Sunlight came streaming through the windows, announcing a new day. Mary blinked a few times, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. It had been another night of wild dreams, picturing herself as the central character in Edict’s latest story. Looking around the bedroom, she confirmed that, as usual, Donny was already on his way to work. That was a pity, Mary decided. She really could go for a good, hard fucking. Instead, Mary spent a few minutes getting herself off, imagining that she was doing it because she was being transformed into a slut like the woman in Edict’s tale.
With a morning orgasm out of the way, Mary climbed from her bed and started on her morning routine. Shortly after showering, the woman entered her closet. She began digging through her wardrobe, looking for a suitable outfit for the day. Usually, finding something fitting to wear was an effortless task. For some reason, though, today she couldn’t seem to find anything that called out to her. Everything she owned just seemed so… frumpy.
Then she saw it.
On a hanger toward the back of her closet, there was a white silk blouse that Mary hadn’t worn in ages. It was a super cute sleeveless top that had a partially exposed midriff and a deep cut in the front, offering a generous view of her cleavage. She thought back to the last time she’d worn it. At the time, she swore that she’d never wear it out in public again. It was so low-cut in the front that it was impossible to find a bra that wasn’t exposed. On top of that, everywhere she went in this top, men gave her looks. The sort of looks that her husband gave her when he was in the mood. The sort of looks a faithful wife should avoid evoking in strangers.
Despite everything, this blouse was a perfect fit for the day. Mary decided that the looks she received from men were harmless. It wasn’t like anyone propositioned her or anything. On top of that, the idea of men watching her gave Mary a little rush. After Edict’s last story, she couldn’t help but think of the housewife in the story, who started on her journey to depravity by drawing men’s stares. She could do that without actually cheating, she realized with a little thrill. There was no harm in giving guys a little eye candy, and it wasn’t like she would go any further than that.
Mary quickly found herself posing in front of her mirror, admiring her appearance in the sexy white blouse and the plaid skirt she paired it with. It definitely had a little bit of a “naughty schoolgirl” vibe, which thrilled the woman even more. Finding a good bra to go along with her top turned out to be as much trouble as she remembered, so she decided to go without for the day. “Besides,” she thought, “it’s just more eye candy.” With her wardrobe sorted, Mary proceeded to the bathroom, where she applied her makeup and ran a brush through her hair.
Finally ready for her day, Mary started working through her agenda. Most of her tasks were related to household chores. She did some light dusting, did some laundry, and planned the meals for the next week, enabling her to go shopping the following day. The only real task outside the home was a trip to the bank to withdraw some cash. Part of the woman wished she had more errands to run outside the home. As cute as she looked today, she’d love to parade herself around a bit.
After finishing all her chores at home, Mary got into her car and drove to the bank. Pulling into the bank parking lot, Mary got an idea. Instead of turning into the ATM lane as she’d usually do, the woman pulled into a parking spot by the lobby entrance. She was so cute today, she thought to herself. She might as well show off a little. Climbing out of her car, she straightened her skirt and strutted into the bank.
Waiting her turn in line, Mary couldn’t help but feel a little turned on. Her outfit was definitely making an impression. The eyes of nearly every man in the building were on her. As she gave one guy a casual smile, she noticed a sign over his shoulder, informing guests that they were on camera. A tingle of pleasure went down her spine as she read the words.
She thought back to Edict’s story. This was the starting point for the main character. Being on camera in public was the next step toward that woman becoming a slut. As Mary thought about the story, she couldn’t help but see the parallel in her own life. Here she was, on camera. Behind the scenes at the bank, cameras were recording her every move. What did the person watching the footage think? Did he like her outfit? Would he jerk off to memories of her later? The more Mary thought about it, the wetter she found herself getting.
By the time she burst through the front door of her home, Mary was a worked-up, turned-on mess. She practically ran to her bedroom, jumping into bed and sliding her hand under her panties. “Oh, God, oh, yes,” she moaned, fingering herself as she pictured the way the teller had looked at her when her turn came. She moaned, recalling his fleeting glance at her tits, aware that the security cameras overhead had captured it all.
“Fuck!” Mary cried, feeling an orgasm surge through her as she recalled the attention she had received. Having so many men notice her, and the thought of even more men watching her on the security footage, was incredibly sexy. Maybe they liked what they saw. Maybe they passed the clips of her to all the guys in the branch. Maybe they’d share her clips with their friends. It was too much to imagine, and Mary soon found herself crying in pleasure as an orgasm racked her body.
When dinner rolled around later that night, Donny had trouble keeping his eyes on his meal. “You look good,” he kept saying over and over, admiring his wife’s sexy outfit.
“If you like it so much,” Mary grinned, enjoying the way she commanded her husband’s attention, “why don’t you take a photo? It’ll last longer.”
Donny laughed, pulling his phone from his pocket. “Okay, if you insist. Say cheese!”
Mary batted her eyes as her husband took a snapshot of her. Something about seeing the camera in her husband’s hand got the woman turned on. She posed again for him, and then again. Her meal forgotten, Mary stood up from her chair, smiling seductively into the camera as Donny played along, taking more and more photos. She winked. She grabbed her breasts. She pulled out one of her tits. With every click of the shutter, Mary’s arousal grew. In no time at all, the woman was absolutely dripping wet as she put on her performance for Donny’s camera.
“I’ve got an idea,” Mary finally panted, taking her husband by the hand. “Follow me.”
A moment later, Donny was lying in bed, naked, pointing Mary’s phone at her as she gave him the sluttiest blowjob of her life. As Mary slurped on her husband’s cock like a dirty whore, her eyes kept flicking up to his phone. She pictured Donny jacking off to the footage later. She imagined him sending it to his friends, showing them what a dirty slut he’d married. She imagined the video getting shared with more and more people. She imagined her blowjob video going viral, with millions of people witnessing her as a filthy slut. Mary redoubled her efforts, taking him deeper, slurping harder, and putting on the sluttiest show she possibly could.
“Oh, fuck,” he groaned. “Here it comes!”
Mary groaned as her husband’s cock twitched, erupting into her mouth and sending a hot, thick load of cum down her throat. She did her best to swallow as much of it as she could, with just a little bit escaping her lips and running down her chin. Pulling her lips off her husband, she smiled into the camera, scooping up the stray sperm with her fingers and shoveling it into her mouth.
“Yummy,” she said with a grin, giving the camera a little wink before Donny stopped recording. “That was fun,” she purred, placing her hand on her husband’s chest. “I hope you liked it.”
“I really did,” Donny replied, handing the phone to his wife.
“Good. I’ll be sure to send you a copy.”
Mary hit the share button on her phone, and a list of her contacts popped up. More tingles ran down her spine as she scrolled through the list to find her husband’s name. She realized that her phone was filled with numerous contacts. So many people she could “accidentally” send the video to. There was her best friend’s husband. She’d caught him checking her out more than once. He’d probably love to see her like that, naked and sucking on a cock. Or maybe Tom down the street would love to watch her. By the time she found her husband in her contacts list, Mary was practically squirming with arousal.
After sending the video, Mary decided it was her time to have some fun. She climbed up onto Donny, straddling him as she took hold of his semi-erect shaft in her hand.
“So, babe,” she started, her pussy pressed against her husband. “Do you think you have enough energy left to fuck your wife like she’s a dirty little slut?”