MILF Ridden Hard on a Cattle Drive – Part 1

"My husband and I go on a cattle drive for vacation, and I become a willing cum dump for the cowboys."

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It’s been almost a year now since our fateful vacation in Wyoming, where I became a fuck slut on a cattle drive, and my husband, Jason, became my eager, cuckold. That vacation came at a time of great stress for Jason, due to problems with his business, and our dude ranch experience was intended to be a stress relief for both of us. Jason is the CEO of an oil and gas exploration company headquartered in Denver, Colorado, and declining energy prices were a drain on profitability, and causing operational inefficiencies.

We were both forty years old at the time of our trip, and our sixteen-year-old son was staying with close family friends for the week. For obvious reasons, I won’t tell you the name of the ranch we went to, or the real names of the people we met there. The ranch is close enough to Denver that we decided to drive up, instead of taking the company’s helicopter, because we also wanted to enjoy the road trip, and visit other points of interest along the way. Our trip was in the late spring, and we would be driving a herd to a pasture at a higher elevation for the summer.

My name is Joan, and Jason and I had a decent love life for most of our marriage, at least until the stress of his job took its toll. He’s handsome, six feet tall and weighs one hundred and eighty-five pounds. He is usually able to satisfy me with his five-inch dick, especially since he also loves to eat me out, both before and after we fuck. Although, I must admit that I have happy memories of the bigger cocks I fucked in college, before I met Jason. He likes it when I sometimes compare his dick to those other cocks, but I don’t ever try to ridicule him about the differences.

Jason is still smitten with me after all the years we have been married, and he likes it when I show off and attract the attention of other men. I’m five feet and six inches tall, and weigh one hundred and thirty pounds, with shoulder-length, natural-warm-blonde hair, and dazzling, jade-green eyes. My breasts are 34DDs, and my ass is heart-shaped and full. Overall, I am curvy, which complements my flirty personality, and many people think I look a little like the actress Blake Lively.

The vacation was a full seven days, where we spent the first day at the ranch, relaxing, getting outfitted with tack and riding gear, and being taught to ride the horses, if we needed it. Then we were on the trail for four days, driving one hundred head of cattle forty miles to a new pasture area. We left the pasture in the early morning of the sixth day, for the ride back to the ranch. The last day was spent relaxing at the ranch and doing other things that I’ll explain later.

Day One – Introductions

We arrived at the ranch early on the first day, after having stayed overnight at a motel in the foothills near there, and were met by Jan and Keith, the sixty-five-year-old owners of the ranch. We were in one of two groups, who would be making cattle drives to different locations. Our group was being led by one of the foremen, named Clint, and there was also the chuck wagon driver and cook, named Hector, who is Mexican and looked like he was in his early-fifties. In addition to Jason and me, there were three middle-aged men, named Brian, Seth, and Joel, who were the paying participants on the cattle drive. I found out later that it was unusual for women to go on those types of drives.

Jan introduced us to Clint and the rest of our group, and I was totally smitten by Clint. He was in his late-forties, looked to be six feet and three inches tall, and is muscular, and lanky as you would expect for a man who does ranch work outdoors. He is ruggedly handsome, with a sun-weathered face, and his overall rugged appearance reminds me of the Marlboro Man, from those old cigarette commercials. He also looks a little like the character, Curly, who was played by the actor Jack Palance in the movie, ‘City Slickers’.

Clint is the real deal as far as cowboys are concerned, and I had a kind of primal, animal attraction to him from the first moment we met. He is also a little scary, and his strength and no-nonsense approach to life are apparent. He is a soft-spoken man of few words, and I had the feeling that it would not be a good idea for anyone to challenge his authority on the cattle drive.

We were given a tour of the ranch, and although Clint is very polite, he and the other men couldn’t keep their eyes off me. I was wearing skintight jeans and a tucked in, fitted, half-way unbuttoned western shirt with no bra that showed off my big, jiggling breasts.

Jason and I were already accomplished at riding horses. So, after selecting and getting acquainted with our horses, and getting the necessary tack, we rode around in the corral for a while to get the horses accustomed to us. Then we lay out by the pool and watched while the other three men got focused riding instructions from Clint and Hector.

Day Two – First Day on the Trail

The sun was just coming up as we finished breakfast and left the ranch the next morning, and it was funny watching the other three guests struggling to get comfortable on their horses. Hector was driving the chuck wagon behind the herd, and Clint spent the first few hours working with us five guests, positioning us around the cattle, and giving us specific instructions on how to accomplish our roles as cowboys, without spooking the herd. We were all wearing long johns under our clothes, to ward off the chilly air, but I had my blouse and long johns top partially unbuttoned to show off my pendulous breasts.

