The whistle blew and Kelly took a deep breath in bounced the ball three times like she always did and then hit the ball sending it flying to the other side of the court. Kelly sprinted to her base position...
Member: Youngandperfect
The Power Of The Moon ch.7
"The end to a begining..."
"Matty, I am going to miss you so much!" Grace said a tear rolling down her face as she held him close to her."Don't worry; as long as you look at the moon each and every night I am sure...
The Power of The Moon ch.5
Matty ran quickly after Grace meeting her right outside his door. She was laughing hard, tears rolling down her cheeks. "What is so funny?" He asked pushing her up against the door and moving his face very close to hers....
The Power of The Moon ch.6
"What could happen next?"
Matty sat on the kitchen counter staring down at his feet. It was the day after the incident between him and Grace. He heard Landon wake up and walk down the hall and into the kitchen. "Hey man, wanna play...
The Power of The Moon ch.4
"Matty and Grace become closer..."
Sorry it has been so long since I have written about these two but Holidays are crazy!Grace and Matty's date had been perfect. He had been standing right outside her office building, with two cups of hot coco with way...
Grace tries to fight the fact that she is in love with Matty..While Matty knows he is head over heels for her! The cab stopped right outside Grace's apartment complex. Matty ran around to open the door for her before...
The Power of The Moon ch.2
"Matty and Grace learn more about how they feel..."
Grace smiled at the guy who had gotten mad at her, "I think this is where you tell me what your name is." She said after a few minutes of just staring at him and having her hand out. The...
The Power of The Moon ch.1
"Grace and Matt meet..."
This is my first story and it does not have a lot of sex in the first two...but if you love love stories than I am pretty sure you will love this!! "Grace please come out with us tonight?!?" Sam said...