Mike’s Sister And Mother Aid His Recovery

"After Mikes accident he recovers at home with the help of his Mother and Sister"

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Having just swallowed her son’s cum while he had his fingers in her pussy, and being watched by her daughter, Lucy needed to take stock of the situation.

“Not a word, either of you, until we are home.”

Mike and Helen just nodded. Fortunately, the doctor arrived shortly afterward. He explained that as Mike was young, he was healing well. The plan was to go for more x-rays and tests the following day, and as long as he had help, he would go home within a week.

Helen and Lucy discussed what Mike would need with the doctor and nurses, and they agreed that they could support Mike.

Mike’s x-rays revealed that his was healing well and that the frame on his left leg would replaced with a cast. This would enable him to start to put weight on his legs sooner.

During the next week, Lucy visited Mike daily, and Helen visited again. At the end of the week, Mike was ready to go home.

Dressed in a hospital gown, both his legs in plaster and his left arm in a sling, he was put into a wheelchair. A porter pushed him as far as the main door, and Helen took over while Lucy carried some cards and his personal items in a bag. They got to the car and opened the back door. Mike managed to get himself from the wheelchair to the back seat but could not move.

The situation ended with Helen behind Mike, trying to pull him without hurting his shoulder or ribs, and Lucy pushing his legs. The gown rode up completely to Mike’s hips, leaving him uncovered with Lucy’s head almost in his crotch as she held Mike’s legs. Lucy tried her best to not look, but her eyes were drawn to her son’s cock. She had a quick memory of his cock in her mouth and knew she wanted it again. Lucy managed to control her urge to move her head and pushed Mike into the car. Once he had his seatbelt fastened, Lucy drove them home.

Bob, Mike’s stepfather, had set up a bedroom downstairs. Lucy told Mike that Bob was away on business for the next few days. She did not tell Mike and Lucy that she knew Bob was having an affair with one of the regional managers.

Six months before Mike’s accident, Lucy returned from her job early and went upstairs to get changed. Mike was working in his office and did not hear her get home. As Bob was working, Lucy had kept quiet to not disturb him, but the office door was slightly ajar, and as she passed, she overheard Bob talking to a woman, making arrangements to meet her in a hotel near her store. She listened long enough to hear that she and Bob would share the room.

Lucy had suspected that Bob was unfaithful, but now it was confirmed. Lucy had confronted Bob. Bob tried to deny it, but once Lucy told him she had overheard the conversation, he admitted that he had been seeing the regional manager for a while. He tried to explain that it had never meant to happen, but they had both had too much to drink, and they ended up kissing each other.

They both had feelings for each other, and the affair started. Lucy told Bob that under no circumstances were Mike and Helen to be told, and they would sort the matter out over time. They would have separate beds for now, except when Mike or Helen stayed. From her first meeting with Bob, she had never looked or even thought about anyone else until now. But now, it was her own son who filled her mind.

Once they arrived home, Lucy and Helen had the fun of getting Mike out of the car and into the wheelchair. The wheelchair was too wide to fit through the front door, so Helen pushed him around the back of the house, through the patio doors, and into the living room.

Helen and Lucy rearranged the furniture so it would accommodate the wheelchair. The three of them were sitting having coffee when Ray arrived with Douglas, who was eighteen months old, and Steven, who was six months old.

Helen took Steven from Ray and sat him on her lap, then opened her top and breastfed him while Lucy, Ray, and Mike chatted over a drink. Mike was discrete enough to keep his eyes off Helen’s breasts except when he talked to her. Lucy made a meal for everyone. It was the first non-hospital food Mike had eaten in months. Steven was asleep in a portable crib and Douglas in a high chair, and they all ate at the table. They had another coffee before Steven woke up.

As it was getting quite late, Lucy and Helen helped Mike into bed so he could watch television. Helen and Ray left shortly afterward. Lucy washed up and then checked on Mike before she went to bed.

Mike watched television for a while, catching up on some of his favorite programs before he felt himself drifting off to sleep. Mike felt very uncomfortable in the night, as his gown had got all twisted. He managed to get the two bows undone and took it off. He had a makeshift support for his left arm to keep it elevated during the night.

Mike was woken by his mother, Lucy, coming into his room. She wore her usual nightie. It was white and almost transparent. She pulled back the duvet quickly and was shocked to find Mike naked. She looked down at Mike’s young body. Her eyes moved from his chest down to his legs, and pausing at the sight of his erect cock.

“This is going to have to stop, young man. Every time I see you, you point that thing to the sky.”

“Sorry, Mum, I can’t help it. It is the morning, and also, it is you.”

Mike blushed as he responded.

Lucy moved her hand over Mike’s chest.

“Do your ribs still hurt?”

“Only a little now, just more when I try to sit up.”

“Just lie back then.”

