Mile High Club in a Balloon

"A couple takes an erotic balloon ride and invites the pilot to join in their sexual adventure."

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Mile High Club in a Balloon

The morning air was cool but not cold.  The summer heat would come later today, but for now it was just right.  Just a touch of dew sparkled on the grassy in the park and there was a slight haze in the air.  To the east the rocky crest of the Sandia Mountains was just getting touched by the first rays of sunrise.  The sunrays streamed between the peaks like a Japanese fan. The moment was picture perfect. Then the sound of the gas engine of the inflation fan broke the peaceful silence of the morning. Silky nylon fabric billowed in the rush of air as the envelope began to fill and the balloon came to life.  This will be our first balloon ride and hopefully an experience we will cherish for life. 

We had booked the flight the day before and Jack, the pilot, had told us that we would need to start early because the winds are calmer just after sunrise and the cooler air makes the balloon fly better.  We hadn’t gotten much sleep at the hotel the night before.  In anticipation of our great adventure, we had a long night of lovemaking. So, bleary-eyed and still a little fuzzy in the head, we had headed out in the dark morning to have our first hot air balloon ride.   A friend of ours had recommended Jack when she heard we wanted to take a balloon ride during our stay in Albuquerque.  We knew that Albuquerque, New Mexico was the ‘Ballooning Capital of the World’ and we just couldn’t pass up an opportunity to fly there.  Our friend and her husband had flown with Jack before so they knew he was a really fun person and, more importantly, a safe and experienced pilot.  They also told us that he takes ‘special requests’ for an extra bit of excitement.  If we wanted to, we could join the ‘Mile High Club’ during the flight.  Sue and I have experimented with swinging and she is somewhat of an exhibitionist, so having sex in front of a stranger didn’t bother us. We didn’t even have to think about it.  Yeah … Let’s do it!

We immediately contacted Jack and made the arrangements for our flight. We met Jack and the chase crew at a park in the west side of town and he gave us a safety briefing telling us what to expect, what to do and what not to do or touch.  Ballooning is a very safe form of flying but it does have its dangers and risks.  Jack made sure we were informed of those and fully understood how to stay safe.  He blended serious instructions with corny jokes and his style really put us at ease about the flight. The sly grin on his face told us that he was looking forward to our extra special adventure.

The crew was well experienced and everyone had jumped right in.  Everything was unloaded from the trailer and laid out on the grass. The basket was quickly hooked to the envelope’s cables and the burners were attached to the frame above the basket. Jack asked me if I want to help and I enthusiastically volunteered. I was assigned the job of helping to hold the throat of the balloon open so the air from the big gas engine fan could fill the balloon. Another crew member was assigned to hold the other side of the throat open.  Jack told Sue to just walk around and take pictures while he did, “all my important pilot stuff”.  It seemed to take just a few minutes until the balloon was fully inflated but still lying horizontal on the ground.  Jack then gave me some final instructions on how to hold the suspension cables and fabric out of the way and where to stand and then he lit the burners.  At first, it was just a small pilot light, then after assuring the other crewman and I were clear …….. WHOOOOOOOSHH!!  Jack pulled a lever and a huge tongue of flame shot into the envelope.  The blast of heat hit me and I had to turn my face away.  Jack hit the burners several more times and the hot air made the envelope start to lift off the ground.  He told us to let go of the cables and I stood back. A crewmember turned the fan off and pulled it out of the way.  It was marvelous watching this huge thing rise up.  After a few more blasts of the burner, the balloon was standing straight up and the shiny fabric seemed to sparkle in the morning light.   It was huge! The balloon towered over 70 feet tall and was 55 feet in diameter. 

Jack hollered, “Weigh on!” The three crew members grabbed the basket and held it steady as it tried to lift off the ground in the gentle breeze. Then he looked at Sue and me, winked and said, “Ballooning is like group sex. We can’t get it up without a little help from our friends.” There was that grin again.

Jack told us to just help the crew hold down the basket while he did some ‘housekeeping’, as he put it.  He plugged in the flight instruments, checked the radio, mounted the GPS receiver and tucked loose items away. Then he told us to hop in the basket. There was a foothole step in the side of the wicker basket and we grabbed the metal uprights to climb over the side.  Jack said that there was no graceful way of getting in and we didn’t prove him wrong.  He got us situated in the basket and briefed us on where to hold on and what not to touch. He also told us how to stand during take-offs and landings with our legs apart and knees flexed.  Most importantly, he told us not to fall out. Well, Duh!  But he explained that the landing could be kind of hard and the basket may tip over. So we had to make sure we stayed in the basket and not get tossed out. I put that little bit of advice firmly in my mind for future reference! Then we were ready to go.  Although we were told to hold on to the rope handles with both hands, Sue had one arm wrapped around my waist in death grip.  With a few more long blasts of the burner and shouted commands to the crew to ‘weigh off’, we slowly left the ground. 

