New tricks

"there's life in the old boy yet."

It all started at a party. Jim was invited by the host whom he had known for some 19 years. While he was in the kitchen, talking to one of the parents, he bumped into a friend of the family;...

The Mechanic, reds revenge.

"How can you touch if your hands are tied?"

I approach the burger van where Lynn works at lunchtime “I have something to show you if you’re interested Lynn” I ask her. “What is it” she asks looking puzzled. “Be at the same place as last time at 2.30pm...

35 minutes

"intense passion"

I looked at my watch it said 10.18 pm and 43 seconds. I’ve been meeting a girl for a while and we seemed to be getting on quite well, one night we ended back at my flat having sex. Ashley...

The mechanic

"Are you having fun yet?"

It was Friday afternoon, I was in the back workshop finalising the worksheet for the completed jobs on the digger they had refurbished. The check sheet needed to be signed and the work inspected. I was given overtime to double...

Dirty Washing

"One good turn deserves another..."

I helped a single parent mother, Jill, yesterday. A courier company delivered a washing machine but the driver was refusing to take it up the lift to her flat so I offered to do it for her. Jill lives on...

To the shower

"Lets get dirty as we get cleaned"

To the shower.He wakes up feeling disorientated. The beautiful blonde bob is still lying on his chest. He stretches his legs. Blondie stirs and wakes. Her head twists and she looks at him."Hello. Remember me? We fucked a while ago;...

To the bed

"Does he want his pleasure or pain first?"

To the bed.As she looks up at him she bites and sucks him on his right thigh giving him a love bite." That fucking hurts, you will pay for that ”. He grabs her savagely by her hair and drags...

The leather chair

"Never has he met a girl like her"

The leather chair She sits there with her legs open, her pussy is bare and hairless, her lips are slightly parted and he can see strands of thick sticky love juice stretch over her hole as her legs open. Her...

What a party

"A boring party just got exciting"

He was at a celebration party, and he was bored; all his playmates were there but they were with their partners and behaving themselves. He looked around for someone interesting to talk to, but unfortunately no one could be found.At...

bad day at work

"he has had a bad, she will hear all about it"

He comes home from another shit day at work." I’m upstairs, I’ll be down in a minute" she calls downHe drops his bag and heads for the bedroom, his girl is there tidying up in her faded scruffy t-shirt and her...