Merry Christmas You Little Prick

"As Emma walked back to the dance-floor, Becky relaxed. "So, are you going to fuck me or what?""

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I think he enjoyed that. No, that’s wrong, I don’t think he did, I know he did. And, so did she.

Eddie’s cock was still covered in that wonderful mix of spunk and pussy juices, and, as I gently stroked his balls, it stirred.

Becky was lying next to him, her breathing still heavy after her exertions. I must admit, she had the most gorgeous bottom. There were red marks across her cheeks where Eddie had gripped her buttocks as she had bounced up and down on his erection, and, as her legs were apart, I could see her pussy lips soaked with the same luscious sauce.

“Fucking hell,” she said, raising her head off the sheets, and looking at us both.

“Are you OK?” I asked.

“Yes, fuck yeh, but fucking hell,” she said, her head slumping back down onto the bed. She looked hot, her face glowing with perspiration. She was much prettier than I had originally thought although, at that time, my attention had been on my husband’s hands, one of which was stroking her ass as she was kissing him.

She raised her head again. “I don’t suppose you’ve got a drink?” I got up and grabbed a bottle of water from the shelf and, just in case, a glass of the Prosecco. She took a mouthful of water and then turned to look at us again, her chin resting on her arm.

“So, do you two do this often?” she said giggling, a lovely cute, warm, and sexy giggle.

“I wouldn’t say often. Do you?

“You’re kidding, this is my first ever threesome!” She smiled and I could not help thinking I would love to make her orgasm again. Eddie was between us, so I leaned across him, and she moved to meet my lips and we kissed.




I do love a party and with Christmas just a few days away, my friends would have expected me to be in top form, but I wasn’t. Why? Simple really, I didn’t have a party to go to.

You see, both Eddie and I are self-employed and, whilst we would have been going to perhaps two, or even three, different office Christmas parties, this year, due to the way Eddie’s contracts had worked out, we had none. True, we had been invited to Copenhagen for one, but even I thought that was a bit of a journey for a dance.

“I’ve got a meeting in Manchester next week. Come with me, you never know we might be able to gate-crash one?” Good idea, I thought. Last year, we had been in a bar in Belfast and there was a super party going on out the back, and we had been able to sneak in. It had been great fun.

“It’s not the same though, is it?” I said, disappointedly.

“I know love, but you can stay here.” No, I did not fancy that. And anyway, I love our business trips. The last one had been fun. I had managed to get chatted up by two lovely guys, one of which had come back to our hotel, and he had fucked me over the table in our room, as I had sucked Eddie’s cock.

So, off we set, more in hope, if not in expectation, and, as Eddie went off to his meetings, I did some Christmas shopping and then popped into a lovely bar for a bit of lunch. It was busy, but I found a seat and did what I just love doing; people-watching.

Most of the clientele were, as you would expect, office workers, all very smartly dressed, with the odd pensioner or two enjoying a pint. And, as it was Christmas, there was just a hint of more laughter, with a sprinkle of flirtation.

I tried another bar, and it was very much the same, but it was the next one that caught my eye. It was a big place and, obviously, a little classier, as you could tell by the price of the drinks. But, more importantly, there at the back was a large space, decorated for what must be a party. And, with that in mind, I set off back to our hotel to get ready.




“Emma, I won’t be there until about nine.”

“No problem. I’m going to head there about seven, so I can get a seat close to the party area.”

“Emma, be careful, my love. I know it should be safe enough, but you don’t know what time it actually starts. There could be some very pissed people there, even by then.”

“Oh, I thought it would be an after-work thing. I’ll be fine, love. Make sure your phone is on.”

The afternoon dragged by, as it often did when I knew Emma was in one of these moods. It didn’t help that I had seen the new dress she was planning on wearing; a black sequinned number, with thin shoulder straps and, when she had modelled it for me, she had twirled around so I could see the open back, which stopped just before the crease of her bottom.

“Emma, forgive me for asking but, I assume you are not going to be wearing a bra.”

She just smiled at me and, looking over her shoulder into the mirror, she added “Just my hold-ups and a G-string.” Her hands smoothly stroked her hips and bottom. “Lovely, yeh?”

Yes, it was. And the dress was lovely as well.

It was gone seven when my meeting finished and, as I expected, I was asked to join a few of them for a beer and, whilst I wanted to say no, I knew it would have been rude not to. They were a pleasant enough bunch, and this would be my last meeting with them so, a few pints later, I made my excuses and left.

Outside, I quickly checked my phone. I had a message from Emma.

“Don’t worry but I’ve had a little problem. I’m fine, just get here ASAP. Xxx” Fuck.