We stopped for lunch at high noon, and took turns keeping the cattle together as Hector fed us a great lunch. The cattle drive was advertised as being an authentic re-creation of the old West cattle drives. Although our food was prepared over the camp fire, we were being fed better food than the old-time cowboys. We expected that, given the cost for the week. We would also be using sleeping bags under the stars, instead of bed rolls, and that was good given the chilly nights at higher elevations.

The rest of our day went very well, and all of us guests were doing a pretty good job herding the cattle and rounding up strays from time to time. As the afternoon progressed, it was obvious that Clint was spending more time talking to and working with me than was necessary. I think that was in no small part due to him wanting to watch my big breasts bounce, sway, and jiggle from the movements of the horse.

As we approached late afternoon, and the sun was getting low in the sky, we arrived at our planned campsite for the night. We drove the cattle into a narrow box canyon and set up our camp at the mouth of the canyon, which is narrow enough that we were able to completely rope off the entrance. That would allow us to easily keep the cattle contained and protected from predators, with a lot less need for us cowboys to watch over them all night.

I buttoned up my long johns and blouse as the sun fell behind the mountains, and the night air became very chilly. Hector was soon cooking our dinner of steak and beans, and we sat around the campfire enjoying our meal and talking about our day. We drank water and coffee with dinner, but afterwards, whiskey was provided. Drinking wasn’t usually allowed on cattle drives in the Old West, but it was provided for us as a way to relax after a hard day in the saddle.

Everyone sat around the fire sipping their whiskey, and after we were all well-lubricated, Clint and Hector took turns telling stories for our entertainment, describing life in the Old West. The men were all sitting in folding chairs, and I was sitting on a blanket on the ground, leaning back between Jason’s legs.

Hector had just finished telling a story about some cowboys who went into a cowtown for female companionship in the old days, when Brian said, “You know, Clint, I’ve seen plenty of movies showing how cowboys unwind in those old cowtowns, but what did they do for relief on those long cattle drives and on the ranches, where there weren’t any women available close by? I mean, was there anything going on like in that ‘Brokeback Mountain’ movie?”

Clint stared at Brian for a few seconds, as if he was deciding if or how to respond. Then he said, in his soft voice, “Well, I’ve done plenty of reading, and there are a lot of things I could tell you about the old days. But I don’t think it would be too polite to talk about it in front of a pretty lady like Joan. Those were tough times, and in many places, there was only one woman for about every eight men, or even fewer. So, the men got their relief, as best they could.”

The way I was leaning back against Jason, I felt his dick getting stiff and poking against my back. It was like he was anticipating some erotic comments, and I also wanted to hear more. So, I spoke up to assuage Clint’s concerns, and said, “I really appreciate your politeness, Clint, but I’m a married woman with a teenage son, and I don’t think there’s much you could say that would shock me. This sounds interesting, so please tell us more.”

The other men seemed happy that I capitulated, and it looked like Clint was blushing as he replied, “Well, okay, mam, but if it gets uncomfortable for you, just say the word and I’ll stop. Most people haven’t heard too much about this, and most probably don’t want to know.”

He paused for a few moments, and then said, “As I mentioned before, there were very few women in the Old West as it was, and they were mostly in the towns, or married women on the ranches. There weren’t any women on the cattle drives back then, and even today it’s a little unusual to have a lady like Joan on these dude ranch cattle drives, given the harshness of the terrain and the lack of facilities.”

“Some of the larger cattle drives might have ten or more cowboys, a cook, a foreman, and a horse wrangler to take care of the spare horses. They sometimes had as many as three thousand head of cattle and were on the trail for over two months at a time.”

“The thing a lot of people don’t realize is that many of the cowboys on those drives were teenagers, sixteen years old and older, and they were heavily exploited and usually brutally treated, at least until they matured or managed to get a gun. They were not only used as disposable and cheap labor, but also for sexual release by the older and stronger men.”

“The adult men used the scarcity of women as an excuse to establish homosexual relationships on the trail, and even back in the bunkhouses at the ranches. That’s really not that much different than what happens in prisons today. This is like the big dirty secret of the Old West, even though there are many hints for those who are paying attention.”

“There are pictures of men dancing with boys and descriptions of multiple men sleeping in single beds. You’ve probably all heard the old jokes about taking turns in the barrel, or even old songs that give young men women’s names. Now, I don’t think there was much romantic love going on like in that movie you mentioned, but I can tell you that the men found relief with those teenagers and even other grown men.”

At that point Joel spoke up and asked, “I hate to seem dense, but what is taking a turn in the barrel all about?”

