Winning Over the Football Team

"Christy's determination to be accepted into an all-male football team leads her down lustful paths.."

DISCLAIMER: I'm English, so for those of you in the US, *Football* is Soccer. Sweat laced my athletic figure as I pushed my body to the limit. I was the only girl in an all-male football team, which brought a...

Unhinged Desire

"Christy becomes lustful over a new permanent family member. Exchange student, Danny."

I am Christine; a bi-sexual twenty-year-old that was stuck in that frustrating phase of life where sexual relationships seemed to be completely evading me. My friends were finding the loves of their lives while I... well, I just had my...

‘Hole’ Load of Surprises

"A broke girl discovers an interesting way to make money."

"Christine! Get your ass out of bed now you can't be late for your first day!" My dad's yells rang around my house beckoning me to wake from my slumber, and drag myself out of bed to face my first...