Mind Fuck

"The games we play..."

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“Bye,” I whispered through the crack of the door just before it clicked shut.


I threw the hotel latch and strode back into my room. What the hell was his name? Matt. Mike! Mark?


Whatever. I shrugged to myself. Means to an end.


Leaning over the suitcase rack, I rummaged through my overnight bag for my vibrator. My reflection grinned back at me from the full-length mirror when my hand gripped its Sturdy shaft. I was quite the mess: my chocolate bob dishevelled; mascara streaked; and the lipstick all but kissed from my lips.


“Perfect,” I told myself as I straightened, smoothing the hem of my pink tee down over my navel. It was another couple of inches to my black lace panties, just how my husband liked it.


The tickle of cum that began to leak from between my legs snapped me back into the moment. Hobbling over to the desk as I clenched my pelvic floor, I tossed my vibrator onto the bed, the fuchsia toy tumbling on the white sheet like a dirty little gymnast. I crouched over my iPad and triple-tapped it with three fingers to deactivate the screen curtain, revealing the camera was still recording.


I considered a second, my lips parting in an impish grin. What the hell? Leaving the video running, I unplugged the charger and carried my iPad over to the bed, propping it up on its case just short of the wet spot on the left. It had a good front-facing angle on the top half of the mattress on the other side. Quickly gathering up the pillows from the floor, I piled them up against the timber headboard.


“Oh!” I inhaled in sudden recollection. I bounced back over to the desk and snatched up my phone. As I sat down on the bed, I text my daughter, ‘You going to be up for a bit? I just wanted to talk to Adam first. XX’


Her reply came back a few seconds later with a string of emojis, most of which I didn’t understand. ‘All good. I’ll be up all night on my history assignment. We had dinner – yes, I ate something! Adam’s in his man cave. Love you.’


I huffed a laugh, dropping my phone down next to my iPad and shuffling back against the pillows. With my thoughts back on my husband, my tummy fluttered and my hands began to shake. It wasn’t until I caught my own preening gestures on the screen that I realised I was being silly.


But more pressing, the lighting was terrible. The warm glow of the lamp over my shoulder cast me in a dull silhouette, made all the worse by the contrast of my body against the white sheets. I switched off the bedside and flicked on the reading light mounted in the ceiling above my head. It was far too bright, and my insecurities ran rampant as my hands sub-consciously stroked my thighs.


I snorted a smile. What did Adam call it? My flawless imperfections.


God, I loved him.


Holding onto that thought, I took a deep breath in through my nose, held it a second, then slowly exhaled. It didn’t work. I was still wound up tight.


Fuck it. “Hey, Siri, FaceTime Adam.”


The synthesised ring tone only trilled once before my iPad chimed and my husband’s face filled the screen. I couldn’t help but giggle. He must have been sitting there on the edge of his seat all night, waiting for my call.


“Well, well, well,” he taunted with a grin, leaning back in his chair and pushing himself out from the desk so all but his lower legs came into frame. A white business shirt untucked over charcoal slacks, the top two buttons undone. His dark eyes flashed with menace as he took in my image. “Look what the cat dragged in.”


“Hi,” I breathed. I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks. My nipples puckered against the pink cotton, the perpetual feedback loop of the sensation spiralling in intensity until I thought my breasts would burst.


“You’ve been quite the tease now, haven’t you?”


“What do you mean?” I bit my bottom lip, my blush deepening.


He squinted at me for a long second. The silence drew out my heartbeat, quick and heavy. Then a twitch at the corner of his mouth before he leaned forward to grab something from the desk. Leaning back with his phone, he read from the screen, “’Just going to have a quick drink with a guy I met at the conference. Call you after. XX.’”


“It was just a drink.” I couldn’t help but smile. I fiddled with the neck of my t-shirt, making sure my wrist squeezed against my breast. “It was the least I could do. He was so nice to walk me back to the hotel after dinner.”


“Hmm,” he responded, his attention returning to his phone. “’The bar’s really crowded.’”


“It was,” I agreed. I lifted my knee closest to the camera, rubbing my thighs together as I did. My skin was slick, all the hotter for the lack of friction.