Clint glanced nervously over at me before responding, “Don’t feel too bad about that, Joel, it’s probably to your credit that you’ve never heard of it. The cooks always had big barrels of provisions on the chuck wagons, and when they were empty, the men would sometimes place them a little outside the camp. They’d cut a hole in the barrel, at the height of the men’s genitals. Then, the boy taking his turn in the barrel; well, let’s just say that he used his mouth to take care of any men who stuck their manhood in the hole. I guess they were trying to make it anonymous or something, but it would be pretty easy to see which boy was missing from the group using the barrel on any given day.”

I had never heard of taking a turn in the barrel either, and I was getting turned on visualizing those boys sucking off all the other men’s cocks. I had sure sucked a lot of cock and swallowed a lot of cum in college, and my pussy was getting wet just thinking about it. It felt like Jason’s cock was fully hard against my back, and I noticed that Hector and the other three guests were trying to covertly adjust their crotches.

Everyone was quiet for a few seconds, and Clint continued, “So back in those days, it wasn’t unusual for a man and a boy, or even two men, to share a bedroll, and it was easy to justify while trying to sleep on those cold nights. There was probably a lot of sucking going on, and no doubt the boys were used as women in other ways too.”

“Those men didn’t think of themselves as homosexuals; they were just compensating for the reality of not having any women available, and not trying to theorize too much about it. For them, sex was sex, no matter who their partner was, and the homosexual acts rarely interfered with heterosexual relationships when they were available. In fact, most of those men were deeply homophobic, and didn’t display the physical manifestations and other affections we see among gays in urban settings today.

Everyone was quiet again for a few moments before Seth spoke up and asked, “If sexual interaction was such a big deal to those cowboys, why didn’t they recruit women to go on the cattle drives with them?”

Clint looked at me briefly before saying, “As I explained earlier, the conditions were very harsh on the trail, and there just weren’t that many women available to draw from. But if they had managed to pull that off, she would have been one very busy lady. The cowboys would probably have been fighting over her the whole time anyway. It was probably more efficient to have the ladies in the cowtowns.”

“There were some cowtowns along the trails, but most of the cowboys went to town after they got the cattle to the railhead. That’s when they were paid, and many of the men would get their haircut, shave, bathe, and spend their time in the bars and whorehouses. That’s really the genesis for many western towns, and the women in the bars provided some needed relaxation to the men after many weeks on the trail.”

“Most of the big cattle drives ended in the late-1890s, but there were still smaller cattle drives at least into the 1940s, prior to the development of the cattle truck. I was born in the late-1960s, so I never got to experience the Old West first-hand. That’s why I enjoy working for Jan and Keith and helping people like you get at least a little taste of those glory days.”

Brian seemed to be in deep thought, before he said, “I realize, Clint, that you didn’t get to experience the heyday of the cattle drives, but there must be some similarities to what cowboys do today. I mean, both you and Hector live in that bunkhouse with several other ranch hands, and there isn’t a decent-sized city anywhere close where you could find women. Plus, you spend your time on these short cattle drives, with mostly men guests. So, don’t some of those same dynamics exist today?”

Clint stared into the fire, looking more and more irritated. Then he glanced at me, catching my eye, before turning to Brian and replying, “You’re getting a might personal now, Brian. I guess you could find almost any type of behavior in each group of men, but I don’t think it’s right to talk about that right now. Don’t worry about me; I take care of business when the need arises, and I know that Hector does too.”

His response left a lot to the imagination, and I was becoming very curious about what might be going on in the bunkhouse, and in particular how Clint ‘took care of business when he needed to’.

Everyone was quiet for a minute or so, and Clint said, “We best be getting some sleep. We’ve got another long day on the trail tomorrow, and it’s getting late.”

The other guests laid out their sleeping bags near the fire, but Jason rolled ours out a little farther out in the shadows. I knew that he was planning on having sex with me after all that stimulating conversation. Hector arranged his bedding under the wagon, and Clint moved even farther back, by some rocks on a small knoll, probably so he would have a good vantage point for looking over the camp and cattle during the night.

Jason and I stripped down to our long johns before slipping into our double sleeping bag, and he immediately began to kiss me and fondle my breasts. I was concerned at first that the men would see our movements or hear the rustling of the sleeping bag, but Jason wasn’t concerned about that. He had a stiff dick that needed relief, and it didn’t take him long to pull down his bottoms, while I pulled down mine, and he was soon on top fucking me under the beautiful, moonlit sky.

He ejaculated in me much quicker than usual, no doubt because of all the stimulating conversation, but I wasn’t even close to having my orgasm. So, when he pulled out, I whispered in his ear, “You better get down there and finish what you started. Come on, honey, you can’t leave me hanging like this, and you know how much you love to suck my just-fucked pussy.”

Jason turned around in a kind of scrunched up, sideways sixty-nine, with his mouth sucking my pussy, as he pressed his slimy dick to my face. I couldn’t see if any of the other men were watching us, since my face was buried in Jason’s crotch. But with his legs hanging partially out of the sleeping bag, and all our movement, I guessed that we were putting on quite a show for the men. That really brought out the exhibitionist in me.

