Adam was brought back to reality when the bell rang. He’d spent the entirety of the class staring at her again; it’s no wonder he needed private tutoring after school. It’s not that he didn’t understand the math, he just couldn’t pay attention when he could get away with daydreaming for an hour.
He stood up and gathered his books to head for last period.
“We’re still on for today?” asked Miss Greene as he passed her desk.
“Yep,” he blushed. Her eyes were fittingly green, but today they especially sparkled. She gave him her special smile, the one he’d think of for the rest of the school day.
Luckily, the final bell rang quickly enough and he rushed back to Miss Greene’s classroom. He halted and made sure to slow his pace, taking a deep breath before entering. He didn’t know why he bothered being nervous, it’s not like anything would ever happen, but she had a way of making him feel on top of the world that he couldn’t ignore.
“Hi again,” he announced as he closed the door behind him.
“Hi Adam, glad you could make it,” she answered with a smile. She was sitting behind her desk, wearing Adam’s favourite white blouse that showed her beautiful figure off. He loved her in white; it went well with her sandy blonde hair falling over her shoulders.
“Yeah, of course.” He took his usual seat beside her at her desk and rummaged in his bag to grab his math course book out. The two went straight to work going over today’s material. As usual, Adam seemed to pick it up fairly quickly once she explained it to him again.
“I have to admit, Adam, I don’t understand,” she said suddenly. Adam, having just finished the next problem with the correct answer, looked up, confused.
“What do you mean?”
“I’ve seen an incredible improvement since we’ve started working together, and that’s wonderful, but you don’t seem to struggle with grasping the content, like most of the students I tutor. I want to understand the problem. I don’t want you to need tutoring your whole life. You’re such a bright young man, and grade 10 math shouldn’t be causing you this much trouble.”
Man, why did her lips have to be so deliciously luscious?
“Um,” he started. He didn’t know what to say. He was embarrassed. Was she figuring out what the real problem was? Should he be honest?
“Well? Are you having trouble concentrating? Is the atmosphere too distracting?”
“Um, yeah, I guess so.”
“What’s so distracting? The girls?” He was really blushing now.
“Well… No. Not exactly. Just… one girl, I guess.”
Miss Greene chuckled. Of course, it was. It always was with boys this age. She also felt a sudden pang of jealousy. Over the last couple months of tutoring him multiple times a week, she’d grown fond of him. Perhaps too much. Clearly, it was inappropriate to even feel jealous, yet she did. He was funny and quite insightful for his age. It didn’t hurt that he was also quite good looking in a shy, unconventional way. Without understanding why she didn’t stop herself, she wrapped her arm around his shoulder, hoping to come off as nurturing.
“Why don’t you talk to her? Any girl would be lucky to have you. And if you stopped daydreaming because you’re spending time with her, your grades would improve.”
“You really think she’d be lucky?”
“Of course I do.”
“It doesn’t matter, Miss Greene,” he sighed. “It’ll never happen.”
She was very aware that her arm still lay over his shoulder. He didn’t seem to mind. And now with the way, Adam was talking and avoiding eye contact and blushing… She was starting to hope, despite knowing better, that maybe it was her his heart desired.
Her free hand somehow found itself on his knee now. “You never know, she might be just as tortured with feelings for you.” He looked up and their faces were seemingly only inches apart. They held each other’s gaze. Just maybe, she thought. She scolded herself. She could ruin her life by doing this but her whole body was burning now, her lips tingling. The heart wants what it wants, she justified.
She ever so slowly leaned her face in. Adam stayed still as a statue, staring at her lips now. Their lips met, at first delicately, not wanting to frighten him. His eyes closed and his mouth opened, beginning to dance with hers. She caressed his face with her hand while the other rubbed his thigh near the knee. They kissed fervently now, with urgency.
Adam’s arms hung awkwardly at his side. Clearly, he wasn’t very experienced at this. She pulled back to look him in the eyes.
“Wow,” he said.
“Adam… Are you okay with this? Were you talking about us before?” She asked nervously. She didn’t want to take advantage of him or confuse him.
“Yeah… Was it that obvious?”
“No, not at all! I just… I really want to be with you too.” She had never seen him smile so widely and it made her heart burst. She leaned back in to resume feeling his lips on hers, to part his lips further with her tongue.