“’We can’t get a table…’” He looked up at me, his eyes boring into mine from half a country away.


“Uh-huh.” I could hear my breath shaking.


“’We’re just going to go up to my room. XX.’” He laid the phone on his thigh and raised an eyebrow.


“It’s okay for a married woman to invite a man up to her hotel room, isn’t it?” I fluttered my eyelashes before tracing my fingertip across my nipple. “Especially when he was so nice to me.”


Adam’s hand slowly slid in under the hem of his shirt.


“You don’t mind, do you?” I cooed. “It would have been rude not to.”


He gasped, his hand clearly in motion in his lap.


“You don’t want your wife to be rude?” I tweaked my stiff buds through my tee.


“No,” he groaned. “That wouldn’t be very friendly.”


“You want me to be friendly, right?” I lifted my chin, cupping my breasts with both hands.


“Just how friendly were you?” His whole arm twitched in a long, patient cadence.


I couldn’t catch the giggle. I looked away and buried my face into my shoulder, my hands dropping to my lap.


“Well?” His tone was firm but playful.


I flexed my arms, pushing my breasts together. My fingers slid through the spreading glaze on my inner thighs as my hands burrowed between my legs. “Oh, Sweety,” I breathed, “I was so nice to him. You would have been so happy.”


Adam rolled his head back with a groan. His shirt lifted slightly, revealing his pants were undone. He was fisting his gorgeous cock, the shaft glistening from between his fingers.


“Oh, Adam,” I moaned, reaching out for my vibrator. “Is it turning you on hearing how friendly I was tonight? It’s okay it was with another man, isn’t it?”


“What did you do?” His voice was ragged.


“I was just so lonely,” I whined, bringing the head of my toy to my lips. “And he was really nice to me.”


“What the fuck did you do!” he growled through clenched teeth.


“Oh, Sweety…” I slid the imitation penis into my mouth.


“Oh, my God!” Adam panted, his eyes closing while he processed what was happening. “Did you suck his cock?”


I slipped the fuchsia shaft from my lips, making sure he could see my tongue looping around the head. “Is that what you want to hear? You want me to tell you I sucked his cock?”


“Did you?” he gasped.


Planting a wet kiss on the tip, I winked at the iPad.


“Get your fuckin’ panties off!” he barked, wrenching at the buttons of his shirt with his free hand.


The moan that escaped my lips came from deep within my stomach. The thought of how badly he wanted me right then was almost too much.


Still holding the vibrator, I hooked my panties at the hips and tugged them down. Getting the band of black lace to my knees, I lifted one foot out, pointing my toes as I did. I left them dangling from my other leg like a naughty little anklet as I opened myself to the iPad’s camera.


“Oh, God!” he moaned. “I can see how wet you are. You’re so fucking gorgeous, Emily.”


I fed the vibrator into my snooch, hiding the evidence of my earlier dalliance. Wet was one thing, cum was entirely another. The difference between fantasy and reality, and it was all the sweeter for the tease.


Adam reached for something off camera, his phone slipping from his lap and thudding on the floor. He leaned back in his chair, holding a small bundle over his nose and mouth. The rhythm of his other hand didn’t falter a beat.


“And just what have you got there?” I giggled, twisting the base of my vibrator to start that delicious buzz. Another moan escaped, the ache inside me spreading wonderfully. “Is that a pair of my dirty panties?”


He inhaled deeply, his dark eyes glinting mischievously over the top of his prize. “Not exactly.”


I squinted at the screen, my blood flushing hot before my eyes could confirm what I already knew. The bundled panties in his hand were white, covered in little red hearts.


They weren’t mine.


It wasn’t like we hadn’t played this particular game before. In fact, it had been me who had first taunted him with a pair of my daughter’s panties when it had been her week at her father’s. Hell, I’d even squeezed myself into one of her school uniforms for a spanking and subsequent pounding that had left me limping for days.


But I had been there, and she hadn’t.


What the fuck had I done? Please tell me I haven’t just left the fox in the henhouse.


