Time is Money

"A role reversal story. Jill works too hard at making money while Jack freelances at home."

"We need to talk," Jill whispered as she slid fifty twenty-pound notes, into an envelope, pressed down the seal, and wrote JACK on the front. She laid the package on the breakfast table.Those words sounded alien in her head. If...

Getting Off The Seesaw Book 2 Chapter 6

"Diane begins to experience Barry's surprise and discovers her sentence."

Barry spent the evening keeping an eye on the video and copying all the other tapes to DVDs, figuring that they would provide entertainment on dull nights for a while to come.As Diane thought, he chuckled occasionally, though outright laughter...

Getting off the Seesaw Book 2 Chapter 5

"Diane continues with her act, but Barry plots to make her take it one step further"

The three women slept in the same bed. Diane woke first, called room service and arranged for breakfast. Whether they went ahead with their games or not, Diane knew that by the end of the day Barry would know everything....

Getting off the Seesaw Book2 chapter 2

"Diane's plan comes together, while Barry has no idea."

Diane spent Tuesday being pampered at a beauty salon, getting a fake tan, topping up her laser work and making herself feel sexy. She ate healthy and sparse. By seven she was locked into her belt, the MC had the...

Getting Off The Seesaw, Book 2 Chapter 1

"Barry and Diane have recovered from her cheating, and begin to look for alternative excitment."

The week might have been an anticlimax. Barry had to go back to work and Diane was happy to let herself recuperate from her exertions the week before.On Wednesday, she headed for the gym and swam a little. On Thursday...

The cruelty of Time

"Donna's husband made a time machine... and died. Going back to him has cruel consequences."

Susie’s purple hair with silver highlights, leather skirt and jacket and regulation Doc Martins might not be everyone’s idea of the perfect granddaughter, but she was the only one that Donna had. After years of being alone, Donna found herself...

The Ring Game

"Not knowing is hell, finding out can be worse, but it may be the only choice."

Standing in the hotel corridor outside room 724, Alan forced Pauline’s ring onto his little finger. Why did she do that, taking her ring off and handing it to him? It wasn’t like a gift, done with any ceremony. She...

After Midnight Chapter 20

"And Finally a new equilibrium is achieved"

Candice and Andy returned from France to find Rhona’s pool surrounded by a muddy wasteland left by the digging machines and heavy equipment. Their first sight of what would become the cabin was a concrete plinth set between the two...