Memoirs of a Young Black Girl Ch. 1

"A little back ground of myself and my first time having sex with a white boy"

My name is Felicia and I lived in Branson Missouri. By the time I was seventeen and a junior in high school when this part of my story takes place, I had earned a reputation for being rather promiscuous. Not...

The Sailboat Ch. 4

"The rest of my sailboat trip."

As I lay between the two men on the double bed, I enjoyed the sight of their large white bodies pressed against my smaller black one. I always thought the color contrast of my naked body against a white man...

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The Sailboat Ch. 3

"I pay up on my lost bet"

I was naked and sitting between the two men with one leg draped over Patrick’s leg, the other draped over Travis’s, and had an arm around each of them. The love seat on the boat was small and my black,...

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The Sailboat Ch 2

"I try to win a bet"

Patrick and I arrived at the marina a little after six in the morning and I was sleepy-eyed and tired. Travis was already there waiting for us. He told us he had stocked the boat the previous day and had...

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The Sailboat Ch 1

"Patrick and I go to Tampa to meet a friend of his to go out on a sailboat for a few days."

I am not going to go into detail about myself or my life before I met Patrick because that can be found in my first story about our trip to Disney World.  This is another true story that takes place...

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Making Magic at the Magic Kingdom Ch 5

"Last Chapter of my Disney World Trip"

Patrick slowly inserted the anal plug in my asshole and did so in a teasing manner.  He pushed until the first ridge of the plug’s shaft was in me and my butthole closed over it, pulled it out, and then...

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Making Magic in the Magic Kingdom Ch 4

"The game of Master and slave continues"

I walked on my knees to the bedroom as Patrick led me by the leash. Once in the bedroom he led me to the side of the bed and tugged on the leash. I noticed on the far side of...

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Patrick and I stayed at Disney for seven nights.  The plan was to go to one of the parks for the first four days and for the other two days we would either take advantage of the amenities at the...

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Making Magic at the Magic Kingdom Ch. 2

"Young black girl's first trip to Disney World with her older white Sugar Daddy cont'd"

“Stand up.  It’s your turn now,” he whispered in my ear.I giggled as I stood up and backed away from him a small distance. Patrick bent down and removed his slacks and underwear and stood up.  I shivered with anticipation as...