The Harvest

"Some reap what they do not sow."

The farmhands come and one by one,They plow her furrow, plant their seed.My work begins when down's the sun,When I return to do my deed.It's I who always left her fallow,Reliant on the hired hands.For me the work is reap...

Naughty Boy, Part 2

"Jeanine accepts her culpability. What will Sally do to punish her?"

No one said a word as the four of them watched Johnny’s cum spatter all over his mother. They sat mesmerized through the obscene comedy of the cleanup. But when Jeanine saw herself offering her naked breasts to her son,...

Naughty Boy Part 1

"It's always the mother's fault and Johnny's domineering mother-in-law is determined to prove it."

“To be honest, yes, he was often naughty as a child. Don’t get me wrong; he was always very sweet. It’s just that he was incorrigible in many ways, just asking for a spanking. Especially after his father left us......

The Better Man, Chapter 6

"Jack learns his place (with some help from Mona) and learns that he loves it!"

I drove while they canoodled in the back seat. I could hear Anna slurping on Mason’s cock. When I parked the car, they straightened their clothes and hurried into the house ahead of me and went straight to the bedroom.I...

The Better Man, Chapter 5

"Dramatic developments for Jack: the end of Breeding Week and the new job bring even more changes."

On Wednesday morning of Breeding Week, Mason called me at work to tell me that the valuation was done and he told me what the buyout figure would be. It sounded fair to me, that is, it was higher than...

The Better Man, Chapter 3

"Anna witnesses Jack's deflowering before learning of Mason's ultimate intentions."

“Is it okay with you if Mason fucks me?” I asked, enunciating the question clearly and precisely. It was a simple one, but I didn’t want to have to repeat it. Anna looked mildly surprised. Her long, lank hair, still...

The Better Man, Chapter 2

"Will Anna go along with Mason's plan (and Jack's confused desires)?"

The next evening Anna put on her best business suit, a black pinstriped pants suit; I was in my usual business-casual attire, slacks and a polo shirt. I smiled as I admired her (surreptitiously, so as not to make her...

Sheila’s Pet Peeve

"Sometimes, a wife has to turn to drastic measures."

Early retirement hadn't turned out to be the idyll either of them expected. Buddy had sold his business back in February and Sheila had had enough.For six months she had put up with his lazy-assed, fucked-up, king-of-the-hill attitude. It wasn’t...

The Better Man, Chapter 1

""Let the better man win." Jack does just that. After all, he loves his wife so much that he wants only the best for her."

I was having trouble falling asleep. I kept going over the events of the evening in my mind. It had been a noisy party, much more crowded than usual for a trade-related event. But the conversation, the one occurrence I...