Milord – Chapter 8

"Sophia is punished and shows her gratitude"

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“How’s that graphic novel idea coming along?” Sophia asked, pouring Micah another cup of coffee.

It was a beautiful Saturday morning and they were taking breakfast on the back screened in porch. Sophia was boarding only two dogs who were happily soaking up the sun next to her herb garden.

“Slowly,” Micah answered. “It’s a big expense with having to hire artists and editors, but the company has agreed to do some product testing on the idea. Right now we’re just waiting for some results. Which reminds me, I have to go out of town Wednesday through Friday.”

“What? When did you find this out? Why are you just now telling me?” Sophia demanded, slamming her mug down hard enough to slosh coffee over the rim.

“Hey there now. Calm down. I just found out yesterday,” Micah said.

“Then you should have told me yesterday, Micah! I swear, sometimes you are just so inconsiderate!”

“You need to take it down a notch, Sophia. I was going to, but we were a little distracted if you recall,” he answered calmly.

“Sure. You had plenty of time to have the sex you wanted but no time to let me know you were leaving?”

“That’s it,” Micah said sternly as he pushed his chair back. “Stand up and take off your clothing. You’re getting spanked.”

“What? No! I won’t do it!”

Sophia pouted, but looking at Micah’s stern countenance, she knew she’d crossed a line. Slowly, she stood. Even more slowly she pulled the dress, her only piece of clothing, over her head.

“Good. Now before we begin, why are you being punished?” he asked.

Sophia sighed and rolled her eyes.

“Keep it up, young lady. You’re making it worse for yourself.”

Sophia licked her suddenly dry lips and said, “Because I was rude.”


“Because I overreacted and called you ‘inconsiderate.’”

“That’s right. Now, come here. Get into position,” Micah ordered and patted his lap.

Sophia drug her feet, but eventually lay sprawled over his legs. She braced her hands on the floor.

Micah began with even, steady spanks, scolding her for her rash words. Soon, his words began to penetrate her mind and she started to sob. He was right. Last night had been busy, and she had wanted sex as much if not more than Micah. He had, after all, told her several days in advance. In the past, he wouldn’t even have thought to tell her until the night before or perhaps even the morning of! The fact that he had told her this early was a sign of how he was also changing, and for the better.


Micah’s hand paused and he turned her over, cradling her in his arms. “Shrimp” was the word they used to signal a pause during any scene.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, concern lacing his voice. “Am I hurting?”

“I’m wrong, Milord. What I said was wrong,” she admitted. “I’m so sorry for being such a bitch. I deserve, no, I need you to punish me when I behave like that. I just wanted to say that before things progressed too far.”

“Ah, Sophia, I love you,” he answered, hugging her tightly.

“I love you, too, but now’s not the time to go soft,” she whispered.

Micah grinned, then said, “You are correct, young lady. Now, shall we continue?”

By the time he finished, Sophia’s ass felt like it was on fire. Her conscience, however, was clear and her soul light. Micah held her until her sobs had subsided and her breathing was normal. He kissed her and murmured sweet words to her while a sense of calm and peace overtook her.

Sophia wiggled loose of his hold and slid gracefully to the floor, kneeling between his knees.

“You do have time for me to thank you, don’t you?” she asked provocatively.

“Always,” he answered.

Carefully, she unzipped his trousers, freeing his rock-hard cock. She lapped up the droplets of pre-cum from his crown before sliding her lips over him and easing her mouth downward. The head touched the back of her throat and she gagged. Still, she held his cock in place until her throat adjusted, then pushed down a bit farther.

“So good,” Micah murmured.

Emboldened, Sophia gently massaged his balls as she sucked deeply, pressing her tongue against his length. She felt herself grow soft and wet and wanted nothing more than to finger herself to orgasm, but this wasn’t about her. This was about him. This was about making sure Milord knew she not only accepted her punishment but had learned from it. This was about assuring him that her love and respect for him and his control over her was given freely and gratefully.

“Jesus!” he shouted as thick strings of hot cream shot down her throat. She worked quickly to swallow all of it and when the spurts slowed, she pulled away slowly, making sure to lick every last drop.

Micah reached down to lift her up only to lay her on the table, her legs splayed wide. The moment his tongue touched her clit, she exploded, thrashing her arms and knocking a coffee mug to the ground. He sucked on her clit and plunged two fingers deep inside of her. Reds and purples skyrocketed behind her closed eyes and she screamed his name. Only after she came back to earth did he sit back, a very satisfied look on his face.

“You’ve made me late for work,” he stated, a wide smile spreading across his face. “Maybe I’ll have to give you another spanking tonight?”

She looked at him, giggled, and answered, “As you will it, Milord, let it be so.”

Published 2 years ago

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