He sucked my pussy and swollen clit for about ten minutes, until I squeezed his head between my legs, and had a massive orgasm, just as he fed me his second load. That was the best sex we had had in months, and I had Clint’s comments to thank for it. Jason turned back around and spooned in behind me, and we were warm and toasty in the sleeping bag.

After the long, tiring day on the trail, the whiskey, and then having sex, I was totally exhausted. I must have drifted off to sleep for a few minutes, and when I opened my eyes, I looked up on the little knoll, and saw Clint standing there, silhouetted by the bright moon. It looked like he was also wearing just his long johns, and I could hardly believe it when he pulled out his cock and began pissing. We were about thirty feet from him, and although I couldn’t see his cock clearly, I could tell that it was a thick and impressive piece of man meat.

I heard his piss hitting the ground, and when he finished, and shook his cock to get rid of the remaining drops, I was getting turned on watching his cock sway and bob over his big balls. I don’t think he could see my face in the shadows, but I could have sworn that he looked my way and smiled as he tucked his cock back inside his long johns.

Day Three – First Day Alone with the Men

We got up before daybreak and had a great breakfast prepared by Hector, and most everyone was quiet. I couldn’t tell if it was because of the drinking from the night before, or if the men had watched Jason and me fucking, and they were even more attracted to me. After a couple of cups of coffee and some bacon and eggs, the sun was coming up and we hit the trail again, having an uneventful morning before stopping for lunch.

Hector had just finished packing up the wagon, and we were getting ready to hit the trail, when we heard a helicopter approaching from the direction of the ranch. Clint got on his horse and galloped out to wave the chopper down, before it got too close and spooked the cattle. It turned out that it was Jason’s company’s helicopter, and Ernesto, one of his vice president’s, who just happens to be Mexican, came walking back to our camp site with Clint to talk to Jason.

Ernesto took Jason aside and said, “I’m really sorry to interrupt your vacation, Jason, but we’ve got a company emergency, and I couldn’t reach you on your cell phone way out here. We had an explosion at one of our drilling sites, and four men were injured, two of them seriously. We need you to come back to Denver to direct our media efforts, console the families, and help us determine what steps to take with our partially destroyed drilling rig. We should be able to wrap-up your part in those efforts by sometime tomorrow, and then we can fly you back out here to rejoin your group.”

Jason was almost in tears as he responded, “Damn, Ernesto, that’s just terrible, and of course I’ll go back with you. What do you think, Clint, will you and our group be okay without me for the next twenty-four hours or so?”

I spoke up before Clint could answer, and said, “I really think that I should come too, Jason, but that would leave our group short-handed. Will it be okay with you if I stayed on the drive?”

Clint spoke up and said, “Well, Jason, it will sure be a lot easier if Joan stays with us, but we can make do somehow if you think she should go with you. Why don’t you and Joan work that out, and then we can get back on the trail.”

Jason took us out of earshot of the others and said, “I really think it’s best if you stay on the drive, honey, but are you sure you’ll be okay out here, the only woman with two rugged cowboys and three other men? I mean, after the conversation last night, and then hearing or even seeing us in action, they’re sure to have sex on their minds.”

Then he smiled as he continued, “I know how flirty you can be sometimes too, and I’ve seen the way Clint and the other men are always gawking at you. And, you have to admit being attracted to Clint. Almost anything could happen if those men, and you, get carried away with the drinking and telling arousing stories tonight.”

Jason was pointing out the obvious, more than being upset, and he didn’t seem to be overly concerned about me being with the men. He always teases me when men flirt with me anyway. I think it bolsters his ego to have such an attractive wife.

So, I thought I would test the waters and tease him a little, by saying, “You’ve always seemed to like it when men take notice of me, so you shouldn’t really mind me being around five horny men like this. And damn, honey, that Clint really is one hell of a man and very attractive to me, but he’s been a perfect gentleman so far.”

I paused for a few seconds to decide if I wanted to tell him about watching Clint piss, and then decided to go ahead. We were standing with my back to the other men, so I reached down and rubbed Jason’s dick as I continued, “I got an even better look at him last night, after you went to sleep. He was turned sideways up on that knoll, with the moon behind him, and I watched the silhouette of him holding and shaking his big, thick cock. I mean damn, honey, he puts most of those college boys I’ve told you about to shame.”

Jason was obviously preoccupied with the explosion, but I was sure that I felt his dick flex when I mentioned Clint’s big cock. He didn’t say anything to dissuade me, and just smiled and gave me a kiss before saying, “Okay, honey, I know that you can take of yourself, so try to have fun and I can hopefully get back by tomorrow afternoon sometime.”