As I went past a few other bars, I noticed how busy it was and, when I got to where Emma was waiting, there was a small queue with a few “heavies” on the door.

“Hi mate, my wife is here, she’s waiting for me.” He gave me a good look up and down and decided an old man like me wasn’t going to cause a problem, and he let me in. And, fucking hell, it was packed.

It took me several minutes to make my way to the rear, where the party was in full swing. And then I saw her. She was sitting on a bench by a table and, next to her, was a smart young man, plus two others on stools, on the other side of the table. All three of them were leaning towards her and chatting to her. As soon as she saw me, she smiled.

“Hi my love, you OK?” I said, glancing around.

“Oh, hi darling, how was your meeting?”

The three lads were looking at me.

“Hi,” they said, seemingly all at the same time. The young man nearest stood.

“Here pal, have a seat.” I smiled and said thanks, and off he went to find a spare, returning in just a few seconds.

“Can I get you a drink, mate?” It was the young man who was sitting on the bench next to Emma. Again, I smiled and said thanks, and off he went. Emma shuffled across and patted the bench, so I moved over to sit next to her. And she grabbed my hand.




In hindsight, I think I might have overreacted. At the time, I was angry, but the fact that the little prick thought it was funny had made it worse.

“Hi love, you working?” I was looking at my phone at the time and my natural reaction was to simply say no.

“Well, tell me when you are, I might be interested,” and he turned and laughed, and his two mates laughed as well, and off they went, back into the party. I could hear them still laughing when it hit me. You cheeky little prick, I thought. Fucking hell!

It was only a minute or so later, he reappeared, still laughing, with another lad with him, and he pointed towards me. As I said, I might have overreacted, but, when my drink hit him, he stopped laughing. And I reached inside my purse for my spray.

“You fucking bitch,” he said but, as he moved towards me, and I got my spray ready, his friend grabbed him and pulled him back.

“Andy, don’t. No.” I could still hear Andy swearing as he was escorted away. I messaged Eddie.

By the time Eddie arrived, I had calmed down. Three lads had come over and apologised for their “friend’s” behaviour. Apparently, my opinion of him was quite close to theirs, and they had bought me a drink and were intent on impressing me. The little prick was nowhere to be seen, but I was pleased Eddie had arrived. God knows what he’d have done had he been here earlier. I hate to think.

Pete returned with the drinks and settled down on the spare stool. They were very charming and soon they were chatting away to Eddie. Others from the party had spilled out into the bar where we were and soon more had joined us, including a few girls, one of which appeared to have taken an interest in Eddie.

“Come on, let’s dance!” One of the girls grabbed my arm and off I went, followed by a couple of the lads and it wasn’t long before a large group of us were shaking our stuff. And it was fun. As I said, I do love a party.

I have no idea how long I had been dancing, but it was hot work and when I finally escaped to find a drink, I found Eddie and the same girl, plus a few others by the table. The drinks had been replenished and I was happy. When she saw me, she smiled and sat up, so she wasn’t so obviously leaning on him.

“Oh, I love your dress,” she said. I stood in front of her and she looked me up and down and smiled. “That is lovely, where did you get it?” I leaned over slightly so she could hear, and I knew she would get a better view of me, and I told her where I had found it.

It was Pete who appeared by my side. “Emma, you dancing?” I smiled, and he led me back to the dance floor. It was even busier, but I had a lovely time, pressed against these young bodies, male and female, and I felt a hand or two against my bottom and the small of my back.

Several tracks later and, feeling I needed another drink, I ventured back to the table, and I saw them. She was leaning against him, laughing and giggling, and she turned her face to him, and she kissed him. He had his arm on her side and, as she pressed herself against him, his hand stroked her hip and her bottom.

I was very proud of myself. I walked over and picked up my drink took a large gulp, refilled it from one of the bottles, and casually walked back towards the dance floor. And, as I walked away, I glanced over my shoulder. He had seen me and was watching, and I smiled and blew him a kiss.

Now, I thought, where’s Pete?




If that had been a year ago, I think Emma would have blown a fuse. But, even though she hadn’t said anything, I knew it did not mean I could help myself. No, I know Emma. A kiss and a grope are one thing, but I knew that was as far as this could go without her full approval. And, if I was not mistaken, she had other plans.

Becky was lovely but she had been drinking. When she kissed me, it was hot and passionate and when I stroked her ass, her eyes sparkled. But I needed to be careful. She was half my age and Emma would be watching.

Becky was not the only one who was a little worse for wear. Several other party-goers were all over each other and the dance floor, from where I was pinned, seemed full of people enjoying themselves.

