Something in Common 4

"The story continues a year later, and a house guest inspires something passionate."

"Hey, Love? Lo-ove?"Carla's voice floated into the kitchen from the living room and just caught my ear over the sizzle of sautéing mushrooms. Her tone brought an affectionate smirk to my lips. When she drew out her words like that;...

Something in Common 2

"Friends continue exploring their newly discovered shared "habit," and take mutual pleasure to a new level."

Light sliced through the slatted window blinds like a bright knife, cutting through the room and slowly bringing me awake. I stretched my stiff arms far above my head and sighed, thinking again about what had happened the evening before....

Something in Common

"Friends share an unexpected evening and discover they have certain "habits" in common."

With a light flump, I sat my overnight bag down on the concrete beside my feet, took a deep breath of the still-warm evening air, and rang a doorbell I hadn't pressed in several years. I couldn't explain why I...