Clint led Jason and Ernesto back to the helicopter, and we continued our cattle drive to another box canyon at the end of the day. Jan and Keith had done good job organizing the cattle drives so we ended up at safe grazing areas for the cattle on each night’s stops. With Jason temporarily out of the picture, it was clear to me that the men had seen and heard Jason and me the previous night, given the way they had been whispering to one another. It was like they were waiting for something else to happen.

I had pretty much put the thoughts of the previous night out of my head as we worked the cattle and rounded up strays, but after the camp was set up again, I couldn’t help thinking about Clint’s stories, seeing him piss the night before, and wondering what this night without Jason might have in store for me.

We were just finishing another great dinner, when a dry storm front moved through. The temperature dropped about ten degrees, as we moved in closer to the campfire and began drinking whiskey. Clint and Hector answered our questions from the day, and then told a few more stories. As you might expect, the men were asking more questions about the sexual habits of Old West cowboys.

Brian had been drinking more heavily than the rest of us, and during a lull in the conversation, he said, “Seth’s question last night about having women on the cattle drives seems to be more relevant now. I mean shit, after hearing and watching Jason and Joan go at it last night, I can see what Clint was saying about the men fighting over women if they were on the drives. I know that they’re married, but you guys have to admit to thinking that you’d want a turn in Joan’s saddle too. And now, since Jason isn’t here, maybe she’d like to….”

Brian’s voice trailed off in a drunken stupor before he could finish his comment, but it was clear to everyone what he was going to say. Clint saw where things were heading and wanted to stop any trouble before it started, by saying, “Okay, simmer down, Brian, and the rest of you take it easy too. Whatever Joan and Jason do is their business, and she’s the only one who can decide whether anything else happens.”

Then Clint smiled at the three men and said, “We probably should be getting some sleep, and you boys might what to double or triple up in your sleeping bags. It’s going to be quite a bit colder than last night, and you can help keep each other warm. But you’d better not bother Joan.”

The other men started putting their sleeping bags together, and Hector rearranged the wagon, so he could sleep in there. I laid out my sleeping bag closer to the campfire than the previous night. Clint was going to go back between some trees on a small hill.

On the way past me, he leaned down and whispered in his soft voice, “It’s going to be pretty cold tonight, Joan. If you get chilled, you can always come up and share my sleeping bag with me.”

I was surprised at Clint’s offer, and he certainly wasn’t shy about approaching me. I had to consider that very carefully, though, since I knew if I went to him, he would assume that I wanted to have sex with him. I knew myself well enough to know that I wouldn’t be able to resist fucking him either. I stayed in my sleeping bag for the next hour, tossing and turning due to the dropping temperature, and then decided to go to Clint.

Clint didn’t seem that surprised when I walked up to him. He was still awake and staring up at the stars, when I said, “It’s really getting cold, Clint, and I’d like to take you up on your offer.”

I was wearing my long johns, and I saw that he was wearing his too, as he unzipped his double sleeping bag. He was on his side and I lay on my side in front of him, which put us into a spooning position.

He was quiet for a few minutes, and then he leaned close to my ear and whispered, “I’m sure happy that you joined me, Joan. As we discussed by the campfire, a cowboy’s life can be very lonely sometimes. It was hard watching you and Jason last night, and I noticed you looking at me too.”

He wasn’t fully pressed up against me, and I didn’t respond verbally as I reached back, took his hand, and pulled it down to my stomach. That gave him the hint that it was okay to pull in closer to me, and I felt the big lump of his hardening cock pressing against my ass. I moved my ass against his cock, and at the same time, I pulled his hand up to my breasts. He started rubbing my tits and unbuttoning my long johns top, as I moved my hand back between us to rub his cock.

His cock felt huge in my hand, and I unbuttoned his long johns’ pants, as I twisted around to face him. I began stroking his bare cock, which felt like it’s uncircumcised, very thick, about nine inches long, and his balls ware the size of lemons.

I briefly kissed his lips and then said, “My goodness, Clint. Your cock looked big in the moonlight last night, but I had no idea it was this big of a lady pleaser.”

Clint quietly moaned as I stroked his rock-hard cock, and then he said, “I told you that I took care of business when I needed to, and I sure do need to right now. You are an amazingly beautiful and voluptuous woman, and I consider it a privilege to be with you like this.”

He then leaned down to suck my breasts, as I rolled onto my back and pulled him on top of me. My hairy, fat-lipped vulva was wet with desire as his big cock head gently slipped inside of me. It had been almost twenty years since I had experienced a cock that large, and it was stretching my pussy in a most pleasurable way. He took it slowly until he bottomed out in me, with his massive balls resting on my ass, and then he began to stroke me hard and fast.