Despite myself, the torrent of lust surging through me washed away all sense and reason. Almost like an out of body experience, I heard myself mewling, “Oh, have you been a wicked stepfather, have you? A naughty little panty raid of Tash’s dirty clothes basket, huh?”


“No, actually,” he said, lowering her panties to his lap. “I got them from our bedroom.”


“Huh?” Another searing flush coursed through me.


“Interesting story,” he teased, sitting up straight. “I came home early today. I was actually going to get a pair of yours and rub one out. You know, hold myself over for the hell you were going to put me through tonight?


“But when I got home, I found Tash on our bed, naked. She was grunting like a stuck pig, almost crying.”


“Oh, my God! Was she okay?” I flipped forward onto my front, my nose inches away from the screen. The wet spot on the sheet was ice-cold against my tummy.


He chuckled. “Oh, yeah. She was fine.” He lifted her panties to his nose for another sniff. “That hornbag daughter of yours had snuck into our room after school to play with your toy collection.”


“Oh, did she now?” I giggled, burying my hand beneath myself to twist up the power on the vibrator still inside me. “Naughty.”


“Yeah,” he said. Adam’s pace on his cock had slowed, but I could see him twisting firmly at the head on the upswing. “Seems she was a little intimidated by the ten-inch tooth chipper you left behind though. So she’d got a hold of your clit vibe. You know, the little one that looks like a tube of lipstick?” He held his thumb and forefinger a couple of inches apart, Tash’s panties still balled up in his remaining fingers.


“Yeah?” I grinned, my eyelids getting heavy with the pleasure swelling in my core.


“Yeah. Well, it turns out she didn’t know what she was doing.” He paused, seemingly enjoying the recollection. “She drove that thing home.”


“She put it inside?” I balked, bearing down on the vibrator in my own pussy.


“Uh-huh. And she lost her grip on it.” Adam’s pace picked up again.


“Oh, no!” I gasped.


“Yep,” he smirked. “That little fucker had been drilling her for over an hour before I got home.”


“Oh, poor baby,” I clucked, imagining the string of forced orgasms that had terrorised my sixteen-year-old daughter all afternoon. “Did you help her?”


Adam gave me the most devilish Cheshire grin I’d ever seen. Another scorching wave poured through me. What the fuck was going on?


I caught a glimpse of myself on the iPad: a glassy-eyed stare; my mouth hanging open. My laboured breath was fogging the other side of the screen.


It was too much.


“Did you put your fingers inside her?” I croaked.


“I had to, Baby,” he explained with a groan. “There was no other way to get it out.”


My husband had his fingers inside someone else’s vagina!


“She was so tight,” he panted. He was furiously jacking his cock. “And it was so deep. It took me forever to get a grip on it. She kept twitching and writhing around. I had to hold her down to keep her still.”


“Oh, God! Did she come?” I couldn’t help myself. The inner conflict was tearing me apart.


“Like I’ve never seen before.” A tone of awe filled his voice. “Emily, you should have seen her. You would have been so proud.”


I cried out with my release, no longer able to hold back the tide. I bucked and seized. I lost all control. I was swamped by an explosion of tingling numbness.


Adam’s orgasm followed straight after, ropes of cum striping his chest in the blur of my iPad. His groans were animalistic; feral.


I dropped my face to the bed, breathing heavily into the mattress. A whirlwind of emotions tore through me. Regaining my head in the come down, I reached out of frame for my phone and text Tash to check she was all right.


A chime from the iPad speaker drew my attention. Adam’s eyes darted off to the side. He smiled, then looked back into the camera. “Don’t worry. She’s fine.”


My heart skipped a beat. She wasn’t in the room with him, was she?


My phone beeped with an incoming text. It was Tash. She sent me the secret codeword only she and I knew to let me know she was okay.


Hang on a minute…


“Hurry home, Sweetheart,” Adam teased, another grin splitting his face. “I can’t wait to hear about your trip.”




The screen chimed out.




Thank you for reading my story. I hope you enjoyed it. Please vote and leave a comment.


Published 5 years ago

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