my face
You want to grab my head
And guide me home
I will make my lips damp
Kissing you chastely
In an unchaste place
After you are done
I have to mount you
Press myself against you
Though I am covered
Your ankles in my hands
Your body my altar
Your glowing breasts
Your closed eyes
Mumbling parted lips
You appear deep in prayer

Until I pull away
And must expose myself
I stand away
What I think
Is a safe distance
And eyes wide
You scramble to the edge
To offer yourself to me
Open yourself to me
To even feel a chance contact
As we both work ourselves again
Staring intently
Down at each other
Then locking eyes
I’m imagining myself inside you
As you arch to make contact
But I stop
And we lie next to each other
And you hold me again
Caress my skin
Try to help
Try to kiss
But I can’t let you
I promised no sex
You feel me sputter
Getting close
And I have to grab your hair
To hold back your mouth
Your outstretched tongue from me
I hear you gasp in awe
As fireworks explode
In your honor
Miss Michigan
Right in front of your face
So close
You can smell the gunpowder
So close
Your face almost bathed in color

This is how I love to remember you
Never enough
always more

Published 11 years ago

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