I was having one orgasm after the other on his huge cock, and he quit sucking my breasts to kiss me passionately. He took a few more strokes, and then we moaned into one another’s mouths as his big cock throbbed and pulsed as he filled my womb with his cum. He continued to slowly stroke me as his cock softened, and our kiss became more and more fervent.

We finally broke the kiss, and Clint said, “I have to tell you that I don’t go down on a pussy after I’ve fucked it, the way your husband did for you last night, but I’d sure appreciate it if you’d clean me up with your mouth. When you’re finished, I’ll tell you how you can get cleaned up too.”

I twisted around in the sleeping bag and took his oozing, soft cock into my mouth. I loved sucking his thick meat, and the feeling of the foreskin sliding back and forth. I sucked his cock for longer than needed to clean it, and then sucked on his big balls until he pushed my away.

We snuggled after I turned around, but he wouldn’t kiss me after sucking his slimy cock. He was casually rubbing my ass and tits, and I was fondling his cock as he said, “That was a fantastic fuck, Joan, and I’d like to share you with my good friend, Hector. We always like to share the women we are with on these rare occasions on the trail or in the bunkhouse, and he doesn’t mind at all sucking a pussy after I’ve fucked it.”

“Hector will be able to satisfy you too, since he lives up to his nickname, El Toro. Just get your long johns on and go down to the wagon. I’m sure that he saw you come up here, and he’ll be expecting you. Depending on when Jason returns, I’m going to want some more turns with you too.”

In less than an hour, I had gone from being a faithful wife, to a slut being shared with strangers. I loved fucking Clint, though, and I wanted another big cock in my cunt. And Jason’s casual attitude about me being alone with five horny men almost seemed like an endorsement to have fun with them. I got dressed and quietly walked down the hill to the wagon, being careful not to wake the other three men.

Hector was sitting up with his sleeping bag unzipped when I peeked into the wagon. He held out his hand to me and whispered, “Come on up, pretty lady, and let’s see what Clint did to you.”

There were no pretenses or niceties as Hector lay back and pulled me on top of him in the sixty-nine position. He quickly unbuttoned my bottoms, as I unbuttoned his, and I was staring at the biggest cock I had ever seen. It wasn’t even fully hard yet, but his uncircumcised meat was ten inches long and as thick as a beer can, with huge balls the size of plums hanging down. The surface is kind of gnarly, being covered with thick veins, and I took his oozing cock head into my mouth, just as he began sucking Clint’s splooge out of my just-fucked pussy. 

His was the first brown cock I had ever sucked, and I had to struggle to get my mouth over the head and down part of his thick, throbbing shaft. After he had sucked me clean, we changed positions, so he could fuck me, as he unbuttoned my top to suck my breasts.

He began pushing the thick head of his fully hard, eleven-inch cock into my wet pussy as he said, “I’ll take it easy at first, Joan, since not many women can handle El Toro’s thick fuck meat.”

He slowly pushed into me, one inch at a time, and although it was uncomfortable at first, I was soon orgasming on his thick cock, that was pressing against my G-spot. His cock bottomed out with about nine inches in me, and Hector said, “Put your legs around my ass and swivel your hips. I’d like to see if you’re one of the rare women who can take all of me. I’d love having my cock buried to the balls in a sweet pussy like yours.”

I did as Hector suggested, and he was stroking me harder at the same time. In just a few minutes I felt my uterus shift, and he had his massive cock in me to his balls. He was a wild man after that, fucking me so hard that the wagon was rocking and squeaking, and I was having continuous orgasms. He fucked me that way for over five minutes, and he finally ejaculated in the depths of his pussy, with his cock pulsing and jumping with every squirt.

After fucking me for another few minutes with his softening cock, he pulled out with a loud, slurping plop, and immediately turned around to suck my pussy clean, as I sucked his cock and balls clean.

When we were finished sucking one another clean, I said, “You know, Hector, my husband likes to go down on me after we fuck, like you did just now, but I was surprised that you were willing to clean me up after Clint fucked me. What’s that all about?”

He smiled and responded, “Well, just like what Clint told the group about how some cowboys take care of each other, I’ve been taking care of his needs for years. He’s too macho to return the favor, but after sucking his cock for so many years, it didn’t seem like a big deal to clean up women after he fucked them. And I’d much rather be doing that than just sucking him. And seeing how your hubby eats his own cum, it wouldn’t take much for him to eat other men’s fuck juices as well.”

We fucked and sucked one another again before going to sleep, and it really felt strange to be kissing and making love with a Mexican man in his fifties. When it was all over, I realized that I was yearning for more sex. I stayed in the wagon with Hector until just before he got the other men up, when I went back to my sleeping bag. Everyone was quiet when we were eating breakfast, and I had to wonder if the other three men had seen or heard what went on the night before.

