Oh my God, this is happening, Michaela thought. Rising on trembling legs, she looked back to Todd to see a strange smile on his face. It was teasing, daring, marveling, and exciting.
Standing before them, she wanted to say something, but nothing worthy came to mind. Whatever this was going to be was already moving, and Michaela was shocked at her eagerness to see where it flowed, even as she was intent on controlling it.
Pinching the hem of her T-shirt, Michaela lifted it off her body in one fluid motion, dropping it to the floor in a whisper of fabric. Taking a few steps, she oriented herself in the center of the room, the glow of the TV behind her, facing her three Bears with their wide eyes and open mouths. She suspected in some distant corner of her mind she may feel different about this later, but at this moment she felt like an erotic goddess.
Standing before them, she slipped her hands up her spine and unhooked her bra. It dropped from her breasts slowly, revealing her lush curves to their feasting eyes. Holding it out, she swung it so it fell at Pat’s feet. He picked it up. Michaela smiled at his bewildered expression, unsure what to do with it.
“Come on, boys,” she said. “This isn’t going to happen if I’m the only one getting naked.”
Todd, Pat, and Jamal stood as though the furniture was electrified. For a moment none moved. Pat looked to Jamal. Jamal looked to Todd. A heartbeat before the others, Todd tore off his shirt as though it was on fire. In a flash, his brothers followed like they were trying to win a quick-draw race.
Hands on her hips, Michaela slid her thumbs to hook the band of her skirt and panties at once. Before sliding them off, she stood, teasing her reveal. Her body swayed side to side, gazing at the mass of muscles revealed before her. Tossing their shirts aside, she enjoyed taking in their revealed forms.
Pat was first, new to her, and he was huge. He was taller, bigger, with a massive trunk holding him up. Michaela suspected he would become fat after leaving football, but right now he was a stone hard mountain of a man. His chest was massive, not quite as defined as Todd’s, and covered under swaths of black hair.
Todd, as she had already enjoyed, was what girls loved when they described a guy as cut. Every muscle stood out. He was tight, packed, and delicious. His smile, a tart mix of daring and gentleness, injected her with a final confidence. The last of her nerves fled.
Jamal was another revelation. Shorter than Todd and Pat, his body was less packed with muscles but held its own treasures. Every ounce of fat was burned off his coffee-colored skin. Even before his shorts came down, the sight of his thighs peeking out from under his basketball shorts made her mouth wet.
Seeing them bare to the waist, like three gladiators arrayed around her, made it difficult to think. Her heart pounded in her chest, from self-conscious thoughts, from a thirst to have them all, from the strange surprise of this fantasy coalescing out of an unplanned night.
Without another thought, she finally slid her thumbs down her hips, taking her skirt and panties to the floor. Hearing their involuntary groans of desire was a dream. Pat looked at her with a simple lust. Todd leaned back a bit, almost as if appreciating her anew as his friends saw the curves, lips, and wondered he had been enjoying alone for more than a year. Looking to Jamal, Michaela saw his head crooked to the side, an attempt at coolness in his expression, but his smile and the little marveling shake told her he was loving every inch of her. All she wore now was her black boots.
Looking to Pat, she arched her brow.
The room was filled with the light sounds of waistbands sliding on skin and strong men trying to control themselves. She looked to Todd, his familiar cock somehow looked new to her as it stood out proud, proportional and stirring from his heartbeat.
Looking to Pat, she couldn’t stop her mouth from gaping and her eyes flaring. He was bigger than she had ever seen in real life. His cock was just as large, round and thick as she could have hoped with a man of his wonderful size. It was so big it didn’t rise as high as Todd’s even though she could tell it was hard as a bat.
For a moment, she wondered how much was too much of a good thing. She had heard about men so large they hurt, but had never experienced it. There was a nervous, watery excitement in her pelvis. She finally gave his timid eyes an appreciative glance before looking to Jamal.
As cool as he tried to act, she could see his excitement. He was as hard as his teammates, with a cock similar to Todd’s, but on his smaller frame, it looked impressive and inviting. He winked at her as she caught his eye and she couldn’t help but giggle.