It was about half an hour later that Emma reappeared. This time she pushed herself past a few people, squeezed next to me on the bench, and held my hand. Becky immediately sat up.

“Having a good time, my love?” I said leaning closer. Her eyes said it all.

“Yes, I am. And you?”

“Yes, umm, she’s just a bit pissed,” I replied.

“Behave, please,” she said, and she kissed me, deeply, and then stood and walked back to the dance floor. I watched her as she walked away, and I realised I could see slightly more of her bottom. If I’m not mistaken, I thought, her G-string seems to have disappeared.

“Your wife is fucking hot, isn’t she!?” Becky has resumed her position, leaning into me and, as she kissed me, I felt her hand on my thigh.




We were on the edge of the dance floor when he kissed me. I had been dancing with him and another lad but, we had been pushed to the very edge of the floor by the wall, and so, when he pressed again me, I had nowhere to go and he had put his arms around me. As he kissed me, I stretched up, putting my arms around his neck, and I could feel his hands slip into the back of my dress and down onto my bottom.

We were still being squashed, so I quickly took his hand, and led him along the wall to the door and, as soon as we stepped outside the room, he grabbed me again. This time his kisses were urgent and passionate.

“Not here,” I said, and I led him towards the restrooms. Looking quickly around, I headed towards the ladies’ but turned at the end where earlier I had seen a baby-changing room. It was vacant and in we went.

It was hectic, horny, and hot and was just what I needed. And, he was definitely horny. I had felt his erection against my tummy when we were dancing and, as soon as I locked the door, he was on me. As we kissed, his hands explored me and, as my dress gave him full access, his hands were soon on my bare bottom.

I could feel his cock pressing hard against me so I pushed him away, just enough so I could unbuckle his belt. As I did so, his hands moved up my back, and, quite suddenly and unexpectedly, he slipped the straps off my shoulders. My dress fell away.

It was his turn to hold me away, and he watched as my dress slipped off me. I caught it just before it hit the floor, and I stepped out of it. Very casually, I hung the dress on the hook on the door and then turned my attention to him.

He was standing, open-mouthed, looking at me. Fucking hell, I felt so horny. I just love being in control, and I simply undid his trousers and pulled them down. It was a lovely sight. His cock was straining in his underwear, and I just stroked his erection, looking him in the eyes. And then, very slowly, I pulled his pants down and watched as his young cock sprung up in front of me.

He fucked me as I bent over the changing table with the mirror in front of me, as I watched my little tits swinging below me. As he approached his orgasm, and his thrusts became stronger and harder, he pressed down on my back, between my shoulder blades, and gave me everything he had.

I felt his cum splash deep inside me, and I watched his face as he grunted and groaned. It was several minutes before he slipped out of me, and I then gradually straightened up and turned and kissed him.

“Oh fuck, sorry, I’m not usually so quick,” he said, apologetically.

“That was wonderful,” I said. “You’re lovely,” I added, and I kissed him again.

I quickly put on my dress and checked the mirror. Yes, I looked good. Yes, I was a bit flushed and, yes, I was slightly dishevelled. And yes, I looked hot. Perfect, I thought, let’s see who else is about.

We left quickly, Pete turning into the Gents, and I walked back, as casually as I could, to the party. It was busy, but I thought I’d check on Eddie. She was still attached to him. Be cool Emma, I said to myself.




Every day, and I mean, every single day, being married to Emma, is a surprise. Even before we started this new lifestyle, every day was an adventure. She’s just, oh, I don’t know how to describe her, she is just magical. But she pushes the limits.

I mean, how would you feel if your wife is fucking someone, and you are just sat there, waiting? And when she had sat down, I knew exactly what she had been up to. Please don’t get me wrong, this was what we had hoped for, but, when she walked away again, obviously intending to find the next one, I could not help wondering, why do I do this?

Becky relaxed when Emma left, and, as she kissed me, her hand stroked my thigh and then my crotch.

“Are you going to fuck me or what?” I didn’t know what to say but, much to my relief, a young woman appeared next to us.

“Come on Becky, and you, whatever your name is, come on, let’s dance,” and I gratefully accepted, and the three of us made our way to the dance floor.

Now, I like a dance. I know that’s quite unusual, but I do and, even though I say so myself, I’m not too bad either and, given I had just had a close escape, I was very pleased to be on my feet. But I do need to make something quite clear. I would have loved to have taken up Becky’s offer, and, as I danced, I took the opportunity to take a better look at her.

I would guess she was about 5’5’’ with a lovely full figure and a pretty face with beautiful blue eyes. Her dress left very little to the imagination, short enough to catch your eye, and shoulder-less, her breasts beautifully cupped, and, as she danced, she kept having to pull the top of her dress up, to stop her puppies from escaping. I was certain that an hour or so with her would be something to remember. 