Day Four – Second Day Alone with the Men, After Becoming a Fuck Slut

I was tired from the lack of sleep and fucking Clint and Hector the night before, but I tried my best to do my job. Clint and Hector both smiled at me whenever we were together. I wondered how things would go when Jason returned, but he hadn’t returned by lunch. Then, as the afternoon wore on, it was becoming clear that he wasn’t going to make it back that day, and I had no way to contact him. One good thing was that it had warmed up since that front passed through, and it wouldn’t be as cold that night.

We set up camp in another box canyon, and the conversation got interesting following dinner, after we all had a few drinks. Seth was the brave one again to speak up and say, “You know, Joan, it was one thing for you and Jason to have sex, since you’re married, but another for you to be with Clint and Hector last night. My buddies and I could sure use some relief too, after all we’ve heard and seen on this trip. What do you say, sweetie, are you up for fun with all of us tonight?”

Clint looked like he was irritated and was getting up to say something, when I held up my hand and interrupted him saying, “That’s okay, Clint, I don’t mind answering him.”

Then I looked at Seth and said, “I really enjoyed last night with Clint and Hector. That’s mainly because they have sizeable packages to satisfy me with; much bigger and thicker than my husband’s. If I’m going to cheat on my husband with even more men, then their meat has to be bigger than his is. Let’s see what you guys have to offer me.”

Everyone was quiet, and the tension was building, until Seth, who was the drunkest, found the courage to stand up and drop his pants. He is an average looking man, kind of a soft business type like his friends, and I was surprised when he showed us his soft, thick, five-inch cock that I guessed would be about seven inches long on hard. Then Brian and Joel stood up and did the same. Brian’s cock was already hard and looked to be thick and about six inches long. Joel is the least manly looking of the group, and I was pleasantly surprised that he has a cock maybe just a little smaller than Clint’s.

I decided to have a little fun and I got up and walked in front of each of the men, looking at and feeling their cocks get hard as I fondled them. Then I sat back down and said to the group, “Okay, men, all of you are bigger than Jason. I don’t want you guys to think that I’m a whore or anything, but I think that I’d enjoy fucking all of you. Let’s open a couple of sleeping bags near the campfire and get started. I’d like Clint to go first since he probably wouldn’t want to take sloppy seconds, and then Hector can clean me up.”

The men quickly laid out the sleeping bags, and I stripped down to my long johns before stretching out there. The heat radiating from the campfire felt good, so I unbuttoned and spread the top, exposing my pendulous breasts, and then I unbuttoned and removed my bottoms. The men stared and let out an audible sign when they saw my big breasts swaying and jiggling, and all of them got undressed too.

Clint wasted no time in pulling down his pants and underwear and moving between my legs, and the three men looked on with envy as his big cock and balls swung between his legs. His cock was hard as he pushed into my waiting, wet pussy, and he leaned down to suck my tits as he pounded my cunt.

He lasted about ten minutes that night, since he had relieved some of his sexual tension by fucking me the night before, and I was moaning and gasping on my third orgasm as his cock throbbed, and I felt his cum load shooting into my pussy. The other three men looked on in amazement as Hector moved between my legs, and sucked my pussy clean, while Clint got on his knees by my head, so I could suck his cock clean.

The three men were looking at me when Hector pulled away, and I nodded at them and said, “You boys better go before Hector, because I might not be able to feel you inside of me after he fucks me again with his massive cock.”

I think just being able to see, fondle, and suck my big tits would have been enough for those men, and Brian and Joel lay down on either side of me to suck my breasts, as Seth began fucking me. His cock felt good in my pussy, but he didn’t last very long, due to all the excitement of the last two days, and he ejaculated after only about three minutes. Then the other two men took their turns in my pussy and sucking my breasts, without cleaning me in between fucks.

Hector took off his clothes and moved back down to clean my cum-soaked pussy, and the other men were gawking at his massive cock and balls. Hector fucked me for about ten minutes, as I thrashed under him and got every inch of his cock inside of me. He cleaned me with his mouth after he ejaculated inside of me, and I cleaned his massive meat.

I don’t want to bore you by describing the three times those men fucked me, with resting and more drinking in between. At the end of it all, Clint said, “Let’s heat up some water so you can wash up. We can’t have you going to bed like this with Jason possibly coming back tomorrow. And besides, I want you to sleep with me tonight, and I might just have to fuck you one more time.”

Clint did fuck me one more time that night, and he called Hector over to clean me up. Then I used some more of the warm water to clean my pussy again, and we all went to sleep.