Between her thighs, she could feel her excitement. Shifting her weight, she could feel the silken difference in how her skin moved against itself when she was aroused. Wetness glossed her lips, inching down her thighs. It felt so lewd and so perfect.
There was a last moment of stillness before Todd stepped to her. Her breathing ramped up as her darkest, deepest fantasy commenced. He came to her from behind, the smooth skin of his cock pressing the curve of her ass, his hands on her shoulders. Breath, then lips, found her neck. Todd knew it drove her wild and now his kisses on her neck nearly took her ability to stand.
A breathy groan left her lips as she saw Pat coming to her from the right, Jamal from the left. In a moment her world had condensed to the warm column of air trapped between these three men with her at the center. As though with a mind of their own, her hands lifted to slide behind Jamal and Pat’s necks, fingers slid up into their hair, guiding them to her.
There was a jumble of electric sensations as their bodies first touched hers, firm ab muscles sliding over her soft skin, a hand on her hip squeezing, the hollow of a big, hard hand coming to hold her breast.
Her eyes closed at her first kiss with Pat. He was just as delightful as Todd, but in a different way. His lips were larger, plumper, softer and sweeter. Pat kissed her with a simple motion, quiet and almost chaste. The sensation was somehow more cute and endearing given the tumult of carnal attention she was taking. Feeling Todd’s kisses and nibbles on her neck and shoulder gave an amplifying sensation to it all.
After taking his kisses for long, exploring moments, she pulled back and turned to Jamal. His lips were not quite as soft as Pat’s, but even more full. She found her mouth opening hard against his, his tongue sliding into her with a roughness that was a vibrant, scintillating contrast to Pat’s softness. As Jamal kissed her, one hand on her hip, his other snaked up to feel her breast.
Michaela massaged the back of Pat’s neck as he watched Todd and Jamal on her, a silent communication she wanted to feel him still as Jamal’s kiss was more aggressive.
Realizing Jamal’s fingers were lifting her left breast while Pat closed her right in his enormous palm was a sensation unlike anything she had imagined. The tingles through her nerves prompted a long, animal groan in her throat.
For a moment it was too much to take. She broke her kiss from Jamal and craned her neck up. Eyes shut, Michaela let out a long moan. The pleasure was too much to feel in silence. The swirling sensations of three men on her at the same time soon melded from discrete feelings to one wonderful, consuming torrent.
I could enjoy this forever, she thought.
Her reverie was sharpened by fingers sliding up the cleft of her pussy to brush her clit. The gentle touch gave her a feeling so radiant she screamed in shock and delight.
The intensity of every light brush was disorienting. The taboo of feeling three men on her, mixed with the normal pleasures of yielding her body to a strong man, gave every motion a new fire. Every groan was followed by a shocked giggle.
Why is this so different, she wondered. Her every sense was set to a high and deliciously sensitive pitch. Every new moment was a revelation of lust. As her head went back with a blissful cry, she felt Todd behind her, her cheek brushing his. As Jamal and Pat touched her, she wound her arm around Todd’s head to pull him into a thankful kiss. Lips sliding along familiar lips, comforting and heated, Michaela gave out muffled groans as she felt Pat’s mouth close over one nipple while Jamal’s lips and teeth pinched the other.
The pleasure reverberated in her and she felt as though the control of her muscles was leaving her. No longer was she standing, but leaning against Todd, arching back as Pat and Jamal licked and kissed her breasts. Their hands clutched at her thighs and ass, curving around her to each brush her wetness with alternating strokes.
The feeling of being mauled was delectable.
Michaela’s knees gave way and she knew she had to wrestle herself back into control. But before she could tear herself out of the sensations, six hands were on her, holding her up and keeping her between them.
As pleasure coursed through her, a beautiful, silken light spread through every limb, she felt massive arms curl around her thighs and realized Pat was on his knees before her. With minimal effort he shifted her so he was between her feet with her thighs on his massive shoulders. With feet off the floor, she felt his nose nuzzle between her wet lips.
At the very same moment, Jamal’s kisses flitting back and forth between her wet, hard nipples, pulling them into his mouth with a twisting suction so sweet she felt like crying. Through it all, Todd stood behind her, his muscled trunk hard, supporting, warm and welcoming against her.