Lucy’s hand had been moving from Mike’s chest and was gripping his hard cock. Mike laid his head back against the pillow. Lucy moved closer to the bed, lowered her head, and kissed down Mike’s chest. As she leaned down, the back of her nightie rode up over her ass cheeks. Mike reached out with his right hand and ran his fingers up the insides of his mother’s thighs.

Unlike the hospital, this time, no panties were stopping his fingers from finding his mother’s wet pussy. Lucy’s legs were parted enough for Mike to rub Lucy’s pussy and slip his fingers in her as she had her mouth over his stiff cock. Lucy was sucking Mike’s cock up and down, her fingers wrapped tightly around the shaft. Lucy moaned as Mike’s fingers were going in and out of her pussy in time, with her mouth going up and down.

Suddenly, Lucy stopped. She pulled away from Mike. Mike was confused and was about to say something but stopped as Lucy pulled her nightie over her head. Standing naked in front of her son, Lucy looked at Mike.

“Mike, If this gets too painful, I will stop.”

Lucy moved to the side of the bed. Mike was still unsure what would happen until his mother climbed onto the bed. Facing Mike, Lucy put one leg on either side of Mike. Holding his stiff cock in her hand, Lucy lowered herself and felt Mike’s cock slide into her wet pussy. Mike’s and Lucy’s eyes were fixed on each other. Lucy lowered herself completely, her pussy filled Mike’s cock. Lucy leaned forward, her arms by Mike’s sides, and lifted her hips up and down. Mike let out a slight moan.

“You OK?” Lucy asked.

“Yes, it is fine. I love you so much, and it feels so good,” Mike answered.

Lucy began to speed up the movement of her hips. Mike started to move his hips in time with his mothers. He raised his right arm up and cupped Lucy’s left breast. His fingers teased her hard nipple. Lucy moaned in pleasure and threw her head back. It was the first time she had felt another person touch her in months. Lucy pressed harder against Mike’s hips with each downward movement. She felt her body start to tingle and felt the first waves of her orgasm began. She paused, with Mike’s cock buried inside her as she had her own orgasm. Mike’ felt Lucy’s pussy gripping his cock.

“Keep going, Mike. I need you.”

Mike lifted his hips as much as he could. Lucy started again to lift her hips. Any thought of pain had disappeared from Mike. Lucy quickened her pace once again, and Mike could feel himself starting to cum.

“I am going to cum,” Mike exclaimed.

“I know, do it.”

Within a few thrusts, Mike felt his cock harden and begin to unload his cum deep inside his mother. Lucy kept Mike’s cock in her pussy, and she felt each spurt of her son’s cock inside her. Lucy watched Mike’s face as he was cumming. She carefully leaned down and kissed him. They kissed as lovers and not as mother and son.

Lucy climbed back off Mike. Her pussy farted as she dismounted from Mike’s cock, spurting his cum onto the bedsheet. Lucy let out a little giggle.

“Oops. That always happens after great sex.”

Lucy bent down and picked up her nightie.

“Right, young man. I am going to get cleaned up and dressed. When I return, I will get you cleaned and out of bed. Those sheets need washing. I will bring you some shorts and a vest top, and then we can have breakfast and a chat.”

Lucy went back upstairs and got into the shower. As she washed herself, she thought of what she had just done. Instead of guilt, Lucy felt pleasure. She loved the feeling of Mike inside her. She knew it was wrong, but it felt so good to be loved again. She got dried and dressed. She wore a V-necked vest top, shorts, and a pair of open-toed sandals. She grabbed Mike a pair of shorts and a top and went downstairs to see him.

Lucy dropped Mike’s clothes in his room and went to get a cloth and a bowl of water. She returned and cleaned Mike’s face, chest, cock, and balls before she helped him dress. Mike managed to get himself into the wheelchair with assistance from Lucy. Lucy pushed him into the dining room and prepared breakfast in the kitchen.

The pair ate breakfast in almost total silence. When they had just had coffee, Lucy explained to Mike what had happened with Bob over the past few months. She told Mike that the morning’s event was what she had been missing and needed a release. She explained that although she loved Mike and knew it was wrong, Mike was the only person she needed.

Mike sat in silence, listening intently, and waited for the eventual ending, but was surprised when Lucy said it would not be the only time they would end up together, just not every day.

The sun was warming the dining room, so Lucy pushed Mike outside and parked his wheelchair on the patio. Mike had only been out a few minutes when his phone rang. He answered it and found it was his professor calling him. He asked how Mike was feeling and if it would be OK to see him explain what Mike needed to do to continue his course. Mike agreed and made arrangements for the professor to visit.

That evening, Bob returned from his meeting. The atmosphere in the house changed. Lucy was more reserved around Mike and changed her clothes to be less revealing. Bob asked Mike how his recovery was going, and he seemed interested, but Mike knew it was just to make conversation.