Day Five – Jason Returns in Mid-Morning

The men were very deferential to me at breakfast the next day, and I think they had a kind of respect for me being able to take on all of them several times. My pussy was a little sore, in a very pleasurable way from all the fucking, and I wondered if I would be able to fuck all of them again after Jason returned. I decided that I would find a way to tell him the truth about what happened, and to see if he wanted to participate that night.

It was about mid-morning when we heard the helicopter approaching, and I rode out to meet it with Jason’s horse in tow. He apologized that it took him two days to handle the explosion situation, and I let him know that all of us understood.

Jason noticed that I was sitting a little gingerly in the saddle, and he asked, “What’s going on, honey? You look like you might be in a little pain.”

I just laughed and said, “After four days in the saddle, I am a little sore, but nothing to worry about.”

Jason got reacquainted with the group for a few minutes, and then we continued our push to reach the high pasture by the end of the day. We did stop for another one of Hector’s great lunches, and Jason noticed that something was different about the way I was interacting with the other men.

He waited until we were on the trail again and riding out of earshot of the others, when he asked, “What happened when I was gone, honey? The men seem to be acting differently around you. I don’t know, maybe much more familiar than before.”

I knew that was the perfect time to confess, and I had tears in my eyes as I responded, “I’m so sorry honey, but it just sort of happened. It was really cold the night before last, and Clint invited me to double up with him in his sleeping bag, the way the other men were doing. I felt his big, soft cock pressing against my ass, and I couldn’t stop thinking about seeing him the previous night.”

Jason’s mouth was hanging open until he interrupted and asked, “Holy shit, Joan, you actually got into the sleeping bag with Clint? My goodness, honey, what were you thinking?”

I wiped away a tear with my gloved hand and responded, “Before you left to go back to Denver, I told you about seeing his cock and teased you about being attracted to him. You didn’t really have much of a reaction, so what was I to think?”

He looked a little irritated and answered, “Damn, baby, I had the explosion on my mind, and I guess I wasn’t really focusing on our conversation. But go on, tell me what happened.”

I was sobbing as I said, “I’m sorry, honey, I know it was wrong, but I initiated things by pulling his hand to my breasts and rubbing his cock. And my goodness, honey, what a big cock his has. I lost control and he not only sucked my breasts, but he fucked me. I’ve told you before about the boys I fucked in college, and it felt so good to have a big cock in me again. I had orgasm after orgasm with him fucking me.”

Jason had reached down to rub his crotch when I was telling him everything, and I knew that it was turning him on, at least a little. I continued and told him about Hector’s massive cock and fucking him, as well as how he cleaned my pussy of Clint’s cum.

I knew that was the moment of truth of how angry he would be with me. He looked at me and said, “I know that I should be mad as hell, but it actually arouses me thinking about you fucking those big-cocked men. But more must have happened, the way the other men are looking at you.”

He sat in the saddle with his mouth hanging open again as I described every detail of what happened the previous night, when I fucked all those men multiple times. Then he said, “Holy shit, Joan, you were nothing more than a whore for those men, and I didn’t even get to see it happen. No wonder you’re sitting so carefully in the saddle. Are you going to be up for fucking them again tonight?”

I was amazed at how well he was taking the news, and surprised that he was implying that I should fuck them again that night. I said, “I hope this doesn’t upset you, honey, but I would definitely like to fuck them again and again. I haven’t had that much fun since college, and I love their big cocks. No offense, baby, but all of their cocks are bigger than yours, particularly Clint’s and Hector’s.”

Jason was quiet for a few seconds and then said, “I’d love to watch them fucking you, but I do worry about what they will think of me. After all, what kind of man willingly surrenders his beautiful wife to five men to fuck? And again, they must think of you as horny fucking whore.”

I responded, “Yeah, I know, it does make me feel kind of naughty and used, but I’m also using them. And it’s hard to explain, but being used that way, and treated like a whore would have been in the Old West, is a big turn-on for me. All those men, and especially Clint and Hector, are horny as fuck, and they were enthusiastic as hell at giving me good fucks. I mean, who gives a shit what they think of us? We’ll never see any of them again, unless we come back here next year.”

Jason thought for a minute and said, “Okay, honey, if you’re sure about this. I’ll make it look like I’m drinking more heavily than I really am after dinner tonight and pretend to be very inebriated. Then I’ll slur my words while asking about the previous conversation where Clint was talking about women on cattle drives. That way, it won’t be so embarrassing for me if things get started. I can blame my acquiescence on being drunk, at least until we see how it’s going to play out.”

I think at this point it would be good for Jason to finish the story, so you can get his perspective on his on fantasies and desires, and so he can write what he observes as I fuck those five men again and again.

See Part 2 where Jason shows his bisexual traits and becomes my enthusiastic and willing cuckold. I fuck all the men in our group numerous times, as well as the men from the other group back at the ranch.












Published 8 years ago

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