We didn’t know what to expect but I could not have imagined how smooth the take off was.  It didn’t even feel like we were going up.  It seemed that the ground was just dropping away below us.  Jack continued to hit the burner and we rose up pretty rapidly.   The burner is so powerful that it does not have to left on continuously. Jack just used short blasts between longer periods of quiet.  In fact, most of the time it was eerily quiet.  You could hear birds singing, people talking and dogs barking on the ground.  It was amazing.  We had been told that once we were in the air, the basket would be very stable and we could let go of the handholds if we wanted to.  So, after a bit, I wrapped my arms around Sue and hugged her tight while she took more pictures.  I looked up and the colors of the balloon’s envelope were awesome.  The low sunrays shining through the side made the fabric glow like a stained glass window. This was better than I could ever have dreamed. 

Then I remembered the other part of our flight.  I looked at Jack and, grinning of course, he gave me a wink.  Guessing what was on my mind he told us, “Well … we are about 2000 feet above the ground and still rising.” He gave the burner another long blast.  “No one can see what we’re doing, so if you guys what to have some extra fun you can start anytime.”  

Sue put the camera away, turned toward me and we kissed lightly.  Then again, long and deep.  Jack had moved into a corner and was concentrating on the balloon … or least that’s what he appeared to be doing.  While we kissed, my hands found their way to Sue’s breasts.  Anticipating our extra activity, we had dressed simply in clothes we can easily remove. She was wearing a t-shirt, khaki shorts, panties, bra and sneakers.  I only had on shorts, t-shirt, briefs and sneakers.   I could feel her nipples stiffen under the fabric as I rubbed them. Sue still seemed a little nervous and her nails were digging into my back. 

We continued to kiss and fondle and Jack announced, “We are passing 3000 feet up.”  

We broke our kiss and looked around.  “Oh my God!”  We exclaimed in unison.

What a view!  We were high above the Rio Grande valley over the outskirts of Albuquerque.  Now that we were above the haze, the mountains were so clear they seemed to be right next to us even though they were actually many miles away.  I stole a look at Jack and he still had that sly grin on his face.  He was really enjoying his job.  As he hit the burners again, Sue and I kissed again.  This time, she let go of her death grip on me and moved a hand around to my cock.  Needless to say, I was already hard and my shorts were bulging. I had been rubbing it against her for a while now and I´m glad she finally got the hint.  She stroked my cock through my shorts and then worked it until it was poking out the leg hole.  She squeezed it tight and a moan escaped my lips.  I’m sure it was loud enough for Jack to hear.  He was still grinning.   I ran my hands up both sides of Sue’s body under her shirt and squeezed her breasts.  Both nipples where stiff and erect as I pinched them through her silky bra.  I don´t know if it was because of the cool air or the excitement of the balloon ride, but I didn´t care at this point.  I was just happy to feel those big hard nipples. I pinched them harder and it was her turn to moan.    

With this being our first ever balloon ride and our first ever sexual encounter in a balloon; I was really unsure of myself. I felt Sue’s hesitancy also.  The basket is only about three and a half feet wide by about four feet long.  The padded rim is just up to my stomach. There are two vertical propane tanks in opposite corners. Jack was squeezed into the space between a tank and a corner. We obviously couldn’t lie down to fuck. I finally looked over at Jack and asked him, “So, just how do we go about this?” 

He replied, “To start with, if it were me up here with that beautiful lady, I’d be naked by now.”

I’m surprised that I didn’t lose at least one article of clothing over the side as I stripped out of all my clothes.  Sue pulled her shirt and shorts off in a flash also.  The floor of the basket was soon littered with discarded clothing. My cock was hard and sticking straight out. I grabbed Sue again and we kissed.  She started stroking my cock as I unhooked her bra.  Her plump breasts swayed loose then she mashed them against my chest. 

Jack was grinning bigger as he took on the role of sex coach.  Then he said, “Now, it depends on what you want to do, but you’ll have to do it standing up.  Blow jobs are easy, you stand and she kneels down.  Or, you can kneel down, pick up one of her legs and eat her pussy”.  

