Love At First Fuck

"A popular burlesque dancer receives an impromptu visit from a fan in her dressing room..."

Some things are better when unexpected and spontaneous, as Ava found out one day as she was at work. Work, for Ava, was something she loved. Whenever her shift began, she felt an ever growing exponential love for her career....

Dream State

"Andrea dreams about the choices she must make in the future. Which man is right for her?"

The night was cold, but Andrea slept soundly, warm between the sheets of her bed. Her head rested gently on a small pillow and her eyelids fluttered with the motions of sleep and dreams. It was the first decent sleep...

The Teacher and the Secretary (part2)

"Richard and Sophie are at it again..."

I’d fixed my clothes back to how a proper secretary shouldlook, and Richard had sorted himself out too. We had gotten dressed in silence, not an awkward one, just in contemplation of the situation. He pinched my bum on the...

The Teacher and the Secretary

"They used to see each other every morning through the glass, and now they work at the same school..."

I am quite proud of my body. I’m not over-confident about showing it off, but I know I am not fat and not skinny, and just the right amount of curvy in just the right places. My measurements are exactly...

My Naughty Surprise

"I've always had a thing for my boyfriend's older brother..."

I spent ages getting ready that evening. I took an hour long bath making sure my legs, underarms and pussy were completely smooth, my hair perfectly clean and soft, and that I smelled wonderful. When I was dried off, made...

Life on Earth

"The Goddesses have forbidden the Pure Ones to touch a human, but Madison is falling..."

Madison knew it was forbidden. That was what enticed herforward. The burning cold lay before her. And behind her... Well she couldn’t go back now. Not back to Purity. She refused to remain Pure, the burden of it pulled at...

Good morning, beautiful

"The whole family is at home- will we get caught?"

I’m hot and bothered under our covers when my phone goes off at about half past nine. The window had been closed all night, and the temperature was beyond bearable. God knows how I managed to sleep through it. I...