Member: Woodart
Curiosity 7
"The party continues at home."
I took Debby’s hand and led her toward our newly remodeled bedroom. I paused in the hallway and pulled her into a hug. I kissed her lips and looked into her eyes. “Everyone in that room and myself only want...
Football Games
"A sporting cure for the bedroom blahs"
Beth and Mark Williams have been happily and, on occasion, ecstatically married for eight years. He doesn’t doubt for a second his love for her or her love for him. She is also his best friend, which means that they...
Curiosity 6
"It's time for Gary and his loves to attend their movie premier"
It had been a few months since we returned from vacation when my phone went off. I was sitting at my desk when Jen’s happy voice put a smile on my face. “To what do I owe the pleasure of...
Halloween Trick
"He had a plan"
My wife Pumpkin and I dressed in costumes identical to Stan and Mary. Stan thought he was getting a shot at my wife. My wife thought she was paying Stan back. He’d made a pass at her, and she wanted...
I’m Big, So What?
"An essay on the trials and tribulations of having a big cock."
Are you ready for some truth? I certainly hope so because you are about to get some. The fact that you are reading this tells me that you like erotic stories. That’s pretty cool because I like them too, quite...
Button Front Dresses Part 2
"Dresses, dinner, and a decision to make"
Please remember that I didn’t know about Sara’s ladies' time until after the fact. I will admit to grinning like an idiot and having a raging erection when she told me. We arrived at Nick’s house after golfing, and one...
Button Front Dresses Part 1
"A loving husband sets out to give his wife a thrill"
I’m usually a private guy, and I’m not one for blustering or bragging. Sometimes, a life event happens that you can’t hold inside, in that private place that no one else knows. It needs to be carefully shared with others...