Sue was grinning now as she broke our kiss and slowly licked and nibbled her way down until she was kneeling in front of me.  With her hands on my ass she sucked me into her mouth.  I looked around at the view and thought, “It just doesn’t get any better than this!  Way up high in a balloon with a beautiful lady sucking my cock.”

Jack’s grin was even bigger.  He announced that we were at 4000 feet above the ground.

Sue only had to suck me for just a couple of minutes before I was ready to cum.  But I didn’t want that so quickly so I reached down and lifted her up.  We kissed and I could taste my cock in her mouth. Then it was my turn to go down to my knees. On my way down I slid her wet panties off and they joined the pile of clothes.  As my face nuzzled between her thighs, she raised one leg up and rested it on a fuel tank. She looked at Jack questionably and he nodded that it was OK to do that.  That was great because I was already devouring her wet pussy.  I’ve never seen her so wet.  It seemed that I couldn’t lick her juices up fast enough.  I slid my hand up her leg and inserted my thumb into her slit. My index finger was right at her asshole so started lightly caressing it while my thumb stroking in and out of her pussy. My mouth and tongue continued sucking and licking her clit and, more quickly than she had ever climaxed before, she started cumming.  With one hand on Jack’s shoulder for balance, she grabbed the back of my head with her other hand and pressed my face hard into her slit.  I couldn’t breathe but I didn’t care.  I just kept licking and sucking her clit and pussy.  I was sure that people on the ground could hear her screams of ecstasy. Spasms engulfed her body and I had to help hold her up. Her supporting leg finally gave out under her and Jack and I both had to keep her from falling to the floor.  I think Jack got a nice feel of her tits in the process. His Cheshire Cat grin was getting bigger.

Like Denver, parts of Albuquerque are a mile high in elevation.  So, to get to a mile above the ground, we had to climb to over 10,000 feet above sea level.  As any pilot will tell you, the air starts to get thin up there.  At 12,000 feet, you should start seriously thinking about using oxygen.  The crest of the Sandia Mountains across the valley is 10,500 feet elevation and we were starting to see the plains of eastern New Mexico through the gaps between the peaks. My head was starting to spin.  I don’t know if it was the altitude or the activity … probably both. I’ve read that the first sign of altitude sickness, called hypoxia, is a feeling of euphoria. Well, I don’t know about all that technical stuff but I was feeling great!  Jack told us to look at the altimeter in the basket.  It read ‘10,600 feet’.  Wow! We were over a mile above the ground and over two miles above sea level. 

“It looks like you two are ready for the main event.” Then Jack pointed to the fuel tank next to him which was about three feet high with a wide, flat steel ring at the top.  Almost like a stool. “The best way to fuck up here is for Sue to lean forward over the tank and then you can fuck her from behind.”

This was really strange having someone coach me on how to fuck my girlfriend. But Sue had no problem taking his coaching and eagerly leaned forward over the tank. She rested her arms on the tank ring and put her chin on the padded rim of the basket.  She spread her legs as wide as the basket would allow and I entered her from behind.  Her pussy was wet, warm and seemed to suck me in. She moaned and bit down on the padding.  I started making long, slow stokes in and out of her pussy enjoying every bit of this exquisite moment. 

I looked up at Jack and he was obviously enjoying the moment also because the bulge in his pants was very obvious.  Sue was right next to him and her shoulder was rubbing on his side with every thrust I made. She had let go of the tank and wrapped an arm around his with her face nuzzled into his shoulder.  That grin was getter bigger and wider.  Sue then reached up to him, pulled his face down and planted a big wet kiss on his mouth.  He didn’t resist. Then her hand dropped down and started rubbing the bulge in his pants.

Obviously, Sue wanted to get Jack involved so I asked, “Can you fly this thing and get a blow job at the same time?”  

His grin broke into a huge smile and he said, “Sure, we’re just cruising along now.  I only have to hit the burner every minute or so to maintain our altitude. I think I can multi-task here.” 

Sue didn’t take any extra coaxing.  As I pulled out of her pussy, she stood up and kissed Jack again full on the lips.  Their tongues intermingled and his hands caressed her breasts.  I wondered if he could taste my cock in her mouth.  The thought of that gave me a strange sensation.  Carefully, Jack sat up on the ring at the top of the fuel tank and leaned back against the metal upright of the basket frame.  From there he could still reach the burner handle and give it a blast every so often to keep the balloon hot.  He then helped Sue loosen his belt, unfasten his pants and unzip his zipper.  I think he’s done this before. Sue pulled out his erect cock and immediately slid her mouth down on it.  She rested her arms on his thighs as her mouth and hands worked up and down on his shaft.  Jack still had his heavy leather pilot gloves on. One hand was on the burner lever and the other on the back of Sue’s head.  Damn, the image of that leather glove guiding Sue´s head was so erotic. I made a mental note to get some of those.  Sue’s ass was sticking back out at me and I resumed fucking her again with long, slow strokes. 