The dance floor was crowded, and, as I looked around, I spotted Emma. She was dancing with a group nearby and was clearly having fun, and, it was only a few minutes later when I saw a young man with his arm around her, his hand on her ass.

Becky leaned into me and said something that I didn’t hear. I simply shook my head, so she leaned in much closer this time, pressing herself against me and, after she shouted into my ear, she took the opportunity to kiss me. I smiled at her, and she beamed a big smile back at me. I glanced over to where Emma had been. She was not there. Nor was the young man, who had been keeping her ass warm.




We had to wait a few minutes for the room to become vacant. Tom had his hand down the back of my dress and was squeezing my cheeks, his fingers exploring my bottom. When the door opened, the woman didn’t even glance at us, and we went in and locked the door.

He watched me as I slipped off my dress, and as I leant back against the table. He watched me, as I spread my legs, and dipped my fingers into my pussy. And he watched me, as I licked my fingers, and then beaconed him to me.

“I need some attention,” I said, looking at him, and then pointed between my legs, and, as he dropped to his knees, I pushed his face into my soaking pussy.

I was very close to my orgasm when he finally slipped his rock-hard cock into me, and, as he began to thrust into me, I put my arms around his neck, and pulled myself up.

Without any hesitation, and seemingly no effort at all, he picked me up, his hands gripping my bottom, and he fucked me like that, my legs wrapped around him, my pussy impaled on his erection. And it was not long before I came. And fucking hell, I needed that.

Once the spasms had receded, he let me down gently, and I happily sucked his cock for a few minutes, before letting him fuck me from behind until he exploded in me. Once he had cleaned himself up, he left and I spent a few minutes more doing likewise, before I ventured back into the bar.

Now, where is Eddie, I thought? A quick look on the dance floor, but he wasn’t there, and there was no sign of him at the table. So, where’s that girl? No, I couldn’t see her either. Fucking hell, I thought, he better not be..but, then I saw him. And immediately, I felt guilty.

He was standing talking to a couple of guys, just around the corner, and when he saw me, he smiled.

“Hi, my love,” he said, and I grabbed his hand and kissed him. And then I saw her. She was walking directly towards us, but, when she saw me, she suddenly turned onto the dance floor.

“Eddie, can we go now?” He looked at me and smiled. “I need you, now.”

We went back to the table, and, as we gathered our jackets, I saw her looking at us. I quickly glanced at Eddie and then looked at her again. She was dancing with a girlfriend, and I saw her glance over to us again before she turned her back.

“Just a second,” I said.




Oh god, what is she doing? Surely, she isn’t going to have a go at her, is she? We haven’t done anything. Oh, fucking hell Emma, please don’t.

I watched, waiting for an explosion, but, as Emma talked to her, almost cheek to cheek, I realised this was not a “telling-off,” and it wasn’t long before Emma was walking back to me. She didn’t look angry.

“Let’s just finish our drinks,” and she picked up a glass and handed me another.

“I thought you wanted to go?”

“I do, but just a few minutes, please.” She sipped her drink and then, quite suddenly, she pressed her body against mine and raised her head. “I need you to really fuck me, Eddie. Please.” I was about to grab her when she saw something, and I turned to follow her gaze.

It was Becky, who was walking towards us, her coat on her arm.

“Come on then, let’s go,” Emma said, and a minute later, I was outside, with a woman on each arm. And I was very excited.




I must admit as we walked back to our hotel, I was worried. I am getting better, and I have managed to keep the “green-eyed monster” locked up for some time now, but I am always concerned he will break free. But Eddie deserved a treat.

When I had asked her if she wanted to fuck my husband, there was, quite understandably, concern written across her face. Once I had explained that she could, if she wanted to, but that I would need to be there as well, she had looked at me with a mixture of surprise and curiosity.

“Are you serious?” she had finally said.

“We going back to our hotel now. Come with us.”

She had just looked at me, obviously thinking about what I had just said.

“We will just finish our drinks. If you want to come with us, you will be very welcome. I promise it will be fun.”


The short walk to the hotel was more pleasant than I had expected. As we walked away, I noticed a certain young man, trying to regain entry to the bar. The bouncers were having none of it. And he saw me, and Eddie, and Becky.

A part of me wanted him to say something, but he didn’t and, in hindsight, I’m glad for him, as he would not have been eating solids for weeks if Eddie had heard. But I couldn’t resist looking back over my shoulder at him. He was watching us.

“Merry Christmas, you little prick.”

Published 1 year ago

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