She grabbed his hands while they continued kissing and brought them up to her waist, slowly raising them up to her breasts. Adam pulled back, shocked.
“I’ve… I’ve never even kissed a girl until now. I don’t know what I’m doing.”
“I can teach you more than math if you want.” He nodded enthusiastically.
She slowly unbuttoned her blouse as he watched, mouth practically gaping. She shoved her white lace bra down to release her breasts and she brought Adam’s hand up to each. He couldn’t believe what was happening. Is this how fast everything goes with adults? She was in her mid-twenties, and he was only 16… He was so out of his league. He’d only ever seen boobs online. He supposed these seemed small relative to the porn he watched in the privacy of his room, but they fit in his hands so perfectly, and bounced with perkiness. They were perfect in his mind.
He started groping them, playing with the nipples, exploring. He felt her hand push his head towards them. He buried his face in them, licking the now firm nipples, gently biting. Women liked that right? He was in complete Heaven. She must’ve been too, from the soft moans that escaped her lips. It made him ecstatic to think he was making her this happy.
The hand that had been rubbing his leg smoothly made its way up to his groin, feeling exactly how excited he was. He momentarily pulled back from her bosom slightly in shock, not sure whether to feel thrilled or embarrassed that he was already hard as a rock. He groaned in pleasure anyway as the rubbing continued. In one fluid motion, the zipper of his dress pants was down and his erect member sprung out. A woman’s hands were actually on his dick. He couldn’t believe it, how much better it felt than his own hand.
He could no longer concentrate on doing anything besides moaning and staring at Miss Greene’s hands expertly rubbing up and down his shaft, slowly, then quickly, then slowly again. His precum had more than sufficiently lubricated him.
“Oh my God, Miss Greene…” he whispered, his eyes closed in ecstasy as his head rolled back. Miss Greene smiled coyly, getting excited by his innocence and enthusiasm. She had never been with a partner so entranced as that of a young man experiencing everything for the first time.
She brought her mouth down to his groin and swallowed him whole, getting to work and bobbing her head up and down.
Adam felt like it had been a lifetime, but really only about a minute had passed since she had freed his dick from his pants. Characteristically new at this, he soon started breathing quickly.
“Miss Greene, oh fuck, oh my God, I think I’m cumming.” He barely finished saying the words and he was violently shaking and gasping, spewing his juice into his teacher’s mouth. She held her mouth on tight, swallowing every drop so as not to stain his uniform. He tasted sweet and fresh, not bitter like most men she had dated.
Adam just sat there, sprawled for a moment, taking in this new experience. He felt like he would wake up from a wet dream at any moment, although this was better than any dream he’d ever had.
He opened his eyes to find Miss Greene looking at him with a huge smile while she wiped the stickiness from her hands on some tissues. Her breasts still spilled out from her shirt, her black pencil skirt had bunched up, showing off her lean, muscular thighs. The sight of her and the memory of what had just transpired excited him all over again. Had his body not needed a minute to recuperate, he was certain he’d be hard again already.
He hesitantly leaned towards her, craving her angelic lips on his. She leaned in and they were kissing with more ferocity this time, Adam not feeling quite as inexperienced as five minutes ago. This time his hands went straight to her chest and then all over her body, caressing and feeling her curves, her legs, her back. They were locked in a tight embrace, no air could come between them.
“I can’t believe this. I’m the luckiest guy in the world,” Adam whispered as they came up for air. “I don’t want this day to ever end.”
“Me neither. I want to teach you everything about how to love a woman. You’re such a special young man,” Miss Greene whispered in his ear, softly nibbling the lobe. This sent shivers down Adam’s entire body.
“Please, I want to make you feel as amazing as you’ve made me feel.” He buried his face into her bosom again. So soft and plush! He could suck on her nipples for the rest of eternity!
“Do you want your first lesson now?” she said, half moaning from the pleasure. Adam quickly nodded his head, still lost in her chest.
Miss Greene stood up, pulling him by the hands with her. She pulled her skirt up and gracefully pulled her nylons down, never breaking eye contact with her student. Adam gulped. His teacher sat on her desk, spreading her legs so she could push the tiny piece of fabric she called panties aside. Adam blatantly stared at her pussy. It was shortly trimmed, showing her woman-ness, unlike the waxed girls in the videos. Her fingers appeared, automatically finding a spot near the top.
