The faint glow of the laptop radiated out into the otherwise dark home office, casting long shadows across the small space. Mary read the words on the screen, her fingers working furiously on her clit as she absorbed the tale before her. She soon found herself stifling a moan, doing her best not to wake her husband Donny, who was sound asleep in the next room over. Leaning back in the chair with her legs spread wide, the housewife stroked herself furiously as she read, every word of the story driving her wild. Just as the main character was caught in the act of fucking her husband’s brother on camera, Mary came.
A few years ago, during a dry spell with Donny, Mary stumbled onto a site with erotic mind control stories. She was hooked right from the start. The idea of controlling a woman to do things she would normally never consider turned her on more than anything, for reasons she couldn’t quite pinpoint. It was such an arousing scenario for Mary that she often imagined that her husband was a stranger controlling her mind as they fucked. It was so hot, not that she’d ever tell him about her little kink.
Over time, she found that certain authors had a knack for writing stuff that got her off. She started looking for them by name. She consistently gravitated towards authors such as Icebear and Pan, but Edict was her absolute favorite. Whenever a new story by Edict came out, it was the first thing she read, and it never failed to get her off.
Tonight’s new story was no exception. It was about a sweet, faithful housewife who was transformed into a slutty cam whore by a stranger online. So much about the main character reminded her of herself that it was easy to imagine it was her in the story—being changed and manipulated into a deprived slut who wanted the world to watch her get fucked. As Mary finished reading the last few paragraphs, she decided it had to be her favorite Edict story so far.
“I’m definitely reading this one again tomorrow,” she thought as she scrolled down.
Just past the last paragraph, there was a note from the author. Edict thanked his readers for checking out his story and invited anyone who was interested to send him feedback by email. She’d seen these addendums for years and had never paid them much attention. Tonight, though, she found herself reading the invitation to reach out a second time and really considering sending a short message of thanks.
In her years of reading erotic mind control stories, Mary had never once reached out to an author. It just seemed… weird, maybe? She didn’t even tell her husband about her fetish. Thanking some stranger for helping her orgasm wasn’t particularly high on her priority list. Still, tonight’s new story was the best she’d ever read from her favorite author. Throwing caution to the wind, Mary clicked on the email address and began composing an email.
“Edict— I just wanted to say thanks so much for your latest story,” she began. “It was super hot, and I can’t wait to see what you come up with next! Sincerely, Mary.” Hitting send and closing out her browser tabs before shutting the laptop lid, Mary made her way to the bedroom and took her place next to her sleeping husband.
The following morning, Mary woke up shortly after her husband left for work feeling incredibly aroused. Her dreams all night long had revolved around Edict’s latest story, with the only change being that Mary was in the starring role. Lying there in her bed, she pictured herself being transformed, slowly becoming sluttier and sluttier until she threw her old life away in favor of becoming a slutty camgirl. Mary’s hands started roaming over her body as she pictured the scenario in her mind. Before long, she was coming hard as she fingered herself to a powerful orgasm.
Climbing out of bed, the housewife decided that another reading of Edict’s story was in order. Making her way to her office, she grabbed her laptop and opened it up, firing up the browser. Making a quick stop to check her emails, she was surprised to find that Edict had already replied to her message from the night before. Mary clicked on his response and began reading.
“Hey Mary! Thanks for writing. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate comments. Sometimes I post a story and don’t receive any feedback. Not the end of the earth—I’m mostly writing for my own entertainment. Still, I love hearing that someone enjoyed it. Thanks again!”
Before she had time to consider what she was doing, Mary found herself clicking reply and composing a new message. “I’m surprised you don’t get more emails,” she began. “Your stories are fantastic. This latest one especially. I can’t tell you how much I wish I were the main character, being changed from a devoted wife into a depraved, slutty cam whore. It was so, so good.”
Mary felt a wave of embarrassment as soon as she clicked send on her reply, regretting how open she’d been. She’d never shared her mind control kink with anyone before, and here she was, telling a complete stranger her deepest fantasies. Was there time to unsend the email? Checking her screen, she realized that not only had the email already been sent, but in the few short seconds that passed, Edict had even replied. He’d seen what she wrote. Not only had he seen what she had written, but he also had something to say about it. What had she done?
“That was fast,” she thought in shock as her finger hovered over the link to open the reply. Part of her wanted nothing more than to delete the email. Another part of her was curious. Twenty seconds couldn’t have passed from the time that she sent the reply. What could he possibly have said in such a short span of time? Pressing down on her mouse, Edict’s response appeared on the screen. It was a simple message, just six words long:
“Wish granted. Enjoy your new life.”
Mary had always considered herself a fairly innocent person, which was probably why her cheeks burned red with embarrassment as her unblinking eyes reread the words over and over, trying to suss out a deeper meaning. What was he saying? Was he making fun of her? Was he trying to initiate some sort of roleplay? Did he think he could actually change her? All that Mary knew for sure was that she wished she had never sent that reply. Taking a deep breath, Mary closed her email, followed by her laptop lid, and decided to get away from the computer for a while.
As Mary’s day progressed, Edict’s reply kept coming back to haunt the woman. In fact, the more she tried to put it out of her mind, the more she found herself obsessing over it. More worrisome still was that the more she thought about his reply, the hotter it seemed to become.
By lunchtime Mary had convinced herself that Edict must have been playing a game and hoping she’d go along and roleplay with him. That thought was definitely arousing. Here was her favorite author, eager to indulge in some dirty fun with her. Not just dirty fun either, but dirty fun pretending to control her. Pretending to make her a slutty cam whore, just like the girl in his story. She knew it would never really happen—she was a happily married woman after all. Still, just thinking about it was enough to get her turned on. As the minutes ticked by, Mary’s arousal continued climbing higher and higher as she considered how naughty it would be to have a little fun with Edict.
By the time Donny walked through the front door that evening, Mary had spent so much time fantasizing about being controlled that she couldn’t take it any more. She took her husband by the hand and practically dragged him to the bedroom.
“Whoa, babe,” he asked with a grin as she pulled his shirt off, “what’s gotten into you?”
“I just want you so bad,” she groaned into his ear while slipping her hand under his waistband and stroking his cock.
Donny was more than happy to oblige her, and moments later, Mary was wailing in ecstasy as her husband fucked her. As he pumped his cock into her again and again, Mary thought back to Edict’s story. She thought about how it started just like this for the wife in the story, innocently fucking her husband, unaware that she was on a path to becoming a depraved slut. She imagined being that woman, giving in to her lusts, letting her mind slip away, like putty in the controller’s hands. It was all too much for Mary, and just as Donny started to fill her up with his cum, she shrieked as her own orgasm flooded her body.
Later that night, as Donny snored quietly, Mary found herself slipping out of bed, opening up her laptop, and re-reading Edict’s story. Maybe, she thought, having a little fun with Edict and roleplaying that she was being controlled wouldn’t be so bad after all.