A girl to remember

"I meet a beautiful girl on a train and she fucks me in the bathroom."

I was sitting in the light rail car. I live in Portland, Oregon and we have this thing called the MAX. Its like an over-ground subway. Well that day I was riding it up to the airport because I needed...

In the bath with Katie

"Splish-splash in the bath."

"I'm so tired," I groaned to myself as I slogged up the last flight of stairs in front of my cabin. I walked inside and slipped off my shoes. It's a big cabin, and has four bedrooms that sleep six...

My favorite dream come true

"I meet the girl of my dreams and fuck her at a dance."

I first met Tova in 7th grade. I knew who she was and that was all. Then in 11th grade I saw her standing in line with tight sweat pants on. I could see her nice ass. From that moment...