Pleasures, somehow feathery and overwhelming began to radiate through her with a power she had never experienced.
Pat’s arms held her legs open, his massive hands pressing her skin, holding her ass, pulling her wetness to his face. In a twisted way, he felt like one of those rubber and steel restraining bars on extreme rollercoasters. Once slammed shut, they held her snug and immovable until the ride was over. Pat’s massive strength, wound so tight around her supple legs, felt like unyielding steel. She loved it.
The next moment every other sensation vanished except for his tongue on her clit. The feeling was so sharp it came like a humming, jarring, electric shock. Not a sensation which reminded her of a shock, but one so bold, so stark, so vivid she wondered if she had actually received a static electricity shock from his tongue. Her scream of surprise and pleasure, so bracing she wondered if it was a kind of pain, filled the room.
On her chest, Jamal continued with his mouth. His tight, hard sucking, his mouth closed hard against her nipple, felt like a wonder of its own. He pulled her flesh into his mouth with such force she was sure there would be love bruises tomorrow. The intensity gave its own notes to the impending climax Pat drove on from below.
Inwardly, she reveled. Even at her young age, she knew there would not be many more nights in her life like this.
As Jamal licked on, his gorgeous eyes looking up at her from the swell of her chest, another naughty series of actions began to play out behind her. Still standing against her, Todd’s arms curled around and stroked her, his lips on her neck. Against her ass, his cock had grown into a thick, familiar temptation. But it was a temptation for more than her.
Still licking and stroking her with his tongue, Pat’s hands holding her ass to him shifted and moved, squeezing her, tightening and loosening his grip, while at the same time brushing against Todd’s hardness. After a few movements, which could be written away as accidental fumblings, she could feel one of Pat’s hands lift away and curl around Todd’s cock.
At once, the motion set off a new fire inside her. Behind her, Todd made the familiar groan of passionate, accomplished pleasure she knew so well. In front of her, Pat’s licks went from big, flat sweeps of his tongue to the tip circling her clit just so. Hearing Todd behind her, imagining the desires pushing Pat to grab and stroke him, another taboo in the football world, pushed Michaela beyond her limits.
She began to come. And it did not stop. Michaela’s fingers clenched so tightly in Pat’s hair, she feared she could hear his hair rip at her wrenching yanks. As she quivered from one wave to the next, her breaths and screams coming out in gusts, cries, heedless wails, everything in the world vanished for one black, beautiful moment.
After, there was a moment of silence. She could not tell if it was in the room, or in her head with her overloaded brain, not being able to process anything beyond the slowly fading pleasure. As she came back to herself, Michaela found she was standing again on watery legs, grinning with a mad happiness at the men around her.
She eyed them through a gauzy haze of half-sated lust and growing excitement at what more was to come.
“I think we need some condoms,” she said, looking to Todd.
He nodded, his own face and chest flushed, and he disappeared into the dark hall towards his room. She saw his eyes flick to Pat, and wondered if this was a bold opening move between them, or a new revelation of buried passions between them laid bare to her for the first time.
Her eyes moved to Pat, his massive physique was a strange alluring mix of teddy bear and dance club bouncer.
“Sit on the couch. I want to do something to make your night better,” she said.
“Okay,” was all he could say. He stepped around the coffee table and sank to the couch. His huge foot pressed the table and he shoved it away, giving Michaela space in front of him.
Taking Jamal’s hand, she guided him to the couch, letting him drop beside Pat.
Sinking to her knees between Pat’s legs, Michaela slid her left hand down her body slick with sweat. Her lips were soaking from what they had done and what she was anticipating, and she slid her fingers and palm along her sopping pussy. With her right hand, she took a hold of Pat’s girth.
Holding him, his cock as thick and nearly wide as a beer bottle, Jamal beside her, she had the feeling of orchestrating an orgy. There was so much open to her, so much to handle and take.
A brief wonderment came over her, the idea of being able to satisfy and sate three men spinning in her mind, but soon it faded. Something deeper, more craven and hungry knew she could do it and was eager to start.