The experience was almost more than I could handle.  My head was spinning, my cock was throbbing and my knees were weak.  The smile on Jack’s face had changed to an expression of glee.  Sue’s head was bobbing up and down on his cock and she was pushing her butt back into my thrusts.  Jack hit the burner and the extra heat made beads of sweat run down my face. Sue’s moans turned into screams as another orgasm engulfed her.  Her mouth came off Jack’s cock as spasms coursed through her body. Her hand was still squeezing his shaft and the head was bulging big and red.  I couldn’t hold back any longer and jets of hot cum shot into her pussy.  I could feel the warmth and extra lubrication it provided as I continued to fuck her. We stroked and thrust in unison as we climaxed together. Finally, as our spasms calmed down, she returned her attention to Jack’s cock and resumed sucking him. My cock was still hard enough for me to keep giving her those long deep thrusts she loves so much.  She sucked and stroked him rapidly now and he announced that he was going to cum.  Sue loves for me to cum in her mouth but she kind of surprised me when she stayed down on his cock continued jacking him furiously.  I increased my pumping speed taking advantage of the last vestiges of my hard-on. Jack moaned and jerked as his semen rushed into her mouth and down her throat.  My renewed efforts gave her another orgasm and I knew she was in Heaven. She continued to stoke and suck him, and I continued to pump her until both our cocks were depleted and finally went soft.  Sue gave Jack some extra attention to lick his cock and balls until she had cleaned up every hot milky drop.

It took a while for our breathing and heart rates came back down to a more normal level and I said, “Damn, that was something else, … Uhhhhh? … Jack?  Are you still flying?” 

He jerked out of his reverie and instinctively hit the burner.  He quickly looked at the altimeter and sighed with relief, “Uh, yeah, we’re fine … still flying nice and level”.  

Sue stood up and Jack slid off the tank.  She turned toward me and without warning, locked her lips to mine.  Her tongue entered my mouth, I could taste the remnants of Jack’s cum.  I had never tasted another man’s cum before and it gave me that strange sensation again.  I’m not bi or anything but surprisingly, I wasn’t repulsed by this.  It was strangely exciting. We just might need to look into this some more.

Well, all good things must come to an end and what goes up must come down.  We collected ourselves and got dressed while Jack concentrated on our descent back to earth.  Sue and I cuddled together as we were finally able to fully enjoy the scenery.  We descended more rapidly than we had gone up and all too soon we were just over the tree tops approaching an open field.  Jack again reminded us where to hold on and how to stand for the landing.  And to not fall out! He had called the chase crew on the radio and directed them to our landing site. They were there waiting on us.  I thought it would be bumpy but, with the help of the crew, he set it down softly in a clump of weeds next to a dirt road.  A couple more short blasts from the burner and the balloon rose back up a foot or so and the crew pulled us onto the road.  Jack made it look easy. With the crew holding us down, Jack told us we could get out. After we were once again standing on solid ground, Jack pulled a red rope and our beautiful balloon deflated to the ground along the dirt road. We helped the crew disassemble the balloon and pack it up.  We all climbed into the van and drove back to the park where we had started an hour and a half ago.

At the end of all balloon flights the tradition is to have a champagne toast to commemorate our experience. As we toasted each other with champagne in plastic cups, Jack recited the Balloonist’s Blessing:

The Winds have welcomed you with softness.
The Sun has blessed you with his warm hands.
You have flown so high and so well that God has joined you in your laughter and
He has set you gently back again into the loving arms of Mother Earth.

I don’t know if the crew knew what had happened up there but, if they did, they showed no sign of it.  I guess that just like Vegas, ‘what happens in the air… stays in the air!’ I shook hands with Jack and Sue hugged him and gave him a light ‘sisterly’ kiss. I gave Jack our phone number and email address and told him if he was ever in our area to look us up.  He grinned and winked and promised to do so. We said our goodbyes, got into our rental car and as we drove away, Jack waved to us with that now familiar sly grin on his face.

All I could think about was the old cliché, ‘It’s a tough job but somebody has to do it’. Why can’t I find a gig like that?  I was still only 10:00 in the morning and we still had some time before we had to check out of the hotel room. We hurried back for round two and started planning our next adventure. Maybe sex on roller coaster?  A train?  A plane? Skydiving…?

Published 15 years ago

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