Over the next few days, Mike and Lucy got into a routine of getting in and out of bed without any assistance from Bob. Mike could feel that some strength was building up in his muscles. The professor’s visit went well. They had made arrangements for Mike to log into various lectures online and do his studies from home, and as long as his papers were completed on time, he would get the year’s credit.

After Mike had been home for three weeks, Lucy took him back to the hospital. They spent the morning at the hospital going between various departments, but eventually, Mike was seen by the surgeon, who explained that everything had healed. Still, Mike would need physiotherapy to build up the strength in his legs and start to walk again.

Mike was moved back into the hospital for a week. He spent the next six days with Cathy. Cathy was a caring yet tiring physiotherapist. She had Mike exhausted every evening from intense exercises, swimming, and stretches to improve Mike’s mobility. By the week’s end, Mike could walk almost unaided. He had regained the use of his left arm and started to improve its strength.

Cathy gave Mike a complete list of exercises to do at home, and she would see him once a week until she was satisfied with his progress.

Mike had a visit from the Police and the insurers. The Police explained that the car that hit him was being driven by a man who had failed to stop for them, and he was found to be over the drink-drive limit. The Police were charging him with several traffic offenses. The insurers had asked Mike for a statement. They explained that they had recovered the dash-cam from his car and also had footage from the Police cars, and it proved that Mike had done nothing wrong. His case and payout would be simple, but they just needed his statement. Mike asked what the likely payout would be and was shocked to find it would be about £250,000 due to the extent of his injuries.

When Lucy returned from work, Mike explained everything to his mother. Lucy was shocked by the amount the insurance company would pay Mike. Since Mike’s ability to get around by himself had improved, Lucy had gone back to work. She worked as a Financial Controller for a large, privately owned manufacturing company. Lucy had worked for the company for about ten years, and when the owner heard about Mike’s accident, he told Lucy to take as much time as she needed.

A few weeks later, Mike had written an application letter for a job close to Helen’s residence. It was approaching Easter, Bob had been away for a day, when Mike had a phone interview. He explained what had happened since he had qualified with his degree. They asked him to attend the company for a formal interview on the Wednesday before Easter. Mike borrowed his mother’s car, and although nervous, he soon gained confidence on the drive.

The interview went well, with the company telling Mike they would be in touch. As he was close to Helen’s, he drove to her house. He picked up Helen, Douglas, and Steven and returned home as they would be staying over Easter, and Ray would join them on Good Friday. Helen was kept busy as Douglas was walking and Steven was being weaned.

That evening, I sat around the table and had dinner. Lucy’s phone buzzed.

“That’s a text from Bob. He will be back tomorrow. A client is taking him out,” she told Mike and Helen.

The atmosphere changed from chatting to prolonged moments of silence. Once they had all finished, Lucy announced she was going to bed early as she had work the next day. Mike told Helen he was going to his room to look at some Lego models he had decided to collect. He was still on the computer an hour later when the door opened.

Helen had changed and wore a long, baggy T-shirt and sandals. She closed the door behind her.

“OK, what the fuck is going on?” She said.

“What?” Mike replied.

“After that text, Mum said Bob and not your Dad. Then, it went all quiet. You know something, don’t you?”

Mike told Helen to sit down. He told her everything about Bob and Lucy and even told her about the sex. Helen was shocked, not so much about the sex, but about Bob. Mike made Helen promise not to say anything to either Lucy or Bob. Helen agreed to not say anything. Mike had been facing her in his chair. Mike stood up to open the door behind Helen, but she turned around and put her arms around him.

They both looked at each other eyes before starting to kiss. The kiss intensified, and their tongues intertwined in each other’s mouths. Mike could use both hands, although his shoulder was still sore, and put them on Helen’s ass cheeks, pulling her towards him. Helen had one hand behind Mike’s head, holding him tight as they kissed. The other was inside the waistband of his shorts.

They separated from the kiss. Mike gripped the hem of Helen’s t-shirt, pulled it over her head, and then dropped it on the floor. Helen put her hands inside Mike’s shorts and pulled them down while Mike removed his shirt. They kissed again, the heat of their bodies growing. Mike used his right hand to tease Helen’s hard nipples against his chest, feeling his chest get wet from her milk, and then lowered his hand to Helen’s damp pussy. His fingers touched the short hairs that covered her mound and then slipped two fingers into her wet hole.

Helen had her hand around Mike’s cock. She stroked back and forth and could feel Mike’s precum leaking onto her stomach.

Helen pulled away. He climbed onto the bed and positioned herself on all fours with her ass over the edge of the bed, inviting. Mike held his cock and guided it into Helen’s pussy, slipping in with ease. He held Helen’s hips as he started to rock his hips back and forth. He was building up the speed and depth of his thrusts.

“Fuck me, fuck me hard,” Helen moaned.


Published 1 year ago

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