Clothed only in Clouds

"Husband takes his love for his wife to new heights."

“I need my husband to make love to me. And then fuck my brains out. And then I will fuck your brains out. If we have time.”“Oh, we have time Zoe,” Havian laughed. “For the first time since we reunited,...

The Cheater and the Thief

"A sexy bet over a game of dice turns ugly when it turns out both sides were cheating."

The melody, a gentle twanging of oud and qanun and a whistling drone of the nay, rose above the babble of voices that filled the katra. Serving women in bell-bedecked layered skirts and vests moved through the laughing, singing crowd...


"After a lovely first date, Quinn goes back to Scarlet's apartment."

Quinn hadn't really thought about what sort of living space Scarlet might have. Oh, he'd seen what Shadi had, but that was as much a mask as the blonde wig and the vapid expression. Scarlet was still something of an...

Runs in the Family, Part 3

"A few months later, Bianca can't stop thinking about Bruce"

It was astonishing how quickly a life of thirty years could fall apart. One single night, one simple mistake, one marriage dissolved. Bianca had her taste of Bruce, and she was satisfied. Or so she thought. But sleeping with Vince when...

Inner Demon

"Ari imagines herself with both parts of Matthias."

The dream was a familiar one, to Aurianna. A memory from before Matthias had fallen from grace. Before he sacrificed himself for her. The recollection haunted her for years, feeding her guilt. But it wasn’t all bad. Some parts of...

One Last Night

"On the evening of his trial, Ari confesses her feelings for Matthias"

The sound of boots on stone echoed as Aurianna made her way down the dungeon steps. This time of night was cool, but her blood simmered in her veins, growing hotter as she drew closer. She was thankful for the...

Reading in Bed

"When her lover can't sleep, Ari offers a hand (or mouth)"

(Author's Note: This piece features characters from my novel To Betray a Master. Context needed for this scene: Aurianna has a metal prosthetic arm and Matthias used to be a demon) Aurianna’s eyes flickered open as she felt Matthias’ arm move....