Her fingers wet from her own hunger, she took hold of Jamal’s cock, wrapping her wet fingers around him to give him a slick, sliding tug. She was rewarded with his deep moan as her wet grip moved up and down his cock. Having two men, one in each hand, was a wicked glimpse into a heaven built on sin.
With her eyes on Pat, she lowered her mouth and kissed his hard, wide crown. Its firmness on her lips was dizzying. The feeling of him in her hand was amazing. With his length and girth, it didn’t move as other cocks she had enjoyed, with so much weight, so hard with so much blood, it swayed rather than bounced.
At that, Michaela opened her mouth and took him in. Almost immediately she had a guilty pang at the thought of the woman who had dumped Pat. Not that she felt bad for the girl, but wondered if she left because he was just so fucking big. Opening herself as wide as she could, she could barely slide her mouth down his shaft before a gag threatened in the back of her throat. As difficult as it was to suck, she knew she had to have him.
Looking up at him, she could see questions in his eyes as she traced her tongue down the underside of his shaft. Kissing him, she tried to show him with her eyes the desire she felt.
“I already know you’re going to be something special,” she said.
Behind her, Michaela heard creaks in the hall. Curling her neck back to look, she could only imagine the tawdry sight of her here, on her knees, with a cock in each hand.
Todd stood by the coffee table, dropping a pack of condoms and flicking open a bottle of lube.
“Thank you for inviting me tonight, Todd,” she said. He laughed along with her. “Don’t you go anywhere.”
She saw him lean against the arm of the couch, watching her as she lifted herself from Pat and took a condom and the lube.
Holding the condom with a nasty wink, she gave it to Pat.
“Put this on big boy,” she said. Pat tore open the pack as Michaela twisted to Jamal. With one hand she took his cock in her grasp again, with the other she dripped a string of clear lube onto his shaft. His head was back, his eyes half closed, surrendered to her motions. Seeing him there, helpless in his need for what she offered, she thumbed the lid closed and dropped it.
Both hands moved over Jamal’s dark flesh, glossy with lube.
“Oh fuck Todd. Your girl is…” Jamal’s voice trailed off in a grunt of pleasure as she rolled his balls with her delicate fingers before sliding her grip up and down his shaft.
“You like that, Jamal?” Michaela teased.
“Fuck, you know it,” he said before another series of grunts and moans took his voice.
“You are all so fucking sexy,” Michaela said in a fever of desire. “This is all so fucking hot. I am going to wear you all out, you big, strong fucking men.”
There was a snap of rubber and Michaela’s attention came back to Pat. She looked over to see his impressive shaft wrapped tight in pale latex. The sight made her almost cry with the craving it evoked. With Pat’s cock still in the corner of her eye, she leaned over his leg, her nipples tickled by the skin and hair on his massive thigh, and flicked her thumb on the underhead of Jamal’s cock.
Now with both hands on Jamal, she jerked him with a tight, soft, slick grip. She was rewarded with a desperate, hungry cry.
“Give it to me Jamal,” she said. “Don’t hold back. Come for me. I want to see it.”
His hand, wide with long fingers so skilled at holding a football, grasped her forearm as he careened to his release. There was another rising cry, louder and expansive, as his back arched and his eyes went wide and soft. A moment later Michaela was rewarded with a squeezing, pulsing sensation in his shaft and an eruption of white fluid. Jamal spent himself, splashing his thighs and stomach with his climax.
Heedless, Michaela took a twisted pride in finishing Jamal, wiping her hand with a shirt on the floor beside her. Pat was watching her as Michaela’s attention came back to him.
“Okay,” she said, with the tone of someone psyching themselves up to jump off a high dive. “Now you don’t move. I’m in charge, understand?”
“Yes,” Pat said. She climbed up to straddle his lap and felt the warm press of his massive palms on her hips. As she settled herself, Michaela saw Todd watching with a distant smile on his face, like he was watching a sunrise or admiring a forest. He was simply looking, watching, taking in something from the world he never expected to see. Michaela gave him a knowing smile, as if it were an inside joke.
“You’re going to get something special too when I get to you,” she said. Todd pursed his lips as if holding in a laugh, but said nothing.