“This is the clit. The most important part on a woman when it comes to pleasuring her. For me, at least.” She grabbed his hand, pulled him close to her, and brought his fingers to this magical spot. “Feel that? That’s what you’re looking for.”
She let Adam feel around, exploring for the first time. She slipped his fingers between her bulging labia lips, finding her to be very wet. He found the opening of her pussy, prodded a bit, but was too shy to push his fingers in. Finally, he went back to the clit, getting a feel for it. He whipped his school tie over his shoulder and rolled up his shirt sleeves.
“Mmmm, yes, right there. You’re such a good boy.”
He looked up to find Miss Greene leaning back on her arms, head tilted up and eyes closed. Feeling ready, he squatted down into her chair so his head was level with her warmth. He brought his face up to her clit, smelling her sweetness. He hesitantly stuck out his tongue and licked her. Once at first, and then again, and again, picking up speed. He heard moans and squeals at times, trying to decipher directions from her reactions. He just wanted to please her like she had done for him.
“Right there. Gently, it’s quite sensitive down there. Mmmm, Oh Adam, yes. Yes. Like that.”
She, too, found herself grabbing the back on his head, playing with his hazelnut hair, just long enough for her to grab onto. He lapped at her pussy, prodding, circling, trying different things. He noticed the best reactions were when he went back to her clit like she had said.
“When you decide… you’re done teasing a woman… you want to become consistent in your motion… Steady until she cums…” she said between deep breaths and moans. Adam took that as a sign she wanted to climax. He went back to licking her clit, trying his best to repeat the motion the same every time at a steady beat. It seemed to work; Before long, she was panting louder and louder.
“Holy shit, don’t stop. Oh my God, Adam, don’t stop!” She was yelling, yet still whispering. I guess they still had to worry about the janitor. He kept going, one hand playing with her boob, the other had slid down to his erect manhood and he was rubbing himself, unable to contain his excitement.
Miss Greene went really quiet and still. For a moment, Adam wasn’t sure whether to continue or stop, so he kept going. Good thing he did, because before long his teacher’s back slowly arched as she let out a long moan unlike any he’d heard as of yet. He tugged at himself more quickly now, entranced by what he was seeing. The woman of his dreams was shaking in pleasure, and it was because of him. He started moaning as he got closer to cumming again. Miss Greene realized what was happening and groggily pushed herself up and off the desk, got to her knees and took his dick in her mouth once more. She licked the tip of him, circling gently, making Adam’s knees buckle, only to suddenly swallow him whole and slowly bob her head back and forth while one hand held his ass and the other played with his balls. She was looking up at him with those green eyes. She built up speed and Adam, more rough with confidence this time, grabbed the back of her head with both hands, pumping into her mouth this time with anticipated release.
“Fuck. Fuck. Miss Greene…”
And with as much virility as before, he pumped his cum into her mouth, sighing loudly. She licked him up clean and stood back up. They kissed some more, this time more tenderly, with satisfied contentment. They put back their body parts into their clothing, giggling a little. Adam was worried he’d feel awkward, doing something so personal, and adult like, but it felt natural and good.
“Do you think you’ll be able to concentrate in class now that you don’t have to daydream anymore?” she asked with a smile as she buttoned her blouse.
“Um, maybe. Are… Does this mean… Can we be together? Or… was this just the one time?” He asked nervously. Miss Greene finished pulling up her nylons and stepped up to him, bringing a hand up to caress his face.
“I really like you, Adam. You make me feel special… something I haven’t felt in a long time. We really shouldn’t be doing this, I could go to jail and lose my job. But I trust you. The Adam I’ve gotten to know tells me you’re trustworthy. If you promise not to tell a soul, not even to write it down in a journal, we can keep seeing each other, be together.” Their hands were intertwined now.
“I promise, I would never do anything to hurt you, I won’t tell anyone. I just want to be with you.”
“That makes me so happy, Adam. I’ll see you tomorrow after school then for our tutoring? We should probably actually get some work done.” They both laughed and kissed some more. Adam was over the moon.
“I’ll be there.”
To be continued…