A Simple Life Part 12

"A parlor concert and spring break comes to an end"

A reader suggested that a list of characters would be helpful. I thought that was a wonderful idea.Folks living a simple life:Ginger and Steve Baker: Red-headed hotty and her charismatic husband. Both are thirty.Beth: A twenty-four-year-old perky brown-haired cutey Ginger...

Starting Over Ch. 5

"Tricia becomes more than a friend"

The trial of the two Marshalls made national news. Mark and Sherry held each other's hands tightly as the verdict was read. They held each other close and sobbed in relief when the judge read the guilty verdict. Their ordeal...

Starting Over Ch. 2

"The neighbors get even more neighborly"

Weeks went by and the friendship between the two couples continued to blossom. Sherry and Linda’s relationship grew, and both their husbands gained from their wives shared happiness. Mark’s reservations went by the wayside as he saw the light in...

A Simple Life Part 11

"Linda, Beth, and Dan take each other for a test drive"

LindaSometimes in life, one is fortunate enough to meet someone who changes everything. Ginger is that person for me. She not only brought me back from the depths of despair, she lifted me up and showed me how incredible love...